
Nuclear Energy Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"Nuclear power is one of the safest forms of energy available."
"If they're serious about being about carbon in the atmosphere, then they must be pro-nuclear."
"We need lots more open-ended, clear discussion...educate yourself a little bit, people need to get more clear on actually in general how safe and clean nuclear power is."
"With nuclear, it means that a single can of coke provides enough uranium to provide all the energy that you need for your entire life."
"Where nuclear plants displace coal-fired power plants, they actually save lives."
"Nuclear energy, based on everything I've seen, seems like the obvious way forward."
"The presence of an operating nuclear power plant under Russian control has given the conflict a terrifying new dimension."
"Why is there no Manhattan-like project into nuclear fusion or into nuclear energy in general?"
"Nuclear power simply replaces CO2 emitting energy, which is why nuclear has saved more CO2 than any other technology."
"The only technology that we currently have today which can replace fossil fuel generation is nuclear energy."
"Nuclear energy is clean, it's reliable, and if we embrace it now, we can combat climate change and benefit generations to come."
"Nuclear energy seems like a great idea... nuclear is right at the bottom for the number of deaths... it is the safest and most productive form of energy we have discovered."
"Finally, the advantages of the molten-salt reactor are significant, inherent passive safety through having fluid fuel and operating at low pressure."
"Nuclear is objectively the safest form of energy."
"Nuclear energy is not renewable but it is extremely sustainable."
"There's something that's both scary and awesome about nuclear energy."
"Nuclear remember is not just a fantastic fuel for generating electricity and emissions free but it's a really important fuel in deterring war."
"Nuclear is the safest way to make reliable power."
"Nuclear energy is probably our path out of this."
"Atoms for Peace helped send this message that hey, we're the good guys."
"We are announcing roughly $8,000,000,000 in loan guarantees to break ground on the first new nuclear plant in our country in three decades."
"SMRs are defined as producing 300 megawatts or less, which is quite a bit less than the large-scale plant."
"The future is too important for us not to embrace the discussion about nuclear, to change the laws and to let the economics and the other things be tested in the real market." - Unknown speaker
"Climate change is such an important topic and the world really does need to build more nuclear and we'll build more nuclear." - Unknown speaker
"Nuclear power has proven to be overall the safest power source available."
"Why is the world so averse to nuclear energy? Because they're idiots and they're brainwashed and whatever else, right?"
"We don't know everything guys, like, do your research on nuclear, seriously."
"Nuclear energy is the cleanest, most efficient power."
"We need to keep using the existing commercial nuclear technologies we have."
"Three Mile Island was normal in that it was unexpected, incomprehensible, uncontrollable, and unavoidable."
"Nuclear power and waste... looks less dangerous and more promising than ever."
"Just do nuclear and you can have it right, beautiful sky."
"France relies very heavily on nuclear energy, and in particular, it relies on uranium from Niger for that nuclear energy."
"Chernobyl as a power station was created to fuel and energize this location."
"Nuclear has to be part of our clean energy mix."
"What happened to the promise of nuclear energy?"
"Nuclear power has prevented an average of over 1.8 million net deaths worldwide"
"Dad discovered the reason Keemstar is a toxic offender is because he turned radioactive after years of nuclear power plant leaks."
"This is a nuclear disaster we're talking about, radiation, something as invisible, the direct effects are extremely hard to measure."
"More investment into nuclear power will help combat global climate change."
"Nuclear energy would have been the obvious solution to many problems."
"Modern agriculture is a miracle, just like nuclear energy."
"They've just announced crossing the barrier of one Mega Joule... which is about 80 percent of the energy that was being introduced into the reactor."
"In my opinion, it is the answer. I don't think we can transition to a quote-unquote green quote-unquote sustainable world without nuclear."
"I believe that we are on the cusp of an enormous move in the sector."
"Nuclear is the safest form of electricity generation."
"I mean, uranium is literally just like a rock that emits energy. It's like magic."
"The biggest and most significant benefit of Japan’s HTTR reactor is how it fixes one of the biggest and most notorious flaws of nuclear energy: the risk of a nuclear meltdown."
"Certain countries are already on the path of developing thorium based reactors."
"Fundamentally though, the big challenge is changing hearts & minds on nuclear, and if we can do so, we have an excellent power source."
"Nuclear bombs are awesome power sources but give their energy off way too fast."
