
Pace Quotes

There are 1225 quotes

"God is saying, 'Will you allow me to set the pace of grace for your life?'"
"Moving too fast is a really interesting point. When someone gets really radically into you very quickly... that can be a little unnerving and something to watch out for."
"We're doing great, I don't necessarily want to rush through this Easter egg."
"Always go at the pace of your own individual dog."
"This is a sprint and so it's a little bit different."
"Kingsley Coman is insane, his pace is unbelievable."
"This is just all happening at such an incredible pace that I've never been more bullish."
"Tesla's products continue to evolve at an unnatural pace."
"Change has been happening at too gradual a pace."
"I like the pace of this game... I like the slower pace more tactical fighting... I just think it's better."
"Things are progressively getting better but at a super slow rate."
"Phones and everything, you know, technology just improves so fast nowadays."
"The slower you move, the more confused you get, basically."
"Slow down, because you do not make good decisions when you're going fast."
"Go slow, slower is hotter and actually evokes better results."
"This thing is just moving faster, that's all that's really changed. The thing's moving faster, that's all."
"So, if anything, I feel yes it's moving fast but moving fast in the right direction."
"The pace is blisteringly fast because of its excellent built-in cooldown mechanics where you have your big meaty holy word spells that are super powerful and then their cooldowns are reduced by your regular heals."
"The laws of the jungle have changed. Speed now is the number one currency."
"It's a marathon, and I was sprinting the entire time."
"Games with monarch are just fun games. They're better, they're faster, more stuff happens."
"Life comes at you faster than you think it does."
"The gameplay here feels a lot faster paced, at least in my opinion. I like this a lot and I hope this is something that future games in the series keep around. It's just more fun this way."
"The month of June it's going to be very powerful it's not gonna be slow it's going to be very fast-paced that's what's coming through I'm seeing that you guys are going to be moving forward."
"AI is advancing at warp speed, outstripping our ability to work out the ethical issues."
"Slow investments, you know what I'm saying? Like I like everything fast, you know what I mean?"
"The expectation to have faster-paced content and a little bit more professional presentation is pretty clear to me."
"It's almost hard to keep up with all these built-in upgrades are coming so quick."
"Playing a game at your own pace feels so much better."
"It was moving so fast, we were just going on tour so much and making music, like we never really sat down and had time to be like, 'Okay, plan this out.'"
"But only one the straight facts is whenever I pick up havoc I have an absolute blast it's fast-paced straight to the point stabby fun which I always think makes it the perfect alt."
"It's slow speech that brings the greatest wisdom."
"Gameplay is fast paced and the action is absolutely insane."
"they have the fire power they've got the pace and Pace really um frightens defenses"
"Progress is being made at a very rapid pace."
"Slow is better... sometimes slower is faster."
"Definitely a more slower-paced thoughtful experience that has more in the way of consequences."
"Life is going fast when you're an entrepreneur. You learn a lot of things about yourself."
"You're gonna find that with our core, it's gonna be a little more fast-paced than just normal factions."
"Things are moving nice and quickly, aren't they?"
"Worth pointing out as well the pace from these through this Trio out front is significantly quicker than those behind them."
"It's more about making friends. There's no reason to go a million miles an hour."
"It just seems to have that pace of a classic survival story."
"Anybody who holds back in this business isn't going to be around for long because this is a business where you always have to be moving at a very rapid pace."
"Doom Eternal is fast-paced with tweakable sensitivity and gyro aiming."
"Tricky technology moves fast, it does, it really does."
"An objective basket of those five measures is only growing at a 0.9 percent pace."
"Minecraft is all about enjoying the process instead of just speeding through it."
"Do you like how the game forces you to be slow?"
"As much as it might seem like the opposite of what we need to do, I think we really just need to go a little slower."
"Everything Changes in a couple of weeks... our way of living... is going to start to degrade at a faster Pace."
"Heist: much better now, fast-paced and strategic."
"The pacing of this story is absolutely wild, I couldn't put it down."
"People hear turn-based game and they're thinking slower but everything's moving really quick."
"The pace of innovation today and how far we've come in such a short amount of time."
"Things are gonna pick up, the pace will pick up."
"There's this whole meta game built into it... you move a little bit slower through the game but you move through the game."
"I felt like the pace of that was more exciting and it's not like he's cheapening on anything."
"This is pretty awesome. You can make a movie this big and you can hit it at this breakneck speed."
"It is so good it is one of the most fast-paced books I have ever read in my entire life."
"I like the slow grind I'm about forty turns into here and I've only really conquered three new settlements and only have two armies so I like the slow pace of the game."
"You gotta learn the fast way but it's not too fast."
"That's so sweet but also like that is like really fast for a mom to be including someone in a calendar."
"The game plays out fairly fun and pretty fast, a very light fun card game."
"The art itself... feels a little too fast for me."
