
Clean Energy Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"The episode metaphorically captures the deliberate obstruction faced by the clean energy movement."
"I have enjoyed working with three presidents achieving historic investments in clean energy with President George Bush, transformative Health Care reform with President Barack Obama, and forging the future from infrastructure to health care to climate action with President Joe Biden."
"The potential for unlimited clean energy is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality within our grasp."
"That's staggering — to put it into perspective, that's more clean energy generation capacity than is currently available in any nation outside China."
"To me, if you need a large amount of clean energy, nuclear is the best option."
"We will make this country a clean energy superpower."
"It charges blocks that are way bigger than this to insane temperatures so that it can deliver clean and continuous heat or electricity to fossil fuel hungry industries."
"This is leading to massive investments in the clean energy economy that will both lower carbon emissions in the United States and create enormous numbers of good jobs."
"The President is committed during his presidency to invest in, work with labor unions, with climate activists, with a range of with the industry to invest in good paying clean energy jobs."
"Nuclear power is the safest and cleanest form of energy generation historically and it continues to be so."
"President Biden has set 2035 as the 100% clean electricity date."
"I want crystal clean water and air. I want beautiful clean air."
"We can get to net zero, in terms of energy production, by 2035. Not only not costing people jobs. Creating jobs."
"Now is the time to create millions of good jobs building out the infrastructure and clean energy necessary to save our planet for future generations."
"The idea was not just to clean up pollution but steer the nation toward cleaner energy like wind and solar, and cut emissions from fossil fuels that scientists agree are driving climate change."
"According to this theory, there exists a way to produce clean energy at extremely low cost, but the big oil companies are suppressing it."
"It goes without saying that if research in space leads us to discovering a cheap and abundant clean energy supply, space exploration helped earth and its inhabitants."
"There's no better microcosm of the States’ attitude about powering buildings with clean energy than the White House itself."
"We wanna make energy as clean as we can, as fast as we can, and do it in ways that don't raise cost for consumers."
"I want to make investments in retrofit, clean energy."
"American workers can lead the world in the production of electric vehicles and batteries."
"The cause of the clean energy crisis isn't from within our machines, it's from within ourselves."
"We're going to harness the purchasing power of the federal government to buy clean zero emission vehicles that are made and sourced by union workers right here in America."
"We need to stand up and say our future has to be clean energy."
"The solution to make us energy secure is to move to clean energy."
"How we build that clean energy economy because that's where jobs are going to come from."
"So many clean energy jobs have no ability to be outsourced."
"Electric cars are environmentally superior to gasoline cars in the vast majority of cases."
"The nation that leads the clean energy economy will lead the global economy."
"It will drive forward the clean energy economy, creating good-paying jobs and lowering families' energy costs."
"A new breed of engineers and energy geeks says we need nuclear power now more than ever."
"This whole clean energy space is one where we can put people to work, save energy, save people here in the United States a lot of money, and free ourselves from dependence on foreign oil."
"Nuclear energy is the cleanest, most efficient power."
"Governments will finally realizing what's pretty obvious ly clean energy you're going to need the critical Metals the critical minerals."
"So, we believe that because clean energy was one of his big initiatives when he got elected, it's one of the four, he will focus on getting an EV credit passed. There's no question in my mind."
"I think the move to a new clean energy economy is not some kind of green kumbayah. It's a revolution." - John Doerr
"Thorium will usher in a new era of clean and sustainable energy free from carbon emissions."
"China may be adding coal-fired power plants, but it is also making massive investments in clean energy."
"The single biggest economic opportunity of our lifetime: energy, clean energy, decarbonization."
"The petrodollar is based on highly polluting fossil fuels and needs to be replaced without delay. There's a clean solution: Bitcoin."
"We're working on called clean coal. I always say clean beautiful coal."
"We have the ability to invest in ourselves and build an equitable clean energy future."
"Hydrogen fuel cells produce plenty of electric power while emitting pure water as waste exhaust."
"Byd may actually be the biggest and most important company that you don't know anything about."
"Byd already sets the perfect example of how to transition to a new clean energy economy."
"Nuclear has to be part of our clean energy mix."
"One of the best ways to be on the forefront in energy is to incentivize clean energy."
"Clean energy system minimizing waste and maximizing output."
"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water."
"We need a new beginning, a transition from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"This bill gets us almost all the way there... it would make the largest investment anywhere in a transition to a clean energy economy."
