
Personal Quality Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I'm a very patient driver. I really am never really in much of a rush."
"The most valuable thing you can have is a cool and level head."
"He's a person of outstanding character and just pure decency."
"What matters most is what's inside. What matters most is the sense of integrity, of quality, and beauty."
"Confidence in who you are is the sexiest thing."
"So it's this stamina quality not just being passionate but sustaining that passion for a long time."
"The firmest people I know are the ones who already have their self-esteem."
"You've been remarkably consistent the whole time."
"Patience is a virtue which I have in abundance."
"His generosity is as large as his physical stature."
"A man without ego, he's shown far more appreciation and gratitude to all who come into and surround his life."
"My heart is pure gold. I have nothing but love in my heart these days."
"He's one of the most mentally tough guys in the world."
"It's the kernel of his character, never give up."
"It's very relatable. It shows you that this guy is different from everyone in Washington and he's much more like you."
"Your mannerisms, your high quality, everything about you says high quality."
"Openness is definitely a very important key."
"Sean is such a captivating storyteller, they have heart."
"All you have to bring to the table is a clear state of mind."
"We live in a physical world and if you want true solid connections with people, you want good quality friendships, great partnerships, wonderful relationships, what we're then activating is our own ability to show up and be those people as well."
"He's just such a good human being, isn't he?"
"Zane is the literal definition of top-tier genetics."
"They see you as someone with a lot of long-term potential."
"She has an incredible work ethic that I admire."
"She's a strong independent woman who is focused on her career."
"Superior people don't have to say they're superior."
"True superior people don't have to say that they're superior."
"He was just a top-class individual...just a top class individual."
"This person is absolutely remarkable in so many different ways."
"Being reliable, having them know they can rely on you."
"Your vulnerability is the most beautiful and magnetic thing about you."
"If you can manage to discover happiness for that reason, that's a talent in itself."
"Gratitude will grow more beauty and more opportunities in your life."
"Chris Larson is quality, he's a marrying type."
"Confidence is more attractive than anything else."
"The world opens itself before those with noble hearts."
"Radiance makes you incredibly sexy and beautiful."
"He's just a normal dude but a really damn good one."
"Scorpio, this person finds you sexy as heck."
"Humility doesn't exist without greatness. It's restrained greatness."
"Confidence is the most attractive quality that anybody can have."
"Fearlessness is the key attribute of being able to change the world."
"You need to be controlled but you need to be aggressive, you need to let your quality come through."
"These guys are terrific just solid individuals."
"He's a very hard worker, his work ethic is out of this world."
"It's so much more attractive when somebody is confident."
"You're so easy to talk to, and I think that's a rarity, that's a great quality you have."
"You're a very great person; I felt safe to do this with you."
"The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence, utter, complete, and bumptious."
"There is no greatness without stillness."
"For some people, it's like they have high standards."
"Quality inside will shine through."
"I like your bravery, I like your courage."
"You have the reputation of being a solid person."
"Everything about you is just really like... God's light."
"Being a delicate flower is not a weakness, it's a strength."
"He seemed to enjoy books of all kinds, including dime novels and the Police Gazette, and it was said he had another quality that set him apart from his friends."
"This is a man of great integrity."
"He's such an incredibly bright guy."
"Peacefulness is a character trait."
"Confidence is like the most attractive thing, the sexiest thing."
"Integrity is what Odessa valued over most."
"Confidence in itself is attractive."
"Confidence looks good on everybody, confidence is sexy."
"You have to find the redeeming quality and love the person for that."
"He's very charismatic and that's the skill he has."
"That's what I love about him, it's that ability to adapt."
"She has the strength of a thousand men."
"You can judge a person by the quality of enemy they have."
"You're someone who's capable of great love."
"You're a good man and a fair man."
"Having confidence in yourself is one thing that makes you a great leader."
"Not only is Bobby a first-class player, he's a first-class person."
"My self-confidence is the most attractive thing I could possibly have."
"She's got absolutely beautiful character."