"Nuclear power plants are expensive to build, construction often takes longer than expected, and debates over how to handle radioactive wastes rage on."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"It makes no sense, if you believe in protecting the environment, nuclear energy is a great way to do it."
"Nuclear fits the bill, especially for those countries that don't have access to hydro power."
"Nuclear power is the safest way to make electricity."
"The need for nuclear is urgent. Suddenly the world is on course to get dangerously hot, and nuclear power is expected to play an essential role in tempering climate change."
"If we change the nuclear structure of the atom, we can get a million times more energy out of it."
"Nuclear energy is cleaner, safer, and more energy-efficient than coal, but the waste it generates is very dangerous."
"Nuclear is not only absolutely necessary for global energy production, but it is also the absolute best possible solution by a huge margin compared to every alternative."
"We're reliant today on fossil fuel power plants and our existing nuclear fleet for that but over time we have to replace those plants with something else."
"Nuclear is the most forward-thinking technology that's the most evolved technology we have."
"If you really wanted to cut carbon emissions, you should switch to nuclear energy."
"Ultimately, nuclear may not be the solution, but it’s a solution."
"I actually am a believer in nuclear fission."
"Nuclear would eliminate the majority of pollution-related fatality in the US."
"France recycles about 96% of its nuclear waste."
"Nuclear power can be a great source of energy, but it can also lead to catastrophe."
"The promise of nuclear power would never shine as brightly again."
"Chernobyl is the poster child for the dangers of nuclear power."
"Molten salt reactors have been theorized to achieve efficiencies between 40 to 45 percent."
"We're all for removing coal with natural gas, we're all for nuclear, we're all for renewable."
"Generation 4 nuclear power plants are amongst the safest forms of energy."
"Climate change is a problem... there are ways we can address it, particularly nuclear power and other free market solutions."
"The existence of nuclear power prevents an average of 76 thousand deaths per year by getting rid of pollution from fossil fuels."
"The bottom line is that even considering higher estimates, nuclear meltdowns and radiation leaks just aren't a serious public threat compared to fossil fuels."
"I want to be super clear: you should not only not shut down nuclear power plants but you should also reopen the ones that you've already shut down."
"Nuclear power is a possible solution to our dire energy and climate challenges."
"Chernobyl disaster: flaws in the design of a reactor, personnel who had been inadequately trained, cold war isolation, and a lack of safety culture."
"Fission is taking heavy elements like uranium and breaking them up, releasing energy."
"Thorium is a lot less exciting. Can they be deployed in India?"
"On climate we need nuclear power." - Phil Cheesesteak
"Physics matters, and when you use physics as your lens, nuclear is by far the best option available."
"A kilogram of uranium-235... capable of releasing many thousands of times more energy than a kilo of coal."
"The biggest challenge the nuclear folks face is combating the almost universally adverse public perception of their entire industry."
"Replacing one coal power plant with a nuclear power plant is equivalent to two and a half million people switching to electric vehicles."
"Progressives can't exclude nuclear from that equation."
"Nuclear technology isn't all that cutting edge... it's fairly primitive technology."
"Even Elon Musk has come out as a vocal proponent of nuclear power."
"Nuclear would qualify as green energy. It's unbelievably huge to see that type of decision come out of..."
"Now they have nuclear power, and a lot of it."
"All of the nuclear waste we've ever produced in the united states can fit on a single football field stacked 50 feet high, it's like vanishingly small amounts of waste."
"I'm not even a fan of nuclear technology, but you know what, I'm as your leader, I'm willing to set my bias aside and use nuclear anywhere that nothing else is feasible."
"People are starting to recognize the importance of nuclear energy, and that gives me hope."
"Imagine if you get cheaper nuclear by 2030, it'll basically eradicate most of the stuff that we built up with solar and wind."
"Seeing Belgium turn off their nuclear reactor, something that we know works, that we know is safe, doesn't give me a bunch of confidence."
"Chernobyl: the worst nuclear disaster in human history."
"Nuclear actually produces four times less carbon emissions than solar does."
"Nuclear energy is green energy, and it's not just important. It's probably the most important thing."
"I think it's ironic that he nuked himself because you've got to understand the power of nuclear energy."
"It would have been an enormous disaster, catastrophe, an enormous nuclear disaster."
"Nuclear energy is not a panacea. It's another one of these solutions in search of a problem."
"Nuclear energy could be making a big comeback in the US."
"The single greatest barrier to meaningfully decarbonizing our economy without crashing people's standard of living is for the nuclear industry to fight back in the propaganda war."
