
Financial Markets Quotes

There are 1399 quotes

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the market will crash again."
"Ray joins me to talk about what the COVID-19 stimulus will do to the stock market, whether the government could outlaw bitcoin, and what worries him about a wealth tax."
"This is scary for investors; they've seen this movie before."
"Research involved with short selling...plays a vital role in uncovering fraudulent or corrupt business practices."
"Everything I'm teaching you here works in forex. It works in forex; it's not limited to index futures."
"The power of financial markets is the wisdom of the crowds."
"If you're not bullish about these kind of things, I don't know what's going to make you bullish."
"Bitcoin fell to prices not seen since 400 p.m. yesterday."
"Bitcoin is at $61,000, actually it's higher than it was at 4:00 yesterday."
"We always have more we can do... what we're seeing in terms of the impact on the financial markets in Russia is significant."
"We're seeing Bitcoin sitting at 35 a six about right now, still rising."
"The international exchanges are connected by undersea cables... where $300 million is being spent to shave five milliseconds of time so the algorithms can be a little more competitive with each other."
"The algorithm has already gone through and figured out the event, the location, the time, the intensity, and traded oil futures before you've even had the page download."
"It's not all about the techniques... it's not just about understanding how to trade based on price action. If you don't have the right mindset... then you're going to have an incredibly difficult time ever becoming profitable."
"The news is not on the financial page, the market, big market events are on the front page. This is all characteristic of the handful of great bubbles that we’ve had."
"If shorts are so bad, if shorts are so evil, then why are they allowed to exist?"
"The solution to the problem is that we need to do something with the financial markets to enable people to be able to get a loan to go to college and then, of course, pay it back."
"Bitcoin is not only the hardest, soundest money we've ever seen in the world, but I think that it is the absolute apex predator in financial markets."
"Ninety-five percent of all deposited funds for trading are lost, given enough time. These funds are transferred to the top five percent of traders."
"Your minimum upside is coming back to value."
"Timing is everything in the markets. You never want to be too early, you never want to be too late."
"There's a bull market somewhere, you just have to look."
"This is Wall Street; this is not Sesame Street."
"For entrepreneurs starting today, whether it's a bubble or not in the financial markets, the public financial markets, to be a new entrepreneur passionate about a product or service with these underlying dynamics is to me why it is probably the single best time I know of in the last 25 years to be starting companies."
"Financial markets are more dependent on the support of a relatively healthy system, including a rigorous, fair, and clear legal system; a culture of honesty, integrity, and non-deceptive behavior of participants; and a government that is committed to neutrality and fully respects free trade."
"We cannot speak regarding the financial markets in 100% certainty; that's where ego comes into play, that's where traders get married to a bias."
"Here I am looking at the 'Place Order' button over here, all I want is my tendies, okay, and I'm literally fighting the green candlesticks here. This is ridiculous."
"The average bear market period lasts about 1.4 years with an average accumulated loss of 41%, while the average bull market period lasts 9.1 years with an average cumulative total return of 476%."
"The crisis I shall be proposing of financialization 2008 never went away. Financial markets recovered, lots of money was made in them, but financialization as the linchpin of globalized capitalism has never managed to heal its wounds from 2008."
"Permanent Distortion: How the financial markets abandoned the real economy forever."
"Bitcoin survived the pandemic, it institutionalized, it nationalized, it westernized."
"You will recover; you will come back. I have been smacked down by the markets many times... this is not the end of the world."
"This is not the normal workings of the market vis-a-vis interest rates. These are, in effect, they're phony rates that are ginned up by the banks to maximize their profitability."
"I think we're literally at the point now where the markets are sitting on a knife-edge."
"But the move has to be big enough and quick enough to make up for the effects of time decay, which erodes the contract's value."
"Every single successful trader I know does things differently."
"Markets are not kumbaya; we all get to have a nice orderly exit at the top. Markets are chaos."
"Wall Street doesn't care about red or blue; all they care about is the green."
"Wouldn't the world be a better place if eight billion people had access to trade Securities?"
"Geopolitical tensions will have an effect on the stock market."
"What we should be doing as a regulator is allowing these markets to work. Not standing in the way of the markets working, and people bringing those different valuation opinions there."
"Forex: the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume of five trillion."
"The flood of central bank stimulus and cheap money has convinced investors that risk has vanished eroding the market's role as a mechanism of price discovery."
