
Wealth Accumulation Quotes

There are 594 quotes

"This is exactly why the rich get richer, because you look at the perspective beyond what's obvious. When you start looking at the income beyond what's obvious, it's like, oh my gosh, how could I not do this over and over and over again?"
"Nobody is born a millionaire... It doesn't matter how much money you make, if you don't have the right financial education, you're not going to be able to keep your wealth."
"Becoming a millionaire goes way beyond just what degree you got, or what job you work, or how much money you make. It's what you do with the money you make and it's the financial education you have."
"Whatever I do, it always ends in amassing wealth."
"Health is wealth. The reason why LeBron is able to accumulate a billion dollars is because of his health. He's played, he has longevity."
"Wealth that comes easily disappears quickly, but wealth that is gathered little by little will grow greater."
"Anyone who makes the accumulation of a fortune his chief goal, and who has grit, determination, willpower, and faith in himself, will get there."
"Every year, billionaires turn up at Davos to discuss philanthropic solutions to the world's problems, but many of these solutions actually help them to increase their wealth."
"We are taught to see the wealthiest's charitable giving as proof of their moral character, instead of wondering how they came to have so much money in the first place."
"Your whole future is filled with money and making more."
"Wealthy people become wealthy because they built a real estate portfolio, they built a multi-million dollar business, they bought stocks that appreciated over time."
"The quickest way to get rich is either serving your way to success or paying your way to success."
"99% of Warren Buffett's net worth was accumulated after his 60th birthday."
"Get rich slowly is how it's done for most of us."
"Warren Buffett...over 99% of his wealth was made after he turned 50."
"We don't have that legacy money, and that's what we need to start touching."
"After every recession, the wealthy people get richer because they buy assets on discount."
"Your amount of money or amount of wealth equals how much work you put it in."
"If you have the fundamental belief that Bitcoin will become the global currency of the world, then one Bitcoin will make you more wealthy than a lot of the millionaires that are around today."
"Bear markets give us time to build without distractions and accumulate more wealth at a much lower cost."
"No matter what you do, whether you're an entrepreneur, a solopreneur, you own multiple big businesses... or you work in a company, just understand that it is far easier to get to millionaire status by increasing your earning potential rather than being scarcity-minded."
"Mitigation of risk in every transaction is the quickest way to wealth."
"Real wealth is built through owning equity. We're never taught this."
"The wealthiest people in the world are focused on owning more assets."
"Wealthy people are prioritizing actually becoming rich."
"Nothing is more powerful than when your money makes more money."
"If you want to become wealthy, you have to know how to work hard, how to learn and what to learn, how to master your mindset, how to manage risk and use risk the right way, and then you have to know how to master your image."
"The focus on an outward appearance of perfection and success, a drive to amass financial wealth as evidence of spiritual righteousness and the relatively lax regulation in Utah combine to form a pretty powerful atmosphere."
"The best strategy is how to get rich methodically over time, so it lasts."
"The second million's easier, you know why? Because you've done it, and you know you can do it."
"Billionaires didn't just work harder; the system is rigged."
"The first step toward wealth accumulation is to get away from actions that lead to wealth deterioration and wealth depletion."
"Running a business is a personal growth strategy masquerading as a vehicle for accumulating wealth."
"No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars."
"Home ownership and owning real estate is the number one way to wealth."
"Every time a new Sims pack comes out, I always like to put the new skills to the test to see how effective they are as a get rich quick scheme."
"At some point, there is diminishing returns to more capital, to more money."
"This type of wealth doesn't happen overnight. It takes years for this to happen, but you have to be consistent and you have to start today."
"If you want to be a millionaire, you have to have a million dollars worth of assets."
"The more you invest your money and make it work, that's how the rich get richer."
"Don Vito literally went from absolutely nothing to an empire worth billions."
"Macro-economic environment matters more than anything. Trust me, one of these two or three years of roughness go away, for those of you that have been diligent and put your money away. You're Gonna Be Rich as hell."
