
Surreal Experience Quotes

There are 306 quotes

"We finally went and saw them in person... it's been a very wonderful surreal experience."
"It's surreal, isn't it? I mean, look, just being here is a win."
"The person was driving down the road with his mother when they both experienced the sky glitching."
"I want to thank each and every one of you so much for being a part of this. It's been kind of a surreal experience and I'm very grateful."
"This is where it gets very surreal then, driving with the two Devos together."
"This is the most surreal thing that I've ever been a part of, and I've done some surreal [ __ ]."
"It was like I was walking through a replica of the warehouse but different."
"I grabbed my backpack and ran to the front door, hastily opening it. The street was gone. In its place, only another empty room."
"It's just one of those albums that feels unreal, bro."
"It's not every day that you fall into the matrix like I said it looks like a Stargate."
"I remember going into Bath & Body Works, it was the most surreal feeling of my entire life."
"It just feels like a fever dream, otherworldly... like you've just passed out somewhere after smoking too much something."
"It's all just quite serendipitous and surreal. I have to pinch myself every day to remind myself that this is all happening."
"In a testimony to the weird unreality or the chilling hyper-reality of the event, I discerned a sliver of crimson light from the book."
"This is surreal, it really is surreal for me."
"Meta Knight's battle is a surreal experience. You are fighting a space station that fights back."
"It's so surreal just because I grew up watching these movies and to actually be in that world, it still takes my breath away."
"It's absolutely insane how surreal it really is, just undescribable."
"Real crazy stuff go down. It was surreal driving down fluorescent when all of the buildings were set on fire."
"You unlock this door with the key of remembrance, beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of nostalgia, a dimension of entertainment, a dimension of grief."
"Imagine this: you're sitting quietly at home, the gentle hum of the evening wrapping around you like a familiar blanket. Suddenly, the air vibrates with an otherworldly sound and eerie booming echo that seems to descend from the heavens themselves."
"I've been attacked by cheesy, I've been attacked by junk, what the [ __ ] is going on?"
"This is what Mark Zuckerberg wants, people chilling outside the corner store in O-Block, smoking a cigarette in Virtual Worlds."
"These places are familiar yet unfamiliar, simply giving one an instinctual feeling that they are somewhere other when they finally and seemingly just as suddenly returned to where they had left from."
"I feel like I'm in a movie where I'm like in an alternate universe where everything's off."
"It's like she's floating, yeah, floating in water. My god, it's full of stars."
"Yeah, that was so dope you could see your friends as stormtroopers, it was surreal."
"It's surreal for sure, but it's f**king cool."
"It was just so surreal and so just honestly magical. It was amazing like it was everything more I had hoped for it to be."
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: 'I sort of feel like I'm on drugs when I'm with you. Not that I do drugs.'"
"This is like a fever dream, nothing makes sense, but in a way, everything makes sense."
"I do feel like I'm living out a dream. It's weird... like, that Hartley, how was that here?"
"It was really surreal and actually really lovely."
"Super Mario Odyssey was announced and it came out and I played it and it still doesn't even feel real."
"This is hell. You cannot die. You might want to get off Mr. Bones' wild ride but the ride never ends."
"Damn this view kind of worth it, look at that [__] bro, I'm in some weird fever dream right now."
"This is like a movie or something, you know what I mean? It's like it's not even Halloween, so what kind of prank are they pulling?"
"In that fourth quarter, it was back and forth, oh, surreal. It was like a movie."
"Stumbling upon Prara is like diving into a Salvador Dolly painting."
"Akira wakes up back in his room as if nothing happened, the lad goes with his day normally."
"I'm walking around feeling like I'm living in a matrix, in a movie, observing people acting in it."
"If you seen the pink elephant walk through the street you were looking stare at that elephant that only you're in love with the elephant."
"It is so exciting, it is so much fun, it is just like a fever dream."
"It felt like a dream because I never expected that."
"That's what a surreal experience I just shared a picture of Eden azard David via Roberto Carlos."
"It's like this surreal dream I never thought would happen."