"We could have abundant essentially free energy right now if the anti-nuclear movement hadn't stopped it in the U.S."
"We want to use the energy produced by these big nuclear power plants for economies of scale of energy production, using this energy to desalinate water." - Hala El Tawil
"I think nuke power is absolutely incredible. It's phenomenal."
"Changing the reactor from fission to fusion is huge."
"Now I'm planning to make this relatively safe... I'm usually very safe and cautious about letting my reactors overheat."
"We should be talking about thorium because thorium can do something unique and special that uranium cannot do."
"Going nuclear should mean creating a safe, clean, reliable, sustainable energy source for the benefit of all of humankind."
"We are seeing talk and discussion and development of new reactor designs."
"I'm claiming to everything there is nuclear, but I can certainly share some knowledge."
"The high level of radioactivity meant that the waste was heating itself through decay heat."
"We need nuclear as part of the solution set; it has zero greenhouse gas emissions."
"His greatest achievement, E equals MC squared, also becomes this thing that can destroy the world."
"The world is clearly pivoted back to nuclear energy in most countries... energy policy has shifted back to nuclear."
"The hope of every scientist that nuclear energy will lead to the establishment of a World Organization for the effective control of all weapons of mass destruction."
"What if nuclear energy could be improved even further?"
"Nuclear accidents are very rare and even accounting for these, nuclear energy has caused fewer deaths than any other form of electricity generation."
"While nuclear energy has risks, it is also primarily 'clean, safe, and hugely efficient.'"
"In unit 2 that green system which we call Reactor Core isolation cooling lasted for 20 hours and in unit 3 it actually lasted for 70 hours almost three days which is longer than people speculated it could have."
"Plutonium is recovered through a reprocessing plant, recycled back into fuel fabrication."
"And then there's Robo itself, an instrument of war with a dark color scheme powered by nuclear energy."
"The cost of nuclear is a political artifact, the speed of nuclear is a political artifact, there are no technical constraints."
"This is a moment where there's potential for nuclear to get rebranded or to have a reversal of sort of the political attitude in the US or elsewhere."
"Imagine 100 different nuclear energy experts arguing about the best way to handle this."
"NuScale Power, one of the front-runners in SMR development has designed a small modular reactor (SMR) that would take up 1% of the space of a conventional reactor."
"SMRs enhance safety and security through lower thermal power of the reactor core and use of passive safety systems."
"President Jimmy Carter would arrive to see 3 Mile Island in two days. Say what you will about Jimmy Carter, thankfully he actually had nuclear experience."
"Join me on my journey for a clean, safe, sustainable nuclear energy future."
"Molten salt reactors offer many of the same safety advantages as liquid metal cooled reactors, with the added advantage that fluoride salts are not flammable like sodium and potassium."
"The main advantage of MSRs lies in the liquid state of the fuel which allows it to be continuously tapped off and replaced without having to shut down the reactor."
"Nuclear energy itself is actually extraordinarily safe, and fourth generation reactors I actually don't even use uranium, they use thorium."
"The health and lives of people are protected while the advantages of nuclear energy are being developed."
"So about 0.7% of naturally occurring uranium is this special isotope, U-235. It is the only naturally occurring isotope that is fissionable. Which is what you need for the current generation of reactors."
"But if we are to confidently assign a role to nuclear energy that extends past, say a couple hundred years, we will need to make use of uranium-238 and thorium at some point in the future."
"The nuclear energy industry has not covered itself in glory with reliable project delivery in Western countries."
"But then, you go to China, South Korea, Japan, not to mention some Western European nations and more recently the UAE, who have been able to build plants on time to a high standard for a predictable price."
"Nuclear power is generated by splitting atoms of uranium-235."
"Many believe that Nuclear power will cover enough of our energy needs to allow us to end our dependence on fossil fuels, like natural gas, crude oil, and coal."
"Nuclear is low carbon... whatever you might think about nuclear power, it's very low carbon."
"How is it possible to worry about global warming and not be pro-nuclear?"
"It's like being in a nuclear cooling tower or something."
"It's a beautiful thing. It's also a sad thing because the number of charitable organizations out there supporting the nuclear industry is is pretty stunning."
"Nuclear could solve all of that... this is actually a cleaner version of power."
"...all of it would be nuclear. I mean, you're talking about orders of magnitude, raw fundamental physics advantage. It would be asinine to think otherwise."
