
Personal Discovery Quotes

There are 554 quotes

"Turn your life into a scientific investigation, a scientific experiment, and the goal of your experiment is to simply figure out what is reality, what is consciousness, what is life."
"April 2021: a significant month for you in your life. I got a DM through 23andMe, and that opened up meeting my birth families."
"The ultimate self-care playbook: discover and nurture your centered self."
"In this life, we are not given to know what we need for ourselves but given to know what other people need."
"I don't find myself to be artistic... I never understood art and creativity until I could put rules around it."
"I realized that I had the game wrong. The game was to find out what I already was."
"You really do learn well when you explore things."
"30 and thriving. I absolutely love where I'm at. I love my age. I've truly found myself."
"Life at its best is a life that discovers just how much God truly loves you."
"My hope is that after our marriage, you will discover my virtues for yourself."
"There's a whole world inside of you. That's the key."
"In March 2019, you are gonna know exactly what your divine life purpose is."
"And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."
"You'll find a sense of like love within oneself."
"Especially if you two have kind of exited a relationship, somebody walked away, there might be a process of what you might call a private rediscovery of each other's energies."
"I don't think that there is an intrinsic purpose to life... I think it's up to us to discover what that meaning is."
"Therapy isn't about someone else giving you the answers it's about someone else asking the right questions."
"You can't find happiness outside of yourself."
"For posting these videos you helped me discover what I had and made me figure everything out. Thank You Bubba."
"Someone is going to give you the key to unlock who you are inside."
"I realized wow, this is what I really want to do. I want to travel the world and see these things."
"This is fascinating I mean this is not something I even I didn't even know to not know about it it's it's wild."
"I knew I liked tacos... but I quickly found out that's far from the complete list of Mexican foods."
"You're not here to search for love; you're here to remember that love is within."
"Fears are only from the outside world. When you go deep enough, there is only love."
"Find your significance, find your lane, find your niche."
"When Betty saw a photo of her husband in Linda's office... that is really strange."
"You are this powerful psychic being to the point where you tricked all of us, including probably yourself."
"Anything that you go looking for, you're going to find."
"The biggest risk of AI is what you realize about yourself."
"It's like Kramer vs Kramer if both characters were Meryl Streep leaving to find myself abandoning my child."
"I had this feeling, this really powerful feeling of my own worth and what I actually contributed because up to then I didn't really value myself."
"You don't have to have a dramatic accident like mine... to find this self-love."
"Each person can find their own purpose and meaning."
"What we often fail to see is that the solution is in the Nuance... it's when we decide to fearlessly navigate through the nuances of life to find what truly matters to us."
"Just play the game, figure things out for yourself. Tier lists are good things to follow but just take it with a grain of salt."
"Pikami was one of the first YouTubers I discovered when I found out what YouTubers were three years ago."
"Wow, what a happy happy little discovery in my makeup collection."
"Finding the love for yourself and getting it and finding that that's the answer to all the questions."
"Get a job doing something you hate is the fastest way to figure out what you love and where you want to be in life."
"Get out there and hunt and enjoy it and find out for yourself."
"People are learning more and more that they really are authentic."
"It's a story that makes you understand the past through the lens of today and ultimately forces you to realize that you're looking in a mirror and seeing yourself for the first time."
"That fearlessness does come from knowing that, well, basically no matter what, you are going to refine and find inwardly."
"The goal of this video was to hopefully fall in love with one of the genres that I read and become obsessed with it."
"Kendrick took so many creative risks on 'DAMN' that make it such a rich and layered body of work that you can always discover something new from each time you listen to it."
"I found you because of Benjamin Boyce... was very impressed."
"I've touched into something bigger than me and beyond me."
"Thank you for helping me discover my love for romance books."
"I had no idea what I was going to do with my life until comedy."
"Just trying to shed ego at the moment and learn as much about myself as I possibly can."
"Seek the truth for yourself, not through books, videos, or belief systems."
"Nothing I say in these videos is actually true, unless you discover it in your own experience."
"When I trusted myself fully... I found myself in that position."
"You have to see the world for yourself to appreciate how beautiful it is."
"You're gonna get something that is gonna be like, oh my gosh, this is what that feels like."
"I've never felt anything like this before. What terrifying power!"
"What broke her was discovering that she'd barely known the man she'd shared a bed with for the last quarter of a century."
"You're able to recognize something that may have been shielded from you, that may have been hidden."
"You naturally find out you're a little more like your mama than you thought you was."
"More often than not what would happen is that these girls had never been in a romantic experience before."
"When you finally sit down and you're not worried about it and you're worried about working on yourself and your relationship with the Lord, you do find it."
"It struck me when I first heard that as very compelling and interesting and sent me on this path of discovery that I've never left."
"When things first clicked for me artistically? Subway sketching. I look at people and I try to figure out what they're thinking about."