"For the first time, one scientist from our civilization cycle has proven that clean energy was possible."
"For a brand like Tesla, the core essence is things like innovation, clean energy, and thinking outside the box."
"We're looking at a future in which organic food and clean energy are cultivated with levels of abundance never before seen."
"The legislation lays out a plan to get our country off of our addiction to fossil fuels by 2035."
"Plants provide the cleanest burning fuel and enhance recovery."
"The only clean hydrogen is if we use electrolysis from water using clean energy."
"It will definitely serve as a very important first step in achieving an actual nuclear fusion that we can use for clean energy."
"Star builders are interested in fusion on earth because right now today we're in an energy crisis and fusion promises to be a new and clean energy source."
"Fusion is the perfect way to make energy. It's clean, it's safe, it doesn't produce CO2. It is definitely the energy source of the future."
"Canal-top solar: Win-win-win for clean energy and the environment."
"Clean hydrogen could help us cut down almost a quarter of the world’s emissions."
"Imagine a world where energy was so clean and abundant that it was no longer a limiting factor in the growth of civilization."
"Our goal is to build 50 megawatt scale generators that generate clean, safe electricity."
"Despite the challenges, harnessing the power of the stars and offering mankind unlimited clean energy is a goal worth striving for."
"We will grow the industries of tomorrow, here, the clean energy projects in every community."
"We'll create millions of jobs and fight climate change through a clean energy revolution."
"We want a world powered by nature... by accelerating the transition to clean energy."
"Agrivoltaics really offers us that opportunity to continue farming, continue doing these agricultural activities, while also producing clean electricity."
"The cleanest type of energy you can imagine."
"Zero carbon dioxide is produced with the thorium reactor."
"Thorium could provide a clean and effectively limitless source of power."
"Make bold investments in their people and clean energy future, win the good jobs of tomorrow, and make their economies more resilient and more competitive." - Joe Biden
"We can create millions of high-paying union jobs by building a modern infrastructure and a clean energy future."
"We need to achieve a carbon pollution-free electric sector by the year 2035."
"If we take the necessary steps to start to realign our energy and transportation systems, clean up the air, we will see an immediate drop not just in coronavirus like pandemics but in the annual flu season."
"This bill is designed to make clean energy cheap and it does that immediately through subsidies, tax credits, rebates, loans, loan guarantees."
"Clean energy is cheaper in terms of foreign policy, it's cheaper in terms of externalities, the pollution that it doesn't cause, but it's also literally cheaper."
"If we're gonna transition to clean transportation quickly, we need to wake the up."
"The consensus is that the utility industry will be capable of generating enough clean power for the coming wave of electrification."
"This could be an important step in building a clean and sustainable energy industry of the future."
"I think the public understands it, and I think most importantly, across the political spectrum, they support the movement to cleaner forms of energy."
"The plan would provide child care, the plan would provide vocational education and community college, the plan would finally invest in clean energy."
"Clean energy will be competing on a much more even playing field."
"Hydrogen can be made from various energy sources, offering versatility and environmental benefits."
"Hydrogen: a promising clean energy carrier for the future."
"Germany's clean energy infrastructure is impressive."
"I want to move towards clean energy... I don't want to be trapped into... I don't want to get sued by another country."
"International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor: A potential game-changer in clean energy."
"President Biden's American Jobs Plan has earmarked $174 billion to win the EV market and another $34 billion for solar, wind, and other alternative energy solutions."
"Because they know you are hurting when it comes to gas prices and so they're saying we're going to scramble in order to bump up our use of clean energy by using the defense production act to do this."
"We need to end fossil fuel subsidies and invest in clean energy for all people."
"Politics follows the money, and more income is shifting as we speak to clean jobs from dirty ones."
"Joe Biden has a plan to create 10 million good clean energy jobs right here in America."
"Helium-3, a potential fuel source that could help transform the production and utilization of clean and efficient energy on Earth."
"Yes, we need to ensure clean water on reserve and off reserve... We need to allow First Nations to be able to say yes to energy projects that will bring prosperity to their communities." - Mr. McKay
"Diesel is a cleaner burning fuel than gasoline."
"Elon Musk... stated that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were 'Incredibly Dumb' and others like Toyota have eventually agreed."
"It's clean energy, it's almost like wind power. No, it's very clean energy."
"Renewable clean energy and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions."
