
Behavior Management Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We strengthen behaviors that are praised and appreciate, and we weaken behaviors which are ignored."
"Distraction is your friend. It's a great tool to use for most kinds of behavior problems."
"Work the consequence in a positive way... Instead of saying, 'If you don't do X-Y-Z, you're going to be in trouble,'... say when you do this, 'We will do that.'"
"You have to understand also is there going to be times where the dog is they're going to be over stimulated for him or too stimulated and you're gonna need to correct him for going past that boundary and ignoring him."
"We're doing what's called operant conditioning, we're rewarding the behavior we want to keep around, we're correcting the behavior we are not accepting just like kids inside voices outside voices."
"If puppy is praised for a behavior, it's more likely to offer you that behavior again."
"I'm trying to condition her to be quiet even when exciting things are going on around her."
"I'm really trying to teach her how to leave Indy alone."
"If you don't teach your boy to be a gentleman, he's gonna grow up and be a little monster."
"Always punish bad behavior every time, guys."
"Never punish the puppy for going potty inside."
"Boys need structure, purpose, and a positive male role model to prevent violent behavior."
"I find it almost inconceivable that it's been over a decade and Riot still doesn't have an effective and consistent way to punish disruptive player behavior."
"If you surrender to tantrums, you'll just reinforce them."
"For respect is a more desirable molder of behavior than fear."
"I have a newfound respect for teachers because those kids are bad as [ __ ]."
"Teaching them how to leave something alone that they want to go after is a really basic concept that every dog needs to understand."
"Children on the autistic spectrum like to fail to control a situation if you're asking them to do things where they don't really understand why and they can't control it."
"Oh son, I know that you did this and you did it so that way we would go there so as punishment we're gonna do what you wanted us to do the entire time."
"Identify the behavior that's the problem and deal with it even-handedly."
"I think I can love them even though their behavior is requiring strong action on my part to stop them."
"Preventing disruptive behavior is one of the best ways to deal with any problem."
"If you recognize when you're going into one of the emotions that I call the big three the ones that put you on a slippery slope towards self-defeating behaviors then you buy yourself some time to actually prevent the behavior that tends to follow."
"You calmly call out the behavior you don't like and once it's clear that the message has been received, you move past it."
"If you can't control your own emotions, you're forced to control other people's behavior."
"I like Rico as a friend. I just can't have madmen running around."
"Discipline is important, paddles our behavior."
"The best way to get them to do something is to explain calmly, rationally, logically."
"You don't gotta treat bad kids like bad kids in order to correct the behavior."
"If I'm coaching, I'm saying hey Draymond, I don't want you doing all the antics and stuff."
"This is good, it teaches young kids boundaries. Oh, chop you!"
"If you want to encourage players to exhibit a certain Behavior, give them a carrot to chase."
"It's really not a punishment if anything, it's like a good job sticker."
"While people are saying there is peace and security then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a woman and they will not escape."
"Training your puppy to love being on his bed can be really valuable down the road."
"If you allow bad behavior to stand or if you reward bad behavior you're not going to magically get good behavior."
"The more that you know, the more that you can control your behavior."
"It should be hard to fire workers, but workplace behavior needs to be addressed without public shaming."
"It's not freedom to let your kid have a temper tantrum."
"Reward the activity you like and penalize the activity you don't like."
"You're not dealing with them anymore, it's with us. So you gotta behave yourself."
"Reactive punishment doesn't teach somebody not to do something, it just teaches them not to get caught."
"Make sure that when you target your bird back in the cage, you're also asking it to come out."
"Bad behavior is predictable. It can be prevented and bad behavior can be changed into something positive."
"Control your own behavior as best you can, that's really, really good advice."
"Immediate feedback is powerful, not only for solidifying good habits but also for curbing bad behavior."
"Taking the opportunity to reward calm behaviors and prevent behaviors that we don't want from happening is what makes the biggest difference in the long run."
