
Tax Efficiency Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Passive income is money you have to pay taxes on. Passive wealth building is your net worth goes up, and I don't have to pay taxes on it, which is even better."
"Most people don't need a financial advisor for investing... The real value a financial advisor brings is in the proactive planning in tax structuring."
"The biggest value add and where people should be putting most of their attention in investing is not in trying to come up with the super duper Investments... It's in investing tax efficiently."
"Through the interest he's earning through the life insurance contracts, he's able to loan it back out of the policy without paying a dime a tax and fund his next deal."
"The whole idea of a pension is to try and get as much tax relief as you can when putting money into it and to pay as little tax as you can when taking money out."
"No stress, no confusion, just buy into it consistently and you're done."
"Roth 401 Ks are an amazing tax-free wealth building hack."
"Keep focusing on tax-free growth saving for the future."
"I think ETFs are so wonderful as well in terms of their tax benefits."
"A Roth IRA circumvents the tax you would owe because you paid your taxes already upfront on the money you invested leaving you with the entire amount completely tax-free at the age of 59 and a half."
"Index funds have smaller tax bills due to low turnover ratios."
"Cash out refinance: unlocking profit without the taxman's grasp."
"A Roth 401k is you get the taxes taken out already and then it grows over a period of time."
"Business credit cards keep your business expenses separate and make tax time much easier."
"Be a tax smart investor... those eat away your returns over time."
"Investing should be boring. I want to track the market inside of a tax-efficient account and I want to do that every month and I just want to set it and forget it."
"You can play the best of both worlds, showing full income to qualify for mortgages while paying less tax."
"The money inside your HSA grows tax-free, and withdrawals are tax-free for qualified medical expenses."
"It grows tax-deferred, and I can access it completely tax-free if I do everything properly."
"This is the ideal way to pass on life insurance to make sure that neither the state nor the federal government can tax those monies."
"We have a lot of people in retirement that just don't pay much in Taxes. That's a good thing, but it still requires some planning to get there."
"Your goal is to smooth out your tax liability and maintain the lowest tax rates throughout your retirement that are possible."
"The key benefits are that you do not get taxed by investing in a stocks and shares ISA on any platform."
"You can structure a portfolio to deliver this kind of cash flow and yet have very low taxes."
"Every dollar you don't have to earn is worth about a dollar forty because you don't have to pay taxes on it."
"A tax-free savings account is a registered account so that allows you to hold stocks, mutual funds, bonds, GICs, and real estate inside of that tax-free savings account."
"If you can understand how to put people's money to work, generate massive income, create massive value, and then give it back to them tax-free, you'll have investors for life."
"The Tax-Free Savings Account is such an important account because you're able to access money out of that account on a tax-free basis."
"There's only one thing better than buying crypto, and it's buying tax-free crypto."
"Long-term capital gains rates are much lower than your marginal tax rates."
"ETFs are a little bit more tax efficient than index funds or mutual funds."
"This is the best place you could ever have money because it can grow and be tax-free forever."
"We are trying to lower our tax-deferred balances in order to make our retirement income strategy more tax efficient and also minimize RMDs that will later show up in retirement."
"You should never be double taxed because if you pay foreign taxes, you can claim the credit on your U.S. tax return."
"I would rather have consistent passive residual royalties and a passive income through cash flow and dividends because it's taxed at the lowest rate."
"Tax-free Roth HSA assets are likely going to grow tax-free if you use them for qualified expenses in the future."
"An incredibly tax efficient strategy for you in retirement."
"It's a recipe for success when you're earning compound interest on an increasing balance in a tax-sheltered environment."
"Structuring wisely, how can you reduce the taxes that you pay."
"By continuing to use the funds for investment purposes, you can keep the entire mortgage interest expense tax deductible."
"The less tax you pay, the more money you keep, and the more sustainable your retirement plan will be."
"They have the NHR regime which helps to make things more tax efficient."
"You can invest or save in an ISA and then there's no further tax on any increase you make."
"The infinite banking concept is what you get is your benefits guaranteed, money liquid, cash protected in most states from creditors, lawsuits, bankruptcy, and tax-free."
"The goal with real estate is to reduce, protect your capital, get cash flow, and don't pay taxes."
"Once you contribute that money, once you invest that money, whatever it grows to become is completely tax-free when you pull it out in the future."
"The best defense for any of us is to be putting our money into a Roth IRA where later on none of that money can be taxed at all, zero percent."
"If you have what's called a real financial education, you can make more money and pay less taxes legally."
"If you're charitably inclined... why not give the stock because then the charity can sell it, they get carryover basis, but they're a 501(c)(3) so they pay no taxes at all, and the capital gain goes away."
"By using this strategy... you're going to be able to pay lower capital gains tax rates instead of your income rates on your income in retirement."