
Human Psychology Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"We strengthen behaviors that are praised and appreciate, and we weaken behaviors which are ignored."
"People don't fear death so much as they fear suffering and pain."
"Stories are the operating system of the human mind."
"Yeah, if you want to know how somebody secretly feels, ask them how they think most people feel about a certain issue. You'll get their truthful response."
"You can never convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana by promising him that after you die, you'll go to chimpanzee heaven. No chimpanzee will ever believe such a story."
"Humans have an ingrained phenomenon called negativity bias, meaning that if you're exposed to an equally positive and negative experience, the negative one is going to leave more of a vivid impression."
"Humans are almost inherently fascinated by death."
"Capitalism... pings our lower limbic brain, ignoring the prefrontal cortex, our consciousness, our ability to be empathetic."
"Human beings aren't built to deal with so much attention, so much feedback, so much comment, so much interactions all at once."
"We have a fear of the unknown and the unusual...if we didn't know what it was, it was likely to try and kill us or eat us."
"People want to believe lies so much that when the truth comes, it's shocking."
"It seems like the normal human brain can't process or handle info on children being attacked. That's so awful."
"Niccolò never intended to teach princes how to gain power. He wanted to teach them how to do great things in politics, such as redeeming a country, liberating the people, restoring political life, emancipating a republic from corruption."
"Good feelings satiate and bad feelings escalate."
"As unpleasant and potentially dangerous a belief in one or more of these conspiracies can be, they do for the most part come from a very natural human desire to explain what appears to be unexplainable."
"To do evil, a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good, or else that it's a well-considered act in conformity with natural law."
"The most important thing to remember is that these people are not insane and that this could have happened to anybody."
"A story where the sport serves mostly as a catalyst for a rich exploration of obsession, ego, impostor syndrome, survivor's guilt, and other essential aspects of The Human Condition."
"Is evil caused by the environment or the personalities within it?"
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents."
"Human beings can be manipulated with cheap and shallow tricks."
"There's something inherently more horrifying about our attention to human reaction because well that's where we most see ourselves."
"The concept of something living inside us unknown is an idea that typically frightens people."
"The most powerful secret is the empty one because if the secret is empty, you continue to say, 'I know something about you.'"
"Quizzes simply target a very human desire: the need for information and to be in the know."
"It's a battle between human psychology and an algorithm."
"A psychologically functional human being does not kill masses of other human beings because it seems like a good idea or because somebody told them to."
"Human memory isn't a linear contrapositive function. Just because you remember one thing does not mean you remember something else; it quite literally doesn't work that way."
"It's easier to lie to someone than to convince them they've been lied to."
"As humans we are continually questioning the meaning behind our dreams."
"I just don't get the mental limitations some of us have about and we're all do this we all have this mental limitation sometimes I'm I've done it you've done it but I just don't get our tendency sometimes to have such radical recency bias."
"Symbolism is very powerful for the human animal."
"Our capacity to justify things to ourselves... if you really want to do something... the payoff is enough..."
"Embarrassment, awkwardness, cringe, no matter what you call it, it's one of the most unique human emotions."
"Storytelling is the operating system of the human brain."
"People can really convince themselves of anything. They can justify anything if they want to."
"And perhaps, on an instinctive level, we're more aware of this than we would care to admit."
"Faces, even statue faces, draw a lot of subconscious attention from the viewer."
"The modern world is sort of like The Hunger Games for the human brain."
"When we are frightened, we're more susceptible."
"I think this human nature stuff, the psychology of this, I think that stuff is incredibly important."
"Knockouts... There is something visceral, something animalistic, something feral even to watching another man take another man's light out."
"Our emotional feedback is not logical, it's experiential."
"It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled."
"Human behavior doesn't run on objective reality. It's driven by meaning and context."
"Social media is the devil, preying on the worst of human vulnerabilities."
"Easier to con someone than to convince them they've been conned."
"Surely we can work as a team, we can expose Monokuma, we can expose the mastermind, and we can get the hell out of here!"
"It appeals to this humans we don't like the idea of unfairness even little kids if this kid has more toys than me there's an unfairness I hate that."
"Human beings have a special capacity for self-awareness."
