
Real Estate Investment Quotes

There are 432 quotes

"If you can make $500 a month in profit from one property, which is doable, then if you have 10 properties, that's $5,000 a month coming into your pocket in profit that you don't have to work to earn."
"In the next 5 years, this home... it should be paying me per month more than any other salary I've ever made in my entire life."
"The smartest financial decision was probably investing in real estate and living below my means."
"I rent where I live, and all my cash goes into properties that pay me back."
"Money flowing into an area is a good sign. It means property values are probably going to go up because there's more demand."
"When you buy real estate, you're buying cash flow, not just a property."
"Even if the appraisal comes in super low... your consolation prize on a bad deal is a twenty-one percent ROI."
"Another way that you can compound your money is by investing your money in real estate... not only do you get passive income, if you do it right, you will also get the appreciation in the property."
"Everybody's situation will be different, guys, so I do think that if you find the right area where prices are still kind of on the upswing and inventory is still relatively low, then you might be able to get away with buying today and not have to worry too much about downside in the future."
"Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and then wait."
"Most of us can achieve our wealth target within 10 years by leveraging our jobs and safely buying below market value real estate."
"In the long run, as long as real estate prices average up, which they historically have, you're building long-term wealth."
"If you're a home buyer or real estate investor right now, you need to be ahead of the curve."
"I would fix the house up, put a tenant in there, go to a bank and get 80% value in your pocket. Alright, and then you got the money, you still got the house, you still got the cash flow."
"I guarantee you my real estate is going to be around longer than Facebook."
"Real estate can go down in value, but as long as the cash flow is there, you don't lose."
"Places that are kind of boring, you know, that not a lot of people talk about, where maybe there's a little bit of growth, a little bit of migration but prices are still affordable, those are the better areas to be."
"By investing in REITs, you own shares of a company that invests in real estate... REITs are required by law to pay out 90% of their taxable income in dividends to their shareholders."
"Senior assisted living, the best investment in real estate."
"Investing in real estate is part of your wealth building strategy, whether you make a hundred million dollars a year or $50,000 a year."
"Real estate is one of the best places to invest your money because when you invest in real estate, you own something tangible that you can see, feel, and touch."
"Bali is one of the prime spots for buying beachfront property in Indonesia, with affordable prices, a stable real estate market, beautiful views of the coastline, lots of opportunities for recreational activities, and an overall laid-back lifestyle."
"Educate yourself and get ready to invest in real estate."
"If you're adding to America, right, we have a housing crisis in the United States, you're literally buying houses or even building new construction properties and you're providing housing for Americans."
"Real estate investing is my favorite way to invest my money."
"What would happen if you just bought one property every single year for the rest of your life?"
"Real estate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This is a get-rich-guaranteed system over time."
"Even that two million dollar two-bedroom apartment sounds crazy until ten years from now when it's worth four million dollars."
"Residential real estate is still reasonably attractive, especially in certain zip codes, especially in some of the Southern states that people are flocking to."
"Owning the home builders is also a smart bet."
"The key to financing real estate is that when you find great deals, you will find the money."
"Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait."
"Learn the real estate game because it's a new way for you to accomplish things in your life."
"If you find a deal where you can rent for one percent of the purchase price, then buy the whole neighborhood."
"Put yourself in a position to... buy a duplex, triplex, or fourplex."
"Don't sit on the sidelines if you're ready to buy a home... it's a great time to sell a house and it's a great time to buy a house."
"Oh my gosh, we just flipped it, hundred thousand dollar profit over double what we paid for the last one."
"95 percent of millionaires have real estate."
"Real estate is where most people make their Millions... it's like having a large bank account that's gonna eventually pay you in dividends over years."
"Everybody under the sun knows in order to build generational wealth, they do it through real estate."
"You should seriously consider where you're buying... there's a lot of supply coming."
"Real estate... the most ultimate form of passive income."
"Real estate will be tokenized... I can sell my $5,000 investment in a $10 million condo to you instantaneously."
"One of the greatest containers of wealth is owning your real estate."
"Three rental properties sparked by this book... Paying for luxury with assets and passive income."
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore." - Mark Twain
"Stop paying rent, it'd be the first step to real estate."
"Buy a multi-family on a low down payment loan every year forever and ever until your spouse tells you I will never live in another multi-family again."
