
Tech Industry Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"Tech CEO dies after freak accident on stage in front of crowd at company party."
"There's a lot of like comicalness where people say that, you know, the tech industry is the only industry where the interview is the hardest part of the job and then after that, it's like way easier."
"Your support is what's kept us going ever since the beginning, up to today's announcements and into the future as we reshape the tech industry together."
"I think with anything to do with business or tech, learning on the job is so much more useful."
"It came out of nowhere, the maker of ChatGPT, with billions of dollars in backing from Microsoft, is now in turmoil after the board fired its co-founder and CEO."
"I dropped out of college with my brother and moved to San Francisco, and then we ended up starting a tech company."
"After the 2000 2001.com crash, tech companies plummeted. The NASDAQ fell by almost 80 percent between the years of 2000 and 2002."
"The joke is, if you're good you go into tech and if you're evil you go into finance."
"It's going to be a really interesting couple of years in the tech industry."
"We need fewer Zuckerbergs and Elon Musks and more Audrey Tangs."
"People from non-traditional backgrounds with different perspectives are what's going to shake up the tech industry in a really interesting way."
"This was all going down in the midst of a huge bull run for tech startups with no end in sight."
"Shock waves from this very fluid situation are still in the process of rippling through the tech ecosystem."
"When we hear tech executives talk in ways that are completely divorced from political and social reality, it's very troubling."
"Laid off tech workers who get together and start companies are going to become extremely successful."
"There are some bills that are okay, maybe alright, but overall the power this gives to the FTC, big tech working together with big government, doesn't address the issue of breaking these companies up."
"If a technology company promotes a candidate for office against another, the value of that promotion must be recorded as a political campaign contribution."
"Core for core, Zen 5 is greater than 40% faster than Zen 4." - Leak about the performance improvement of AMD's upcoming Zen 5 CPUs
"How can we make ethical AI... regulate tech companies."
"There is no how-to guide for creating a tech channel and making videos and making a business out of it until now."
"How Twitch felt from 2012 to 2015, where it's like we're kind of like wild westin' it and we're like freeballing and we're just going crazy."
"Here was this female College Dropout who had worked 10 years building one of the biggest companies in a male dominated industry."
"I didn't want to just be like a Facebook ads monkey anymore. If I can just stack up enough money to start a software company, I think that's where I'll make the real money."
"The PayPal Mafia has changed how we see the tech world."
"We're bailing out big tech companies with SVP... it's worse than that, it's bailing out wokeness specifically."
"Getting job in FAANG and pretty much any other product based companies is not as hard as you think it is. It all depends on your attitude, and how you are preparing."
"Justin and his co-founders rejecting offers to preserve Twitch's culture."
"Honestly, it's kind of my biggest like gripe about the industry and the thing that I shall go with the most when I feel this way I have to remember that tech at the end of the day does sometimes just feel like websites and code and apps and stuff."
"Don't lock people and punish them on behalf of Big Tech."
"Big Tech is clearly infiltrated by, I mean, you look, Alan Bakari I think it was, got his hands on that Google video where they were crying that Trump won."
"We don't get to see what they look like, their abilities and stuff, it's quite small stuff but it is starting to get into that point where we could be seeing more data mine stuff."
"The Intel 12th Gen pretty much destroys AMD Ryzen 6000 in terms of both single threaded and multi-threaded CPU performance."
"Education is not required, relevant experience is acceptable, and that's basically across the board in Tech."
"Knowing that it's possible and that there's just so much opportunity here, there's no way that you can tell me if I didn't keep going I wouldn't get a tech job."
"For big tech companies, knowing a specific language isn't crucial. It's about your ability to learn and adapt."
"Elon said explicitly no new vehicles this year, so Cybertruck, Semi, Roadster, Teslabot, nothing this year."
"There's so much innovation to be happened, more importantly, so many jobs that are emerging in this field that need to get filled."
"In my eyes, the Twitter files are a once in a lifetime window into the dark soul of a corporate tech-centered Nation."
"For embodying the possibilities and the perils of the age of tech titans, Elon Musk is Time's 2021 Person of the Year."
"50 billion dollars in market cap evaporated. That's essentially like if today Uber just stopped existing."
"The good thing about tech interviews is that the school that you went to is not going to prevent you from getting a job at a big tech company"
"Here's the top three languages for beginners who want to eventually get into a big tech company doing a tech job: Number one, Python."
"This comes from leaked videos memos whistleblowers they all showed us that Silicon Valley was devastated by Trump's win."
"I'll be damned if I stay silent and let some unelected Silicon Valley billionaire call the shots in this country."
