
Financial Insight Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"This is exactly why the rich get richer, because you look at the perspective beyond what's obvious. When you start looking at the income beyond what's obvious, it's like, oh my gosh, how could I not do this over and over and over again?"
"The stock market is literally rigged to go up consistently over time."
"The stock market is detached from what's going on in the actual economy."
"The second million's easier, you know why? Because you've done it, and you know you can do it."
"The beauty about this call is that it separates itself from the consensus view."
"All I'm doing is candidly, transparently, and hopefully, in an honest kind of way, giving you an insight into what our own business finances look like."
"The market is a leading indicator, not a lagging indicator."
"If you want a good understanding of how these two crypto powerhouses compare, then this is for you."
"The reason I sold is because I saw that it was at like a peak and based on what I've seen at crypto, it's always like, 'Yeah, we're all rich,' and then it's like, 'Oh, it's worthless.'"
"It gives us a context to look at the market modularly so we can take the price action and really look inside of it and look for setups."
"Recessions aren't unicorns; they're actually attached to expansions."
"It's very interesting today to see markets across the board down."
"A stupid idea and then a year later I see that they've 10xed in value."
"Investors who use ESG ratings to supplement financial analysis can gain a broader view of a company's long-term potential."
"Overall the fact everybody thinks we know where it is and we know where it's going that could be an indicator that it's not going there."
"You'll know the bottom is in after you miss it."
"Past performance doesn't tell us what's going to happen in the future."
"Probably the biggest surprise pick and one nobody is watching is Logitech International, ticker LOGI."
"You really have this eventual convergence to zero—the inflation goes away."
"The intelligence of these retail traders is impressive."
"Bezos likely would have been a billionaire many times over thanks to an early investment in, of all things, Google."
"The stock market is all about perception and really what has already been baked into the market. I think that anything that catches a market off guard dramatically is really truly what causes price action."
"Sometimes it's the darkest days when the real money is made."
"Every sector is green except for oil and we got the VIX once again below 18."
"A 34% drop in GDP probably won't be the end of the age of innovation, but it does show that things may not always be as easy as just throwing money into the abyss."
"There's probably another 20 banks that are in that position, so the banking system is not sound and resilient."
"I don't know what the market's doing today, if I'm being honest right now it looks pretty rough."
"The whole world has just woken up to the fact that banks are vulnerable."
"Fundamentally I know this market's going to blow up at any point in the next week. I do know that. I'm definitely very, very, very sure."
"The goal is to capture chunks of movement so when the day comes that I make a video reporting a news update that you know Crimson midnight streets one of these sets makes a move up 50 in 30 days unbelievable by time you see that it's too late."
"You've heard a lot of economists come out and say we're not heading to recession, we're heading to a depression. And I'm one of them."
"We saw during the year that despite record low earnings or a big hit to earnings during the year we didn't see share prices take such a hit." - Nick Reese
"Wall street's actually making money off of it... just like completely eclipsed by netflix."
"Follow the money... everything suddenly is perfectly ordered."
"You don't get a market reversal without getting a reversal in sentiment first."
"We're all going to see probably two negative quarters in a row of GDP."
"I hope we touch it soon because if you guys look back in the history... we then fall right back through it."
"You have to be able to analyze cryptocurrency to see the value no one else sees in it."
"Those of us that's been that are used to these patterns, we're making a lot of money."
"Remember the second upticks always happen faster than the original upticks that's the most important lesson."
"Sac because of its size and how much it trades gets first dibs on that information."
"Crowds are usually right in the middle of the cycle, but they're usually wrong at the peaks."
"You need to have that emotional stability to tell yourself that when it goes down in times when it doesn't make sense to you or anybody with any modicum of knowledge of the monetary system for real."
"Dividend investing only works if you're rich... reasonable argument, it takes money to make money."
"The only way you make money is when you're able to see things that other people can't see."
"None of those three stocks are the best gainers in the stock market over the last two years."