"You want to understand the risk of a crash in your city because if prices are going down by 20, 30, or 40 percent, you definitely don't want to be buying today."
"Ninety percent of all millionaires are invested in real estate."
"When a lot of these investors and home flippers buy homes today and they realize pretty quick that the fundamental demand is drying up, they're going to flood the market with inventory at some point."
"House hacking is the best way to get started in real estate."
"I saw the opportunity it made sense I was like even if it does go down I'm buying this house for a fraction of what it costs to build it like this this is a 200 000 house to build and it's selling for 70k there's no way that's sustainable."
"Real estate is one of the best wealth building tools throughout human history."
"Owning land has many benefits and many people will never be able to own land because land is bloody expensive to buy."
"A lot of people they forced the youtubing on you with buying but your daily life and the things that you do with real estate and building warehouses and real entrepreneurship man is what I miss."
"Buy land, AJ, because God ain't making any more of it."
"Real estate should ideally only be something you buy if you plan on keeping it at least seven to ten years with a fixed interest rate locked in for 30 years on a payment that you could reasonably afford."
"Your home that you live in is an investment, it's an asset."
"Real estate provides some of the biggest and best tax benefits that a tax code has to offer."
"Buying the land is the cheap part guys, the improvements are what cost money."
"The fun part of real estate investing is that you get your life back. You know, you get to do what you want to do."
"Real estate investing specifically is an extremely accessible way for low to mid-income people to actually get into the passive income game."
"I want to buy three new apartment buildings throughout the year that's awesome I really want, I think that's like what I'm most excited about I love investing in property."
"If you're a home buyer, real estate investor, you need to be tracking what the Fed's doing very, very carefully because it could push the US economy deeper into recession."
"If you can find a neighborhood where the demand is greater than the current supply, you're in it to win it."
"It's better to get your own properties first, pay the rent or buy them, learn the ropes, and make a portfolio to prove that you know what you're doing."
"Real estate, you can make money out of thin air. It's legit. You can actually make money out of thin air."
"If you're investing in a good area and you buy at a good price, real estate's an easy win."
"Do you think we will be able to buy the real estate dip soon within a couple of years due to the circumstances?"
"Historically, real estate has produced some of the highest wealth in human history."
"They poured all their savings into homes that were never built."
"Rosemont Seneca Partners came along really at the time that we bought Rosemont Realty."
"Always buy the cheapest house on the Block and try to do that interest rates are still very low and some of the money you have you could pay make a down payment that's what I would recommend."
"You want to acquire that skill set and indoctrinate yourself into the real estate world because that knowledge requires yours forever."
"Get involved in real estate. There's a three trillion dollar Economic Opportunity for young people, for minorities and women-owned companies."
"Real estate is crushing it. Nothing like Churchill Capital."
"Real estate on the other hand actually had returns of 9.2 annually so the price of goods rose by about four percent, however if you were invested in real estate the value of your dollar actually rose by about nine percent."
"It's not just about me going and buying 100 homes and this happens. You will too."
"High inventory markets are where juicy deals are"
"Buying a home is the best insurance to have."
"The profit is in the purchase. When real estate is done right, you make money not when you sell, but when you buy."
"So what would you do with three million dollars personally i'd probably buy a house too and then i use the other 2.9 million dollars i thought about 100 cooperatives"
"The BRR method forces you to invest in real estate the right way."
"So if you're a beginner this has everything you need, it's the full arsenal of weapons that you need to get in there and start building wealth through real estate."
"I'm on a mission now. I'm gonna go buy a 2.2 million dollar house and I'm gonna BRR it. You mark my words."
"Chloe works as a vice president at a large Bank in Southern California and Banks as a psychologist by training but also considers himself a real estate developer investor."
"Real estate: The single best vehicle for building wealth."
"That's the power of real estate, there is no other asset class that you could have done that in."
"It's more complicated but more accurate to get a good number in multifamily than single family."
"Real estate is truly a generational wealth-builder and will always be in demand."
"So even with the price of the house, you might have another 50 to 100,000 to invest depending upon the finishes that you want to use."
"Real estate investing is easier than ever; it's always been profitable but it just used to be harder."
"It was an investment that we were able to do up, get on the property ladder, and eventually move on to bigger and better things."
