
Healthcare Reform Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"I have enjoyed working with three presidents achieving historic investments in clean energy with President George Bush, transformative Health Care reform with President Barack Obama, and forging the future from infrastructure to health care to climate action with President Joe Biden."
"We have a duty to reform health care, but we have an obligation to get it right."
"Obamacare, duh! Obama spearheaded and signed the law, named after him but also known as the Affordable Care Act."
"I sort of just want to change the medical system to be honest... especially in Canada too."
"The way to fix the American medical system is to inspire and pay doctors to keep people healthy."
"Donald Trump did what no president before him has publicly done on health care reform: he quit, he gave up."
"Let's not make the mistakes of the past, and let's move forward into a healthcare system that is of the people, for the people, by the people."
"You can't fix health care until you fix health, you can't fix health until you fix diet."
"You have to support universal health care, Medicare for All, because you can't have a system... that's going to result in so many people losing jobs and insurance and not have something to fill in the gaps."
"He will fight if when we get medicare-for-all he'll make sure that everybody who voted against them will have Medicare for all."
"I support single-payer health care, I support maybe government taking over the energy sector."
"The basic idea here is to do for Bidonomics what Barack Obama did for Obamacare."
"I'm into universal healthcare... I want drugs to be legalized."
"But hey, we're working through it together, and there are plenty of healthcare reform advocacy groups that you can join or support if you, like me, would prefer our system to work a little better for the people it's supposed to help."
"Obamacare was an attempt to solve those problems, it made it illegal to deny people coverage because of pre-existing conditions."
"Health care still is not a right, that you still have to pay for it like it's a cell phone, it's completely absurd."
"If we want to fix this broken system, the first thing we have to do is end secret prices."
"This crisis has cemented the need for a universal healthcare system."
"What I'm going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option."
"The Affordable Care Act is one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama of the Democratic Party and of our country."
"You know the headache of health insurance is exactly why Crowd Health was created."
"And we got rid of the individual mandate from Obamacare."
"I support single-payer healthcare because I want the most amount of people in the United States to be covered."
"Republicans have their way. That means 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies."
"It's yours because that's what you have to do, right? Importation, lowering prices for patients by eliminating kickbacks."
"The second executive order I'm signing this afternoon will allow states, wholesalers, and pharmacies to do something other politicians have promised for decades and decades but never done."
"It shouldn't take a pandemic to realize and reform our sick pay rules."
"We've totally transformed veterans' healthcare, getting long-sought VA Choice and VA Accountability passed after 50 years."
"We're going forward because if we end a system where healthcare is a commodity and 30,000 people die every single year to stop that we're not going backwards we're going forwards you disingenuous hack."
"I like that he's challenging the system, you know like no one is brave enough to challenge Pharma ever."
"We will ensure peace through strength and end surprise medical billing."
"His goal is to make sure that we give the American people a health care system that's affordable."
"We want a different moral compass behind this healthcare system."
"Under a single-payer system, all the time spent on health insurance companies or out-of-pocket expenses is eliminated."
"I'm doing away with all of your private health insurance premiums."
"Think about Medicaid and US expanding it, think about health care for everybody, think about a decent education, think about the elimination of student loans."
"We're not here to shame anybody, we're just saying are you interested in creating meaningful change along with patients? Yes? Okay, then let's work together."
"Bernie's out there. He's going to take on corporate greed, take on the pharmaceutical companies."
"My doctrines exist to rid maternity hospitals of their horror, to preserve the wife for her husband and the mother for her child."
"We need to put healthcare, you know, we need to make it a public good again."
"Fundamentally, in America, we have to rethink how we look at health care."
"I think any form of universal health coverage, whether it comes in from a single-payer or multi-payer, is preferable to what we have right now."
"I want to get the capitalists out from in between me and my doctor."
"We do not need for-profit middlemen in between us and our doctors."
"We eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate."
"Growing support in Congress... Medicare for All is building."
"Creating Medicare for all so that healthcare is finally a right and not a privilege."
"This is something Medicare has never been able to do before by law not because they weren't willing to." - Dr. Kabita Patel
"Universal healthcare is probably where I'd start."
"She willed that caucus... to tackle Affordable Health Care."
"The state of Oregon is planning to introduce universal health care by 2026. It could be the first state in the nation to do so."
"Medicare for all would provide comprehensive healthcare to all without out-of-pocket expenses."