"Understanding human behavior and body language gets closer to what the truth and lies might be."
"Easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
"Every single one of us walks in with bias. The way I used to describe it is, we are all governed by motivated reasoning. So motivation is the master of reason, reason is never the master of motivation."
"Obsessions usually begin in a fiery cauldron of anger, jealousy, love, or revenge."
"Loneliness is one of the scariest human emotions."
"There's an inherent intrigue associated with dystopian stories that tends to speak to us on a deep fundamental level."
"Most people do not formulate their beliefs on the basis of evidence."
"Emotions don't just change like that on a dime."
"Dopamine isn't bad. Dopamine is simply understanding how we're wired."
"Women have an innate need for magical thinking."
"Mark Twain has a quote that applies to the deniers: 'It's easier to trick a man than it is to convince him that he's been tricked.'"
"There really isn't anything else like it there aren't many other games out there that can capture and celebrate the human subconscious quite as well."
"Human needs are human needs no matter where you go."
"Animals and people who don't have a purpose are miserable."
"Stories rivet attention, hook human attention like nothing else."
"In times of desperation, people will believe what they want to believe."
"It's a story about human psychology and how the way we value things is shifting because of technology."
"Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life."
"People will be inclined not to see it even if it's right in front of their face."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"Humans could be so easily manipulated like this."
"This is what your evolution has put hardwired, your firmware is here, and you can't just rewrite it unless you are aware of it."
"Human minds often tie meanings to arbitrary objects."
"Sometimes the scariest experiences happen when we least expect them."
"Compared to sitting in silence, your brain does find noise and music more stimulating."
"Your survival sexuality plays a very central role in your survival as a human."
"Humans have such trouble recognizing lies; they first believe, then have to make a conscious effort to disbelieve."
"The fascinating thing about the human mind: when you repeat these insanities, you do begin to partly believe them."
"This Internal struggle seems to occur because what we desire immediately is unfortunately almost always at odds with what is actually better for us in the long run."
"I really am convinced that the human mind concentrating together on a change can make a difference."
"Human beings don't like an open loop in their reasoning process."
"The human mind will look for simple solutions to quite complicated questions."
"None of us argue is that under stress you'll become a creature of your preconditioning, a creature of habit, a creature of training."
"You are their drug. You are their hobby. You are their... They cut you open on the table and snort the drug of me because, listen, you give them a feeling."
"And still you do nothing because you choose to do nothing. And that sort of discipline allows you to be in more harmony with the calamity that is the human brain."
"One, do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head?"
"Humans naturally gravitate towards that kind of thinking when picking leaders."
"Humans like explanations, causality, predictability. It's very psychologically protective against stress. It's inventing a police force. Tendencies, proclivities, vulnerabilities."
"Humans thinking about what happens to them after they die, despite how it feels, it's a normal thought."
"Humans are addicted to Doomsday narratives. I've noticed that sometimes people want things to be worse than they are so their neuroticism and paranoia will be Vindicated."
"One of the big things that we still don't understand yet is the human brain."
"Fear is going to make people rational people do irrational things and there's no stopping it."
"Grief makes people do weird stuff, Blake, and you know that by now."
"Their brain will make something up to explain their actions like, 'I just felt like something was coming.'"
"I think it's just a natural phenomena that at one point human beings just, I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist because I can't control it."
"If you give people a bad thing and mix it with a good thing, they will divert their attention to the good thing to avoid experiencing regret."
"There's a primal, atavistic need to see other people play out a kind of danger that we're insulated from."
"Our programming is so powerful that even when we're given direct evidence of the truth, we dismiss it."
"Progress is one of the most motivating feelings for the human mind."
"People are capable of excusing the horrible deeds a person does just because they are charismatic."
"It's impossible for humans to be unbiased. Everyone has biases in some way or another."
"Finding understanding of the human condition brings to an end the insecure upset artificial reinforcement dependent angry egocentric and alienated world."
"People like certainty more than they like improvement."
"Tread carefully in the dark, for when the human mind is stretched by a new idea, it can never go back to its original dimensions."
"Most people have an adverse reaction to seeing someone get beheaded."
"Humanity really is not evolved to think of potential threats in general."