"It's going to be a very rough year for Silicon Valley and only time would tell whether they're ever going to be the Giants they once were."
"Zuckerberg turned down a 1 billion dollar pitch from Yahoo."
"The rise of FTX and Sam Bankman Freed has a lot of the same markers of Sergey Brin or Mark Zuckerberg's overnight success."
"Less than a year after buying Twitter, his whole app could go down the drain."
"In today's rapidly evolving tech industry, continuous learning is not just a recommendation, but a necessity."
"If you're in a market where everything's very highly priced and you're looking for opportunities where growth rates aren't going to come down in a couple years, well, most of those opportunities are going to be in tech and innovative tech."
"Just a little mention of a chip shortage is all it took to take a four percent after-hour gain and turn it into a point seven percent gain."
"The layoffs at Humble are not coming from the same place as the layoffs at EA Games. All of these troubles start at the same starting line: how these companies engaged with the big Tech hype cycle."
"A thriving computer industry was crucial towards making this ideology work."
"Epic has defied the app store monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices."
"Epic is suing Apple to establish Apple's app store as a monopoly."
"Silicon Valley's growth couldn't go on forever."
"I think there are a lot of people that understand the algorithm and understand how much money there is to be made doing it."
"Indian tech workers are a worldwide phenomenon with 850,000 entering the global workforce every year."
"I created Truth Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of big tech."
"Launching Lovelace at a price that makes any sense compared to the used market is going to be brutally hard for NVIDIA."
"With all the stuff that goes on with big tech, viewer support is really the only thing independent content creators can rely on."
"I think one of the key levers here are the employees who work for these tech companies... they're not going to stand for a system that's going to undermine democracy."
"I don't like being the token black guy, so he hatches a plan to help other people of color infiltrate America's tech startup sales teams, redefining what it means to be a minority in the workplace."
"Elon Musk is now the CEO of Twitter. Let that sink in, people."
"You're not really doing anyone any favors. Look out for AMD look out for you guys the consumers."
"I think nvidia have been really really clever with their pricing I like I've already said wasn't expecting the price to be this low."
"We think we're in a period of innovation that was the dream in the late 90s."
"One loser here is going to be an American programmer; there's going to be downward pressure on their wages."
"It's bad for NVIDIA and AMD to some extent Intel, they're not really in this market that much it doesn't actually affect the media in a negative way it actions in a positive way because people are excited to build again."
"The cost of autonomy is where the profits are."
"Maintaining elevated multiple on base case of 30x give an opportunity for future revenue streams not fully reflected in our model such as energy software robo-taxi insurance and charging."
"The only bad news right now being availability as all 6800 series products are virtually non-existent."
"It's not enough to be profitable, in Tech you have to be able to convince investors."
"After considerable work, Apple marketing managed to pull together a campaign that emphasized style and fashion over tech specs, which were familiar approaches for personal audio products."
"It's so touching to have an eccentric tech stock billionaire so dedicated to saving mankind like this."
"Amazon now has more people than Facebook Google and Apple combined working for them."
"When combination takes precedence over user experience, the whole industry suffers."
"Nvidia is sticking with the same prices for the high end but still somewhat obtainable cards in the $500 to $700 range, and that's okay with me."
"Developers are a crucial part of that journey."
"The tech industry moves so quickly that you have to look for people who have a kind of intelligence that's fluid."
"I'm about to show you my plan to radically change the face of Linus Tech Tips."
"The over marketing and the additional cost associated with like most things having RGB now have just made people completely utterly sick of it."
"The takeaway here is that the 5600 XT is fine and as AMD gets its drivers together."
"The battle between XCOM and eBay's Bill Point escalated into a 'battle royale' after eBay acquired a credit card processing company."
"Sony's not your friend. Microsoft's not your friend."
"Look back at the Amazons. Look back at the Internet bubble."
"The battle lines have been drawn big tech has made it clear which side they're on now is the time to take a stance."
"If big tech sees themselves as an organization empowered enough to ban a sitting president of the United States, it sends a message to the world that we can ban anyone whenever we want."
"The profound connection between Silicon Valley and the military-industrial complex."
"The senior role comes with a share of seemingly mundane yet essential tasks: endless meetings, meticulous documentation, thorough code reviews, and debugging Legacy systems at the most inconvenient times."
"Samsung's Galaxy Fold: a disaster waiting to happen."
"For the most part, if you're a software engineer at a large tech company, your life is pretty good."
"What would have taken months or decades is now happening all at once. This is an enormous opportunity for the tech industry to step up and take an even greater leadership role." - Michael Dell
"Success in tech means understanding the problem, asking the right questions, and showing confidence in your solutions."
