
Market Understanding Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"The stock market is not a casino; the stock market is not a gambling center."
"This is by far the number one distinguisher between those people who are successful in this business and those who aren't: understanding how options are priced, understanding the Greeks, how implied volatility and time decay and all of that stuff impacts an option's price."
"There's not only a way to protect your wealth but a real way to enhance it if you understand the dynamics of what's really going on."
"If you understand all the markets, how they work, how they're dynamic, you're not playing with matches, you're investing."
"Respect the culture, respect the market, respect the consumers."
"Your job is not to catch every pump. Your job is just to understand the market as best as you can."
"You have to understand first up there's a bunch of different things you want to look for in NFTs and I want to go through all of these so you know what you're looking at."
"Time in the market is more important than timing the market."
"Trade wisely and understand the market – your success depends on it."
"To properly build a business, you first identify what your consumers want and then be very educated in that."
"Scratching your own itch-- it's like, if you have a guaranteed market of one, i.e. yourself, you're ahead of 99% of the entrepreneurs here."
"Your own knowledge in this market determines how rich you're going to be."
"But there is a way to beat this kind of boom-bust cycle of investments."
"Once you've got a system down and understand the market, you can really become a hero from zero overnight."
"Understanding the semiconductor market can help you make more informed decisions."
"A recession doesn't necessarily mean a market crash."
"You have to understand what keeps you in the successful sphere and capitalize on that."
"Unsuccessful brands commit suicide by assuming they have everything right from pricing to audience."
"There's a responsibility around making sure that they understand the tools and structures of how markets work."
"Stop thinking for investors... You're gonna find people that love all types of things."
"Part of this is just about trying to understand markets, how they work, look for opportunities and navigate them accordingly."
"Once you understand how the markets really move, you can make decisions with that and that becomes your strategy."
"The Power of Now and understanding the market will give you everything you need to know in the current present moment."
"A really good rule of thumb, also in crypto, if you know your coins, know why people are buying right here."
"You shouldn't use short-term fluctuations in stock price as an indicator of your investment success or failure."
"Most investors were way off in 2023 and they'll most likely miss the target again in 2024. The unfortunate part? They still don't understand why. But you will."
"This judge thinking they know better than corporate executives, shareholders, customers, and Wall Street about what's best for Tesla's stock."
"I know the stock market shouldn't be used as a get rich quick scheme."
"The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how well you understand your marketplace's pain."
"When you're in this kind of three to six month phase, options become really good ways of getting leverage." - Raoul
"If you are going to make real money, you have to understand the market cycle and you have to have patience."
"Pick a geography and stick to it. Decide exactly what kind of deal you're looking for."
"BlackRock gets this, they know where we're going, they're not dummies."
"You'll never fully understand AMC GME without learning how the rest of the market works."
"Understand what your competitor is doing that is working really well for them."
"You have to recognize that the market is not always going to be on your side; there are times where you have to sit back not be too aggressive and just wait for better opportunities."
"If you know more about the market and you're walking away from these classes with a better understanding of how the market works, then you're doing well."
"Volume and liquidity: keys to successful trading."
"It's easier to understand for users and investors."
"Understanding your target audience is key to early success."
"I think one two and then I think understand why it is that you're buying it so again if I was buying amazon a decade ago I believed it could become this e-commerce leader I have to wait for that to happen."
"Invest in your education to understand the market at a high level."
"Happy W's, okay? Solved. We have figured this market out."
"Stay calm guys, we know why we're here, we know why we're in crypto."
"When you invest in something, you're not buying a number that's going up to another number, you're investing in a company."
"Anyone who thinks this game is about green candles on coin market cap isn't paying attention."
"Understanding that markets have risk and that not everything goes up all the time."
"He knew what people wanted to see and he wasn't afraid to capitalize on it."
"Retail investors seem to understand the opportunity... than institutional investors."
"That's right like that is how much gold will ever cost it will never cost more than that it just happens to be more than it currently cost."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset."
"If you've been following this channel, then you actually have better insight into the four-year cycle than almost anyone else, period."
"By using these tips and understanding these market phases, this is really how you're going to be able to over the course of a long term be able to make some really good money."
"It's who has vision...understanding consumer...historical trends and pattern recognition."
"You're not buying a stock, you're buying a business."
"That's why you need to be looking at fundamentals and technicals so you can understand, hey, why are these projects outpacing the rest of the market by a lot? It's because there's a fundamental story developing."
"When the market does dip don't get scared don't get worried don't look around twitter stop looking at the fud understand what the cryptos are that you're investing in why you're investing in them."
"They know exactly what people want. Like having your voice heard more, that's what people want, man."
"Understanding if we can just trade the crypto pairs to each other, the fear comes automatic, it becomes it just comes naturally to everyone."
"I truly just don't understand why the brands just can't wrap their head around what value is, they just truly can't."
"For people that do understand the value proposition, it is going to be a very popular project."
"Trading is not about being right or wrong, it's about probabilities."
"Understanding the market: key to starting a pharmacy delivery business."
"This is a car that really shows that Hyundai understands the market."
"Subaru knows their market. They're determined to provide affordable all-wheel drive vehicles."
