
Self-advice Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"You have to take your own advice, don't give them attention."
"It's like a psychological jujitsu move, automatically switching your perspective and allowing you to start engaging with yourself, advising yourself like someone else."
"What if every time you hear that voice in your head telling you to do something, it's your future self warning you because they already know the outcome?"
"Being themselves is the best advice anybody ever gave me."
"Instinct over intellect always. Instinct just because you can rationalize it doesn't mean it's right if you feel it then it's right that's what I really strongly believe so I would have told my 21-year-old that."
"Just make one, it's literally I am evangelizing to myself in the past."
"A man is happy if he finds good advice within himself; many men have seen bad advice by trusting someone else."
"Stay true to yourself, that is the only thing I can tell you."
"If I had three words to give you as advice: think for yourself."
"I think if there is any advice that I could offer myself is just recognize when it becomes detrimental."
"I feel like it's okay to cry it out and that's always what I told myself growing up. I feel like me just crying it out at that moment just makes me feel better at that time."
"I think the best thing to do for that is just to relax and be who you are."
"Stay true to yourself, this is so important."
"The idea that I would tell my 18 year old self 'well that ship has sailed' is so stupid. I mean, it's just idiotic."
"Avoid Panic," Yuma advised himself inwardly, remaining calm in the face of uncertainty.
"I would have told myself to stop pleasing everyone, that you're allowed to fail and do whatever you want to do to figure out life."
"I would tell myself about the power of the breath... It's a tool that we all have and it can change our physiology."
"Go with your gut and you've got to do it. I have to tell myself this all the time."
"And that's also the advice I give myself to the future, to never forget because the core is the most important thing."
"My advice to you is actually simple and it may even be hackneyed but it's also wise, and my advice is to be true to yourself. That's it. Be true to yourself. In other words, do you."
"We're gonna take our own advice, is the right way to do things."
"It really sounds like the advice I give myself in the mirror every morning."
"It's like I should listen to myself when I'm like, 'You should be alone for a second.'"
"Any advice or guidance that your future self would like to tell your current self."
"It's a piece of advice that I would have wanted to give myself five to ten years ago."
"My ongoing advice to myself would be to just keep enjoying myself. I would hate to look back in five years and go like, 'My first Worlds was the only time that I could actually like really sit back and enjoy it all.'"
"Honestly, I feel like the best thing that you could ever do in life is be yourself."
"Don't get greedy, that's me talking to myself."
"I think the best you can do is just be yourself."
"I realized that if I'm telling Shay to go and live out her dreams, then maybe I should take more of my own advice."
"Wait for a better opportunity, she'd told herself."
"If I had the ability to speak to my younger self, this lesson is one of the most important things that was delayed in my own understanding."
"Something I would tell myself if I could turn back the clock, you know, to advise myself would be to take it slow."
"Note to self, don't do your voiceovers at night because you're tired."
"I'm really good at giving advice, but I just don't take my own."
"Be yourself; that's the greatest advice you can ever give."
"One thing that I always tell myself is that I can't go into a review with a preconceived idea or a preconceived notion."
"To my younger self, to my now self, just to trust God is the biggest thing."
"Stay true to yourself, and I think that that's the best."
"Sometimes you need to become your own personal adviser."
"Looking back, if I could give advice to myself the night before my very first draft, it would be to be more patient."
"I'm at peace with it, I just do the best that I can and I suggest you do the same."
"I need to tell myself just go with the flow."
"She generally gave herself very good advice, though she very seldom followed it."
"I would tell myself not to take myself and life so seriously."
"Be yourself, that is what I will recommend."
"Heed your own counsel, be your own best friend."
"Note to self: I've got zero brakes right now."
"Sometimes you need to give yourself your own advice."
"The best piece of advice comes from within."
"The best advice comes from you, it comes from within."