
Economic Strategy Quotes

There are 885 quotes

"Recessions and crashes are when more millionaires are made than ever because it's an opportunity for you to come in and buy assets on sale."
"They want to bleed us dry financially by shooting hundreds and hundreds of drones."
"It's either going to be paid off in a productivity-increasing way or is that not going to be paid off and somebody's always going to pay."
"The success of this agreement demonstrates the effectiveness of focusing on economic relations to overcome longstanding political disputes."
"The key way we’re going to solve these puzzles today and in economics more generally, is by always thinking about these markets."
"Let's be intentional with how we use every hard money dollar, fiat dollar, and digital dollar and crypto dollar."
"Day in, day out, we get up and we think: what changes, small they don't need to be radical, they need to be right, that will give us higher growth and low inequality."
"In America, you need credit to make money and to save money."
"I think we just have to just do it right; start focusing on the parallel economy which we've been doing, and it's been successful."
"The cost of inaction and doing too little is greater than the cost of doing too much."
"From India's point of view, from an economic perspective, buying oil from Russia at a discount to market prices makes absolute sense because it's one of the biggest costs that they have to pay for."
"12% flat tax across the board... it'd be a revival, economic revival in this country."
"We're the only party that has said, 'Yes, we will run three modest deficits, because it's time to invest in Canada once again and give people the support they need.'" - Justin Trudeau
"Our decision was to move ahead with a 25 basis point hike and to change our guidance."
"The big pain is in not dealing with inflation and allowing it to become entrenched in the economy."
"The goal of this policy, which we call monetary policy 3, is simple: it's to get money directly into the hands of spenders to avoid an economic depression."
"We're entering a new chapter for monetary policy, a divergence from almost 15 years of policy experimentation in an age really defined by stubbornly low inflation."
"The virtues of globalization have sort of run out of steam... the relevance of structural reforms are very important."
"I believe the Fed has been trying to raise rates higher and faster, causing pain so they have room to bring them back down."
"The theory of competitive advantage posited that rather than have a country try to make everything it needed for itself, countries should instead figure out what they can produce best and then sell that stuff to other countries."
"If you want to make a country rich, you make the poor rich."
"One way to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make Americans poorer. I think I have a better idea to fight inflation: lower your costs, not your wages."
"It may well be a good time for China to further strengthen the domestic capital market."
"The government's must do everything in their power to avoid deflation."
"We will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2% for some time so that inflation averages 2% over time."
"The importance of having a durable economic advantage...those businesses with strong moats are very attractive in times of economic recession."
"It feels like with the economic similarities here, it is doable for Jacqueline if Jacqueline is able to snowball before Mongols get to their sweet spot."
"America finally is making policy at the federal, state, and local level, to level the playing field."
"Malaysia has developed an industrialized base from a very low starting point, going on to adopt a unique approach to the Asian financial crisis."
"If you build a quarter of a million houses a year, there's more houses, less scarcity, the price of them comes down."
"Millions of people across the globe are now using websites and social media to search for their doppelgangers."
"Invest for the future, anticipate how the winds are going to change."
"In a globalised economy where no country is an island, where no nation can truly prosper without full engagement with global markets and diplomacy, it is likely that engagement brings considerable value to counterbalance the expenditure on it."
"Inflation expectations are an important part of driving actual inflation, and we want them to be at levels that are consistent with 2% inflation over time."
"Russia could move from being the number one supplier to being the last resort on the list."
"Gold was going to have to be revalued at some point."
"They seem to realize that providing their people with affordable energy is a direct way to prosperity."
"When central banks start printing a lot of money, go out and buy stocks, commodities, and gold."
"Fair and reciprocal trade with China will boost long-term economic growth, not only in the United States but globally."
"He saw that the key to the political union of the United States was an economic one, fundamentally."
"Bitcoin is an economic imperative because everybody needs a non-sovereign store of value inflation hedge."
"The problem is not to increase the quantity of money; the problem is to increase the quantity of those things which can be bought with money."
"I think smarter government spending is the answer."
"Almost every year since 2012 China has targeted a lower GDP growth metric, but it wasn't until Co when the leaders stepped back and focused attention on what the country is best at: making things."
