
Duty Quotes

There are 6248 quotes

"I know she would hold me down in those situations and the same way it goes the other way, and that is my job as her husband."
"To be able to preserve that knowledge to hand it to the next generation, there's a sacred duty and an obligation."
"If you want to be a full citizen of a country, citizenship is not about what you get; it's actually about what you give."
"You're not obliged to finish the work, but you are not permitted to cease from it."
"It's our duty, bro, leave the world a better place than you found it."
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government."
"We have an obligation to do this for the good of the country."
"Becoming a saint is doing your duty every day."
"Duty is one of the most important things we have for our will to live, our motivation."
"I let my feelings overrule my duty. In the end, it was my undoing. Does that... Is that justice?"
"The pursuit of justice is never easy, but we have to do it."
"Accountability is always right to insist upon from the governor, and it's our duty as elected officials to do so."
"I think if you're looking for purpose in life, a great text to start with is something called the Mahabharata because it's a story about duty and responsibility."
"Life is a great opportunity that produces an education and a duty."
"We have a duty to reform health care, but we have an obligation to get it right."
"To be Jewish is therefore intrinsically connected to keeping our eyes open to injustice. That is our spiritual and historical duty."
"Marriage is going to be about duty, commitment, sacrifice."
"It's my duty to share my story of success. It's not about me."
"To do meaningful things... is actually a sacred duty."
"Our compliance is necessary in this case, and if you have the ability to remove yourself or to just not comply with this, it's almost your duty and obligation to make things harder for these people."
"A duty is none the worse for being also a pleasure."
"This is literally my job to serve and protect this area. This is sacred to a ton of folks; we got a lot of visitors, unfortunately, it doesn't get treated that well, and so I've got to be out here protecting it."
"The queen always led with grace and unwavering commitment to duty."
"Her dignity, graciousness, and a sense of duty have been an inspiration."
"As journalists, we have our job to do; we will continue to report about human rights violations."
"It's your job to fight, explore, and play games of politics for your nation."
"I make this sacred oath with the complete understanding that it is my duty to show the world that goblins still exist."
"In times of crisis, it is our duty to act against injustice."
"Your most important job as a human being is to stand up for the things you believe in."
"Do we do our duties out of love, dedicating everything to God?"
"We all have the responsibility of social responsibility in this thing."
"William has a great sense that he has inherited something which is important and he needs to step up to the mark even if it becomes his whole life."
"He often used to say to his mother that he didn't really want to be king."
"The idea of Duty to have it to discharge Duty, it involves making a sacrifice."
"We've done our duty, we can go home and sleep well."
"It is my duty to ensure that all of Equestria is smiling."
"They remained the legion that could be called upon to enact what others could not, to be the Emperor's final sanction."
"Our duty as public servants is to strengthen, not weaken, that faith."
"Marriage has nothing to do with love or romance. Marriage is about duty, obligation."
"Our hearts on the Midas touch Network go out to each of the grand jurors who did nothing more than swearing allegiance to the constitution and do what was right for justice."
"Our Civic privileges come with Civic duties attached to them."
"Since the day I met you, I swore I would make it my duty to follow your example."
"We have a solemn duty to ensure these unemployed Americans regain their jobs and their livelihoods."
"You don't do it because you're expecting to get rewarded in the afterlife; you're doing it out of duty."
"I'll do what I can, sir. As you can see, this country is infested with all manner of scum."
"In the short term, the Queen will keep calm and carry on. She will do what she's done best, which is to serve, to put her duty before everything else."
"The court had a high duty and responsibility to the nation at least to decide the questions presented."
"Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty and loving you is my life."
"Public servants promise to defend our constitution, uphold our laws, and work on behalf of the American people."
"Ideally, officers would take no one's life in the course of their duties."
"If the government did not want individuals such as myself to hold these ideas and to defend the Constitution against these kinds of violations, they would not make us swear an oath to the Constitution."
"Our task, dare I say our duty, as nations must be to work together."
"Being a man is doing what you don't want to do."
"The American people expect us to do our job."
"Victoria was determined to succeed as monarch. Writing in her diary, 'I shall do my utmost to fulfill my duty towards my country. I am very young and perhaps in many, although not all, things inexperienced, but I am sure that very few have more real goodwill and more real desire to do what is fit and right than I have.'"
"I consider it my duty and my responsibility to help expand those possibilities for all."
"You have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people."
"To fight and die in the service of stopping great evil, that is what it means to be a member of the Gotei 13."
"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent."
"Law enforcement officers are sworn to protect the public, and when someone calls 9-1-1 to report an active bank robbery, they are going to respond to protect lives."
"It's my duty and responsibility to do that because, frankly, if you just let things keep going this way, it's not going to be good for anybody."
"Luxury has a price, and that price was duty, service, respect, and honor."
"She can't allow her feelings to prevent her from fulfilling her duty."
