
Names Quotes

There are 890 quotes

"A person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
"I love the name Pepper for a girl. I love the name Pen for a boy. I love the name Poppy for a girl."
"Prince William's official name is William Arthur Philip Louis and Prince Harry's real name is Henry Charles Albert David."
"It's gonna be all right, Jane. Stop calling me Jane. My name isn't Jane Doe."
"She was bilingual, spoke Mandarin. No joke, her name was Clementine."
"What's the worst pronunciation of your name you've ever heard? I don't even know where to start."
"I may not deserve such a grand introduction, but I didn't deserve a name like Twinkle either."
"Based on a study published in 2013, dolphins have names for each other."
"Under pressure...a unison of two cherished names but proof that through happenstance...something amazing can come together."
"Deeply appreciate you Rob, Emily, Peter, Joe, Lemur, and the rest of your community."
"If name is Hermione, it's going to be 'Hello, Hermoine!' If it's Harry, it's going to be 'Hello, Harry!' If it's David, it's going to be 'Hello, David!'."
"My name means 'Yahweh is salvation,' and our first son's name, Cannon, means 'measuring stick,' so he was the measure of God's grace to me and my wife."
"You may just have the luckiest name in history."
"Dog before male version of Karen. Doug, not bad."
"Sources close to the prince say he is considering the regal name King George VII."
"The most terrifying creature in Filipino folklore is the Aswang."
"Addressing a man by his name breeds a strangely powerful sense of intimacy."
"Before we move on, here's a fun little fact: 'Bilkis' means wolf in Lithuanian, his brother's name 'Farkas' also means wolf in Hungarian."
"Glaucus atlanticus is a fancy name for something as straightforward as a sea slug, but it won't take you long to realize there's something special about this sea slug."
"May's full name, Mei Lin, translates as 'beautiful gem' or 'beautiful rose,' reinforcing the red color motif."
"Seth gives Dean a nasty STD, I mean SDT, they are much better."
"If Jon Snow's name really is Aegon, then it could be a nice poetic link to Aemon."
"I kind of wish that she named the first kid Little Jon." - Jake
"I've heard Tommy, what Tommy, Tommy where did you, where are you?"
"What does communism have to do with... you calling somebody by the name they want to be called?"
"Welcome everybody! Underrated Gabby, Mohammed, Little Burberry, welcome!"
"The response is very clear and very close, and they believe it said 'Hugo' or 'Mose', meaning 'let's play'."
"Opal's name means 'jewel,' like so many jewels and precious stones, have deep meaning and symbolism."
"The cashier was so nice, her name is Media, what a beautiful name."
"Yo, that's amazing, bro. My son's name is Nasir."
"Aurelia is a really beautiful name, it means golden."
"A lot of people reached out to us about certain names."
"I get called racist a lot by people with names like Jago and Hugo and Sebastian and Jocasta."
"Names in the Bible tend to carry incredible significance."
"Why do guys named Timothy go by Tim instead of Moth? You know that's a really good question, I'm gonna start going by Moth."
"Names matter. The symbolism in a name is profound."
"Names do not always translate to championships."
"Are we gonna spot another Gail, another Gale, another Gale?"
"There's nothing more humanizing than knowing someone's name."
"Can we name hook shots? I think you can name anything you can play."
"Rule of thumb: if liberty is in your name, there's a 95% chance you're not the good guy of the story."
"I personally liked all of them but if I had to pick favorites it would probably be Gabby, Avery, and Aubrielle."
"Would be Mark, right? Mark, you know, and it'd look right, Luke, and I just said why?"
"Please call me by my true names so I can hear all my cries and laughs at once."
"I think we're all gonna fall in love with the way of the nameless."
"I'm sorry, my dude's name is Crisscross, is there another Titan in the class named Applesauce?"
"If you love a name, it's really, really nice to go with what you love."
"The film's antagonist, PAL, is pretty aptly named..."
"That's such an epic name, why didn't my parents call me that?"
"Your three were... I've got a name by the way for you it is Haley Bachrach."
