
Life Understanding Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"To live a good life, what you're gonna have to do is both learn and figure out how life works but also learn and figure out how you work and how you fit into life."
"Once you invest yourself in other people, you are so liberated and so free and you understand life so much better than if you're completely invested in yourself."
"It's a remarkable take understanding of life when you see your life with this soul's journey."
"Life can only be understood backwards but must be lived forwards."
"The most important source of information to understand what is going on in our life and what is going on in this world is the word of God."
"Through the understanding offered by the biology, I learned a new understanding about life, one so profound that it led me into a relationship and my experience of feeling and living heaven on earth."
"Understanding the way that life works is really important, I think, to having a good frame of mind on life itself."
"If you want to know life, you have to step out of this bubble called psychological reality and step into existential reality."
"You've got to ask the right questions about life, or you can't come up with the right answers."
"We try to make sense of what's happening right now, but we also try to make sense of what happened a long time ago and to have, like, this grand picture of our life as a trajectory."
"The ultimate aim isn't just to develop supernatural abilities, but to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and a deeper understanding of life's complex mysteries."
"Nobody has life figured out, especially some person under the age of like 55 yelling at you on YouTube."
"Death is something that we will all go through and so will everyone we know so it makes sense that we'd want to know more."
"Life just seems to make sense when Jesus is in the place that He ought to be."
"He was somebody who was very curious about life, a man who was trying to make sense of the world."
"From material things to more of spiritual and higher understanding of life."
"The best thing a young man could possibly do to really understand what's going on in the world and how to adapt to it and make sure that he wins."
"It's extremely satisfying to deeply understand life."
"If you don't believe in an Akhira, how can you possibly understand the wisdom of this world?"
"The one who plants a tree knowing he will never sit in its shade is at least beginning to understand the meaning of life."
"Gradually once you grow, you start to understand life in a different way."
"Life just becomes more easy to understand once you find your belief system."
"Stay moving, and in the end, it all somehow makes sense."
"This is the biggest W you've done all year long, EA. Do not revert this."
"Understanding purpose, understanding happiness."
"In order to understand why this man lived, we have to understand that belief is biology."
"Does anybody really have it all figured out?"
"Start to put all the pieces together and you're gonna see what all of this life and self-actualization spirituality is all about."
"Most of life, it's true, is known not with certitude but with probability."
"Understanding that there are things in this world that you can change and there are things that you can't."
"Nothing is ever as simple as it seems, nothing's ever black and white."
"You're much more empowered after this... you just understand life and energy and how things work."
"Jesus is the lens through which we see the world in a totally different way."
"Gain a new perspective; sometimes we cannot see things for what they are."
"A distorted view of God always leads to a distorted view of life."
"When you feel empowered, you're more prepared to take on everything that life throws at you."
"May awareness and understanding of life expand so that all may come to know the author of the universe."
"Everything that we understand about life is absolutely under direct attack."
"More than ever, people are looking for that delicate dance and balance in understanding life and the mind in relation to stress or sleep, rather than just fixing something."
"Theatre changed me, it made me a confident person and made me understand what life is."
"Death hypotheticals are important for understanding life."
"You won't know why things took so long until they began to fit together, so you may as well enjoy the ride."
"I think that's a complete misunderstanding of life and how life works."
"Sometimes what we experience makes no sense until we gain a wider perspective and see the big picture designed by the creator."
"Trust in your process. Everything you're experiencing will make sense."
"Everything has been figured out except how to live."
"The machinery of the world is really ultimately what we should be striving to understand the rest is just whatever the heck you want to do or whatever is culturally popular I think that's I that's beautifully put."
"You've learned how to ride this wave of understanding life's natural ups and downs."
"Understanding your own life and understanding the lives of others."
"The more we learn how life works, the more wonders it performs for us."
"Astrology is not just about predicting the future, it's about understanding the deeper aspects of our lives."
"Keep living, and then one day you'll sit there and that [___] will make so much sense."
"You can never understand life or truth or yourself until you give up once and for all the idea that you live in a universe of favoritism or caprice."
"Understanding your mind is understanding your life."
"Do I get more experiences that help me to really understand life and have a position in life from which I really find more meaning and more sense of I can contribute to this world and make this world a better place?"
"He who plants trees knowing fully well that he will never sit in their shade has finally started to understand the true meaning of life."
"I've changed, I've grown, I'm spiritual now, I have a better understanding of life in the world."
"Now y'all really start to understand life."
"I think I maybe have figured it all out, man."
"Life cannot be known by breaking it up; you cannot know life by breaking it into pieces."
"The more clearly we understand our lives, the more fully we will complete our destiny."
"In your 30s, you're building wisdom; the world is starting to make a little more sense."
"To be free of concepts is to have real knowledge of what life is."
"Nobody has their life completely figured out."
"If you wish to understand life, you cannot ignore microbes. Microbes have initiated life on this planet, prepared the planets to be able to support more complex forms of life like ourselves, and they still sustain the habitability of this planet."
"Life is clarified if we try to grasp to understand what comes to us in life."
"You've got to remember how this life works, how things operate in this universe."
"You can only live and understand life when you come to terms with death."
"When the soul awakens, it shows you what life really is all about."
"Once you understand life and spiritually you understand nothing nothing can outdo anything."
"We understand the world and feel happier with life."
"You are gaining a deep understanding of life and of your journey."
"We need a narrative that can make sense of our life, a story in which we can live in and understand our past, our present moment, and imagine a future."
"Those who know meaning and purpose of life also know smaller and bigger picture of life."
"I finally understand suffering and sadness of life, a joy these are feelings that can be shared with those around me."
"Don't come to me to improve your life; I can't improve anyone's life. All I can help you do is understand how your life works."
"Your understanding of life speaks through you every time you open your mouth."
"The fact that they buried their dead indicates they knew something about the true nature of life and death."
"It's actually a really good process for figuring yourself and your life out."
"Islam isn't only about practices like rituals; it gives you a comprehensive understanding of life."
"Understanding life has its ups and downs."
"Once I started being honest with myself, I was able to understand everything about my life that were contributors and not excuses."
"Scientists are like conductors trying to interpret these genetic rhythms to understand the intricate workings of life itself."
"You may not ever understand what's going on in their life, but you can always figure out what's going on in yours."
"Your problems have become more philosophical as your life has made more and more sense."
"We start understanding so much more about ourselves, so much more about our lives."