"I think what we're seeing happening in social media, most specifically Reddit, is an echo chamber of concerns people have that have nothing to do with the financial markets."
"I've learned that Tesla stock could remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent."
"Only 22% of actively traded funds have actually beat the market over a ten-year period."
"Differentiate between retracements and reversals to avoid missing opportunities."
"The derivatives market in the traditional finance world will be ported to ethereum."
"If you think the market's too high right now... you are sadly mistaken."
"They've inadvertently shot themselves in the foot crushing the euro and now people are running away from the US dollar."
"I'm still incredibly bullish on the entire cryptocurrency market."
"Liquidity is the grease for all engines of financial Market markets and that liquidity is key."
"When rates are low, market goes up, when rates are high, market goes down."
"Liquidity is what's going to curb volatility."
"Where are the orders and where is the money? Is where's where's the market going ahead to pick that money up."
"So, let's take a look now at the Eurodollar."
"There will be cycles within that, there will be bull and bear markets."
"Markets are predictable cycles but with that being said we're 11 years into a bull market and typically we have pretty major setbacks every 7 years so we are well overdue."
"It's so crazy that this is the polar game... Wall Street is certainly got over its skis."
"I know we're making-- in a few months maybe, we're going to look back and say that in 2015, 2016, 2017, gold made its bottom."
"We need to make the market makers... a competitive field... let's control this and make it so that retail investors have access to a fairer, more transparent, more efficient, and less corrupt system than the one we have right now."
"The market this week felt horrible, in fact, many are considering it the start of a potential market crash."
"For you guys to stay through all this, if we do go into a bear market, just remember you always get rewarded for sticking it out."
"I think short sellers are a really important part of a well-functioning market."
"I think we have a nice rally at the end of the year good synopsis then."
"When you trade, you are having an immediate impact on price."
"I don't see how this bull run is going to stop."
"New all-time highs tend to come before more new all-time highs."
"Support and resistances are basically the Bible of the stock market."
"If traditional markets tank, party's over. End of story."
"I think shorting is a healthy component of the market."
"Develop or learn a trading system or strategy."
"I saw it develop from almost nothing into this large asset class, which is now the tail that wags the dog."
"The best time to get into any sort of retro collecting is when it hasn't become trendy just yet."
"So, the trade between lenders and the borrowers, is again, essentially the main driver of the financial markets."
"Market making comes in to provide that liquidity."
"Technical analysis matters in the short term, those support lines are real."
"If this Evergrande news does get worse, Bitcoin could go down and it could go down a whole lot more."
"Unless Bitcoin does something that it's never done before the bull market isn't over."
"We will never see a parabolic bull run like this in any asset ever in our lives."
"Futures enable traders to bet on market movements without actually receiving the asset."
"Value stocks are going to have a nice rebound."
"Looking at the fear and greed index, it was in the 30s. People were terrified. Now we're right back up in the 70s. So it can change just like that. Always keep that in mind."
"I think we're going to have another downturn in US equities, or at least another correction."
"The big danger that we face in the market right now is believing that inflation is done."
"The full integration of housing within financial markets is really dangerous to tenants and communities."
"We could see a global financial crisis of proportions not seen for many generations."
"The meme stock phenomena... it's a really interesting intersection of first amendment rights, social media, and financial markets."
"Your key to the minds of trading's elite performers."
"It's entirely possible, but it is the most liquid, the most deepest, and meant to be the most efficient market on the planet."
"These financial asset bubbles... deeply connected with... the dollar denominated Financial system."
"What many people don't understand is that short sellers can play the role of watchdogs."
"Jerome Powell is reiterating that today and that's why the market is behaving in my opinion the way it is."
"Positive regulation is going to push us to new all-time highs in 2022 and 2023. I'm very optimistic about that."
"Last year CNBC put out this post which basically showed the best performing stocks of the decade."
"This morning I was really mad. I said I wanted to curse because this whole thing brought down Bitcoin in a big way. Should have never happened."
"You can get exposure to bitcoin on the stock market."
"This is the biggest change in financial markets, the system of money and economics, and how economies are run in all of history in the fastest shortest time it's ever happened."
"Market seems to be increasingly anticipating an upside scenario." - Goldman Sachs
"I wake up giddy every morning because it seems like we're getting closer and closer to the squeeze."
"We've essentially put the capital markets... on pause."