"If we did that globally and financed it for five weeks, we could actually eliminate the virus entirely from the planet."
"You can really push the city and you can quite easily make 50 60 70 grand from an individual city as you get further on and you get their research and more generals and stuff like you can really push it."
"The correct answer here is to go to a neutral reserve currency and to end the fed."
"Taxing the rich is the way out of today's crises."
"Miami is the only city in America that got the memo and has basically built its entire economy to capitalize on what I call a tsunami of opportunity."
"I think the best way is to strengthen our economy, make a stronger base, grow domestic product."
"This is a real opportunity to invest in the future of America and build on our nation's strengths."
"They're going to ruin the economy so prices will go down, and then they go back."
"They'll generate more money so we'll go from plus 34 income to an even higher number."
"The depreciation of the ruble is serving its purpose."
"We don't have to stop the growth of government, we just have to slow its growth. We could grow our way out of this."
"In order to really hit China hard, that's what has to be targeted." - Chief editor of the Chinese regime state-run media
"The greatest wealth is created in the shortest period of time."
"A global oil war is being fought... Americans and the Europeans... lower oil prices."
"As inflation gets higher, you have to really fight against it yourself with your own decisions."
"The people that can really affect the country and rebuild the country...are manufacturers."
"If the United States gets serious about restricting technology acquisition and technology theft by the Chinese communists, then there could indeed emerge some serious strains within China."
"We do not seek membership of the single market; instead, we seek the greatest possible access to it through a new comprehensive free trade agreement."
"Bitcoin is a very important inflation hedge. It's a rules-based monetary policy, the first global rules-based monetary policy we have ever had."
"Competition is really important especially when it comes to expensive research and development."
"Now is not the time to worry about the debt; now is the time to get people back to work."
"This is the kind of corner the US has painted itself into, whining about these referendums being held in Southern and Eastern Ukraine."
"China really wants to, it needs to upgrade its economy to a more quality-based growth."
"China needs to create a conducive environment for the manufacturing industry, including retaining companies like Foxconn and its affiliated entities, along with any other foreign businesses."
"We've got to produce more oil and gas, more energy in this country not only to fight back against inflation, to help our citizens, but so that we can provide energy to Europe."
"We should not stimulate idle resources back into activity."
"India started laying out its own plan to safeguard its economic interests."
"A pullback in the Chinese economy, again, if managed properly, could be a huge opportunity for the economy to shift away from its overdependence on real estate and infrastructure."
"China might have to fall back on its homegrown chip giants, which by all accounts, aren’t even in the same league as the guys in Taiwan."
"We're looking to bring a lot more back home."
"We need to revive our economy, copying successful strategies from other countries."
"Putin was able to fortify the economy of Russia to withstand further, more aggressive sanctions."
"Build a space economy optimize the research you're getting in space with some tier 2 or tier three Habs and some directed space stations."
"This strategy of uh imposing sanctions by waves if I may put it this way is something that that can work if it continues in a very sustained in a sustainable way."
"Locally owned businesses are vital, maybe pivotal in the parallel economy."
"The economy is way more interesting now, you're actually making strategic choices."
"This is not a bug, this is a feature. This is something that people on the left very much want: fewer people working."
"Less people actually increases the bottom line. They don't care about black people, they don't care about white people. When the economy start contracting, it's an opportunity for them to get rid of the fat."
"I actually encourage foreign direct investment in the United States, I think it's incredibly important."
"Recessions are when you make moves, and it's not, doesn't have to be money."
"Multiple sources of revenue are necessary in this economy."
"You might want to do a tariff. You'd put them out of business."
"Hamilton's a ninja right. He comes up with a scheme that makes it in the interest of the most well-off people in America to see higher taxes."
"We're going to start withholding our money and keeping it in our own communities."
"He really believes in reverse engineering that concept and centering economic policies around the middle class from the beginning."
"The only way to defeat Russia is politically and economically... someone needs to take out Putin."
"These people are cutting slashing their prices by 80 percent to offload their assets so the rich people can buy up all the assets."
"It's probably a pretty good time to diversify into an asset like gold."
"Trump pushes the economy hard... because presidents with strong economies do not lose re-election." - Ben Shapiro
"We want the incentives created by our tax, trade, regulatory, and energy policies to be pro-growth, pro-worker, and 100% pro-American."