"Knowing an entity's true name allows some control or power over them."
"It's amazing how people just don't know how to spell common names."
"Kyle Smith is the most generic name of all time." - Mae
"She's three points away from time, Mike Kalinowski here, Ken."
"Remember when Odin called Asgard the real maternal? Well, let's hope these guys were a little more careful with using that word as their name."
"The name of the sword is half truths, very important."
"Name like Victoria you got to be victorious."
"Well done and happy holidays, Buster and Robin!"
"Suzanne, Daniel, and Christian were put on trial."
"Esau's given name means Harry, describing his appearance at birth."
"Never say never, right? We don't really know Nevaeh and Deshawn's situation right now."
"We use all the set apart names, most high sovereign."
"Seth and Steph, that's a dope name. Seth and Steph set the step."
"Names have a lot of power... it's funny how life works out."
"Excuse me, so many [__] names here, it's confusing."
"You later find out that this is actually the name of a Titan."
"Something like attack Titan or advancing Titan it would have been a much more fitting translation."
"They're getting smaller, their tenure here, I'm Jason Thea, we owe Jeremy's bad patch."
"Call me by your name and I'll call you by yours."
"Pikachu's name roughly, and hilariously, translates to sparkle mouse noise in Japanese."
"It's odd that she never changed her name to like a lasting woman or something you know cuz they uh still Elastigirl."
"Mario, you're name is Mario isn't it? That's what I heard from your friends who just arrived. Mario, it has such a nice ring." - Rosalina
"I think names are so important. I think one of the greatest disrespects you can do to a person is not put the effort into somebody's name."
"Don’t worry, they were a little more creative with the names this time."
"I love you, Veronica. I will love you forever, Vince."
"As humans, we're terrible with IP addresses and we're not going to remember those; we like names for things."
"A girl named Jen and a boy named Screech."
"Karen's on the loose, Karen's about the loose in her tooth."
"I think we're gonna go with Beautiful Bambi and Sweet Stag."
"The gods of Destruction as well as the angels are all named after some kind of alcohol."
"Not all terrible people are named Karen, and not all Karens are terrible."
"...it's got a whole different name, a bunch of names, depending on where you live."
"Doesn't matter whatever you call them, they're still awesome."
"Frank Herbert appears to have chosen the names of the two houses based on current affairs."
"God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace has many names"
"In the dynamic world of professional wrestling, few names have left us profound like Demarcus China."
"True and Julia. Yay, that was so good!"
"Okay, are you ready girls? Right, we need to get dad. But take a piece of paper. I want you to write down... names that you like in, like, preference order."
"Cassius, I'm seeing this on so many name lists as well, that sort of edgy surname as a first name, really really cool."
"Words and names were not mere descriptors but tangible expressions of spiritual realities that could be controlled and reshaped by those who unlocked their secret ciphers."
"Mackenzie D nowhere to go for Catherine Ro."
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be with you, Chels, than at Ole Red with Hurricane Nicole, Hurricane Nicki."
"The name Ian, we were worried about it before it was we just couldn't see any babies getting called Ian anymore."
"I also met Lydia which was just obviously a dream meeting someone with the same name as you."
"Nelson Mandela's school teacher gave all the children in her class historic western names and chose to call him Nelson after the band leader Nelson riddle."
"Names like Messiah, Jesus, Saul have been translated, losing their original meaning."
"Jesus identified himself with these names, the Alpha and Omega, in Revelation chapter 1."
"Batalasi already sounds really cool."
"I realized that we don't have to worry about mispronouncing Paradis anymore."
"Why are you suing her? You're fine, Brandon Blackstock. This is all... What in the Hogwarts hell kind of a name is that?"
"Wow, they sound... those are the most... those are great names. Strong names. Warrior's names. Wonder."
"If I have identical twins I'm naming them Jeff and Jeff."
"This little gr cat is named Nermal."
"Isaiah Thomas and Ben Big Ben Wallace."
"Someone's first, middle, or last name could start with an F."