"No amount of fossil fuel funded obstruction here at home is going to stop the clean energy revolution happening in the rest of the world."
"China should be able to break its addiction to coal by using clean alternatives."
"Replacing one coal power plant with a nuclear power plant is equivalent to two and a half million people switching to electric vehicles."
"If we can advance Fusion Energy, we could use it to produce clean electricity, transportation fuels, power heavy industry, and so much more."
"so nonpartisan business group ii - which stands for environmental entrepreneurs found clean energy jobs increased in nearly every in the US last year and they said this"
"The United States is now an exporter of clean, affordable American natural gas."
"Nuclear means you can have completely pollution free energy and be able to use the electricity any time of day and at a very low cost."
"The Biden-Harris ticket is pledging to achieve a 100 percent clean energy economy with net zero emissions by no later than 2050."
"Clean energy jobs are actually the jobs of the future."
"Clean energy solutions: Electric bucket trucks for a sustainable future."
"Hydro power: The enormous potential of clean energy."
"We have a mutual goal of getting off coal electricity while expanding clean energy grids."
"The data we presented today makes clear that the QuantumScape technology can address the fundamental issues."
"It's historic investment in roads and rail and transit and bridges in clean energy and clean water."
"The solution to reducing emissions is to move to clean energy."
"If they want to put -- I mean, Jerry Brown, we were together at the -- in China, at Beijing for the clean energy ministerial."
"There's definitely opportunity, there's a lot of money to be made in these clean energy in these EVs."
"Clean energy is energy that doesn't kill you."
"May was the first-ever month in the UK in which it was completely coal-free for its electricity needs."
"Do you really think I don't want clean energy in a cleaner environment? Of course I do."
"Wind is a great natural resource, it's very clean."
"The plan would aim to achieve a carbon pollution free power sector by 2035."
"If it passes, the US will have pivoted in a major way toward a clean energy economy."
"Now it's time for Congress to double down and speed up, not slow down, our transition to a clean energy future."
"There is a clear path to a sustainable energy Earth."
"It runs a lot cleaner and it runs a lot cheaper because the cost of energy is much, much lower."
"Clean energy and solar are starting to show signs of base."
"We will no longer be dependent on oil production and where Oil comes from; we will be able to generate clean energy."
"Archimedes burns liquid methane fuel because it is the cleanest and most rapidly reusable option."
"Facilitating the transmission of clean electricity."
"The fusion part is in a certain sense a cleaner bomb."
"Civilization is based on clean energy, clean water, clean communications, clean money."
"There's no radioactive waste, there's no carbon dioxide, basically no pollution."
"When this project is complete, all the 102 turbines are installed and commissioned, they will produce enough clean energy to power 630,000 homes."
"Producing hydrogen in a way that doesn't contribute to greenhouse gas emissions is a cornerstone of the shift towards cleaner energy."
"By 2030, every Google facility, Data Center, and office campus will be directly powered by Clean Energy 100% of the time."
"...hydrogen is key to us moving to a clean energy future."
"Investing and guess what we've got a commitment for Investments of 470 billion dollars in American by American companies home and abroad for manufacturing clean energy."
"Toyota's hydrogen engines produce zero CO2 emissions while in operation, making them a very good and clean option."
"Bitcoin is a digital energy network. It is providing the ultimate gift, which is clean money, to go along with your clean air, clean power, clean food, clean water."
"You don't have to believe in climate change, you don't have to think of it as a hoax to want clean energy. I don't think anybody wants to heat their house with coal or oil or whale oil."
"Help clean energy financing be more accessible to low-income and underserved communities that have for far too long carried the brunt of environmental pollution."
"Clean energy collaboration is one of the biggest successes of the last five years."
"In that sense clean because there's no emissions of carbon or pollutants."
"We are going to transition to a clean energy economy as well as clean building materials clean transportation clean ag it's going to happen."
"Hydrogen fuel cells promise clean energy with water as the only by-product."
"The race to supplant fossil fuels with an efficient source of clean energy has never been more critically important."
"...the mission is clean Power by 2030 so nobody's pushing back on that nobody's saying we want a later date or half clean power or 50% clean power."
"Join me on my journey for a clean, safe, sustainable nuclear energy future."
"We all understand the need for mining as part of our clean energy future."
"Fusion is one of a much larger suite of clean energy game changers."
"So now as we shift into higher gear to deploy these technologies at full speed...now is the time to give this next generation of clean energy technologies a running start."