"Essentially, dollars are becoming more scarce."
"You have to understand what market price action is telling you."
"A recession is on the books, but it doesn't mean the markets are going to tank."
"The best entries for your investment collateral are the ones that feel the hardest to put on."
"When everybody's on one side of the fence, eventually the market shifts to extract as much pain from the others as possible."
"That dollar is just becoming worth less and less every day."
"Sometimes markets do something dramatically different than what they should do based upon fundamentals."
"There is no shortage of money at all on the planet. When things go badly for some, they're actually going well for others."
"Smart money is up here quietly just doing their thing."
"Instead of chasing money, focus on embodying your core vibration."
"Until then, it's all Bitcoin... but eventually, we won't need Bitcoin to carry the market."
"Your home is not making you rich; dollars are losing value."
"When fear is in the street, opportunity might be near."
"This is actually not that profitable of an investment."
"People are sitting flush with cash like they've never been."
"The only people that could really tell you that money ain't everything is a person that never had it or a person that always had it because they don't know the other side."
"No housing market stays in one place forever; the economy moves in cycles."
"I love gold, silver, and crypto because we have an enemy in common: the Federal Reserve." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Ultimately asset prices have to come back down to earth."
"In my opinion, that means tattoo chef has way less risk for potential downside."
"There's a number, and here's what's tricky: it always gets higher."
"It tells you everything you need to know about the market manipulation happening before your eyes."
"Retail investors on average see opportunity where others may miss it."
"Bitcoin fixes a lot of these problems but now the world is beginning to realize how bad it actually is especially the damage that money printing does to individuals and their life savings."
"These are the people that are printing all the money and they know they're going to have to print in the future."
"Identifying winning stocks with massive upside like Riot Blockchain before it shot up ten thousand percent."
"The most conservative way to look at it is every dollar that you make off of music... you only get to keep 30% of it for yourself."
"With fiat money you've got no volatility... but you're guaranteed to lose purchasing power."
"I want to do that but in such a way where I could showcase the financial behind-the-scenes lives of the most successful people in their field."
"People don't know their prices until someone offers you the money."
"I think it's actually harder to make really high returns in the stock market when the markets consistently go up."
"You know the value of the minivan, pickup, sedan, or whatever you drive probably appreciated significantly last year."
"The stock market can be actually crashing that we can be in a recession but it can be going upwards."
"Buying real estate under market value, big big big big play."
"Sometimes it might not be the number one thing on your list to look at, but it might end up being probably the cleanest trade."
"Hopefully you guys got some insight from this video... how an online Creator or YouTuber actually makes money."
"A correction in the stock market would be far more impactful on the economy."
"Sometimes it just takes a long time for the market to realize what's happening."
"The Dollar's dying, that's what why we're seeing inflation here."
"Remember, uptrends can last for months; things tank quicker than they go up."
"The people who lose credibility are the ones who say we'll never have another bear market again."
"It pays to understand the system, to use it to your advantage."
"The world provides money to those that provide value."
"Do the world's financial leaders know something we don't?"
"We know with 100% certainty that there is going to be a panic sell-off at some point."
"If we are seeing opportunity and these companies are raising money, they're raising funds, the idea that they are still not going up in price... is a no-brainer right there."
"Thirteen thousand dollars is $13,000. This money is going down in value, this is going up in value over time."
"It's not just always an expansion, there are reversals too."
"I gotta get this car detailing business. That's where the money's at."
"Whenever Charlie sees opportunity in a stock, you better get your short positions ready because that shine's going down." - Warren Buffett
"I need to get access to their numbers so I can figure out exactly how much this place actually makes and ultimately how much it's really worth."
"There is going to be no crash without a catalyst."
"After bear markets, real value emerges, offering great investment opportunities."
"Think about how many people get the top exactly right."
"Something doesn't add up there... as a long-term value investor there's some value here."
"The true fundamental value of an ounce of gold...is $11,500 bucks."