"It was such a surreal experience being there... I just really had myself convinced even when she told me that we were complete that there was no way that I could have a VBAC and we did."
"This has just been surreal, seriously a dream come true."
"It's just very surreal it really is still remember vividly as if it was yesterday moving into this home."
"Wow, it's unreal. It is very surreal. Very quiet. Amazing view."
"Violence Voyager, it's like a fever dream, the pieces don't make sense."
"I looked at my body laying on the ground and said, 'I've died.'"
"He found himself on a strange unknown Highway with six lanes that were not there before."
"He saw modern 20-story buildings and apartments that were not there on previous journeys."
"I was attending a funeral, and spent the day playing with my cousin. It was his funeral I was attending. Eventually, I bumped into him, and it was as if I bumped into a living person."
"Honestly, it was so insane that if my brother hadn't been there... I'd probably try and write it off as a dream."
"That's not normal. That KFC is in another universe, I swear."
"When you wake up tomorrow this will all seem like a dream."
"This is so surreal, I can't believe this is a real place."
"It feels unreal in a way... it really puts an int into perspective."
"The title is not an exaggeration, the title is a true honest feeling that I had at the end of a very bizarre day."
"Lexia recalls being in the deepest part of the forest when they suddenly found themselves at home."
"I felt like I was finally alive and this was a dream, yeah because none of it affected that, that was perfect."
"This is a dream, there's no other way to describe it."
"Honestly, this doesn't quite feel real to me yet. I'm still half expecting to wake up from a dream."
"The CD is almost entirely what I think my day would be like if I took magic mushrooms or something. Scared, confused, and maybe a little hungry but mainly dazed eyes wide and full on walking into walls. That was a trip in every sense of the word."
"So I'm sat there, I'm like, 'Yeah, this has just been the most bizarre day.'"
"I felt like [__], it's like I had an outer body experience."
"Control is a waking dream that happens to play like an extremely quality third-person shooter."
"It was so surreal it was so odd and it's definitely clocked me on to the fact that in the future I do really want to try out diving."
"I knew immediately without hesitation that the polar bear was my spirit animal and so I returned to earth from my DMT trip dressed in a dead bear's head with a bunch of sheepskin on my bollocks ready to crush creepy maggot guy in real life."
"As Vesper heads home, she passes by trees that pulse and breathe."
"Winning the Heisman was a very surreal moment but I wasn't surprised, but I was like damn that really just happened."
"Something is just not quite right here, like a glitch in The Matrix."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"It was the most surreal week and I cannot believe that I was in New York."
"It was the correct experience. It was a correct experience and before I could figure out who else I was with because I did not feel alone, I just couldn't see anyone else."
"It was like a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream."
"I feel like sometimes I'm in a movie and I'm in a dream."
"Finally getting approached by an opportunity that you've so wanted all of your life, it's kind of unreal."
"I'm you from the future, okay? This is not even close to being the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me."
"It's a totally out-there experience, but still has me fascinated every time I see it."
"I thought I was dreaming. I thought someone was gonna pinch me and I was gonna wake up. It was pretty... Can we get paid for this? This is a ball, this is so fun!"
"It was the most surreal, amazing, incredible experience of my whole life."
"Have you ever had a nightmare where there's like a giant lifting the roof off your house?"
"It seemed surreal, it's hard to even explain to you that feeling."
"This doesn't feel real, like it does not feel real right now."
"It's kind of like one day your doorbell goes, you answer it, there's Jesus Christ stood there on your doorstep..."
"They've made the kids in the movie feel real."
"I'm kind of having one of those like am I really here with these people moments you know."
"As young people, it's super out of body because it's just like, 'Well, I'm still a baby.'"
"Being on a tall ship boat in the middle of a desert, looking out over the African sky, it just felt so transporting."
"Snake finally closes his eyes, Snake then opens his eyes but he finds himself on top of Outer Haven."
"It just feels crazy, like it's almost like a dream."
"I promise you guys it is insane like I feel like I'm in a dream."
"Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream, that's also how my hypoglycemia is."
"There's something really surreal to me passing a ski resort at 7,000 feet above sea level on a train."