"It's time to end the taxpayer giveaways to an industry that rarely has been more profitable, and double-down on a clean energy industry that never has been more promising."
"Maybe clean energy is not a bad thing."
"Solar energy is clean, renewable, and it's good for the environment."
"I've been unwavering in relation to the mission: clean power by 2030."
"We need to standardize our charging, we need to have more charging stations, and we need to clean up our energy grid."
"We've got a growing demand for clean, reliable, and affordable energy."
"We believe in a strong, dynamic, robust market economy that is delivering the solutions in clean technology."
"Using renewable energy, that's right, yes, and not creating any sort of gas in the air, no emissions, it is the best."
"A net zero grid will serve as the basis for climate actions across the economy."
"For the past 10 years, I've been helping families achieve energy independence using clean, renewable energy."
"EVs can and already are run very cleanly."
"Nuclear power is without question the safest, cheapest, and the cleanest form of mass power generation."
"But nuclear energy can be a source of zero emissions around the clock all year long energy, and that is a very appealing combination, as we race to decarbonize electricity grids around the world."
"We have to accelerate the shift to a clean energy economy and we have to do it much faster than we are today."
"The aim is to reduce as much as possible their reliance on the grid and powering from dirty fossil fuels."
"We need a bold vision, universal pre-k, and universal health care, unleashing millions of new jobs in the clean energy economy."
"If you're going to meet the global 2050 goals, hydrogen has to be part of it."
"Achieving historic investments in clean energy with President George Bush."
"This is a true sailing solar boat with zero diesel on board, zero fossil fuels on board."
"We are all for the transition and clean energy and the use of renewables."
"Transitioning to a clean energy economy will not be easy. But we can no longer delay putting a framework for a clean energy economy in place."
"More than anything else, this economic and environmental tragedy underscores the urgent need for this nation to develop clean, renewable sources of energy."
"A world desperate for a clean energy fuel is pinning its hopes on hydrogen, seeing it as a way to power factories, buildings, and trucks without pumping heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the sky."
"There's no fossil fuels involved; it produces loads and loads of energy."
"Not many people know this, but the efficiency of solar panels can be affected by dust, bird droppings, fallen leaves, soot, traces of salts, and ammonia."
"Chile is a very centralized country... but the natural resources to produce clean electricity are spread throughout the country."
"The market is starting to appear for this stuff, and people are prepared to pay a little more for clean."
"The Holcomb Energy System HES is a scientific breakthrough in a hundred percent clean energy with no moving parts, solid state."
"We're going to create millions of new jobs in a clean energy economy."
"Investing in energy alternatives is important, and with the global supply uncertainty, we must ramp up clean energy to eliminate reliance on hostile nations for our energy needs."
"It's the combination of all those things that can direct us towards a cleaner future."
"The governor of Michigan signs a package to push Michigan 100% clean energy by 2040."
"This fuel is considered environmentally friendly because during its burning process, there are zero harmful emissions released into the atmosphere."
"That's all clean energy, all the time."
"We're talking about investing in the cheapest form of energy, and at the moment, clean power is cheaper."
"We want to put our investment into the clean energy sources that are going to power us through the next century."
"In a hydrogen fuel cell... when you react hydrogen with oxygen, you get energy and water, so there are no air pollutants as a result."
"Storing energy as rust might be the breakthrough that our clean energy grids have been waiting for."
"Renewable, sustainable energy for the whole world. No more toxic sludge, no more greenhouse gases. Pure air, pure land, pure oceans."
"The most efficient form of logistics is a train running off overhead line electrification supplied by a nuclear power plant."
"It's a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, which means it actually uses hydrogen in tanks and a fuel cell under the hood turns that hydrogen along with oxygen into electricity that propels the vehicle."
"Unlike fossil fuel-based power plants, nuclear reactors produce virtually no greenhouse gases during operation."
"Clean energy does not solve climate change."
"Guyana is committed to a clean energy transition, aiming for over 80 percent reliance on renewable energy by 2030."
"Stirling engines have been put to reasonably useful use; it's early days yet, but there's been a revival in interest in these things in the clean energy market."
"Electric vehicles are an important piece of the puzzle for setting course towards the net zero future."
"The only byproduct of a hydrogen fuel cell is water."
"Hydrogen in a fuel cell is clean, it is completely green, and you give off water."