"I think that the core of everything is a collaborative drive, a deep empathy. We have an empathetic evolutionary psychology that's been suppressed."
"Objectification is probably fundamental to human sexuality."
"What Eddie got from Freud was indeed this idea that there is a lot more going on in human decision-making, not only among individuals but even more important, this idea that information drives behavior."
"There's something deep in human psychology that drives them to compete."
"Everybody is complex, but I do think that a good grounded understanding of human nature through evolutionary psychology helps to make people a little bit less murky."
"Someone's smile can give you a lot of information about that person."
"Commitment makes human beings uncomfortable."
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a masterpiece for anyone passionate about psychology, human nature, and the will to live."
"Nine out of ten, the human mind is returning stronger than ever."
"The Human Condition is being able to manage boredom because boredom is like life."
"Humans fear what they don't understand."
"The way we as humans respond to duress and assault and trauma isn't necessarily to fight or flight, it's often times to freeze and shut down."
"Could we be missing part of the human story here? Could we be missing a big factor of our psychology where humans tend to very quickly resort to just basic survival instincts?"
"People click on it like crazy. It's just one of those things, it's human nature. People want to know the secret, the inside secret."
"We think about those moments as being unique, but actually, if you look at human psychology, we're built to have those moments. Those moments are supposed to be a portion of every single person's day."
"Why do we like symmetry as humans? Clearly, we do. We enjoy it, it pleases us."
"What's the hardest emotion for us to handle as humans? Joy."
"Every distribution chart tends to look like, you have no twos or threes. So as humans, we just think of more on a three-point scale: either I loved it, I hated it, or it was just okay."
"Emily Bronte's masterpiece is a dark study of the wild extremes of human obsession."
"A wandering human mind is a miserable mind."
"I don't think you can ever truly know what someone is thinking or feeling."
"It's like marketing and advertising... playing on human nature basically."
"Perhaps all of humanity, to the degree that we have become civilized, may be becoming neurotic."
"Confirmation bias is our human tendency to accept things that we already think are true and to reject anything else."
"Meaning was something that was absolutely important in human psychology."
"Narcissism is an essential state of human nature."
"Human beings are in a sense pack animals; we need a load to lift if we're going to feel any kind of meaning in our lives."
"Despite all the changes, the general principles which are essentially dependent on humans and their psychological tendencies to get overly exuberant and to get overly depressed... remain."
"Humans are not always accurate with what they see in the mirror."
"Humans tend to need to feel like they have a purpose."
"This ecological biome matches seven of the nine preconditions for stimulating terror in humans."
"When you see one piece of truth, you assume they must be telling the truth about everything, and that's how humans function because we don't know; we have to choose what to trust."
"Our emotional state is going to be profoundly influenced by the people we interact with."
"NLP is the most comprehensive and complete study of human behavior out there that I've seen."
"Human brain is not built for mass scale collaboration; we're very good at collaborating in smaller groups."
"The embarrassing inability for the human mind to embrace probability and statistics."
"We are born with only two natural fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds."
"The human brain is not designed to cope with knowing its own future."
"Human memory is flawed by design; just because an event is important doesn't mean that it cannot be forgotten."
"What's the best way to motivate a human being through a really challenging situation?"
"We all overthink, we all have our days of self-doubt."
"Human biases being one of the biggest reasons for underperformance of people's investments compared to the market."
"People are afraid of things they don't know; new things can be very, very scary."
"We human beings can be in different states, and one of them is called the relaxed state."
"There were moments of really good writing that gave us a window into kind of human psychology."
"Human beings have five core emotions that signal distress: anger, sadness, a combination of feeling lonely or trapped, scared, and finally, purposeless."
"37 secretly takes up in our collective minds; it's humanity's go-to random number."
"We are driven by six basic human fears."
"Vengeance is based on moral standpoint. And that's what makes us function, rather than just an animalistic approach of self-preservation."
"Fear is the byproduct of our ability as human beings to accumulate knowledge and project that knowledge into the future."
"There's something in the human psych that this just kind of elicits a tremor down your spine when you see this kind of thing playing out."
"Humans actually overestimate passive wait times by 36%."
"Human mental health is a very interesting topic."
"God exists in the most important way that God can exist, as a really potent concept in the human mind."