
Energy Sources Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Nuclear power is one of the safest forms of energy available."
"The majority of energy in the cancer cell is coming from a totally different place."
"The cheapest source of energy is today... Fusion. It's the sun using solar panels."
"We get more energy from breath than we do from food and drink."
"You apply a little bit of magic, sleight of hand, a little smoke and mirrors, and the consumer feels like, 'Hey, wow, you know, I got something that's green, and I'm feeling good about myself.' In reality, you aren't getting what you think you got; you're getting dirty power."
"Ninety percent of this energy today still comes from fossil fuels, and ten percent only from others—greener, possibly—sources like nuclear power and renewables."
"The concept of converting our solar system into a particle accelerator, using the massive energy sources available like Jupiter, opens up futuristic possibilities for space exploration."
"When we look at safety data from power sources, nuclear power has considerably lower death rates..."
"Nations were seeking out new sources of power, including nuclear power."
"I needed my energy, yes I can't get it from anything else."
"We're facing a critical time now for us to be making decisions about how we're going to be fueling this world in the future."
"Free is pretty cool, so natural gas has displaced coal as our largest source of electricity."
"A delicate balance, especially when you have a global economy still powered largely by fossil fuels."
"Renewable energy sources will be the second largest source of U.S. energy generation in 2022."
"Having more solutions, more energy sources makes our country and the world more resilient."
"Crystals powered the entire cities and everything that worked in the city."
"When you're on a carnivore-style diet, you've got to get your energy from somewhere."
"Glucose is like kindling on a fire, burns quickly, burns bright, burns hot. Fats are like Presto logs, burn for a long time, release heat gently."
"Natural gas is not clean, it contains all sorts of horrible chemicals."
"Gasoline burns cleaner in our vehicles than it does in the factories that manufacture green vehicles."
"Nuclear power isn’t just useful for electricity generation though."
"Food is essential for energy - prioritize long-lasting options like MREs."
"There's enough potential energy in the fabric of space-time for the zero point energy field to run the entire planet."
"Why is it that many of the people who are the staunchest opponents to carbon emissions are also among the staunchest opponents to hydroelectric energy or to nuclear energy?"
"You want your pre-workout meal to be high in carbohydrates because carbs are our energy source. So, I'll bust out a sweet potato, I like to eat that when I eat. I can't just eat, like, snacks, you don't say."
"Natural gas is just better than coal... on every measure."
"Liquified natural gas has really been the hero."
"Sigma Base with all of its armed and powered up turrets all around its solar and nuclear abilities."
"Nuclear power promises to help fill the gaps between renewable sources."
"We're all for removing coal with natural gas, we're all for nuclear, we're all for renewable."
"Petroleum is often referred to as fossil energy, however, Thomas Gold has claimed that hydrocarbons are found in many locations where a biogenic origin is improbable or impossible."
"Our body shifts to use more ketones as an energy fuel."
"Why we would turn our backs on it to invest in new coal-fired power stations... just nuts."
"Helium-3, a potential fuel source that could help transform the production and utilization of clean and efficient energy on Earth."
"On climate we need nuclear power." - Phil Cheesesteak
"One of the best definitions I heard for the difference between introverts and extroverts is extroverts energized by being around people and introverts energized and refreshed by taking space for themselves."
"Judah reveals the real power source of little garden stating that a simple nuclear reactor cannot provide sustenance to the entire island."
"The universe already voted, fusion is the energy source of the universe."
"It turns out what this requires is thorium plus HALEU."
"You only got two fuels: you've got sugar and you got fat."
"When we're told carbohydrate is the foundation of energy, we start believing other myths."
"Fossil fuels were basically used because they are the absolute king of cheap safe energy density."
"Natural gas and oil are the superior forms of energy."
"It takes cells a decent length of time to switch gears and be able to use ketones and fatty acids efficiently for energy."
"Natural gas is not cleaner, it's not better for the environment."
"Steam power, I think that's going to be a lot bigger than people realize."
"The body is able to kind of pick and choose between ketones and carbs."
"So-called green energy is not close is nowhere near replacing gas and oil and coal."
"An electric car is better than an internal combustion car even if most of that electricity is not generated from clean sources."
"You can connect these to the grid or... solar... or whatever you want to use."
"It's just a food. Just fix the food. You can't survive on broccoli or kale. You need starches. That's what powers you through the day."
"The more natural renewable stuff the better, but we can't we're just cutting our throats if you shut these gas wells in."
"The imagination of the world has been stirred by the prospect of adapting such piles to use as sources of heat energy."
"Naturally after a typical star, the civilization will probably start looking at some other energy sources and at the moment we don't really know of any other source more powerful than a black hole, specifically a supermassive black hole."
"Overall, cold seeps are an unusual collection of deep-sea habitats that show off the ability of life to make the most of an energy source in the most challenging of environments."
"And yet another winter is also coming, this time perhaps without the benefit of some of that Russian energy upon which many have relied."
"Wind is intermittent. Yes. Solar is intermittent. So when they're going, they're great. But you need something you can bring up quickly to fill in that gap. Very quickly."
"Every cell in the human body can use sugar; the majority of cells in the human body can use fat and ketones."
"Battery is the only way to go because gas is obsolete."
"Nuclear is between 90 and 100 times safer than natural gas in terms of deaths per generation."
"Power sources... wind, solar, generator... transformer."
"Mother Nature does not use oil or coal. How does Mother Nature light up the universe? Hydrogen through effusion plants."
"Healthy carbohydrate choices like vegetables, beans, and whole unprocessed grains will provide your body with the energy, vitamins, and minerals that it needs."
"Burning coal wasn't new but for centuries it had only been gathered in small quantities from shallow pits."
"Cole began to be mined on an industrial scale and For the First Time The Nation had a powerful portable energy for trains ships steam engines and factories oh my God the modern world was born."
"This means essentially we can tap the latent energies of space itself in order to supply all the energy we would ever need for our Starships and for all of humanity itself."
"Both Renewables and nuclear energy require time, investment, and technological innovation."
"We need obviously new energy sources and we need more efficient energy sources."
"Electric cars only run on coal... is far from the truth."
"Renewable energy includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal."
"For trail running, carbs are the fuel of speed, but for backpacking, it's fat that gives the most miles per gallon."
"The energy system responds incredibly well to fats, particularly certain kinds of fats like MCT oil."
"Fortunately, the universe contains many sources of energy."