"When your parents give you a name, that's technically what your name is. I mean, you can change it, but it's one thing to have a nickname. But there's kids who just went around being like, 'No, my name is Night Pain.' Like, come on, man, settle down."
"So those are the names that I would really keep, save and really meditate on. Those are really the names that are calling to me for you in this reading today."
"Names have power and meaning. They carry weight and responsibility."
"I like names that have meanings behind them."
"You have Ronaldo, you have Hery, you have Hazard, you have Salah, you have De Bruyne."
"My daughter's name is Artam. We like Autumn, but we wanted it to be easier for her to spell when she learns to write her name. What? Oram? Yeah, Oram."
"My grandfather's name was Harry, so I liked that very much."
"If you get into Gematria, this using numbers associated with the letters in your name, spelled out in Hebrew, and each letter has a number value, add those up and everybody's name has a one number value."
"There are names that have become synonymous with this mountain."
"I love all the names they give everything."
"I'm just surprised! Alfred, try it! Oops, who is that guy? Alfred! Alfie! Alive?"
"Numbers matter, every number has a name and every name has a soul."
"I love that name, I love the name Cohen. If your baby's name is Cohen, or your kid's name is Cohen, I think it's so cute. Obviously we liked it enough to name our child."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything against anybody. All the names are beautiful. I'm just, I'm uncultured, I guess. I like, um, Ashling. I like, um, I think Ava is my favorite. Yeah, that's pretty cool."
"We've got moose, guppy, Kiwi, Kepler, Zoey, Tess, and dogs."
"Jeremy sergeant Jeremy Foster Steve Foster with the ship."
"These are the Viking place names like Bu and nust which suggest settlement."
"Even one of the sons, Issachar, is named 'wages'."
"Names humanize the enslaved and their descendants."
"What's in the name? A strong, extraordinary combination of letters, a hope of a good change."
"Thaddeus, so I feel like with Theodore being so popular in the movie that stuff ideas could fit into so many of your tick boxes."
"The next one's almost polar opposite, his name Lars, so really really short which is very popular in Scandinavian and it means crowned with laurel so literally like a laurel wreath around your head which is very Scandinavian but also very ancient Greek as well."
"May I call you by your first name, Coop?"
"...if you named your daughter Eve you could still call her Eevee."
"...E and V's kind of create these very beautiful, feminine-sounding names for girls."
"...I still think it is a really beautiful name."
"Remember people's names and use them often."
"I remember asking my parents if we're going to change our names the next Christmas, and they told me no because it'd be hard for all the people in our new town to learn new names, so we'd just be keeping the ones we had."
"...at some stage... Samuel Ken Rings a woman called Fiona Dolan..."
"Speeches are about feelings, not names."
"There's more information about someone in their name than in a personality test."
"People often change their names for identity reasons."
"Kevin remembers every face, every name, always."
"ichay's power over names and therefore overpower itself allows him to give and take power freely."
"Some of the most beautiful names in the human language are given to the god of the Quran."
"I really don't care if it's Dan or Ken, makes no difference to me."
"Their names were William Burke and William Hare AKA Billy Burke, Billy Bunny."
"Carter, that's a great name. Carter has been what I've wanted to name my son for the last like 10 years."
"I like the name Yellow Belly Drag Strip."
"Denali, located in the Alaska Range, is the second-tallest peak in the world, surpassed only by Mauna Kea, most of which is submerged in the Pacific Ocean."
"Some people just don't have middle names I guess."
"He has these generals that are at the top of the war with names like the sartorial shooter and the right hand of wudon."
"We're looking for Lulay Sammy or possibly leo Sammy."
"...flores, I just think it's such an amazing name for girls or boys. I think we have a little florist in our community, I'm pretty sure one of you chose it."
"...eves, I just love eves at the moment, I think if we're looking for a simple sweet middle name for any classical stages like Daphne Eves or something, it's just so pretty."
"I love the name lacy though I do. It's very classy."
"I'm amused by people whose names match their occupations."