"This is really just like getting into internet companies before they became giants."
"Consumers really shouldn't be paying a premium right now to run what essentially amounts to a tech demo on their PCs."
"Circuit City was known for its level of customer service, becoming an industry leader in tech."
"The anticipated surge of demand for the new iPhone 14 did not happen."
"The demand for programmers outweighs the supply – throwing a remote work cherry on top has become almost essential for attracting and maintaining talent."
"The chip shortage is also affecting the solar industry."
"Nvidia needs to drop the prices and it really needs to get another card out at the cheaper end as well to start fighting AMD harder."
"Why not launch a 3060 Super? I would feel like a 3060 Super would make more sense."
"AMD at 16% server market share. They're hoping to get to 10%, with an ultimate goal of 25% by 2025."
"Everything from dominating search and email and web browsing, to making their own phones and operating systems and smart TVs."
"The Silicon Valley companies are foolish to think that they're gonna be the gatekeepers of who's can be able to consume this information."
"Elizabeth Holmes idolized Steve Jobs, aiming for revolutionary innovation."
"Is this company going to be one of the most important big tech companies a decade from now? And I gotta say I'm pretty darn confident that they will be."
"Shopify is just starting to get that respect of, 'Wow, this could be a giant in the future.' And I honestly see them as being one of the biggest tech companies in the world in 2030."
"Nvidia wins for the worst trend of pointless product segmentation."
"Tech monopolies... threaten those First Amendment rights."
"Google's sales are flat to down from cloud, and then they're getting sued by the government for antitrust."
"This movie is genius in the way it depicts violence. It's very, very funny and even though it's entertaining and it's a lot of action, it never is like too much."
"The EU warns of risk in the rise of US tech giants."
"Average blockchain developer salary: $154,000 per year."
"This is getting stupid. Tech hiring is broken."
"This is better than Game of Thrones! House Apple has waged war against House Epic."
"The 3950 X critically demonstrates that this is a stronghold that Intel will fast lose."
"The breakup of big tech... more competition is better."
"The sooner these companies can get out of the hardware business, the better."
"Distribute the gains from the Amazons and Googles and the AI companies of the world to you all, to our families, to your communities, build a trickle-up economy."
"Microsoft has been rearranging a lot of their Executives."
"Companies that were once scrappy underdog startups that challenged the status quo have become the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons."
"Zuckerberg did what any CEO would do ignore all of that stuff it just indulged in a bit of megalomania."
"The truth is these documents were real... and it's definitely... if Mark Zuckerberg knows that these things are happening, he was lying under oath."
"US courts ruled that Apple could no longer block devs from promoting external payment methods."
"The EU's been cracking down on Apple lately."
"What's playing out right now at big tech companies and social media sites sets a dangerous precedent. Look, it doesn't matter what your politics are, who you voted for, everyone should have the right to express themselves freely."
"Apple is like, yeah we're cool we know ASMR."
"I understand that Apple gets a huge advantage in that they get massive revenue through the App Store."
"Let's all team up and find a solution to this... Apple included, please."
"Meanwhile, they've been bribed, so when a push comes to shove and they're in the hearings they're like no no do not touch those big tech companies those guys oh my God they should get everything they want huh interesting."
"For a once flagship to equate to the kind of mid-range cards of today, it's not bad. For the mid-range cards of today, it does show progress and especially progress in price. That's a good thing."
"This video is not another like 'let's jump on AMD and say they're a terrible company.'"
"Apple as a company is very good at design and honestly I don't understand why they don't take responsibility for their design flaws."
"So there is a huge job market opportunity here that you could take advantage of and absolutely crush in."
"Tech company Tencent: their share is valued between twenty thousand and forty five thousand dollars."
"Chad Hurley could be one of the few Silicon Valley superstars that you don't recognize but in the relatively short history of the internet he's a legend."
"Wayne sold his stake back to Jobs and Wozniak for 800 just 12 days after the company was born."
"Apple whistleblower goes public over 'lack of action' in data collection."
"The world's largest technology companies have lost a trillion dollars in three days."
"Coinbase announces it's going to be a remote first to work policy."
"Microsoft really seems to be working hard at softening their image."
"Parlor right now is hosted primarily by amazon cloud services now this is again the big service that caters to apple to netflix or whatnot now if you think for instance at any moment amazon can come up with a new terms of service on their system."
"The tech industry in general had a really bad week with layoffs."
"Bethel Tech is teaching us black people how to get into the tech field and make six figures."
"Twitch reportedly set to lay off 35% of their staff as soon as tomorrow."