"Jeff Bezos would earn 7 billion in the space of 60 minutes."
"Jeff Bezos would earn 7 billion in the space of 60 minutes, taking him to the spot of the fifth richest person in the world."
"You'll gain wealth, fulfill desires, and enjoy good fortune. Achievement and prosperity await you."
"When you're investing, you need to look at this like I need to get to where I have over a million dollars in this."
"Just remember there are many paths to get to the same end result that we all want which is basically just to end up with more money than what we started with"
"From middle class kid to millionaire in only four years."
"Jeff Bezos made 12 billion on Thursday, 12 billion on the humble."
"You'd have more liquid cash than most billionaires."
"No man or woman who obeys the law can fail to get rich."
"His immense wealth is the culmination of entrepreneurial endeavors."
"This is what it's like to be rich I guess. This is what they mean when they say the rich get richer."
"Wealth is not just about money, it's also about the education and the information."
"His face darkens and give it to me and now Bernie's got multiple homes and he's a millionaire."
"Ninety percent of all millionaires are invested in real estate."
"Most millionaires reach that status in their 40s."
"These people are cutting slashing their prices by 80 percent to offload their assets so the rich people can buy up all the assets."
"Increase your individual income, you can't save your way to a million dollars."
"Becoming wealthy is more about what you do with your money after you get paid than it is about how much money you're actually getting paid."
"The way that you become wealthy is not by having a fancy degree or by earning a big salary. It's by using your money the right way when you get paid."
"The rich want to stay rich and again you have to be a contrarian investor to make serious money."
"If you really want to become wealthy you need to be focusing here... how can you grow your money more?"
"Money always goes from the financially illiterate to the financially literate."
"The Wertheimers, renowned for their immense wealth, epitomize a story of gaining billions by capitalizing on another's genius."
"It's not about how much money you make, it's about how fast you can make the money."
"The nickname billion dollar baby seems to be getting more and more accurate each and every year."
"You will not save your way to a million dollars."
"Married people tend to build more wealth than any other category."
"Rich people have figured this out... compounding your money with growing contributions."
"Some individuals have amassed such big amounts of wealth that it's difficult to even contemplate how much they earn and how they earn it."
"Positive developments regarding business and wealth projects."
"This is the time where you build that wealth."
"I think anytime you can read the biography of great men who have amassed massive wealth you walk away learning a ton."
"Your wealth in this world will be directly proportional to the size of the problems you solve."
"Jeff Bezos, the richest person in the world, has cemented himself as the first person to reach 100 billion in US dollars."
"Always collect gold. Okay, you can get gold rings, a block of gold, whatever the case is."
"Billionaires in this particular space have almost doubled... in just the last year alone." - Josh Nichols
"The main reason you do it is you can only accumulate wealth and success through time."
"By 65, you want to make sure you have at least a few million to live the rest of your life off of."
"There's even a famous story back a few years ago in which a janitor amassed over eight million dollars in net worth by the time he was 92 years old."
"You could literally be a multi-millionaire in the future just by slightly cutting back on some of your expenses today."
"Wealth grows the way a tree grows, the way an animal grows, the way a newborn baby grows."
"If you want to be in the top ten percent isn't it amazing how this all works together 1 million ninety-five thousand dollars."
"The money just freakin rolls in. It's kinda crazy."
"As a reminder, there is still time for you to automate your wealth building process at this point in time."
"You're just accumulating all that wealth playing, you're not being forced."
"I want freedom of speech to return. I want privacy to return. I want people's savings to have value. I want people to become richer while they sleep."
"Big idea number one: Your wealth tax... He retired with over 70 million dollars."
"Trust me, you will thank me years from now when you've made so much money."
"Changing time for money is a poor man's game. And as you get older, your time gets valuable. So you have to exponentially."
"Most of my money comes from a few big winners."
"The $10,000 to $1 million AI 2.0 blueprint is the result of my nearly 40 years of experience with AI combined with my track record of picking winners."