"Wow, that is so cool. $3.99, hery Gertie. You know, I'm so good with names, aren't I?"
"It would be so easy in real life if you could recognize character by names like in Dickens."
"A newborn baby called Stanley would be quite cute but we can't call the baby Stanley it's gonna be weird."
"My middle name is Clans Carter, you know Elvis, right?"
"Names in the Bible carry authority; Adam naming the animals signifies his authority over them."
"The ghost names in the graveyard scene are Azra, Gus, and Phineas."
"None of these elderly gents have been given individual names as of yet which is kind of insane."
"Will you work for connington and Michaels?"
"Every name has a story and every story matters to God."
"Yeah, yeah, it's—it's good enough to say like it's easy enough to read it, does that make sense? I'm just trying to make his names."
"Jericho, Moxley, and Danielson would be the names."
"Names are just key important factors in almost everything."
"Lord Littlebrook, Cowboy Bradley, Beau Brummell, Tiny Row."
"Lancelot Dent, an amazing name firstly."
"It was like, Jessica, Messica, Resica. They were like, they were Britney. Shout out to y'all."
"That’s because of two islands named Diomede and Big Diomede."
"Who's next? Rod? Bob? It's Stacy."
"Chad, bambino, Gigi the dog, Bruno, Ellis, to base, Chica-P, Ellis. What are you doing out here?"
"It's like our names together, it's like Alyssa."
"Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera coming to the wow training center."
"This one has a ton of nicknames guys Emy, Ella, it also has the beautiful just Ella ending which everybody has been crying over and just wanting."
"Dolphins learned to make a unique whistle that helps others from their pod to identify them; that means these specific whistles are their names, and dolphins do respond to them."
"Everybody calls him a different B name. Oh really? You may call me Ben Crichton."
"Parents are giving out some weird names, which is fine. I think that's great. Gave your kid a weird name, you just can't get mad at me if I can't pronounce or spell your weird name."
"Wolf Freck, that is a super cool name."
"I didn't want to say it, but we're getting Greek and Polish names."
"Every city has a majestic something, an apartment complex called 'Majestic Palms.' Ain't nothing majestic about them, though."
"What other form of justice can they ever receive? The least we can do is keep their names in living memory."
"His three sons Jafet, Jaziel, and Mariano; his daughter-in-law, Alyssa."
"Names are important. We as humans give our babies names because we love them."
"Honestly I saw her name and I was like wow this is spelled so much cooler than my name that's true so I'm like the person's got to be just as cool too if not cooler and she was she delivered"
"The names of the Dead are bad luck."
"Every time you get a woman to climax, she screams out Adam's name or Dan's name."
"You gotta change your name legally."
"If you want to find a name you love, it's all about tuning into what your style is through an aesthetic or a theme that you really, really like."
"Evangeline, I just think it's so gorgeous. Eva as a nickname is lovely but going that longer form just gives it a much more timeless luxury to it."
"I just really love names like that Italian kind of gangster feel. I feel like Vincenzo, Vinnie, I think it's just great and I really, really like that."
"All of these different names, what was your first rap name again, bro? Like, uh, Snap G. Snap G. Golly, yeah. Capital G. Thank God you changed that [ __ ]. Oh my God, that name was hard, man."
"Shaytan has many names: Satan, Shaytan, Lucifer, Iblis."
"...if you have a Louise, Lucia is just such a beautiful variational beard and goes so beautifully as a middle spot."
"What do you think Trisha's child's name is going to be?"
"I love this name, but why call someone after a really famous person?"
"Maybe I'm like a real visual thinker because whenever I play a name, I immediately have like a picture to you."
"It's kind of got like a place vibe to it and a kind of nature vibe to it and Adele the singer vibes to it, can't ignore that but yeah, I absolutely loved all of those girl names."
"It's been around for years, and there are quite a lot of places and towns named Pawpaw in the eastern U.S."
"Personal names: using your name as the name of your brand and business."
"Horizon, it's a beautiful name that is unused."
"She's recorded as both Nusaiba and Nasiba."