"If you can come in with a level of expertise, you have two choices: get hired as an employee or offer consulting and agency services."
"This is the most powerful method to redistribute wealth... it redistributes wealth from lenders to borrowers."
"We as black people do need to marry more, and to stay together. I think that will help increase our generational wealth and rebuild black family and our economy as black people."
"Help the businesses get customers in the store... That's how you help businesses."
"Legally, the only money is metallic gold, metallic silver, or metallic copper... There is only one sensible thing to do, and that is hedge out of total fiat dependency."
"We will not give in to Putin's economic blackmail."
"We're going to hurt Putin by making it illegal to buy Russian energy."
"India plans to go from being an importer of semiconductors to a major exporter in the global market."
"We've got to have more interoperability to make sure that we are closing that skills gap."
"President Biden and European leaders have urged more oil production to ease gasoline prices and punish Moscow for its aggression in Ukraine."
"The way out of poverty is through entrepreneurial capitalism."
"We're going to make it hard for the next four months for employers to find workers and we're going to incentivize people to leave the workforce."
"Debt is not a bad thing if you really understand what debt is and you understand how to leverage debt right."
"Diversification is making Macau's economy go much further than gambling."
"Everybody loves the idea of multiple streams of income."
"We need to go big; there will be generational scarring of our economy."
"The real intentional motivation behind the conflict was to provide grounds for this massive sanctions attack on Russia which it was expected would level the Russian economy and precipitate a political crisis in Moscow."
"You don't own it, you can really get your return back in four to five months... you can take that money that you made and get another unit."
"The conservative electoral bubble is kept afloat by rising asset prices."
"We will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world."
"We need to lay the groundwork for having the option of an emergency economic pause button."
"Investing in stocks during a recession can lead to long-term gains."
"It really developed its own hybrid mixture of private and public enterprises in industry and both of them subordinated to an effective control from the Chinese Communist Party."
"Rev Reformation is not just societal, it's economical, that's how we turn the culture, that's how we shift the culture."
"More debt is going to cancel out any growth that we have."
"The walls are for price are the supply and demand zones from higher time frames."
"Singapore's economic success relied on attracting foreign investment and fostering human capital."
"To be a strong nation america must be a manufacturing nation and not be led by a bunch of fools that means protecting our national industrial base."
"So if you wanted to increase inflation, if you wanted to make the population weak and dependent upon you, this is what you'd probably do, free bread next time."
"Finland's economy will need to continue its focus on innovation and sustainability."
"We are now in the unique position to form an international cartel."
"I think they're geniuses, I think as long as they can make the economics work they're going to sell so freaking many of these."
"In any economy, you wanna go for the route that gives you more of the thing, that allows you to upgrade more."
"Perhaps we shouldn't be wondering how to topple this regime but rather how to make the people in it richer."
"We have voted for the cheapest way to prevent the occurrence of something which would be of the most terrible significance to the United States of America." - Dwight Eisenhower
"In the short to medium term, deal with collapse in demand by giving people up money money to spend."
"Stimulus for business has to be divided into big business and then local and small businesses."
"The global chess game of crypto happening before our very eyes."
"Leverage his fake money to get more money like it's a freaking web of lies."
"Now, China has also been accused of strategically using overseas financing to gain assets from developing countries."
"Cash should be king between now and early next year."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"Business is warfare. Economics is warfare." - Vicky
"The central bank very carefully and very prudently is now moving from a stance of prioritizing inflation reduction."
"The solution is not to create more cash, it's to create more of what cash buys."
"President Trump is saying no, we know we're engaged in economic war and we're going to win this."
"Pakistan is not actively pursuing aid, we're frantically pursuing trade."
"The solution for inflation is not more money, it is more stuff."
"The government directly invested in promising industries."
"Investing during a recession is one of the most profitable times to invest."
"The emergence of new Reserve currencies from em economies will broaden the options for diversifying Reserve Holdings and reducing the vulnerabilities associated with Reliance on a small number of currencies."
"If economies were instead to focus on pursuing economic growth through producing goods and services of higher quality, then hard resource limits wouldn't be an issue."
"Trump's reforms have been performative, built off the national credit card."
