
Market Psychology Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"Be fearful when people are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful."
"The name of the game is being able to read that shift and the transfer between fear and greed. That's all trading is."
"There's nothing markets hate more than uncertainty."
"Warren Buffett says, 'I want to be greedy when people are afraid and I want to be afraid when people are greedy.'"
"Warren Buffett has a great quote on this, he says that bubbles happen because people see their neighbor, who is dumber than they are, get rich, and so they want to buy in too."
"Be fearful when people are greedy and be greedy when people are fearful."
"When people are happiest, that's the top of the market."
"When the market is overly optimistic, investors should look to exit their positions. When investors are pessimistic, that's when investors should purchase stocks."
"Generally, it makes sense to be a buyer when everyone else is selling and probably be a seller when everyone else is buying."
"In a bull market, everybody believes they're a genius."
"We always need to step back and think about how absurd it is to buy high and sell low, yet that's what happens all too often in the world of trading and investing."
"Fear is coming back to some degree in marketplaces, and how that's actually healthy."
"We want to buy hated and we want to sell cheap."
"The fact that everyone is calling this the start of a bear market is probably the biggest reason that it's not."
"Crypto is actually just charting of human emotions."
"I have made more money when I have been lonely. I have made more money in sectors that people are either bored of or hate or are afraid of because I've been able to buy absolute values."
"All it takes are a few very wealthy investors to try to get theirs before the masses wake up."
"You need to be greedy when people are fearful."
"Understanding market psychology: How retail traders and banks approach trends differently."
"Part of trading is understanding human emotion and understanding that when the whole crowd when every single person is rushing into an asset that's usually the mark of a top."
"The belief in the bubble, the mania, they short it and they give all their money to the long."
"When people want to own more of it, it becomes a very, very highly charged story."
"Buy when others are fearful and sell when others are greedy."
"The best times to buy were when it felt the most depressing. It's not when we're in the bull market; it's when no one really wants to buy."
"What GameStop showed was the narrative fallacy."
"Buy when there's fear and sell when there's euphoria."
"If you want to get rich, buy when there's fear."
"The candle charts that you see are not just candles and lines on a chart. What it actually is is a visual representation of mass psychology."
"You want to learn how to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."
"When the sentiment gets very very negative, that's usually when you get some pretty good opportunities."
"It's counterintuitive. Most humans buy high and sell low."
"Buy when everyone is fearful and sell when others are greedy."
"As long as greed lives inside people and as long as there's the ability to manipulate, there will be big crashes."
"When you feel that pit of fear, that like absolute panic, that's probably the best time to buy."
"The diamond market is dependent for its smooth function on the maintenance of the illusion in the minds of the general public that the diamond is a rare and valuable stone."
"Stop being afraid to buy the dip, stop being afraid to buy the dip, stop being afraid to buy the dip."
"Once you start getting the hang of the psychology side of the actual market is when you start dominating."
"The stock market is the only place that when things go on sale, people freak out."
"When people are fearful, it's a good time to be greedy."
"When there is blood on the streets and people are panicking and freaking out and people are telling me 'Don't invest,' that was a sign for me that sentiment was so negative it's actually the perfect time to invest."
"Markets drop three times faster than they rise because fear is a stronger emotion than greed" - Insight into the psychology driving market movements.
"TA charts human emotion, it's all about psychology."
"The best trades are the hardest ones to put on."
"The psychology remains the same: greed, the hope of getting rich quick."
"The majority of the market participants, at the end of the day, all they are is an exemplification of what the psychology is of the majority of the market."
"People are irrational beings driven by emotion, so if their plan actually was to buy at the bottom of the market and they just see one day in the green they may decide that it's time to buy buy buy."
"Remember, extreme fear has always been a good time to be interested in the markets."
"I've been taught and I've always made the best returns buying panic and not selling panic."
"Buying from pessimists, selling to optimists, that's the definition of value investing."
"This feels like FOMO to me. This feels like people are chasing the dragon's tail."
"You don't make money by buying when everyone's excited and selling when everyone's fearful."
"Investors often chase past performance in the mistaken belief that historical returns predict future investment performance." - Trend chasing bias
"If everyone is fearful, then it's time to be buying."
"It's important because when you're constantly reading these headlines about market bubbles it scares people and sometimes that could be a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"That's how we pair expectational bias with our directional bias."
"During these periods of extreme fear are usually the best buying opportunities."
"I don't believe in revenge trading, but it will happen every single trader revenge trades."
"Times of extreme fear and greed are the most dangerous times to be invested in the market."
"Super bubbles are formed when investors get greedy and buy over-inflated assets at crazy valuations."
"Panic selling is never a good idea. You sell when things are going up."
"One of the best times to buy is when people are running away from something."
"The best time to buy is when people are panicking."
"If everyone thinks something is gonna happen, it's not gonna happen."