"Medicare for all can solve the problems of our healthcare system, covering everyone, improving the quality of coverage, expanding choice, controlling costs, and most importantly, improving our health and longevity."
"Healthcare should not be determined by your zip code and no one should go bankrupt because they can't afford growing medical expenses."
"What's needed... we actually need to make the case for single-payer healthcare."
"How are you gonna pass Medicare for all if you don't have fighters like Nina Turner in the house?"
"We are making health care better and much cheaper."
"The opposition will fight tooth and nail to protect their outrageous profits. They'll put billions into ads against Medicare for all."
"We're creating a healthcare system that protects vulnerable patients, makes healthcare more affordable, and delivers the high-quality care Americans deserve."
"We passed VA Choice, a big deal, and VA accountability, a big deal."
"The beauty of Medicare for all is that you get the Medicaid service without means testing."
"Supporting the green new deal and basically medicare for all is now moderate and centrist fantastic I'll take it."
"If we can't even have a progressive left flank that's at least as passionate about getting universal health care as the tea party was about blocking Obamacare, that's a pathetic state of affairs."
"When we talk about Medicare for all... we pay special attention to those communities that have been hardest hit by our disastrous health care system."
"We need Medicare for all. It's the future of America."
"There are still going to be those who argue that unless you get a single-payer system, you're never going to get all the efficiencies."
"That's a vote for Medicare for all. That is a vote for serious green investment in green jobs."
"Wage slavery and poor medical health care... we can fix those things."
"The first America first healthcare plan will be a core part of our national renewal."
"We want to make sure that our Medicare for All system doesn't turn into a two-tiered health care system."
"They're not gonna do that hey why don't you pass Medicare for all Nancy Pelosi you know that they're gonna kill it in the Senate the Republicans."
"It's making the case for medicare for all and for paid sick leave and for raising the minimum wage."
"We should provide healthcare to every man, woman, and child by passing Medicare for all."
"We finally got choice done... and the vets are very happy with us."
"We must guarantee healthcare as a human right."
"I'm voting this November and I'm making sure my community votes for candidates that will put us on a path to Medicare for all."
"The only way that we're going to provide quality care to every man, woman, and child in an affordable way is through Medicare for all."
"We ain't giving up on that struggle. We're going to introduce Medicare for all, believe me."
"We're not going to arrest them, we're going to push for Medicare for all."
"Only President Biden has gotten it done, and it will make a real difference for millions of Americans."
"Americans grew used to the benefits of the new law, it would become politically untenable for Republicans to repeal its most popular measures."
"We need to realign the incentives of our health care system towards our own well-being."
"President Trump is not content with a health care system where millions of Americans receive costly burdensome treatments when better options are possible and available."
"We will not rest until Americans have the health care system that they need and deserve."
"If you had a more market-responsive system where people's insurance was not provided by their employer but it was personally bought, you actually went out negotiated on behalf of you can solve group insurance."
"With today's order, my administration is taking one more vital step in a series of actions to deliver great healthcare for the American people."
"We need a medicare-for-all single-payer system so that anybody in America goes to the doctor or the nurse when you are sick and gets all of the help you need regardless of your income."
"Single-payer is the only system that's going to bring that number down to zero for sure."
"We need universal healthcare which will actually stimulate the economy."
"We need to be mad as hell and deciding that we're not gonna take it anymore when it comes to the commodification of healthcare and putting people's lives at risk for profit."
"Let's be the generation that finally tackles our healthcare crisis."
"The last area of the budget Washington politicians want to reform is Veterans health care."
"If we can't make the case for Medicare for all now, then there's never a time when we can make a case for Medicare for all."
"The public gets this we're seeing the public moving towards a strong support for Medicare for all for universal health care."
"Obama couldn't get a public option right, Biden wants a public option."
"So it would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. A Congressional Budget Office analysis estimated that price negotiation of these prescription drugs would lower spending by about $456 billion over 10 years."
"Starting in 2025, there will be a cap on the consumer out-of-pocket prescription drug costs of just $2,000."
"Accept no substitutes—only single-payer Medicare-for-all can fix the grave dysfunctions and injustices of the American healthcare system."
"Overall healthcare spending would be lower under single-payer."
"The people keeping me from Medicare for all or a living wage or from fixing homelessness are a bunch of pub[__] people with power called the Democrats."
"The Obamacare Act was a huge success and we've been making great progress because of that."