"It's basically worth less now. This will keep happening more and more."
"There's a lot more wealth and historical wealth as well still residing here."
"Traders try to beat the market but they often forget that they are the market."
"I think the biggest one is that they have great pricing power."
"It's enough money for everybody if you know what it's about."
"Bitcoin forces you to think through so many different possibilities. Bitcoin is unique in that it changes your life in many different ways."
"If you've been following this channel, then you actually have better insight into the four-year cycle than almost anyone else, period."
"This is the single biggest reason why we're facing high inflation right now."
"Look for opportunities during market downturns."
"Appreciate you giving us your thoughts again, great call earlier in the year."
"It's really impossible to know where the rot is, only to step back and know that anytime there's been such excess."
"With the economy going into a recession on its own and a global liquidity crisis brewing, why on Earth is the Fed raising rates at all?"
"Old Ash has now morphed into New Ash who is a lot more like her husband TJ, because I now see that very clearly the earnings potential that money has."
"Numbers still look good right up until the point that they don't."
"2022 is the year that Wall Street finally sees what's been evident to others for quite some time: Tesla has slowly been digging the grave of Legacy Automotive."
"I think it has led to the most massive misallocation of capital in history."
"Your dollars are becoming less and less valuable."
"You always see the biggest money move ahead of the crowd."
"The power of dollar cost averaging into protocols that are going to change the world."
"Tesla stock massively underpriced. I can't stay quiet. I can't not say this."
"The more you try to suppress bitcoin, the more obvious the need for bitcoin becomes."
"The biggest thing everyone needs to understand is when you look at the buy and sell... the people who are buying only buy for one reason."
"Bloomberg offers us a return of the real, the real real so to speak."
"I think the economy falls very fast. I think that the asset markets have pretty much done a good job of pricing this in."
"This must be when the stock market realized it."
"Warren Buffett said on May 1st at their annual meeting, 'We're seeing very substantial inflation.'"
"The bond market will see it for what it is, say nope, you're wrong. Now we don't trust you."
"It's easier to call higher lows, much easier to call higher lows."
"I think there's some truth to that. If you want to know what's going on, look at where the billionaires are spending their money."
"The majority of Wall Street doesn't get it. Kathy Wood gets it."
"Jerome Powell said you are not coming back to the same economy."
"That's just the power of like, hey, 'cause a lot of people, 'oh well it's only a five nav cap rate' here times four, comparing to the Midwest or other things, but like if you put in the big picture, you still get a very impressive return."
"Even if you got paid more, well, you're still technically getting paid less."
"Unlimited money printing will push up the price of things whose quantity cannot be eased."
"The dumb money starts to make the real money and you see that when the memes start to actually explode."
"If he lists these as his top five coins you guys know that there's a significant fundamental reason why."
"There is nothing like this in history guys that it's risk on risk off it performs no matter what the market is doing."
"The market's down, but in the grand scheme of things, these are really small numbers."
"If you want to make money being a fitness instructor, don't become a yoga teacher."
"Resistance matters more than support, you can certainly see that being true."
"It's a lot of money for a coin that is generally overlooked."
"Crypto firms sustained by cheap, easy money will disappear in the crash." - Mark Cuban
"Cardano never had [the icing], so when Cardano's starting to rally right now it makes perfect sense to me."
"The value proposition that the government offers up to me is that they'll take my savings in a US 10-Year Treasury and they will pay me 2% a year in a currency that depreciates at 4% a year."
"It's probably the most important thing within the market because it is what moves the market."
"Every correction we've had has been very short-lived."
"The only time this has ever happened before is after the market bottomed."
"I want to get into something before other people get into it because it means that when they get into it and then drop it they can't drop it lower than the price I bought at."
"This market is completely driven by sentiment."
"Silver's secrets revealed, undervalued flip ahead."
"When you think gold and silver are dead, it always comes back because that is the money."