"German institutional funds will be able to invest hundreds of billions of euros in crypto starting next week."
"Areas like this is the entire reason I'm in this trade on the euro New Zealand."
"I do think 2022 there will be very likely there will be new all-time highs."
"At the end of the day, the market always decides."
"The market is pricing in the best case scenario right now."
"I don't think we're at the end of the bull market in gold."
"It's amazing isn't it, just line these charts up, people say TA doesn't work, TA definitely works."
"Bitcoin drops because Elon Musk says we're not going to sell it."
"The only thing that matters is where the candle is on Sunday 11:59 UTC time."
"The President of the United States is the beneficiary of what I call the strong markets efficiency theory."
"This is the only pattern that matters in all financial markets. This is it."
"Long trade setups off of swing lows are of higher quality."
"Other than some animal spirits that seem to believe that there's a magic potion out there with twenty trillion dollars of printed money by the central banks or thereabout, we're still moving along at a snail's pace."
"We are winning. We are clearly winning. I don't care what anyone else says, how could we be losing if they're down 1.5 billion and we're up?"
"S&P closed above 4,900 for the first time ever S&P and DOW sixth record close NASDAQ 100 seventh record close SNP hit a new Inay alltime High the Dow hit a new intraday alltime High folks that's what's going on and that is infuriating Donald Trump."
"This was like the red pill realizing, oh my gosh what Bitcoin has just done over months and months, this whole roller coaster that we were on is a known schematic that smart money uses to get as much money from the public as they possibly can."
"The stock market could be in really, really dire trouble here over the course of time."
"Trillions of dollars could flow into altcoin markets as crypto flashes gorgeous chart."
"I love the madness of the market. It is so fun."
"This is exciting, we're starting to see the beginning of that recovery boom."
"Risk on, risk off is not about direction... it's about changing volatility dynamics."
"If I own Apple and Microsoft and I own QQQ, what that allows me to do is in that portfolio of the Nasdaq 100, you're going to get some of the laggards."
"Our lawmakers in Congress need to know as much as possible about the stuff that's going to impact our lives, but more importantly, our financial markets."
"Institutional involvement could increase the price of Bitcoin to 200,000 if they want to minimize volatility, to 500,000 if they want to maximize their sharp ratios."
"The market doesn't discount this by three months by six months by 12 months."
"Are you ready for the mother bull market because everything changed this weekend."
"The biggest victims of all this are normal people who simply wanted greater financial independence and ended up getting essentially scammed."
"If we return to the bull run right now, the macro for crypto has never been better."
"Enjoy these market conditions while they last and try and make the most of it."
"Enjoy the market conditions while they last."
"If you want mass adoption for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, institutions coming in, there is no different timeline."
"President Trump's tweet was a culling for the investors who were short crude oil."
"These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors... are treating the stock market like a casino."
"This isn't even about the money. The main focus is sending a message, telling Wall Street to [ __ ] off."
"Markets are cyclical, they go up and they go down."
"Emotions do not belong here, we need to go back to basics and realize those emotions do not belong here."
"The multiple, the stock multiple, has been adjusted so far... that is typically the first phase of the bear market."
"Wall Street [ __ ] all those people oh poor pee pee you can't buy your second yacht you know i
i love it i [ __ ] love it because that's why they rail on about free markets all the time but now here is the breaking news"
"Short sellers and the people who are more bullish... balance each other out."
"We are less than 24 hours away from the biggest futures closeout of all time."
"The longer that you hold, because now it's a tug of war, yeah, it's a money tug of war between people that have the hedge funds that have billions of dollars."
"If Bitcoin remains stable above the trend line in support, it could rise further above the 36,000 dollar resistance."
"Guys, we're gonna be talking about bitcoin and ethereum hitting all-time highs today, unbelievable and yet it's right here before us."
"Institutional interest in ETH ramps up, these three events and two metrics show how ether markets are maturing."
"The biggest move of the bear Market is likely on the horizon."
"Understanding market psychology: How retail traders and banks approach trends differently."
"Trading insight: Mimicking the bank's strategy for profitable trading."
"Etsy smashing earnings yesterday, up 12 with Churchill Capital also getting a big push today up 12."
"Let the nerds worry about it and own the broader indexes."
"Dollar strength begets more dollar strength."