"The more rich people you make, the more money you make, and it's insane."
"Providing a viable alternative to Chinese goods and services through free market enterprise, transparent local partnerships, sustainability, and high quality end products is surely something most leaders can get behind."
"The Green New Deal is about using a framework of investment and economic democracy to chart a new industrial future for towns like Carlington."
"The economy is essential. You've always got to be in the game, you've always got to be dominating economically."
"Keen on making money, finding new sources of income, managing money with a keen eye."
"China's economy is the size of New York State. China, and this is not the Chinese people, this is this kind of radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party."
"What you would do if you are smart and the leader of the United States is you would strengthen America's economy."
"The same playbook is still playing out: take the money, share the money, give them hope."
"Lowering interest rates was the basic strategy used until the 2008 financial crisis."
"It's freaky how this recovery is following the plan exactly. It's almost like you wrote this plan."
"The recovery is structurally like a covered white swan, where people on the sidelines took the opportunity to come in."
"You want to own businesses that have pricing power."
"Russia is a leader in the BRICS movement, Russia is the chairman of the BRICS movement, we see a vibrant Russian economy that's going to redefine how it integrates with the global economy."
"Direct access to Atlantic ports lowers import costs for essential Goods like Fuel and Machinery, alleviating inflation pressure and improving citizens affordability."
"The best thing for us though is that they disagree and that they take this to the very end because the more stressed people become about what's going to happen the more they're going to run into safe havens."
"A modern war was an economic war and that the enemy's homeland was a stockpile just waiting to be destroyed."
"We have to sensibly focus on job creation, producing more at home rather than importing."
"We've completed the economical victory which is meant to be a challenge, ladies and gentlemen."
"China seeks to control both ends of the global industry chain to compete with the West."
"Start rebuilding our own communities and practicing quid pro quo with each other."
"The President believes that a payroll tax holiday will further add juice to the economic engine once we emerge fully from this crisis." - Monica Crowley
"Getting that money out there while redirecting it through a project like this is literally a win-win."
"Privatization intended to create stakeholders and lead to the efficient running of the economy."
"Money follows the path of least resistance... it's the Asian, Brazilian, and Indian markets."
"As much as possible because you want this is it has a stimulative effect on the economics."
"China saw that money turned the US into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the Soviet Union."
"By simply redirecting your merchants to steer trade to your capital, this money multiplies exponentially."
"You should be dominating trade in the Mediterranean in no time."
"Lots of level three centers of trade to go around."
"The bulls and bears have been locked in a battle for control."
"It would be the best thing for our economy in the long run."
"I think one step in the right direction could be a big bold move around $2000 a month until we get out of this mess."
"Decouple our supply chains from China... mobilize for war ASAP."
"Bitcoin Advocates have called for the Louisiana State Treasury to buy Bitcoin after its announcement of divestment roughly 794 million held with BlackRock."
"One of the best things that we can do is focus on reshoring and building resilience in our supply chains."
"By moving our capital to Torino, it will move our primary trade location and trade port."
"If strategically utilized this pattern, if we adjust our society - adjust our economy - will put to rest the dysfunctional social system that is based on the exploitation of scarcity and other human beings."
"We need a strategy to strengthen labor power and all he's doing is advocating a strategy to weaken labor power."
"Ethiopia aims to increase the influx of smart capital into the African continent."
"For your fourth idea group, I recommend taking trade to maximize that trade income even more."
"Don't play politics with voting until you've built an economy behind it."
"Ultimately, gold is going to play a role in the global monetary system."
"Economists actually say that spending stimulus now... is a much better use of money than not spending."
"China recognizes the importance of the Middle East for its economic revitalization."
"We cheered every one of those things, we thought it was a great way to run an economy."
"Most countries have slowly reached the point where they've decided that opening up is worth the tourism benefits."
"Bitcoin is the best asset for this macro world that we're in."
"There's much too much focus on demand management and not enough on sustainable growth."
"China's growing international use of the REMB reflects a shift in the global monetary system."
"Recessions are opportunities to free our families of financial slavery."
"If we commit ourselves to a generation of economic strength, we can win this battle."
"Now China's doing great. We're very happy. But we have to do something with that. We have to take care of our people."