"I don't feel like I've discovered this much joy in a game in a while."
"I believe in true love, in people digging down and finding their best selves."
"Some of you are going to realize tonight there's been gifts that you've had for 30 years in church and no one's ever spoken to them."
"Before you resign that exploration on insufficient evidence, take seriously the possibility that God might exist and explore the person of Jesus for yourself."
"I myself I'm really amazed that there's another way to immigrate to Canada."
"Maybe the real treasure was the set we met along the way."
"It's way too earth-shattering and way too cool not to share."
"It's not my job to decide if people are ready to handle that I say bring it on what else you got."
"I feel better, there's a place that I lost and now you found it, it's like Columbus finding America."
"Your greatest need is deep within our own heart where evil stalks and seeks to take over."
"Outer Wilds is something that a video can only partially explain. The rest you'll just have to experience."
"It is thrilling to discover life growing inside you."
"The apex of addiction is not overusing YouTube; it's about understanding what you truly want."
"Being a blessing I wish I would have found sooner." - Shanti
"You're going to be reaching some really good surprises."
"Unless they actually try it for themselves, they're never gonna know."
"It's quite amazing that I've figured it out all on my own."
"If you lose your life for my sake in the gospel, you'll find it."
"The secret is that you already have the secret within yourself."
"My enjoyment of medicine has kind of surprised me."
"Sometimes on a way to a dream you get lost and find a bigger one."
"I found clues that led to my parents being in California."
"In love, we find out who we want to be. In war, we find out who we are."
"Go to the gym, do something, eventually you'll figure out what works, what doesn't, what you like, what you don't like."
"It's the difference between searching and being found."
"You know, it's not about who was most talented, it was about finding that person."
"I finally just met my dad and when I got to know him, I felt like I kind of discovered part of me."
"The best way to learn something will stick much much better if you can figure it out for yourself."
"Achieved enlightenment, I am one with the universe."
"Healing is found in the darkest depths of yourself, not in external forces."
"I decided to try something I was thinking of doing before and I figured out something amazing."
"I researched myself right out of a paradigm."
"Tragedy can sometimes lead to discovering your true gift."
"You will discover levels of love and passion beyond what you thought were possible."
"If God exists, the only way I'm going to get to know God is if God opens up."
"I found the thing that unlocked what I now know is discovery writing."
"You looked like you had it all put together from the outside but the more I got to know you I realized that there's just so much depth."
"Nearly everything does, Arden discovers that Peter isn't exactly who she thought he was."
"Everything I saw tells me what I've been trying to prove is rooted in something real."
"Getting outside and taking the time to reconnect with nature has helped me move further along the road of personal discovery."
"I definitely have way less answers than more but I do and can I'm continually shown more and more examples of you know maybe there really is a bigger plan for me and that I need to be here."
"There's no better way to see it or hear it is to see it through a video and hear hear it for yourself."
"I really wanted to go somewhere that I hadn't been before... Krakow... truly took my breath away."
"Being fairly nomadic... maybe someday I'll find that place that takes my breath away."
"The guitar that you ignored turned out to be your favorite guitar."
"If you believe it, you can find happiness in yourself."
"Your answer is also inside of you; you can find it."
"I'm doing you a service, okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I believe that I, August the Doug, have found God."
"Self-inquiry leads us to the sense 'I am,' which carries with it the fragrance of immense peace."
"You realize how smart you actually are. You didn't even realize how much you know."
"Happy is an internal full frontal contact with your Dark Knight of the soul."
"Ultimately found just that you know that that resolution of self-love self-worth and just doing good [ __ ] doing [ __ ] that I like to do with great collaborators I think keeping that at the forefront you know."
"There are two most important dates in your life: the first is the day you were born and hope you all know that, and the second is the day you find out why you were born."
"Find the channel and you'll find your own personal laboratory version of the whole macrocosm."
"This is about me finding the DNA test, not them."
"The treasure is already inside you; you just need to get in touch with it."
"Man be yourself that's why around the time when you discovered me."
"The more you take care of yourself, the more you remember parts of yourself you felt like you've gone missing."
"Doubt is a necessary condition for finding one's personal truth."
"There were so many times during this I geeked out as I made discoveries on my own."
"The storytelling is just ridiculous I can't believe I've never like really listened to this song yo lowy I am mad I'm about I'm like in I'm in for Johnny Cash bro I lowkey love this dude so far."
"Come play with me, and suddenly you say, 'Oh my god, how come I've never seen that before?'"
"You're discovering your purpose in life, and it's like you're only focusing on that one thing."
"This community has opened up an entire world that I didn't know was possible."
"Being a disrupter is about allowing your children to discover who they are."
"The answers will come when you find them, not when others tell you how or where to find them."
"It is a month of you really coming into a visceral contact with the depth of power you always possessed."