"Do the same for investing. That is how you gradually accumulate massive amounts of money."
"Assets are assets and Gaddafi has the most of any known person thus far this century by a huge margin."
"He's the richest person in the world until he leaves power."
"This is the largest, fastest accumulation of wealth in all human history."
"The reason why people don't get rich is because they let their emotions run wild."
"Investing more aggressively or earning more money are the paths to reaching the millionaire milestone faster."
"Let's go dude, this is my first time selling anything throughout the entire journey and it looks like we've accumulated over three hundred thousand dollars worth of treasures."
"It's an excellent year for building up wealth."
"It's what are they doing to get that money? And who are they using to help them get there?"
"Harold Hardrada had finally returned home to cash in on his hard-earned gold and glory."
"I started this portfolio with $50,000. I withdrew $400,000. It's actually $4.3 million."
"Getting rich is a combination of IQ EQ discipline creativity focus analysis and sacrifices just to be able to trade with the future while staying broke is a simple choice."
"Investing is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from the impatient people to the patient people."
"Wealth is like watching a flower grow. The more time you give the flower to grow, the bigger it's gonna get."
"You will end up with 3.2 million dollars that you don't have to pay any taxes on."
"Every dollar that I earn, I just put it into investments."
"Your main goal should be stacking your money."
"By the time you get in your late 30s and definitely by 40 you should be already set financially."
"When you pay yourself first, you are getting rich first."
"Societies never get rich by spending, they get rich by saving."
"Code-based leverage is how all these new millionaires and billionaires are being made."
"Rihanna is without a doubt the richest female musician on Earth."
"The more money a man accumulates and the older he gets the more doors open. The older a woman gets and the more money she accumulates the more doors close."
"The key is lump sums... 50k or more is how you can get serious wealth."
"Money makes money... Once you've got it, it's easy to make more."
"Your resources will grow, your wealth will increase as time progresses."
"Law by now was the wealthiest subject in Europe."
"You could be a multi-millionaire by the time you retire."
"Many people got rich, and they got super rich."
"The accumulation of great wealth has actually enriched America, all of us."
"More money solves problems, get more money and then get some more money."
"Money is like leprosy. If you hang around people who have it for long enough, you'll get it eventually."
"You don't have to find many million dollar bills blowing down the street to be a millionaire."
"Take control over HOWLER and Hualalai, becoming filthy rich and restoring justice to Hawaii in the process."
"If I actually just put my profits into bitcoin, I'm going to exponentially increase my wealth."
"The more patience you have, the more money you make."
"Cryptocurrency investing is a crucial stepping stone into the world of accumulating wealth."
"Gates's philanthropic investment scheme has paid off well, with his fifty billion dollar net worth having ballooned to over 100 billion dollars."
"Remember the goal is if I'm in my 40s how do I tell if I'm on track to become a millionaire."
"You become rich when you travel and learn about people's culture."
"Almost any person can build wealth with enough time."
"Let's talk about diamonds in the dust: consistent compounding for extraordinary wealth."
"One of the best ways to acquire wealth is to find a way to make money while you're not technically working."
"Wealth takes time to build and it takes a lot of effort up front."
"He who wishes to become rich must have money and must have patience."
"Long-term holders of ethereum accumulate $12 billion in a matter of weeks."
"I guarantee that by the year 2024 you will have amassed a million dollars."
"Dynastic wealth... is made up of three basic legs: real estate, truly rare collectibles, and gold."
"If you have money you have options... make more money, make more money."
"What I am mad at is the fact that these private equity giants got enriched again to the tune of hundreds of billions over the last several months."
"Nobody wakes up a millionaire and goes 'How did that happen?' It's intentional steps."
"What wealthy people do and financially educated people do is they take as much of this money here and they put as much of it as possible here because this is what is going to make you wealthy."
"Stocks, real estate, and businesses have been time-tested to build more wealth than any other asset class."