"Alberta will use its new dollars to accelerate the health reforms that we've already commenced here to decrease ER wait times, to decrease ambulance response times, to decrease surgery backlogs..."
"I think we can all work together to get health care for everybody."
"Bernie Sanders making the strong case for single-payer even as he finally calls James Carville a political hack."
"Alberta is reducing the size and scope of the healthcare bureaucracy."
"Changes are happening very very very fast in the Alberta Health Care System."
"We need people-centered healthcare in our country."
"Democratic voters should be pushing their politicians to push for single-payer. There needs to be pressure on this."
"Progressives don't want to go bankrupt because of medical bills."
"Surprise billing for medical expenses has been ended."
"Doctors need to be rewarded financially... for teaching diet lifestyle."
"Removing the profit motive entirely from global health will allow us to make the kind of public investments we need."
"We need to have a root and Branch reform of the NHS and I think that includes possibly looking at the way that it's funded."
"We are going to pass a Medicare-for-all single-payer program."
"The doctor that misdiagnosed me was sued for malpractice yes I won perhaps the growing number of lawsuits will be the action-forcing events for a change in the standard of care."
"Let's rethink healthcare and focus on prevention."
"Together we're taking power away from bureaucrats, insurance companies, and special interests."
"We're fundamentally changing the nature of the healthcare marketplace."
"People want to see actions, so as a company, as a brand, and as this team, we've always focused on not on what we do what we say about what we do."
"The second rule we're finalizing today will transform the way the U.S government pays for drugs to end global freeloading on the backs of American citizens and American patients."
"The debate is over. It's obvious. A single-payer system, a Medicare-for-All single-payer system is where you need to move to. It's just a matter of getting there."
"We shouldn't have to learn that lesson twice. Let's fix that. Let's make universal healthcare." - Governor Phil Murphy
"Focusing on those key issues like Medicare for all, $15 minimum wage... I really think that's what's going to set a challenge for Biden come 2024."
"Our blueprint starts with black folks. It starts with the economy, healthcare, and criminal justice reform." - Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
"Democrats and Republicans have been in cahoots for a while."
"It's revealing that a lot of people whose whole life have been saying I'm for Medicare for all and when the time came to fight for it they're not doing that."
"The time is now not wait not go organize more for a time in the future that will be more receptive to a single-payer vote."
"Of course, we need a National Health Service."
"Tonight we've taken a historic first step to repeal and replace Obamacare and finally give the American people the kind of health care they deserve."
"The ACA is the most consequential healthcare legislation passed in generations in our country."
"The clamor for change on the NHS is going to be so great and he I don't think he'll be allowed to do the radical stuff and he'll be out."
"Overnight, the biggest medications like arthritis, cancer, and diabetes will be a fraction of the price."
"We're going to have to stop making it a profit-driven system for a tiny group of people who make the money."
"We need national programs to deal with this...Medicare for all is the most straightforward."
"Medicare for all who want it is an amazing middle step."
"We'll end surprise medical billing once and for all."
"I know single-payer is the way to go, but there are no Democrats in office that will actually push for it. It's not realistic."
"The lowest hanging fruit is so low that it's a stunning commentary on the power that's controlling American medicine."
"Money does win elections. However, nothing changes the fact that the majority of Americans believe and approve of Medicare for All, single-payer healthcare."
"Passing a Medicare for all single-payer system, a radical idea."
"People still need health care so I won't stop people still need criminal justice systems reformed in this country so I won't stop."
"70 percent of the House Democratic Caucus calls on the White House to lower the Medicare eligibility age."
"I'm not trying to put private insurance companies out of business, but I certainly am going to rein them in."
"We need to deliver on issues like the infrastructure bill, lowering Medicare and Medicaid costs, and the chips Act."
"In America, we can do what every other major country on earth does: guarantee healthcare to all people as a human being."
"We all want a health care system that is universal, high-quality, and affordable."
"When we have Medicare for all, you will have far more stability than you currently have."
"Medicare for all will end the absurdity of the United States paying by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs."
"I don't want to terminate Obamacare. I want to replace it with much better healthcare. Obamacare sucks." - Trump
"That's what scares the establishment more than anything. They won't fight for Medicare for all."
"We need Universal Health Care... Medicare for all... subsidized child care... guaranteed sick pay... guaranteed housing... living wage."
"The majority of Americans want to have a more European-style health care system."