"Faith comes spontaneously, you may say you don't have faith but the day you face circumstances you will know whether you have faith or not."
"Brin found a world where she could find a semblance of happiness."
"This weekend, no more resisting. Things are being uncovered from the dark, giving you missing pieces."
"I became a journalist through my love of reading and writing because I couldn't understand who my parents were and I couldn't understand the world I was born in." - Susan Hoe
"Through seclusion, we discover the beauty of love."
"There is about to be a prophetic awakening in your life."
"It's a persian rug. You've got to figure it out for yourself or it won't mean anything."
"The greatest gift you can give your child is a passion to search out who they are inside."
"I was one of those people who was just like leave me alone and I'll be fine... quarantine really has taught me that I need people in my life."
"If you're finding these people, you're probably looking to embark on your own health and fitness journey."
"Being alone for an extended amount of time...that's how it really works."
"When you get behind the fake lives and the plastic lives and the curtains, I found out there were people just like me."
"I always believed that I was ordinary, until one day I sat and reflected on my life and my past experiences."
"Life is going fast when you're an entrepreneur. You learn a lot of things about yourself."
"If you want to heal yourself, you have to reveal yourself to yourself. That's the beginning process."
"Fitness doesn't just transform the body, every day on this journey I learned something about myself."
"When he puts you in a crisis... now you know him for yourself."
"They soon arrive at the first location that Hercule wanted to show Little Miss Manipulator: an art museum dedicated to the greatest works of Lamuan culture."
"For us, this place holds a lot of sentiment and meaning. It was a really pivotal moment in our discovery of our love of nature."
"You never know what you're going to like until you try it."
"You have an abundance of love, but I think really it started at yourself."
"I had the power all along to get that power."
"I started tattooing when I was 14 years old, and then I just knew it in my heart. I'm like, this is what I want to do."
"Jesus found his place, and you can too, boys and girls."
"You've got to discover the purpose of your life."
"The light, the energy, it's all I could think about. Where did it come from? How does it work? Can it lift me from this darkness?"
"You need a certain amount of adversity to find out who you really are."
"Discover what you love. This is the key to enlightenment."
"We're all just trying to find our way, right?"
"I sequenced my genome, it told me things I was at risk for."
"I literally feel like I cracked a goddamn code."
"It's something that you didn't even know that you needed."
"He's an Old Testament he'd come out of this thing like you know what maybe Judaism is for me."
"I didn't feel fully valued, so I discovered how to fully value myself."
"It is thrilling to discover a life growing inside you."
"To be continued... I think there's something in that photo album that we didn't see yet."
"He noticed something in the night sky that would change his life forever."
"Be happy that you're seeing a lot of kids being played and Ollie bringing in those kind of players."
"Truth derives from effort. If you work at something hard enough, you will find truth, whatever that truth is."
"The spiritual awakening pile—sometimes earth-shattering, but leading to finding yourself."
"Breaking what I thought was new ground 15 years after the game's release is just neat."
"I found out what I wanted to find out and that's the main thing."
"You will see there is a distinction between what is you and what you have gathered."
"Discovering your personal gift is how you fit into the kingdom of God, how important are you, what is your worth, what is your value."
"I was meant to find this exact quilt at this exact time."
"Thank you all so so much for allowing me to find mine."
"We want people to experience fan culture for themselves out of nowhere."
"Discovering skateboarding for me was what I call sort of over the rainbow moment where my life went from black and white sepia tone to full-blown technicolor."
"Once you find that thing that you're looking for, it's a lot easier to find."
"I think one book would lead to another and eventually I found I was reading nothing but philosophy books and then I realized that actually this was what I was really passionate about."
"Where is the Heart Magic Found and Created?" - Lee
"Let us reach inside ourselves and find something beautiful in this time of absolute desperation."
"The greatest encryption of all is to learn the cipher of the self."
"I'm going to always share God's truth with all of you as I know it and tell you all to don't just take my word for it but ask God to have it revealed to you as well."
"Recognize that you are stronger than you know."
"The idea that you find your voice at 93 is absolutely extraordinary."
"You found that inner strength that you probably thought you will never find."
"He saw that he had a key part to play in God's redemptive plan and purpose because he read the book."
"It was my first experience; I knew at that point there was something else sharing the woods we did not know about."
"No one's gonna really find true happiness until you know yourself."
"That's what we're doing man a big hail to everybody out there who helped make this happen."
"If you're searching and your heart is open, you have this law of attraction almost."
"I finally found out what it felt like to be happy."
"It was just really, really amazing to really see it and it was not something that I had really thought that I would see."
"Nietzsche developed more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived, or is likely to live."
"For the first time in my life at 41, because I didn't realize just how much anxiety depression I was suffering through my whole life."
"I never truly found love until I found discipline."
"I realized what was going on... there's still something out there."
"I can't believe it either... I'm finally gonna meet my actual real parents. This is so cool!"