"Buying power, which comes in the form of money and credit, when that's produced in a quantity which is much greater than the incremental production of goods, services, and financial assets, drives those financial asset prices to go up."
"I think that everything is in a bubble because they print the cash and they keep printing it and they're not willing to dig increase interest rates so they're cooking everything and they're raising all the prices up."
"Unfortunately for Wall Street, we cannot fight Wars with dollars and derivatives, we need weapons."
"Both Fidelity and Goldman Sachs have filed applications with the SEC for Bitcoin ETFs... This would be a major step forward for the market, increasing accessibility."
"Just because the charts may look like they're showing a bull market, it does not necessarily mean that it is so."
"Why is Open Door down 15.8 percent? Just nuts."
"The walls are for price are the supply and demand zones from higher time frames."
"I think it's going to be the best thing that can happen for retail investors."
"The real winners in Forex have an edge in the market that helps them win consistently."
"Looking for a potential trend reversal... if we see a massive liquidation cascade."
"In most cases, it is simply quite self-evident which swing high or swing low is the good one or the right one."
"It democratizes access to high-growth companies."
"Technical analysis is simply a tool to make probabilistic forecasts of future price behavior based on price history."
"The shutdown is not happening. Now we gotta prop these stacks higher. We gotta go above 4,300 and close above it comfortably."
"We've been trading in a bull market, but who's gonna lead the rebound? Energy prices could be the relief the market needs for an October rebound."
"For a bullish engulfing pattern it's super simple we're looking for a red candle followed by a green candle in which the green candle has a larger body than the red candle."
"The amount of opportunity and what that means to the trading community will be massive."
"The market's probably being too complacent in terms of what the Fed and central banks are likely going to have to do."
"Bitcoin price drops to fill bitcoin futures gap."
"That's a bubble. When you see something... that just goes straight up."
"We will get through this. This will be difficult. We will get through it."
"Indexes don't just come about because they're good investments, they come about because it's an opportunity for a management company to gather assets through a new ETF."
"It's almost like the narrative has shifted in a way now full-on bullish narrative that I think even as the negative things can you to stack up I think they're going to be ignored."
"Just a little mention of a chip shortage is all it took to take a four percent after-hour gain and turn it into a point seven percent gain."
"It's just weird, just really, really weird, bizarro market."
"We broke the stock market record, I believe it's a hundred and thirty-two times during the course of less than three years as president."
"I think D5 is going to be a big Narrative of the next bull market."
"If you would have told me that we would have a virus the likes of which this world has not seen since 1917...and that we'd have a stock market that's not far below its all-time high, I would have told you that's got to be impossible."
"If hedge funds were going to cover in the 50s and 60s, they would have covered in the 50s and 60s a few weeks ago before having to pay millions and millions of dollars in daily margin fees."
"In the short term, the price is based around events, speculation, and hype."
"For at least for asset prices absolutely, we're going to see tremendous inflation." - Andrew Axelrod
"When ETFs get involved in a new asset class like Bitcoin, costs come down, security goes up, and investors have a better experience."
"The bond market and the ISM are tied at the hip."
"This time we're going to see massive participation from institutions as well as retail."
"Dow surge is 400 points as investors cheer the light inflation report."
"Coinbase is the leading cryptocurrency exchange in the US."
"But it's not unusual because we're also mixing that with a month of sideways price action."
"The spot Bitcoin ETF in the US could provide a great onramp for institutional investors." - Hauck Lee
"SPACs are the ones getting absolutely burned but everything else like index funds...are doing totally fine."
"Every time we see huge fluctuations like we did yesterday... that is followed by an immediate correction."
"We are near a two trillion dollar market cap for the entire cryptocurrency market."
"Market cap over 2 trillion, can we go to 10 trillion? Unlikely, but can we get to 4 or 5 million? Yes, conservatively I believe."
"Crypto is going to be the big part of the financial markets, the new financial markets that everybody needs to understand."
"There is no asset class on earth that has a risk-reward that looks anything like that."
"I think it might be good that we're having a market crash. I think it's healthy."
"We're all trying to be good people we're not trying to compete with anybody else there's enough like this is a six trillion dollar per day not year per day trading volume there's enough money to go around"
"The longer the redditors held out, the more damage they would do."
"It's really betting on top of betting right i mean it's it's."
"We have brokerages, they have prime brokers... this could be one particular scenario of like hey they're trying to get that business, they're trying to impress the hedge fund."