"Nuclear is ripe for rethinking... it's almost impossible to even talk about... it's as bad as like 99 to 1 in a lot of cases."
"Nuclear energy is the safest industry there is, even windmills are more dangerous than nuclear power. Come on, how can a windmill be dangerous?"
"The momentum behind the nuclear industry is as strong as it's ever been."
"The fact remains less people die from accidents involving nuclear power globally than worldwide deaths that can be attributed to the effects of global warming."
"Nuclear plants produce a relatively small volume of solid-spent nuclear fuel that can be controlled."
"The total amount of waste we're talking about here really isn't all that much at least not compared to the amount of energy we've gotten out of nuclear power plant operations."
"One of the positive things about nuclear energy is its density."
"How incredible would that be, top of reactor number five, just looking over at reactor number four? It's actually quite breathtaking."
"Words to live by and should be incorporated in a lot of prey job briefings and nuclear plants."
"Eventually, he said, 'I think I want to build an actual nuclear reactor.'"
"So another of course important use is the potential of nuclear energy and the current use of nuclear energy."
"The awesome color of the nuclear explosion has been harnessed that is being used to benefit all our lives."
"Our investigation led us to understanding that nuclear was the solution."
"Let's promote innovation: nuclear, advanced geothermal, and on and on it goes."
"The reactor testing station has deep importance not only to builders of reactors but to countless millions of people."
"Nuclear power is without question the safest, cheapest, and the cleanest form of mass power generation."
"Fission and fusion work from an energetic standpoint."
"Molten salt designs have inherent safety features that favor overall cost, waste reduction, low cost, and rapid deployment."
"When you look at the number of deaths per megawatt hour generated from various energy sources, you actually get nuclear coming out as one of the very safest energy technologies."
"This was how we were to use this terrifying power for peaceful purposes; it was safe, it was cheap, almost free fuel, and it was peaceful."
"The thick concrete will help to absorb the dangerous radiation from the nuclear reactor."
"If fourth generation nuclear becomes cheaper than fossil fuels, we're done. Everyone will just switch."
"Nuclear's greenhouse gas emissions are tiny compared to burning stuff."
"The most efficient form of logistics is a train running off overhead line electrification supplied by a nuclear power plant."
"Atomic energy can also be used for peaceful purposes."
"Advanced nuclear technology means we're in a whole different playing field."
"It uses Godzilla as an allegory of Japanese reliance on nuclear energy and also a complete criticism of the Japanese government."
"Modern-day nuclear power plants are remarkably safe."
"The power of nuclear power plants lies in the process of nuclear fission."
"The device with a yield of less than one Megaton was detonated to determine the environmental and structural effects."
"It is the hope of every scientist that nuclear energy will lead to the establishment of a world organization for the effective control of all weapons of mass destruction, and through this, to the abolition of war."
"If we're serious about climate change and measures to stop it, we need to go through a nuclear renaissance."
"Godzilla being a prehistoric creature awakened and energized by atomic explosions."
"The new reactors will be the most advanced type of this in the world with newly designed safety features and improved efficiency."
"Atomic energy is tamed for peaceful application."
"The energy in a few pounds of U-235 is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of tons of dynamite."
"Nuclear energy hands down is the best energy that there can be."
"We can have a truly utopian society if we have nuclear power."
"Nuclear is base load and it ain't going anywhere."
"We were the first small town in our state to have a nuclear power plant constructed within the town limits."
"The United States has the most nuclear reactors in the world and no uranium production."
"Should we maybe really revisit the power potential of nuclear reactors?"
"Do we need to re-educate ourselves when it comes to atomic energy?"
"The United States knows that peaceful power from atomic energy is no dream of the future."
"The engine of the Manta uses Mercury which is pressurized under high pressure using nuclear energy to create acceleration."
"If you took every nuclear weapon ever built at the height of the Cold War, lumped them together and blew them up at the same time, that would be one one-millionth of the energy released at that moment."
"Nuclear power is the safe, easy alternative that could provide us with electricity without damaging the planet at all."
"In one hour, this nuclear reactor can generate enough power to run a UK home for 400 years."
"Thorium is a next generation fuel for nuclear reactors, and it's superior to uranium on many levels."
"The United States government now wants to turn this great destructive force into something good for mankind."
"Nuclear has this awesome advantage though of producing no air pollutants."
"One in every five homes is powered by nuclear energy."
"If you can get your overnight capital cost down to 2,000 per kilowatt, then nuclear becomes a dominant power source."