"She physically came to him in his dream... and was speaking to him."
"This place is literally guys, it's a lucid dream. I'm definitely dreaming."
"I feel like I stepped into another universe."
"It's been surreal and wouldn't change it for the world."
"That this all happened exactly how I wrote it. I know it sounds pretty crazy and out there but it did, and that's a scary thing to think about next time you guys find yourselves in the woods."
"What on earth is going on? I think we're in a game."
"True Prada it's not a mirage it's actual Prada in the middle of the Chihuahua Desert."
"Everything feels so surreal, but also so aligned at the moment."
"Goodbye what the [] was the last three minutes the pig the pig the [] fetal pig I can't believe that."
"I didn't know that. That's... I feel like I'm in a weird dream."
"It's surreal to me. I am so lucky and so blessed."
"This is real, like a glitch in the matrix moment."
"Avatar is like a dream to me... it's like a continuation of the dream."
"I felt like I was dreaming. I felt like I just set foot in some foggy corner of my Consciousness except this time I didn't just arrive I could also actually explore the city."
"I feel a little weird telling this story just because it's so unbelievable if you didn't experience it yourself."
"It's crazy and it was real that really happened."
"It felt like another world, unnerving unreality."
"This game is an absolute fever dream and for some reason I can't get enough of it."
"I feel like I'm dreaming. I feel like I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna be like, 'Oh this never happened,' but it is happening."
"Bonk is the weirdest game and LSD is the weirdest experience."
"It feels so surreal it's such an incredible honor and privilege and it hasn't really sunk in." - Angela White
"I still got unfinished chapters, but even just to be on that 75 list and like being here this weekend and also where you can understand that like the room you're gonna be in is kind of surreal to think about." - Stephen Kirk
"Salt Lake City is so good, I felt like I was in a twilight zone."
"It felt so real but it was impossible, had I had an aneurysm? Was there a tumor the size of a golf ball in my brain?"
"Everything in this game is so weird and lifeless that it kind of just feels like a hazy fever dream."
"It feels a bit surreal to be honest. It's good if that man didn't need anything more on his CV."
"I'm experiencing the weirdest [ __ ] ever. I just came in through that door, and I'm in downtown Chicago. Why am I in the back rooms?"
"I felt like a giant cave, sheltered and surreal all at the same time."
"It's almost like if you're in a movie theater and you hear all the speakers say the same sentence all around the room."
"It was surreal and I was on one hand completely terrified and on the other to my childish sense of humor it was one of the funniest things I had ever heard."
"I think it's safe to say that my girlfriend and I experienced a sort of glitch in the matrix a decade ago."
"As I looked into her face with horror, her voice told me, 'Welcome to your nightmare.' With a rush, I was being sucked down into an experience that I had created for myself or that the DMT entity had created for me."
"I feel like I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and be like, 'Oh, that was a dream.'"
"I was like dead asleep on this paddle board and I just got up and I look over and I'm it's coming up as I'm coming next to it it's just so crazy."
"Truly fever dream stuff. I think a football fan is more conscious of 'The Dark Knight Rises' scene happening during a kickoff return."
"It's the freakiest thing ever. It just it's one of those moments when you've been watching something your whole life and you're like oh this is like ev Everything I've been seeing."
"She was like a video game glitch with an NPC being halfway inside of a wall. This was reality, and things like this just didn't happen."
"It must feel like you're in a dream, doesn't it?"
"I lost who I was and I felt like I was sitting in the middle of some crazy movie scene."
"I can definitely see why everybody was raving over this when it came out because it's definitely a trip. It's it is a trip and a half and then some."
"It's been the most surreal experience. Every time as we talk through this story, I think about one thing and one more thing and one more. Like, there was so much that happened, and yet we kept giving him the benefit of the doubt."
"I felt this incredible peace, even though I was effectively drowning. I felt quite peaceful."
"This was a super awesome video to make. It's still an experience that I wake up every day and I'm like, no way this happened."
"...just behind tiger and then Phil was behind us and that was just yeah it's very surreal..."
"I just had an out-of-body experience."