"Each person awakens...what your duty is as a human being is to become an awakened being, to wake up."
"I shall live and die at my post. I am the shield that guards the realms of men."
"It is courageous to face death directly but doing what is required of you at the right time is also courage."
"She felt like it was her duty to be here for her family, and so that's what saved her life."
"We have a sacred obligation to stand for truth, to stand up for the Constitution."
"Duty, honor, country. That's what service and patriotism is all about."
"Trump has never understood the solemn duty that goes with being a commander-in-chief."
"We have a duty... to not squander what the universe has been able to do at least once."
"The mysteries of the past, the uncertainty of the future, the only thing that matters is family, Duty, and hearth."
"I am filled with nothing more than a calm, ever flowing feeling of doing what I must."
"Men who are commissioned to protect and prosecute the law must do only one honorable thing: that is to settle down to protect and prosecute the law."
"A knight is not only a sword but also a shield for the common people."
"Our first duty in this life is to save our souls."
"Human Excellence is I believe a human duty of every Muslim."
"I'm here to protect Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the human world."
"You're just following orders, just doing your job."
"Confucianism spread to Korea and Japan, influencing their cultures deeply. Confucian values such as harmony and duty became commonplace in Japan as well."
"Your job is not to win, your job is to be faithful."
"It's not my job to support any of these politicians. It's my job to hold them to account."
"I can no longer be the symbol of peace, but I still have things to do."
"The queen has been diligent and done her best to do her duty."
"Prince Woble currently has Kurapika employed as her bodyguard, and he has sworn to protect her at all costs."
"If God places value on something, it is your duty to search it out."
"He knew it was his duty, his obligation to put an end to this horrible place."
"We're supposed to uphold what is right and to forbid what is wrong."
"We have more than a right to ridicule them; we have an obligation, a positive duty to ridicule them."
"Protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution – it's more than a mission, it's our duty."
"I am a soldier, Mr. Garibaldi, and as such my vocabulary is rather limited. I only really understand three words: loyalty, duty, honor."
"John's sense of Duty meant that he was as energetic about charity work as he was in business."
"We did only what had to be done, nothing more."
"They’re solving problems, they’re saving lives. It’s just what has to be done in the line of duty."
"I have to protect the American people. That's what I've always done. That's what I always will do. That's what I'm about."
"We are all that separates the world from darkness. Duty first."
"Men do like us have a duty a responsibility to use our talents in the service of others"
"It's my role and it is my duty... to put whatever apathy I have before aside and get involved in my local community."
"After recovering from his interaction with agent south Washington is once again cleared for active duty in order to hunt the meta."
"No sacrifice should be too great in service to the Imperium and the Emperor of mankind."
"What's the king's job? Study the word of God so you can execute judgment."
"It is their right, it is their duty to throw off a totalitarian government that is not responsive."
"The oath I took and the duty I swore was related to the point of being a United States Senator."
"Every single American knows that when you elect somebody to represent you, they take an oath of office."
"Free is a state of mind. If you're blessed with abundance, you have a duty to go out and try to help other people."
"Well, Solomon probably had it right again, I would say, did have it right... Now all has been heard, this is the complete conclusion of the matter: fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."
"It's a sacred duty to see those we love through the transition."
"In the words of that ancient Guardsman hero, Elena Spice, 'Why the hell is everything always our job?'"
"After bread has been secured, pleasure is the supreme aim."
"It's becoming more and more acceptable... people are more comfortable to talk about it."
"That's my moral duty... to allow the public to know a fundamental thing."
"You go in. That is what you signed up to do."
"It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them."
"It was my job to protect the people of this city, and I was willing to do anything to make sure that became a reality."
"In World War II there was no question... that one had to go and join the Armed Forces."
"Jury duty, voting, all those things are things you gotta do."
"I don't know why we don't do our best to protect children, it's our duty as humankind."
"Stepping onto the battlefield to defend their Homeland is the duty of martial artists."
"The cops' job is to know the law, apply it, and not be a dumb [__]."
"If you are a government official, you have taken on the responsibility of serving everyone equally."
"Cleansing the Commonwealth is our duty, and I will gladly spill my own blood if it ensures our Victory."
"When the president of the United States asks you to do something, you do it to the best of your ability."
"If you're just doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about."
"We will uphold our Oaths as public servants."
"That choice is now an obligation of our office... We can stand up to this president in defense of the country and the Constitution and the Liberty we love."
"I pledge to discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability. I love the United States and I love the United States Constitution."
"I take that very seriously... it's a duty of upholding our constitution that's part of the first thing you say in your oath of office."
"We owe the American people nothing less than our best efforts."
"I am driven by a commitment to truth and transparency rooted in our inherent duty to uphold the United States Constitution and protect the American people."
"Restating the obvious is the first duty of intelligent mankind."
"We expect you to be professional, we expect you to have a duty and care for life."
"There's an element of the code that requires me to be there."
