
Daily Rituals Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"In this house, we begin each day with a prayer and a pledge to the flag, and every day I am in awe of the majestic miracle that is American democracy."
"I love coffee. It's an important part of my life and daily ritual."
"I love coffee. It's an important part of my life and my daily ritual."
"She wakes up in time to watch the sunrise and turns on Phoebe's favorite song 'Good Morning Sunshine.'"
"You got to take fire from the altar every day."
"Do you pray the rosary every day? Pray the rosary every day or you're not on the team."
"I like the look, taste, and ritual of matcha."
"The very first thing you should do every single day is tell all the people you love that you love them."
"In Islam, prayer is our daily dose of connection with God. Every day, if you're separated from prayer, you're separated from connecting with the Creator."
"A priest circulates the museum daily to bless the space. Amen."
"My mom sends a mass prayer text every morning at like 6:45 a.m. Alex knew my Thanksgiving plans before I did."
"What's a non-negotiable for you every single day?"
"Hit a reset button and set your intentions to have a fantastic day."
"If you mention Allah when entering your house and when sitting down to eat, the Shaytan says to his companions, 'You have no place to spend the night tonight and no food tonight.'"
"Intentions are necessary. Setting your intention every single day, it's really necessary for anything to come into existence."
"Join me now for the unparalleled pleasure. It's the dopamine hit of the day. It's the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip."
"It's the thing that makes everything better. It's a simultaneous sip."
"The unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine hit of the day, the thing that makes everything except the news better—it's called the simultaneous sip, and it happens now. Go!"
"That beer is the signal to your brain that says the work day is done."
"Abigail the kangaroo insists on giving her caretakers a hug every single day."
"My favorite parts of my day are my morning and then my night... it's just special to me."
"Our commanded mornings are not just a personal ritual, they are a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope and strength in a world that desperately needs it."
"Maybe it's those two or three candles that they light every night."
"Every day that followed, Erin would come home to her stuffed animal, her ‘Poncho II’ as she liked to think of it."
"The Quran gives people explicit time instructions to pray or to fast based on the sun."
"I'm gonna pray the rosary every day and I'm gonna read the Bible every day and I'm gonna go to confession every two weeks or every month"
"Can you imagine being a priest, and every single day of your life, you have Lai Eucharistic ministers, Communion in the hand, and altar girls every day of your life?"
"Putting on makeup makes me feel ready for the day."
"Text your girl good morning, because the first and last thing are the most important."
"What if the essential things can be the fun things? What if you can make the things that used to seem like drudgery into fun rituals?"
"Creating ritual for us is how we get a semblance of the day."
"Make every day a ritual when you're doing your hair, when you're doing your makeup."
"Starting your day in the Bible and prayer... what an amazing answer."
"We make it a point to make time for each other every single day."
"Imagine waking up every day and your partner is gonna make you coffee and bring it to you in bed."
"Every day sounds kind of cheesy but I watch a sunset or sunrise and I try to name things I'm grateful for."
"They have these sacred daily rituals that help release the stress of everyday life."
"If you can manage stress very well and if you set up those rituals on a daily basis around the things that actually matter, that's going to help you develop into a freak."
"That's the perfect way to celebrate or commiserate or just get up in the morning."
"A little piece of chocolate at the end of every day is how I live my life."
"Do you guys ever have this moment at night where you're so grateful and excited to go to sleep because you get to wake up and have your morning coffee?"
"Elite performance was not one key overarching exotic secret, but it was down to the simple systemization and implementation of daily behaviors and rituals."
"Tea is both an incentive to get out of bed and also a reward for a day very well spent."
"Every night we can watch the sunset with Mr. Dude."
"I always pray in the morning, just simply want to thank God for another day."
"Create the rituals and routines that will help you get one percent better every day."
"Creating these little routines and rituals... are going to bring you those small pockets of joy."
"Isn't that spectacular though? I love it that I can watch the sunrise and the sunset."
"The national anthem and Pledge of Allegiance should be played and recited every single day in every single public K-12 school."