"Bitcoin 13-14,000 people stopping people from understanding the trade."
"The significance and dominance of XRP has not yet been fully understood by the majority of people."
"You gotta know how to play the game, you gotta know where, what you're selling, you gotta know who's buying it."
"Understanding structure, the structure of the market."
"Digital currencies lack depth of market, listed liquidity, and strategies, but understanding the space is crucial."
"If we zoom out keep our patients we understand how the market works then we can set the foundation to do phenomenally well."
"We like to try to take the complicated out of the stock market and break it down together to simplify it to understand it better."
"The switch has really hit a market here that I don't think Sony gaming distributors and many others understand."
"The stock market does not equal the economy."
"If you don't understand market capitalization, circulating supply, and price, you will fail as a trader."
"If you understand that a market isn't a source of information but is rather a facility for buying and selling fractional ownership in businesses... it's a huge benefit to you."
"This class by itself is an opportunity to try to improve your own financial literacy by learning a little bit more about day trading and about the market."
"Understanding demand zones, supply zones, imbalances, structure, and liquidity is crucial in top-down analysis."
"Understanding your market is a surefire way to help keep your focus and priority straight."
"Market understanding for self-understanding equals trading mastery."
"Understanding the market gave me the self-confidence."
"You have to understand how your strategy works in different market regimes to have a chance of success."
"Our purpose in doing the masteries program is not to tell you where to buy or sell. It's rather to help you understand the market."
"There's this overarching theme I think with Epcot which is they try to do these things that they think people are going to like, they try to appeal to Epcot people without understanding why people liked Epcot."
"You should also understand how the market operates to avoid losing your money."
"He just doesn't understand the market, there's nothing wrong with that."
"So we're looking for founders who truly truly understand their market. Can we progress perspective?"
"Understanding market structure and reversal patterns is essential for successful trading."
"It's very important to understand who is actually the customer."
"Ensure you're connected with the right people in Ghana, ensure you've got individuals who really understand Ghana and the Ghanaian market to work on your team."
"Understanding the market from a conceptual standpoint is really important."
"Every trader needs to understand the auction process, how price moves, and how the market facilitates trade in order to trade successfully."
"Thinking logically and critically is essential to understanding the CFTC data. It's not just about looking at the numbers and saying, 'Oh well if they're short 220,000 and they're only long 170,000 then of course I want to be short.'"
"Understanding the market context first."
"Sometimes we just relearn the same things we already know which is why history and reading and just like knowing market history in general is really helpful..."
"Understanding demand zones and market dynamics."
"Thunder earnings, massive total addressable market that I deeply understood."
"I'm very fortunate that I understand market structure and price action."
"Understand how the market works and you can make the market work for you."
"What really matters is that you understand what the candlesticks in front of you are trying to tell you about price structure, trend strength, buyer and seller dynamics, and the likely path for future price movements."
"Expectations are one of the biggest things you need to understand in trading."
"Understanding that we trade people and not stocks will help you better understand the markets."
"The market has a rhythm, the market has a language, and you're learning to read that language."
"You've got to understand the markets for the items you're selling."
"Once you have the skill to actually understand the market, you don't usually need a lot of money to make money."
"Commercial awareness is crucial to understand what's going in the market."
"There is also virtue in understanding the market to a deeper level."
"Stop listening to people's opinions and start working out how markets work."
"Make sure you understand what you're doing first, make sure you understand how the markets really work, and absolutely make sure you understand the risk involved."
"We knew exactly what people were wanting and we knew what made us different."
"The Wealth of Nations... gives you a big perspective on how markets work."
"It's not about having fun; it's about understanding market structure."
"The solution to your trading problem is to do a deep dive on that particular setup and then from that deep dive you get a nuanced understanding of that setup."
"The market's an auction place, and us as traders, we are the readers."
"Spotting a good opportunity, you need to understand the market and choose Evergreen niches and get a good product Market fit."
"If you've only been trading for a day, 10 days, a year, 10 years, and you don't understand market structure, you're severely hindering yourself from reaching your full potential."
"Developing a deep relationship with price and volume will help you take good trades and also help you avoid bad trades."
"Every business is different, and it rewards breadth of understanding."
"Smart money is nothing more than just understanding where you are in ranges and following those ranges through to the actual points of liquidity."
"The market will really tell you what it wants to do if you look at it; there's not a mystery to it at all."
"It's one of those things where you have to really understand the market fully."
"This thing is very clear, and you can easily understand what is going on."
"Transform your current underlying understandings of the market."
"Understand why people buy sneakers, why they go for so much, and essentially why they are worth what they are worth."
"You're not worrying about it because you understand yourself and you understand what the market's likely to do."
"Understanding the buyer, understanding the neighborhood, the area, how your house compares instantly."
"They actually do their research and see what people want."
"It's so important, a lot of traders pay this lip service, and I repeat it over and over again, when you understand the importance of other time frame traders at these external peripheries, you will understand the day count."
"I know what the people want, I know what I want."
"It's important to understand how extended trading hours are different from regular trading hours."
"It's not just about the trades that we're making, it's about understanding why we're getting into these."
"You have to understand the market, you have to understand what the structure of the market is, what the Market's doing."