"Dips are a feature, not a bug. They give outsized returns because when people buy the top and sell the bottom, those who held make the profits."
"Be fearful when others are greedy, but greedy when others are fearful."
"Just because one person selling and the Market's like starting to freak out doesn't mean that I'm changing my my thesis and therefore I use the dip to actually buy more."
"If Ether breaks 5000, it just feels psychologically like a really interesting inflection point."
"Bubbles are psychological in nature and can last a lot longer than people expect."
"There's only one real reason people don't buy things: lack of certainty."
"People don't care and they just open another trade."
"We need to get the market freaking out again."
"Don't get too crazy high when things are high and also don't fall too hard when things are low."
"What I want you to know about Elliott waves is that it's about psychology and crowd behavior."
"We know with 100% certainty that there is going to be a panic sell-off at some point."
"Fear moves faster than hope and that's what we look for and that's what we try to take advantage of to have an edge over the crowd in trading."
"The real problem is not that rates are pushing prices down. It's that price going down leads to media coverage of prices going down, and the fear that goes along with that is painful."
"Economic bubbles form when people experience greed and fear of missing out and buy into an asset that's Rising rapidly in price with the expectation of turning around and selling it for a significant profit."
"The emotional state of the consumer that they fomo in they freak out because they're afraid of missing that next one or two percent"
"Don't believe the hype, don't believe the FOMO."
"Remember when everybody is afraid, that's when you should be greedy; when everybody's greedy, that's when you should be afraid." - Warren Buffett
"The conditioning to buy the dip has been so deeply ingrained that is what is likely to be very very destructive on the way down."
"When others are fearful we should be greedy... And I love that quote."
"Traders try to beat the market but they often forget that they are the market."
"The psychology of a bubble: from stealth mode to awareness to mania to blow off a blow off top."
"You have to be greedy when everybody else is fearful."
"Warren Buffett says you're supposed to be greedy when others are fearful."
"Are we entering an era where bad news is always going to be good news from now on?"
"Institutions are smart they buy when others are panicking."
"Has anything fundamentally changed has anything really made crypto go down in value or is it all just investor psychology."
"If you're prepared for both of those situations you're never going to be jumping into trades because of FOMO."
"The market has migrated from hope to optimism."
"Despite the dip mentality has just become more ingrained."
"We're sowing the seeds of our own demise by Collective panic."
"The main thing that determines whether an overvalued market continues to advance or drops like a rock instead is whether investor psychology is implied towards speculation or risk aversion."
"When everyone is 100% fearful, that's when you may want to go against the herd."
"There's a panic to buy when the price goes down."
"We need this in the market for... we need this from an investor psychology standpoint."
"Trading is nothing but a set of rules and rules are nothing but promises that you keep to yourself."
"Be greedy when everyone else is fearful. Right now everybody's so fearful."
"The biggest opportunity right now is your opportunity to learn how to handle yourself emotionally."
"When others are fearful, we should be greedy."
"Fear drives the value of gold and silver up." - Power Surge Money
"Nobody wanted to own stocks five weeks ago, now everybody wants to buy."
"Big market delusion means you take a segment of the market and you have this delusion. It's not just an illusion, it's a delusion."
"Using psychology in today's market is not an easy thing to master. It takes a lot of discipline and skill to become a consistent and successful trader." - Jarred Levy
"We want to buy when no one wants to, not when everyone thinks they should."
"Extreme fear historically is always about good buying opportunities."
"Markets expectations of inflation are very, very powerful."
"Now is the time to be greedy, I genuinely believe that, uh I really do."
"Study after study shows this -- people fly out of stocks, they fly out of their index funds when things start looking bad, and then they stay afraid for a long time and they don't get back in until things are great again."
"You want to be in places where everybody is fearful."
"It's super important to also understand the market psychology and to master your own emotions when you trade."
"Opportunities are the best when the herd looks away."
"Opportunities in others' fear: nearly 100% upside."
"Fear and greed levels reset based on market movements."
"Trading can be incredibly boring. You've got to be patient."
"it's so easy to buy something when it's going up because people are like oh well i see the value now that everybody else sees it but that's the worst time to buy it"
"When it comes to trading, you have to first realize that you're not trading stocks, companies, cryptocurrencies; you're trading human emotion."
"Always be greedy when other people are fearful."
"100,000 is a hyper psychological level that when we do pass it, people are going to flood into the market."
"Markets are very much psychology... major inflection points... it really pays to be on the other side of the crowd."
"The FOMO will kick in, and that's sadly how these bubbles work."
"People are greedy. People do not learn from their mistakes when they have massive opportunities to make a crapload of money and eventually that euphoria will overtake the market."
"Swing traders try to ignore the tendency to react emotionally to price movement using logic to take advantage of market overreactions."
"FUD creates bears, so when you're talking to other people who tell you things like 'oh my gosh you're catching a falling knife'...it's important to place a chance on what they're saying."
