
Data Value Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Data is the new oil; it's more valuable than gold."
"The value of data is only going to increase over time."
"Your data is worth much more to them than one dollar a year."
"The acquisition underscores the value of the financial data of ordinary Americans."
"The Terrapins focus is going to be on data collecting which is going to be worth its SCU weight in gold."
"Your data is so valuable; companies can better target you for things they want to sell you."
"Change in perspective it's just extra data never be afraid of going in the hermit or the hang position because you always come out with extra data"
"Your data is more important than you probably give it credit for."
"Data is actually becoming a source of value creation."
"Your privacy is not a fundamental human right, it's an asset."
"Data on its own isn't really that valuable; the value comes from being able to extract insights from that data and Power Pivot makes that a lot easier."
"Data is like gold, the most valuable resource that Humanity has created."
"Our data is now worth more than oil. It's worth tens of billions of dollars more. And where do the data checks go? Facebook, Amazon, Google."
"The intersection of a row with a column is called a data value."
"Okay, this brings us to chapter number three where we're gonna help all of you get more value out of your data, program your data without compromises on what type of probability you can do or security or privacy."
"How do I simplify my environment, how do I consolidate my environment, how do I get more value out of my data, and how do we collectively change what is possible with data?"
"If data is the new oil then scale is the refinery."
"I think that the the way in which data is the new oil is that it is in by and large going to be the main lever for economic power and economic influence over the course of the next few decades."
"Data is the new wealth, data is the new gold."
"What is the true value of the data that Tesla has already collected?"
"It's not data that counts, it's proprietary data that counts."
"This data is digital gold; it's how the software improves, gets better, safer, more capable."
"Utilities have realized their data is a valuable asset which can be effectively used with relatively little effort."
"Data is perhaps the most valuable commodity in the world nowadays."
"The real value of the credit report is not the credit score; the real value is in the raw data."
"Data is more valuable than oil or gold."
"Data is the most valuable asset on Earth."
"Data is just super valuable right now, it's more valuable than oil or gold."
"Data is a high-value asset, and we're all data owners."
"I want to work with other businesses to teach them how exciting it can be, how valuable their data can be if they know how to work with it."
"The relationships within that database are the only thing that's worth money."
"Data is the new oil because prediction's become cheaper."
"Once you have that data, think about how you can use that to continue to derive value."
"Data makes the world go round, and your data is valuable and precious."
"Data is more valuable than oil or gold, and that's why hackers try to get at it."
"The trick is to start small and find what are the high-value data where there isn't a big issue of sharing."
"Data is fast becoming like oil, which used to be considered the most valuable natural resource."
"Data about things may actually be more valuable than the things themselves."
"Data is the new oil, but just like oil, it's not valuable sitting in the ground."
"Our mission is to find value in the world's data."