
American Democracy Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"In this house, we begin each day with a prayer and a pledge to the flag, and every day I am in awe of the majestic miracle that is American democracy."
"Keep politics out of the boardroom, not just for the sake of the companies but for the sake of American democracy itself."
"We are here because our great American republic is admired in dark money, huge gouts of anonymized money by covert political influence."
"American democracy is under assault from multiple directions."
"This is the essence of what American democracy is tonight."
"America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad because it's gonna put up a fight."
"American democracy is in a really fragile state right now; it needs all of us standing up to protect it."
"Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States."
"Americans and only Americans determine the outcome of our elections, not fear-mongering."
"We have to revitalize American democracy. We need Republicans to say Trump is not telling the truth; he did not win the election."
"The American experiment is on trial right now."
"The idea that an American president returns to being an ordinary citizen just like everyone else after they leave office is as fundamental to the concept of America as the bill of rights."
"Despite all the headwinds, Americans are casting their votes."
"The thing that nobody said could happen just happened anything can happen in America because of how beautiful our system is."
"Regardless if Trump is on the ballot or not, he is a danger to American democracy."
"Everything's going to be okay. We're going to have a peaceful transfer of power. We're going to land this plane safely. This is America." - General Milley
"Once you start assaulting the First Amendment, that really is an attack on American democracy. You can't have a democracy without the free flow of information. You just can't."
"If Dr. Eastman and President Trump's plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution."
"The long line of Black folks fighting for their rights, forcing America to be the best democracy it could be."
"The American people are speaking in the most important way they can which is with their right now with their donations and their signups."
"The future of American democracy is very uncertain."
"In America, the president is not able to do what a king does because in America, the president is a spokesperson for who he's elected to speak for — the people."
"I will be supporting the motion by which American democracy was rescued from the brink."
"I'm worried about the future of the fabric of American democracy."
"It is the most important right that Americans have."
"Nearly one in five said he went so far that he threatened American democracy. Oh, calm down, it was bad, it was bad."
"The right to vote is the crown jewel of American liberties."
"The best of the black freedom tradition comes in and rescues this sickness of American democracy."
"The destiny of self-government and the preservation of the sacred fire of Liberty is finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people."
"This is a campaign about whether or not we maintain American democracy."
"Now that Mitch McConnell has conceded the election because forget Putin if Mitch can't find a way to subvert American democracy then it just can't be done."
"One whole party in our two-party system and one whole side of American media has chosen to actively or subversively embrace the breakdown of American democracy and liberal values."
"If the Republicans win, that's it, the American experiment is over."
"Few if any Russian hackers could have done as much damage to the already worn fabric of American democracy as they have."
"It's a very dangerous and dark place for American democracy."
"These are the people that tried to end the American experiment because their guy didn't win."
"Those who storm this capital held a dagger at the throat of America."
"This is why the United States would serve as the arsenal of democracy."
"The question has to be answered: Do you believe in American democracy or not? Which side are you on?"
"Impeachment is the removal of somebody from office who was duly elected. That's something to be taken lightly, something that would change the fabric of America."
"The tools the founders laid out are why we've been able to include more and more groups in the American experiment."
"Women are going to save America's democracy. Say whatever you want I am a firm believer in it."
"We have a constitution and we've done a pretty damn good job for the past couple hundred years."
"There's not a country like the United States... where you can speak your mind and be safe to do so."
"We must never forget that 'We the People' are the true heirs of the American experiment."
"The arc of American democracy bends towards justice, bends towards inclusion."
"Americans looked at each other after 1854 and said listen, we don't agree about Finance, we don't agree about immigration, we don't agree about internal improvements, but by God we can agree that we care about American democracy."
"The Constitution is our highest law."
"It's a reminder that there is no more important right, no more important thing to do as Americans, then vote."
"So for me, I think that frail, flawed human beings... still argue that he's the greatest American we've ever seen."
"If you're American, make sure you vote."