"Sign of a bear market is good news doesn't move the market."
"We use price action in the form of candlesticks. This tells us a lot about what's going on with human behavior."
"People are scared, and generally when people are scared, I like to buy."
"Mass psychology is so important in understanding the market."
"Every trader goes through this wave of emotion, from extremely positive sentiment to extremely negative sentiment."
"Price action reflects human behavior and this behavior always results into price action patterns."
"When people are fearful, be greedy, and when everyone's greedy, be fearful."
"Typically, the emotions are most extreme at the peaks and the troughs in the market."
"Consider that counterparty, not just who you're executing against right then and there when you buy or sell, but who is buying at that key level and what might they be thinking. That's your lesson of the day brought to you by real trading."
"Sometimes in markets when things are the most negative, that's the time to be positive."
"When the real bull move comes up, occurs, you may be paralyzed at that moment. You can't suffer the damage in the bad period and expect to be in good mental condition when the turn comes."
"Price is driven by mood and momentum."
"If you're an investor, you're starting to flip your way into the fearful stage, which means start dipping your toes here on the fear. And as this gets down, be prepared for more fear."
"You buy when everyone is scared and saying I want to pull out, I'm afraid, that's when you buy."
"Herd mentality in the market... the herd will change direction and for most investors, they don't make that turn."
"What are other people doing with their money? How are they investing? How are they being successful? People are fascinated by what other people are doing and what other people are doing is what drives markets."
"I do think that, I mean, to me, the market is the best psychologist in the world."
"Extreme fear signals a buying opportunity, while extreme greed signals a potential downturn."
"Single prints are a sign of very emotional buying."
"Warren Buffett said, 'You need to be greedy when people are fearful and be fearful when people are greedy.'"
"Listen to the market instead of your own mind."
"Remember, trapping traders is going to be one of the best things you can do for your trading strategy."
"It's like that sell the rumor, buy the fact, the opposite of what most people usually think."
"Every major bubble in history... takes a very basic good premise and exaggerates it because the masses go towards it."
"Understanding mass psychology, understanding how to enter the market, understanding where is your management, where are you going to manage the trade, you need to know this in advance, otherwise you'll act emotional."
"You are a reflection of how you behave on the charts."
"Human behavior tends to repeat itself, and that's why we look for these patterns."
"People move price, not mathematical equations."
"Humans vacillate between fear and greed and as long as we have humans involved with markets, we're going to have bubbles."
"For a stock to double, other investors need to think it can triple."
"The fear of missing out comes from a lack of clarity. The fear of being wrong comes from having a massive ego in the market. You need to be neutral in the market."
"The greatest trick that the market ever pulled is convincing investors that we're in a bear market when most stocks have been going up since June."
"The market has a way of making people feel like they need to do something to take advantage of this, and that's usually right when the market changes."
"The fear and greed index is a fantastic way to gauge what people are feeling emotionally."
"When markets over a very short time horizon only listen to one emotion, panic, you set yourself up for logic to kick back in and a situation where you get a nice whiplash."
"Understanding the phases of market psychology and taking advantage of them when they occur is the key message to take from the book."
"I think Warren Buffett has a quote, 'You buy when others are fearful,' and I find that to be so true."
"What could pop the stock market bubble and cause a gigantic recession or even a depression? Well, one of the things is just psychology."
"Cash is what's going to make you rich when everybody else is panicking and fearful."
"Technical analysis can often get you in early because you're looking at the charts and you're watching really the psychology of the market."
"Human emotion is everything. Learn to manage your own emotion and learn to play with other people's emotion."
"The essence of intrinsic valuation is crowds can make mistakes."
"We should become more greedy, we should become more aggressive when others become more fearful."
"I love buying when others are fearful and I love selling when others are getting greedy."
"Breaking past key levels, so when it does that, or reverses a bit of a trend back to the upside, you got to think in the mind of the other person."
"The crowd psychology moves between phases of optimism and pessimism in a natural, predictable, repeatable way."
"All price action is driven by two things: fear and greed."
"This kind of dangling of the meat right in front of the market... ends up being a massive driver of price action."
"Buy when everybody's fearful and sell when everybody's greedy."
"You're reading the mind of the market, you're reading the emotions of the market, and you're looking to capitalize on the emotions of others while controlling your own."
"Market movements follow a specific structure based on investor psychology."
"If everybody thinks the Market's going to go up on the first day... it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of a great day in the market."
"Disbelief basically comes before a bull market."
"The psychology of the market is fascinating; you have to learn when to trust people when not to."
"Buy when others are fearful and sell when they're greedy."
"It allows the psychology of the market participants to reprocess things."
"Successful investing is anticipation of the anticipations of others."
"I think this is the point where there's overwhelming fear, and we need to take advantage of it."
"The psychology and the emotions of investors are actually more important than any technical or fundamental analysis because the market is just full of people."