"I would hope that Republicans and Democrats could come together to take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry." - Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent from Vermont.
"The legislation has several health-related provisions including making permanent and expansion of Obamacare subsidies and allowing the Health and Human Services Secretary to negotiate prescription drug prices."
"The good news is we're going to win. We're going to get Medicare for all."
"Tavistock clinic faces a complete overhaul after a review found its gender identity services are not a safe or viable long-term option for children."
"President Trump is doing what I believe is the biggest free market reform of healthcare in a generation."
"We really have to replace the fee for service with a payment that takes them to the patient outcomes."
"Calling it Medicare for all is a big mistake. What we should call it is national health insurance."
"With these hands, we will not be defeated; with these hands, we will have Medicare for all; with these hands, we will have justice."
"We need a fight for the demands that have enormous majorities not just among Democrats but enormous majorities among Americans as a whole, including Republicans, like Medicare for All."
"We'll go through the gates, the gates close, we'll go over the fence, the fence is too high, we'll pull vault in if that doesn't work, we'll parachute in, but we're going to get health care reform passed."
"If you want to create an economy that works for all, not just the few, if you want to guarantee quality healthcare for all, not make a hundred billion in profit for the healthcare industry, you know what you need." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"Yes, we will pass a Medicare-for-all single-payer program."
"I've tried to use that influence to push on health care reform, to make sure we have affordable health care."
"She traded in her lamp for a pen and a paper and got busy behind the scenes trying to make health care and nursing care reform."
"We are beginning to take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act passed several years ago."
"If you want comprehensive health care, freedom of choice regarding doctor or hospital, no more than $200 a year for prescription drugs, taking on the drug companies and the insurance companies, moving to Medicare for all is the way to go."
"We will get the health care weight off of your backs and then unleash the hopes and dreams of the American people."
"The Affordable Care Act addresses a fundamental and enduring problem in our health care system and our economy."
"Replacing private for-profit health insurance with Medicare for all would lead to far lower total costs."
"You want to know what the biggest small business boost will be? If we do a Medicare for all system."
"It is time to rethink the paradigm, it is time to rethink how we present this to our patients, and it is time to rethink how we present this to Washington."
"Insurance and drugs need to change in America with how expensive they are."
"We tried to solve a problem for several million people being without healthcare insurance, we upended the system for everybody."
"Our job now is to have the guts to stand up to the greed and corruption of the insurance industry and the drug companies."
"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was the single most important piece of government legislation, perhaps, since World War II."
"A program like Medicare for All would likely solve this and every other health problem produced by the coronavirus pandemic."
"We've done more in 30 days to advance the cause of health care reform than this country has done in a decade."
"So show me what you got. But don't let the American people go another year, another 10 years, another 20 years without health insurance reform in this country."
"We've made it illegal for insurance companies to say no to someone with a pre-existing condition."
"Health care reform is not going to add to that deficit; it's designed to lower it."
"We will pass reform that lowers cost, promotes choice, and provides coverage that every American can count on."
"The Affordable Care Act will be a version of universal healthcare."
"The Affordable Care Act, which we refer to as the ACA, or Obamacare, is very much a part of this history."
"In threatening repeal, Republicans essentially succeeded in making the invisible visible."
"And of course, this past week Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont unveiled his Medicare for all proposal."
"The ACA was designed to craft systems like that by funding outcomes over quantity and trying to build a comprehensive system to address our health."
"We're going to end hallway healthcare once and for all."
"I am the first to admit that there's more that we need to do in healthcare."
"We can truly eliminate medical bankruptcy, we can simplify administration and save patients hours of anxiety and time."
"We need to start building a better relationship-driven human health care system."
"That's what's happening in our NHS because we made the decisions to reform the NHS and cut the bureaucracy."
"With the passage of the American Health Care Act and the rest of the President's healthcare reform agenda, everyone, regardless of their financial situation, will be able to take full advantage of this resource."
"The only way to fix the healthcare system is to eradicate it as a for-profit system."
"We should move towards a system whereby the NHS and the healthcare system is governed by an independent board, a single leader, and a group of people who have a deep understanding of Healthcare systems."
"An Affordable Care Act to improve access to medical insurance."
"I think we need to pass a health care system that gives us the best quality care with the most choice at the lowest price point."
"With today's historic action, we are fundamentally changing the nature of the healthcare marketplace."
"How much of care is moving to this value-based care model."