"The big money is collecting physical metals. The big money, the banks, the profits, the nations, they're all collecting it and they're trying to convince you not to."
"It's so hard to make four million dollars in cash... this is one of the easier ways to do it."
"Accumulating wealth and abundance: investing wisely or throwing money away?"
"The cream of the crop are making billions in crypto right now."
"Aim to be a millionaire by 30. Hit it by 40. By 50, be a multi-millionaire."
"You'll become so fabulously wealthy that everything will just inflate."
"You're starting to get money wealth and powerful money wealth over the next two decades."
"Money is basically a measure of intelligent decision."
"To become rich, you must own as many assets as possible."
"We're well on our way to becoming a millionaire."
"You only have to get rich one time... after you do that your job is to stay rich."
"In reality, the best path toward wealth in this country is income mobility, not inherited wealth."
"Consider this: 'Smart money insights'—accumulation phase—is the key to long-term success."
"The key to becoming wealthy is to not spend your hard-earned money buying dumb things."
"It's been a great run for America's richest people, with nearly all of them wealthier than they were a year ago."
"Money can buy everything, accumulate a lot of happiness for sure."
"If you want to get wealthy, you have to make money, save a lot, and find the ways in which you can add a lot of value to society."
"Most of them have quite a bit of cash as well."
"Until you own the assets you will never be truly wealthy."
"Making your first million is the hardest; once you solve the challenge of making money while you sleep, you'll never be poor again."
"Financial freedom beyond your expectation... excessive money."
"The highest return on time invested... principles of wealth building."
"If they were to spend millions of dollars a day they would literally never run out of money. It's pointless funny money but they are willing to kill you to get more of it."
"It's easier to go from zero to a million than from a million to twenty."
"Getting rich is what people know they are looking for."
"You get to live like a millionaire on your way to becoming one."
"What are you doing? You're getting fat stacks, that's what you should do."
"Being rich doesn't mean that you don't want to make more money."
"The reason why the rich are getting richer and why they're going to continue becoming richer is because they understand these two things."
"The rich will continue to become richer because they understand these two things and they will always continue to work to buy assets."
"Getting rich enough to retire only takes about 10 years."
"Millions in cash and gold bars, a disguise collection, and a giant sledgehammer."
"The quickest and easiest way to become wealthier sooner is when you inflate your income don't inflate your lifestyle."
"The more money you put here the wealthier you will become."
"Rich people are getting richer during this pandemic."
"Musk needs to accumulate that much wealth." - In order for his missions to succeed.
"The more you invest, the wealthier you become."
"The only way to create real wealth is to invest, is not to work hard." - Grant Cardone
"Now I have 61 gold on this account for not having done anything."
"Bitcoin is the true path to Financial Freedom and life-changing wealth."
"The best analogy I can give is, if I make money, does it get easier to make more money? Yeah, usually."
"Nothing wrong with accumulation. That's how true millionaires are made in crypto."
"It seemed like there was always bags of money coming and going in the house, just stacked almost to the ceiling."
"I can't even believe this. How could anyone think that Joe Biden, who somehow is worth millions and millions and millions of dollars on a senator's salary, is corrupt?"
"Abramovich's collection of possessions is so vast that the Wall Street Journal once dubbed it Roman Empire."
"For the educated, an economic crash is the best time to get rich."
"The name of the game in life is just try to get as many commas as you can, right?"
"The difference in stability in your life, the difference in future wealth building, making $250,000 living in a million dollar paid-for house, how fast you will be able to add to your wealth is mind-boggling."
"Be boring, find your boring things that you know a lot about, and stay with what you know, and you will get rich."
"Most millionaires never earned more than a hundred thousand dollars a year in their entire life and the majority of them made their millions in real estate."
"How do you get rich? You get rich by working together."
"Regardless, by 2030, Millennials are expected to have five times as much wealth as they have today."
"I want to be the richest person on the Hermitcraft server. I want to be confusingly rich."
"The earlier you start investing, the more your money is going to grow over time."