"It goes against nearly everything that we’ve learned makes a great movie—a great deal of the movie is made up of shots of people traveling from one place to another."
"We're shooting a short film every week. There is no stopping. If anything, it's like quicker, faster, funnier. Keep it moving because the cameras are everywhere."
"Life is like this ferris wheel, everyone's on the same path but at a different pace."
"This looks so good... it felt a lot more frenetic and like that's great."
"Let's go fast pace is best paced. Let's go bring it up!"
"Slow and steady progress, moving at a really good pace."
"The game is very fast paced, that's what I like about it."
"Everything's going to be moving fast this year family, let me tell y'all this."
"Thank you. You know, not like a big rush or anything like that. It's kind of a big rush."
"I thought I could do it but I just feel like that's way too fast."
"Everybody seems to be going back to work, we've got things in like super high speed anyway guys."
"One of the most detrimental diseases in the earth is a disease called hurry."
"So, unfortunately, I don't quite have the pace."
"It's an engaging fast-paced gameplay... this is an excellent game."
"Technology is changing faster than we can even keep up with."
"Life is a journey, it's not a marathon, it is not a sprint."
"Being unhurried, like being slow to do something, but being very deliberate and doing it at your own time."
"...things get quicker. Things get faster and start moving at a much more brisk pace when it comes to Gemini."
"Wow, try and keep up, this is amazing!"
"It's a challenge for law to keep pace with these very exciting technological developments."
"A high-scoring, exciting, fast-pace offense fun to watch."
"Nothing slowed down, and it was exciting."
"You can be more strategic because things don't happen at a tactical pace; it's a little more chess."
"We need resets sometimes to get us off a train that is going 100 miles an hour that we can't stop."
"I live my life quarter-mile at a time."
"We are set for a breakneck pace, and we're underway in KC."
"Don't feel like you're in a foot race with others; run your own race, understand how it best applies."
"It's not always better to go faster."
"She found keeping up a brisk pace in the city helped maintain her anonymity."
"Remember, this is not a sprint, we're going to do this at a really nice pace."
"This is not a sprint, we're going to do this at a really nice pace."
"Really impressive pace here from SpaceX."
"I was fine with the change of pace and even referred to it as semi-retirement."
"The pace hasn't even indicated anybody getting a sweat going yet."
"My favorite pro of transcribing is that you can work at your own pace; you're not on a schedule or anything."
"It's not the devastation of the impact, it's the pace and the unfamiliarity of the change."
"That's really taken them out of it, what a shame that car had pace, no doubt about that."
"I said it before and I'll say it again, life moves pretty fast."
"South Carolina picking up the pace scoring in transition."
"I get it, everyone works at their own pace."
"You're losing this ability to be validated, you're losing this Society conditioning, you're just moving at your own pace in your own lane."
"I'm more interested in like a slow living sort of pace."
"The pace of this race has been insane. I mean, we knew it would be a fast race, so we knew obviously based on the weather conditions that it would be a fast race, but still, it was just a relentless pace." - Commentator
"We're seeing already just how quickly the pace of improvements happening on the technological side."
"He's acting with purpose he's acting um and he's acting with the kind of speed by the way I said this on I thing on a speech earlier Tesla really doesn't have a lot of domestic competition."
"I loved it, I loved the pensive but not slow style of this book."
"I feel like there's been moments in this Vlog where I'm speaking at 10,000 miles an hour"
"Most of what we do would be better done more slowly."
"We were all just having to interact constantly, to that like going from being with like seven absolute Nutters to just being at home watching queer ey again um it's quite the change of pace."
"The action is so fast-paced and full of creativity in every frame."
"I'm trying to figure my own self out, let alone figure out our connection. So you know my pace, my movement, my reactions, my energy towards you isn't what it should be."
"They wanted to move towards you quickly."
"That's the most important thing I actually believe, because if you just do it one time, that doesn't mean anything in this world of content that's moving at 150 miles per hour every single day."
"I wrote a New Yorker piece that January where the title was it's time to embrace slow productivity now."
"What a pace set by Calvin on this front nine, bogey-free six under."
"The show moves at such a breakneck pace and has so many cool technical elements that it really makes it feel special."
"The pace isn't going to be as quick as they need it to be."
"It's fun, it's clever, it's fast-paced without feeling overwhelming."
"Dumb mistakes happen when you go too fast. Take a practice test untimed and go very slowly."
"The pace of innovation has been relentless."
"I actually want to have an official on the court to clock the Junior's pace of play just so we can have a statistic next to how fast they throw."
"They are basically pushing it qualifying pace for three stints and the tire performance drop away is next to zero."
"Beautiful job, keep going, moving at your own pace."
"There's no timeline you have to work on. You go at your own speed."
"Even as we begin to pick up the pace and move with a little bit more speed and velocity, it's kind of like the Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh says, 'hurry slowly.'"