"There are many contributing factors as we sit here in August: high demand for gaming GPUs, cryptocurrency mining, supply shortages, limited wafer allocations at fabs, logistics issues due to the global pandemic, tariffs, and several other reasons."
"Expect to make mistakes. It's gonna happen. You're gonna have fails in your career and perhaps you're gonna have epic fails in your career. It's normal. It happens. Just get over it, move on, and become a better tech."
"YouTube moderators are being forced to sign a statement acknowledging that hey this job it can give you PSD PTSD."
"The collapse of SVB meant that 40,000 Tech CEOs got the message that the U.S banking system is unsafe."
"It's important to remember that the business world, especially the tech sector, is full of similar but unique examples of companies & executives having way too much confidence in themselves and their products."
"What a time to be alive and be in this space."
"This really is a continuation of the Kaby Lake CPUs, but it has to be said, compounding the issue is Intel's crazy decision to remove backwards compatibility."
"It'll be interesting to see what comes out for it in 2019 combined with possible PS 5 Xbox 2 announcements"
"Intel suspends all operations in Russia effective immediately."
"Digital marketing is an incredibly valuable skill to learn."
"Devops engineers make $103 to $148,000 a year."
"If we go back to before the 2000.com bubble bursting..."
"Yellow Tail has put more black individuals inside of the tech industry."
"Lessons from Gro's success: don't bet against Elon Musk."
"The Democratic Party... is one of their top priorities insisting that Silicon Valley censor even more than they're already doing."
"Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior." - Michelle Obama.
"Zen 4 is a bridge architecture for this platform they're launching now."
"AI and ML on an average pays... more than other regular jobs."
"Apple deserves to be ragged on as much as possible for every move they do."
"Intel's plan is to do what they're going to do year over year and hope they can weather the storm."
"I'm not going to talk about it too much because right now Linus Tech tips is doing a third party investigation."
"If AMD launches a 16GB Navi 31 card, there's an opening for them."
"From 1.1 billion to 3 million: Yahoo's epic investment in Tumblr."
"An app developer or a software engineer... projected job growth through 2027 is going to be roughly thirty percent."
"Our syllabus constantly morphs to what we need, what is going on, because software industry keeps changing."
"It ain't hype, ladies and gentlemen, and if it is Ripple's responsible for it because it looks like they're on target."
"Larry Ellison of Oracle dumped 640 million dollars worth of shares, definitely a believer in AI."
"Every time Tesla does this there ends up being a lot of noise."
"Nvidia joins Apple Amazon Microsoft and alphabet in the one trillion dollar Club."
"Twitter before Elon Musk was cancer no sane man would buy twit so Elon Musk bought Twitter and paid 44 billion dollars for it."
"It's official, Elon Musk has joined the board of Twitter. Just got real."
"I think a lot of us were a little surprised by Elon Musk and his investment in Twitter. That passive investment, 9.2 percent."
"The world's biggest computer company started off with no money."
"Do we really need 6,000 people at Facebook working on the UI? No, I don't think so."
"Kyle had decided to take on one of the biggest tech companies in the world."
"This is not what we all wish for at 200, but AMD was considering pricing this at 250."
"Amd cannibalized Intel, that's what happened really."
"The idea of a traditional 'DevRel' is dead, replaced by a new era where developers are respected for their engineering progress and contributions."
"Their management is really getting behind everything Elon is pushing the team to become."
"I understand why people might be afraid to build or upgrade their PCs right now."
"Ryzen created competition in the space, which is something we sorely lacked."
"Austin in particular has seen significant increase in tech companies."
"Micro Center was like you guys working on anything, we were like actually."
"As exciting as it is to see Intel and AMD swapping crowns... none of that's going to matter for Intel if they don't fix their drivers."
"Narratives do move projects just like with Nvidia."
"How much you can get per dollar has changed dramatically."
"Apple wisely stayed out of the resolution race."
"Congress needs to relegate these groups to public utilities."
"Isn't it crazy? FTX is kind of like the long-term Capital Management situation plus the tech bubble."
"I think that Elon is the most important entrepreneur of our lifetime."
"Rumor on the Raptor Lake launch date: September 28th for Intel's 2022 innovation event."
"Meanwhile, though, if you head over to Amazon, because there were no third-party listings on Newegg for RTX 3060s at all, $844 is the price you'd have to pay right there."
"I went from a not sure when I wanted to do, a confused college kid, to getting a career out of bug bounties. I want to help the same thing."
"Presentation is important - this is already a better presentation than anything you've seen from Google, Apple, and Samsung all year long."