"The state pattern: controlling the behavior and flow of your game with finesse."
"One thing I've really learned from my wife, Alicia, who's a kindergarten teacher, is don't try to get louder than they are."
"Ignoring negative behaviors can be more effective."
"Actions have consequences, and if we do not follow through on the natural consequences of Reckless Behavior, then we enable that behavior."
"I like that a lot. I mean, why not use the carrot instead of always using the damn stick, right?"
"Confront behavior, not people, for healthier interactions."
"It is important to reward and praise desirable behaviors than to react negatively to unwanted ones."
"Lower your dog around you, mark the movement and feed just a little bit ahead of your dog so your dog isn't stopping when he hears the marker."
"All we can do is control our behavior, our reaction, and how we handle it."
"Start by asking what can I stick to even on the bad days, then build from there."
"You can feel impatient and still act patient."
"Leave it is such an underestimated important thing to prioritize training with your dog especially when you train it without force without making your dog do it."
"Incentivize good behavior and disincentivize bad behavior in your social circles."
"Because we wanna make sure we wanna get all the good moments in because the more money in the bank that we get for holding onto her that was and her making a good choice, she's gonna go, Oh this is what you want me to do."
"We now have moved towards a positive behavior support model which means that we are going to focus on the positive behaviors and try to reduce the negative behaviors."
"How do you deal with Annoying, obnoxious, rude, disrespectful, self-centered entitled teens?"
"Using behavior management or punishments for children doesn't work at all because it just makes them more upset."
"Don't let the behavior management be the bane of your life, don't let it mean all that you're teaching and all that you're thinking about."
"This was my solution for behavior management."
"If you have a kid with a history of behavioral issues, find any little good thing and email home right away."
"This day is when we will start our bucket filler behavior management system."
"What steps would you follow to deal with a student who displays consistent behavioral problems in your classroom...you're actually implementing different strategies...sending the student straight up to the office..."
"Remember, reward what you want to see more of."
"Can we really stop temper tantrums?"
"Targeted training efforts. Research has proven that positive reinforcement for doing the right thing while ignoring bad or incorrect behaviors is also the best method of training fearful dogs."
"If you can teach activities and routines with a reward, you can get rid of rewards."
"Boundaries are rules that you create about your own behavior."
"Good leaders don't ignore bad behaviors."
"We want to help people develop the ability to control their behavior, which results in effective management of impulses and emotions."
"Resist the temptation to manipulate behavior by comparing children to each other."
"By ignoring their daughter's bad behavior and praising the good, Jessica and Hannah will soon realize which reaps them the most rewards."
"Once we know what behavior we want to work with, then we can change what happens before and what happens afterward to help your child be successful."
"Instead use what animal trainers call the least reinforcing scenario."
"Just shielding kids from everything is not the way to help them learn to manage their own behaviors."
"You need to sit down and eat some dinner, or you can go right back to the naughty corner."
"Reward good behavior. I cannot emphasize this enough."
"It also minimizes behaviors related to transition because they know what's coming next."
"Self-control, to control our actions and also control our speech."
"It's important for us to be calm as caregivers, therapists, and teachers in order to model calm behavior and to deescalate."
"You don't need to shout or smack your kids to be well-behaved."
"Educating kids not only does not encourage increased curiosity and acting out, it's the best deterrent we have in terms of inappropriate acting out."
"Explain to the child why his or her behavior is inappropriate and model an appropriate way to handle situations."
"Good behavior management is all about good positive relationships."
"Dealing with poor behavior is all about high expectations."
"As long as you're following a plan, being consistent, and you put in the hard work upfront to stop problem behaviors from setting in in the first place, all this heartache, all this frustration, all this anger that is very real, is worth it."
"Differential reinforcement... Jen is now providing attention to the behavior she wants to see and putting the behavior she doesn't want to see on extinction."
"The number one way to resolve unwanted barking? You guessed it, exercise early in the day."