"Soros knew that the fixed exchange rate made the pound overvalued compared to what the country's economic fundamentals could justify."
"Why should we care what Charlie Lee says well he's the guy that pretty much sold all his litecoin at the top so he might know a thing or two."
"My goal is to try and provide an unbiased view of the market as best I can."
"Bitcoin usually goes down 85 percent somewhere around there."
"They want you to open up your heart to them."
"Panics do not destroy capital, they merely reveal the extent to which it has been previously destroyed by its betrayal into hopelessly unproductive works."
"In fact, this global asset shortage played a huge part in the 2008 global financial crisis."
"The dollar isn't strengthening. It's being devalued at a slower pace than everybody else."
"Bitcoin will not gain a thousand dollars each day for eternity... there will be a correction at one point."
"Everybody has the brain power to make money in stocks or investing but not everyone has the stomach."
"When you see insiders unloading, it's telling you that they ultimately don't think the stock is undervalued anymore."
"The lesson I learned is the message I'll keep: stick with the vlogs because chateau prices aren't cheap."
"When no one's talking about it, that's a real big bottom."
"Once it dawns on you, you start to see the value of things like gold and bitcoin real damn fast."
"The investors in this space are some of the smartest people I've ever come across."
"Money really is becoming worth less, not worthless but worth less."
"Do your own research. I'm merely elucidating why I think this is so important that you can get in early on something that may end up being the biggest wealth transfer that anybody has witnessed in hundreds of years."
"Bitcoin is a lot deeper than you think it is."
"Michael Burry's predictions have all come true."
"If people really looked at some of the smart retail investor analysts, they would probably get the highest accuracy and remarkable insight."
"We know that the markets are rigged, we know they're manipulated."
"Bitcoin's greatest risk is its success." - Ray Dalio
"It's not just as far as interest rates go... I think there's a more important fundamental message."
"Wealth never disappears, it just shifts location. And if you're a wrestler, exactly, you see exactly where it's at."
"The wealthy are smart, the wealthy are awake, the wealthy can see down the road."
"No matter what you decide to do, there's one thing we can all agree on: the easy money has already been made."
"The stock market is really volatile, and it is."
"You usually can tell how somebody's doing financially when they can't understand how anyone ever fell for a scam... because even if you're a smart guy but you're struggling, you can understand why people fall for this stuff."
"...so if you're reading like the source documents, the SEC comment letters, you're going to find stuff other people have missed and you're going to find companies that other people like haven't already looked deeply at."
"This one is very, very important because it can give you insight of where the market is heading long term."
"I think the real money in the market was made by not trying to jump in and catch every single move, but try to catch the key move."
"Knowing the correct direction the market is going next."
"Thunder earnings, massive total addressable market that I deeply understood."
"You really seem to understand the energy behind money."
"The more that I've invested and the longer that I've invested, the more I've realized that analyst expectations really don't matter that much."
"A new low that we haven't reached before, which is obviously insane but it's significant."
"If price moves away from that sell side liquidity quickly higher, it's giving you feedback that potentially order flow has switched bullish."
"Bookkeeping tells so much about your business; it tells you exactly from a month to month basis what are your biggest costs, what are your biggest money makers."
"I always love visiting with macro elf because not only is he a smart guy and a keen observer... he has the perspective of an insider."
"Michael Burry, known for his prophetic prediction of the 2008 financial crash... has made his next big prediction."
"The most legitimate catalyst will have a slower digesting period because oftentimes if it's really, really bad, people don't even really know how bad it is logically until it actually starts playing out a bit."
"A guy that can read the market that way knows that's a valid strategy."
"We need to be able to understand the financial implications and the financial insight of the organization that you're working for."
"Markets that are driven by inflation, interest rates, and fed policy tend to be volatile."
"The power of being the market rather than beating the market."
"Testing whether something beats the market is a lot more difficult than it looks from the outside."
"To his credit, Michael Burry made a great call based on fundamentals."