"If any of you are feeling off right now and are feeling like depleted going into September or like a little bit burnt out that you don't need to keep up with the pace of what everyone else is doing."
"Work at your own pace but at the same time be sure to push yourself because nobody else can do it for you."
"Work at a pace that's comfortable for you and make something that you really enjoy."
"The day Tokyo 3 Stood Still is not only unique in premise but manages to cram in a surprising amount of character detail without sacrificing pace."
"The pace of his stealing increased."
"Slowing down doesn't mean being lazy or unproductive."
"Be patient and take it slow. It's not a race."
"Life moves pretty fast if you don't stop."
"We're gonna be able to move at an even faster pace."
"Imagine life as your own personal track. You can walk, run, or even rest at your own pace."
"Consistency over intensity and go low and go slow. You will never fail."
"You're not Beyonce yet, so you need to just slow down a little bit and recalibrate."
"High risk, fast-paced, and really cool."
"If she can hang on to her and go off of her pace, he guarantees that she will come off at 300 somewhere in the lead."
"The perfect pace is the pace that you can read deeply and comfortably at."
"Whoever tries to live faster will ultimately die faster. It is not the total number of events but the experience of duration which makes life more fulfilling."
"The faster you bowl, the easier it is for batsmen because they can use the pace."
"He just plays the game at his Pace, yeah, and he doesn't always settle for threes, he's a throwback mid-range jump shooter."
"It moved really, really quickly. Like, I couldn't believe how fast it was. And it was very satisfying that everything that they showed had a payoff."
"I feel like this connection is meant to move slower."
"Read it chapter by chapter, one bite at a time."
"But then just, like, for it to be so slow and so intimate..."
"Electric Pace electric play Pace cool finishing."
"The pace at which new information and situations arise can be overwhelming, often requiring quick adjustments and a flexible mindset."
"Texas took some time to focus on their serving. They wanted to add precision and more pace."
"It's a brutal schedule. And I think again, it's a marathon, not a sprint."
"Godzilla was a little slow for me, I mean there were definitely parts of the movie that I really enjoyed."
"Your pace is your pace, your face doesn't have to be my client's pace or anybody else's."
"Don't feel like you have to compete with everyone around you. Everyone really does go at their own pace."
"The Cyclop Saga is far more fast-paced than the Troy Saga."
"This show ran out the door swinging so other shows could walk the same pace as it did."
"You don't have to go full speed all the time even though I do every time I get a chance."
"You want to slow down, you work yourself to death."
"Sustainable productivity requires a natural pace."
"The slower you go, the higher their attraction."
"Everyone learns at their own pace."
"January has always been my slowest paced month."
"So around that time, I came across the hashtag slow living."
"Our group has found its own pace... it allows us to enjoy it because this is a once in a-lifetime opportunity."
"It's one of the best-paced Bond films."
"I'm still trying to put into practice is that I have to slow down."
"This movie wastes no time getting us straight to the action."
"Never feel like you have to rush anything. Never feel like you're out of place or behind in life."
"What you want to find is your own pace."
"I enjoyed it, it was a nice change of pace."
"Do fewer things, do this work at a natural pace, obsess over quality."
"I think I'm running too fast, but I think I'm just racing right past miracles."
"They may be a little bit of a slow mover, needing time and space to reflect."
"We need to be able to cry, to share notable events, to be seen. We have a lot of needs and honestly, the world moves so fast."
"I mean it's different for everybody you know everyone grows at their own pace which I feel like a lot of people forget about that."
"Since life is neither a race nor a competition, we do not need to run faster nor labor more than we have strength."
"Construction of the Niagara power station is continuing at a blistering pace."
"Life won’t always wait for you to catch up."
"I'm just getting a slower and slower and slower."
"Moving at the pace of God's grace simply means moving at God's Pace."
"We need to invite a more unhurried Pace into our lives."
"Not all books need to be fast-paced to be interesting."
"That's what speed does, you have to keep up with that pace."
"The liver regenerates at a very, very fast pace."
"For me, it's not a race. I'm not really built for speed anyway. I'm more built for the long haul."
"Even though things are slowing down with it being colder and the days are getting shorter, it's still been pretty busy recently."
"That was all set up by the pace of North Carolina and its offense keeping Minnesota on its heels."
"It moves really fast but it doesn't feel rushed."
"Remember to take it at your own pace at your own level, enjoy it, and have fun."
"A town with a slower pace of living, then you might just like the small town of Abingdon Virginia."
"I've been loving having slow mornings again."
"Now I'm trying to settle down to one book a year I probably will end up is two books every three years."
"It moves along at such a fast pace that you don't have time to stop and think about how much fun you're having."
"If you feel like we're going slow, it's for a reason."
"We just cleaned the floors so I'm just gonna go low speed today, you know what I mean?"