"Defeat is a common fate of a soldier. There is nothing to be ashamed of in it. The great point is whether we have performed our duty."
"Duty does not fill our bellies, no. But it does enrich the soul."
"It is a duty and it is a public service for journalists to be on the ground in places like Ukraine."
"Education is now a national civic duty. It is not a privilege it is a civic duty."
"It's our obligation as patriots to spread that news."
"It's actually our duty to tell people that they can and that's one of the things that we've been working on."
"People have died... You do your duty to the country and you put yourself in a position now where you're a target of threats."
"This virus may be on its way and you have a duty to your citizens and to the world to be ready."
"I answered the call to duty, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms."
"Choice is for you mortals. We eternals have duty coded in our every molecule."
"I swore to uphold the law and I am going to do so."
"They'll always need men like us, those who are willing to do what others cannot."
"It's our duty to keep things going for people who can't do it."
"The dwarves have a very powerful sense of duty and loyalty."
"Tough meaning we will never again shirk from our responsibilities."
"Thanks everybody for being here again. Our first duty under God is to be our brother's keeper."
"Politically interested people... don't say nothing... avenues... every American needs to become familiar with."
"We have a moral duty to fulfill the promises we made to the voters, and that is exactly what we're going to do."
"Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty."
"Preach the word, even though they may not listen."
"Colonel Shu has me handling the policing duties for the base."
"We have one job in the federal government and that is to protect the United States of America."
"Delight yourself in the Lord, for duty is a delight when happiness becomes a command."
"The contact must come our way, hey, if it's the last thing I do for the Brethren."
"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously it's just a chore like any other."
"It's my job as a hunter, I must cleanse the streets."
"You ignore it, but yes, that's what I'm saying, man. It's just the responsibility I have is greater than me at this point."
"The responsibility to protect yourself, your family, and your country is non-negotiable."
"Even if you feel a bit unsafe going into work, even if you can't keep the two-meter rule, even if it feels a bit dangerous, you should do it anyway."
"We know that you guys get a good paycheck to go look for the bad guys."
"Well, sir, I found that there was a great divide between the soldiers in how they considered themselves in their roles as the American fighting man, upholding the Constitution and defending it against all enemies foreign and domestic."
"Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own."
"We are a nation at war, but serving this nation is truly a call to duty."
"There is a very clear message: honor your people, perform your duties, and do what's best for them."
"It's our duty to kind of leave this place in a better place."
"If someone were standing on a playground with rifles shooting children on the playground it would be your duty to come up and use the means necessary to stop him."
"We have responsibility to confirm presidential nominations so that they can carry out the missions that we want them to carry out."
"It's our duty to remember those who are no longer here. It's a duty to do something with our survivor experience."
"I'd offer you a beer but I'm assuming you can't drink on duty."
"We have to do our job. We have to fight to ensure equal justice under the law."
"The Speaker of the House requires somebody who understands and recognizes their duty, their oath, their obligation."
"The duty of a leader is to serve their people, not for the people to serve them."
"These issues are tragic and our law enforcement officers lay it on the line every day."
"The more committed you live as a Christian on this Earth, the bigger Your Role will be."
"Teresa takes up the gear her father once wore at this moment Humanity needs them."
"I carry this with me every shift that I work."
"Most of the soldiers don't know why they're there, they're being stuck sleeping on the Capitol."
"Happiness is more important to me than duty."
"Life affords no greater duty than to protect one's family."
"If the Empire survives, it'll be thanks to men like us doing the hard bloody work out here in the wild fields."
"Your job on this tiny, tiny time you have on earth, Joe Biden, is to do everything you can to make people's lives better."
"Zoro's biggest thing he has to offer is a sense of duty and loyalty to the crew."
"I have to do my job so that I can be the man my wife thinks I am so I can be the father that my children believe me to be."
"It's our sacred duty to support America's servicemembers every single day they wear the uniform and every day after when they return home as veterans and heroes."
"Are we on the right side of the most high? And if we cannot answer that question definitively then we must, we have word to do."
"They fight at the behest of the Emperor, no matter the task or scale of difficulty."
"The Death Korps of Krieg will follow their orders under any circumstances."
"I wouldn't be a pastor if I didn't love you."
"When there is a call for you to serve, no matter how difficult, you answer the call because not everyone is given the privilege of being in a position to make a difference."
"What we need is a much clearer notion, we've got to all start talking about professional responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of what are you here for, what is your job."
"I have to do what I've been trained to do. I have to finish despite the consequences."
"You don't do these things to be loved you don't do these things to be popular you do these things because it needs to get done."
"I feel like I have a duty to try and help keep him in the consciousness to a degree. He's not here to do that."
"Being a hero is an ideal, whereas being a magic knight is a duty."
"We've got our job is really to show up for humanity now."
"Have his thoughts be piloted by the acknowledgment of the subtle beauties around them rather than the possibility of violence."
"His sense of duty overcame his personal bias."