"Congratulations on buying three properties in 16 months, I'm very proud of you."
"I think if you could figure out how to buy real estate, you don't have to necessarily live there, you could put it up on Airbnb."
"Your mortgage is actually going towards an investment and not just being thrown away in rent."
"I am only just getting started with it like I said you know getting into the properties buying them developing and doing it up not just for financial reasons just because I absolutely love it."
"242 units, 32 million dollars in risk, boom, I love that."
"I think it's very wise to think to yourself first what can you do to get into real estate ownership."
"How much is the land, how much does it cost to build it, how much will it rent for? That determines what it's worth."
"If you're planning to buy this house and hold it for 5 years or more, you're gonna do fine."
"If you're a home buyer, real estate investor, that's what you need to be paying attention to."
"Owning real estate is the number one way to wealth."
"Real estate investing is all about location."
"High population, High income and high barrier to invest high demand and limited supply of quality real estate - this is a formula for increased rents and property values over time."
"Everybody act broke all 2022 and invest your money, especially into real estate."
"The easiest way to build wealth is in owning real estate."
"Understand that you can't build wealth without owning real estate."
"In multifamily investing, you make your money through operations. That's how you make your money by operating."
"In multifamily investing, the effort you put into it can have a significant impact on increasing the value."
"As long as the rent coming in covers all of the expenses going out plus makes you a little bit of profit on the top, you're doing fine."
"For 12.9 million Canadian dollars or around 12.1 million US dollars, you can buy this gorgeous nature retreat in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada."
"Buying fixer-upper rental properties is one of the best things you can do in real estate."
"So what would I do? I'd probably look into a nicer property, like a four-plex or a triplex."
"Your home is not making you rich; dollars are losing value."
"Real estate is one of the only things in the world where you could buy more way less."
"It's okay to do that, right? Because when you're starting, you're never gonna hit a 70 percent rule on every single deal."
"Real estate developers or speculators or investors... give a lowball price because they know that the family can't even compete against the lowball price."
"This seems like a great deal for homeowners and a way to wean Americans off their obsession with investing in crumbling piles of wood and appliances."
"The way real estate investing works is you're gonna buy a property but you're not gonna buy it for you to live in yourself, you're gonna buy it for somebody else to move in and live in."
"I want to buy stuff, I want to rent it out, I want to refinance, I want to buy, I want to sell. That's enough for me to do."
"Thank you so much for watching please consider checking out my programs on money becoming a millionaire by investing in real estate."
"Real estate is consistent, every single month you're going to be getting the same amount even if the market goes down."
"Nothing beats having a ready to go cash buyer."
"Real estate is cyclical, so your numbers still have to work."
"Real estate nfts are backed by Real World Properties with expected appreciation."
"Rental income is consistent and reliable way to increase cash flow."
"High stability real estate can provide a strong hedge against inflation."
"Real estate is the only investment where banks are literally lining up to lend you money to buy it."
"Real estate is an investment, it's an instrument, it's a vehicle. I make sound decisions."
"If you're going to spend 600, 700, three-quarters million pounds, whatever it is, [expletive], you've got to become individual."
"No other asset class has created as much family wealth as real estate."
"As the NOI goes up for a certain commercial property, the value goes up."
"What's happened is a lot of people are just snapping up properties and renting them and as a result locals don't have enough properties to rent long term."
"We are going to make sure that you know your stuff so that when we do find a good property, I want to see you hyped because you've done your research."
"Every family in America should be buying their real estate."
"Realty Income has produced a very strong annual return, over 15% a year for those 23 years."
"So let's talk about the numbers, we bought the houses for a total cost of seven hundred and seventy thousand dollars."
"You want to buy properties in a homeowners association to rent them out."
"That's the type of property we build in, in the best school districts."
"Real estate investing fundamentals don't change."
"Buying real estate under market value, big big big big play."
"Grant Cardone has consistently... owned single-family houses because they've enabled him to buy multifamily real estate."
"Sometimes if you get a good enough deal, you can actually get a property where the tenant is essentially covering your entire payment."
"Tokenization allows fractional investing into physical properties, paving the way for new opportunities."
"Real estate is a great investment as well. Over time you can rent them out, make money every month."
"Invest in your home for generational wealth."