"I think that we all feel like this experience is kind of surreal. Getting to come up here and be so appreciated."
"It's kind of unreal that it's all happening."
"This morning was honestly so fun I still can't believe I actually just filmed like my first like TV Shish thing obviously like it's not really a TV show but it obviously is get on TV I don't know but it was just my first like proper thing like that and it was just so surreal."
"Then I did DMT with a friend and got blasted through Dimensions standing naked in front of laughing shadows."
"I think I'm still in a dream right now. It's like this whole Elvis keeps singing in the background."
"This morning Emily put me through this nightmarish scenario where we went to go eat at a buffet but Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and all their friends from there came and ate and made fun of you while you were eating. It was really surreal. I had a good time."
"How crazy is it that not only are you signing in a Toys R Us, but you have seen yourself in a Toys R Us?"
"This is Disney, what the [ __ ] is happening?"
"It was like I was frozen. I stood there looking at him in the mirror and absolutely couldn't move."
"It's incredible to me, it's surreal."
"I instinctively put my hand to my nose and looked down at the giant foot of the bear. Instead of claws, what I saw were toes with large black toenails much like a human's."
"This just feels so surreal and like a movie to me."
"It was like walking in another dimension."
"Just the trial and tribulation... seeing all that for me was really surreal."
"It's a surreal moment that I can't really explain."
"It was a surreal moment and you know, and that it was just silence. Yeah, because he knew there was there was no engines running there was nothing it was just silence in the air you just hear a little wind whipping over there him being a glider pilot."
"That'd be a very surreal experience, two complete strangers knowing so much about you."
"I just felt like I was living in a totally different dimension today with everything that kept happening."
"This just feels a little bit surreal."
"It was one of the most surreal things I've ever done in my entire career."
"It's surreal to see all this stuff coming together."
"It's just like you're in a dream."
"A weird, unforgettable pageantry that Dante himself could not have dreamed up."
"It just felt very surreal. I have a memory of her face getting closer and closer."
"This is super trippy because Link's essentially dreaming inside of the Wind Fish's dream."
"It's honestly pretty surreal finally being back home after being gone for 2 months."
"It just truly is such a surreal feeling being here in the Philippines."
"Being here and looking at these is just so surreal."
"Now I never thought that I'd be excited about having brain surgery, but I am; it feels a bit surreal actually."
"It's just a dream bro, like there's literally times where I wake up and I'm just like how did I get here."
"I've been following your content for years, and it's surreal to be here."
"It's really weird to be in the presence of something you've only ever seen in photographs."
"I felt like I was dreaming; this was a completely surreal moment for me."
"It was such like a surreal moment, like you couldn't have wrote it."
"The weather was immaculate, the sun was shining through the forest, and a lot of it was just surreal."
"I feel like this is like a movie, like a dream."
"It's kind of surreal at the moment."
"It feels surreal to actually be here in real life."
"It was surreal from Venice to... it was really something, it was really exciting."
"It's a really weird, weird feeling, but so amazing."
"It's pretty surreal, but thanks for coming."
"To be able to be on a show like that when I had no experience in sports broadcasting before was really kind of surreal."
"The fact that I was able to do an interview and actually get the job was surreal."
"That day just felt so surreal; he just went straight up to the top of the bank, he just trotted up there like he does it every day."
"It's been like so surreal, honestly, like coming here was surreal and now it feels so odd to leave."
"It almost seems like something out of a dream."
"This is so surreal, there's no one else in the room, just me and Prince."
"It felt like I was decoupling from reality."
"Helen beckoned me forward to join her, then both of us stood on the sea as though it were as natural and ordinary as breathing."
"To this day, it was one of the most bizarre and profound experiences of my life."
"The next few days after that were pretty surreal."
"It was so surreal like seeing my grandparents for the first time in person after so many years."
"This is surreal, it's great to be in New Zealand right now."
"It feels completely surreal, but sort of wonderful because, well, we love puzzles."
"It was like I was standing in some sort of otherworldly portal."
"It literally still feels like I'm dreaming."
"That day something changed in me; I saw something surreal, and it left a profound and long-lasting impact on me."