"The goal is to try to tire your puppy out because that leads to better behavior."
"Good leaders don't ignore bad behaviors, they address them calmly, efficiently, with good timing."
"If you want your feisty dog to be off leash with other dogs, you need to get them with dogs safely, learn dog body language, and correct them in a non-nonsense way when they do something you don't like."
"Focus on those behaviors or bad habits you don't want to see and think about how you can get around that behavior."
"If you're worried that this is a form of punishment, it's more targeted and specific."
"You've ignored a tantrum, you've engaged him, you've motivated him, and you've made great pizzas. I'd say mission accomplished."
"The technique that I call STOP: the S stands for state the behavior, the T stands for tell the person how you feel, the O stands for options, and the P stands for positive results."
"In the short term however, external rewards serve as an important bridge or scaffold that helps students transition from disruptive behavior to behavior that is responsive to the rules and expectations of our classroom."
"By attempting to understand the causes of disruptive behavior before implementing an intervention, we vastly increase our chances of success."
"Keep them from getting the thing they want, and then totally let them get it if they're engaging in appropriate behavior."
"The earlier we can assess the situation leading to disruptive behavior, the more options we have in addressing the behavior."
"We're going to try to minimize the reinforcement for the problem behavior and maximize the reinforcement for appropriate behavior."
"Consequences should be related to the misbehavior."
"ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder primarily a disorder of behavioral control or behavioral inhibition."
"Ignore the bad behavior. Reward the good behavior."
"When you put your shoes away, then we can go watch TV."
"When a child has ADHD, their primary weakness is behavioral control."
"These kids need more external influence over their behavior because their internal resources aren't as strong."
"Behavior intervention is all about two things: it's about intentional teaching of skills that children need to function well... and making sure that they're using those appropriate behaviors or skills instead of inappropriate behaviors or skills."
"One of the easiest and fastest ways to reduce problem behavior is to provide a steady stream of attention."
"It's almost like if you treat the child with compassion and understanding instead of screaming at the child to do what you say, they listen."
"Well-planned, engaging lessons will decrease student behavior problems."
"Punishments come from a place of anger and consequences are meant to teach and change behaviors."
"Good behavior gets positive rewards like praise and tokens, bad behavior is ignored or contained."
"Describe the behavior, describe your feelings about it, describe what you want done if anything, and omit character assassination."
"People will only do what you allow them to do."
"PBS is focused on quality of life with reduction of behavior that challenges as a consequence of increasing quality of life."
"You've made the most troublesome train on the line behave."
"We want people to understand that this is not a light switch that you flip and we stop and you're done."
"Instead of delivering attention or the tangible item contingent on inappropriate behavior, we can now take that attention or tangible item and deliver it contingent on appropriate behavior."
"If kids feel comfortable in the daily routine and they know what comes next, you're going to have fewer problems during transition times."
"We want to bring the functional communication response under discriminative control."
"Teaching tolerance for delays or periods where the reinforcer is not available involves signaled and unsignaled delayed reinforcement."
"By using a math workshop model, we're speeding up that mini lesson, which is actually helping to keep our behaviors intact."
"They finally got the knowledge and the tools to deal with their children's behaviour; they're on the right track."
"...it's hard to control your own behavior, but it's extremely important to try to do that."
"The only behavior that is really truly going to meet the function of escape for our replacement for tantrums is going to be requesting a break."
"The best time to address a behavior that you don't want to see is before it occurs, not after it occurs."
"We need to use positive reinforcement."
"That also results in less screaming, less plucking, and less behavioral problems."
"Giving positive reinforcement for behavior that is not exaggerated."
"It's our job to show them that they are safe rather than just simply punishing the behavior."
"If you have a really good foundation, you have a really strong community within your classroom, I feel like so many of the behaviors just kind of washes away."
"Without that, you're not going to have great behavior management; you're going to see a lot of struggles throughout the year."
"That's one way you can tame your animal."