"Rental real estate is an asset - it puts money into your bank account."
"I do tend to have a bullish outlook on real estate long term."
"This property has made me three hundred and twenty six thousand dollars over the last 11 years passively."
"The best investment Kim ever did is less than two blocks from our house today."
"The difference in stability in your life, the difference in future wealth building, making $250,000 living in a million dollar paid-for house, how fast you will be able to add to your wealth is mind-boggling."
"You need to focus on getting and accumulating 12 houses."
"Vici: real estate, rental apartments, collecting a paycheck every single quarter... predictable, easy cash flow."
"Find a good deal from the start; you can't just pick any property."
"Commercial real estate might be a great place to look into because commercial buildings are empty right now."
"Just like anything in real estate, if it is in good condition and in a good area, you will still make money off of that property."
"You know, if you buy a house that's a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand dollars and then if you put money into it and then your house flips for 400 K."
"You ain't got to do none of that. Mitt215 has been teaching people that are brand new how to get into the real estate game and start creating generational wealth."
"If people purchase real estate with the expectation that they will not have Equity growth for seven to ten years, they will be in a better situation to handle the recession."
"If you're out there investing in real estate I do wish you luck and I hope you win."
"It's as if you could buy a house that you could rent out for $7,000."
"The odds of you retiring a millionaire greatly accelerate when you own real estate."
"I found a 2.1 million dollar 33 unit apartment complex and I have it under contract."
"I rarely ever look at year one results when I'm buying real estate. I'm not buying it for a year, I'm buying it for the rest of my life."
"I need to get access to their numbers so I can figure out exactly how much this place actually makes and ultimately how much it's really worth."
"Stop focusing on the price of the property... focus on the profit... add value to the community."
"It's always a good time to buy, as long as the numbers make sense."
"I would do short-term long-term rentals and then the tax breaks that you get as far as like the depreciation factor."
"This place is going to be worth a lot by the time we're done with it."
"Real estate is a really great tax investment."
"I'm buying 20 units right if it's a single family I'm buying 10 units if it's a duplex I'm buying what? 20. If it was a four-plex that'd be smart. Do it ten times."
"You're going to control this deal with $200,000 which is no money on a $3 million asset."
"You don't want to lose money in real estate. You don't want to lose the deal."
"You can't fake real estate. You can't fake assets. You won't have to fake anything if you collect enough real estate."
"Realty lets investors purchase fractional ownership of real estate across the U.S."
"Real estate is just the fastest path of creating wealth."
"Why are these deals possible? Multifamily rents are starting to fall. If you're buying multifamily right now and you are not underwriting that multifamily rents are falling, you're screwing yourself."
"If you want to make money in real estate, you have to figure out how to control the asset."
"You need to find some comfort level of stability in your life to own some real estate and let it make some money for you."
"I'm a firm believer that written down goals get achieved more than just thoughtful goals in your mind but I I wrote down that I wanted to have 10 rental properties by the age of 40."
"Everything you give towards learning and investing in real estate will always pay you back more than you give."
"The apartment sector of the country I think is in the strongest position in terms of real estate."
"You're going out and you're buying this property but you're not buying it to live in or use yourself you're buying it to rent out to somebody else."
"Cash flow is the Holy Grail of all finance. Cash flow is why you want to be involved in real estate."
"Rental property is some of the best income from a tax perspective you'll ever earn."
"People have equity in their homes, you're not just going to walk away if things go wrong."
"I'm two feet in and I'm like, I want to buy this place. This is beautiful."
"She and her husband bought a ranch and vineyards in Santa Barbara with over 100 hectares and a value of $12 million."
"Real estate is one of the safest long-term investments you can have."
"Below market value, adding value, and great capital appreciation."
"I've built up a multi-million pound buy to let portfolio."
"Leverage is a crucial part of building a successful property portfolio."
"The second way that you can invest your money, which is actually my favorite way to invest my money, is by investing your money in real estate."
"Real estate might be less volatile than stocks, but it's not less stressful."
"The rental income was only there to pay for the expenses for the property the real wealth for me and my little real estate plan was the equity."
"Real estate is a proven path to achieving financial freedom."
"For decades, Chinese homeowners have considered real estate to be a reliable haven for wealth."
"I'm a believer of long term appreciation of property values."