
Advancements Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Forensic science continues to advance to bring justice to victims and families."
"We're having a renaissance. In the first decade or so of spaceflight, we made tremendous strides."
"The Apple Watch Ultra is by far one the most advanced Apple watches available in the market."
"These fun and frivolous uses of the technology underlie some very significant advancements that are going to really make huge changes in our lives in the coming years."
"This was Minecraft but advancements give you overpowered items."
"And just when I thought it was over, the new Minecraft 1.17 update was released, introducing new advancements to the game."
"Major leaps are made in space travel and colonization."
"Skincare is self-care. It's not a routine, it's a ritual."
"Let me say I've thoroughly enjoyed them. They feel two or three steps ahead of previous transitions to new generations."
"They have solved the trilemma of decentralization, scalability, and security, which is cool as well."
"While fusion might not be right around the corner, the scope and frequency of recent advances means there’s good reason to be optimistic about a not-too-distant fusion future."
"With 5G, we'll be able to download movies and TV shows in seconds, play online games with no lag, and have smooth video calls with people across the globe."
"If the promises are true, this could be the year where dual PC streams become completely unnecessary."
"GPT-3.5, a more fine-tuned version of GPT-3 with guardrails that can be released to the public."
"You are about to experience breakthroughs, advancements, liberation, and plenty."
"The innovations and advancements in technology in the past year have been absolutely awesome."
"Final Fantasy has always had cutscenes that are amazing but they're separate from the game player but now they're like one and it's amber and an addition separate from the gameplay so it's great."
"Loading times are essentially a thing of the past now."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"Truly, it's a golden age, and not only are cat pictures better, but so are climate models."
"Range anxiety is definitely a thing of the past."
"In terms of the processor performance, we are getting some really big improvements."
"It's nice to see some more stuff going on in space."
"With all these quick advancements in technology, the dream of becoming a superhero is closer than ever."
"The 3080 as the new flagship, leaving the 3090 for Titan class."
"Wi-Fi 6 is basically the newest standard of wireless connectivity that gives a stronger, more stable, and potentially faster connection."
"The Islamic Golden Age is a critical moment in history... achievements greatly advanced the frontiers of human knowledge."
"It's like all these incredible technological advances lately."
"Once you get a taste of next-gen, it's impossible to go back to anything before it."
"V12 was able to handle... more complex road markings... safely."
"AI managers are now programmed to consider factors like form and reputation more so than ever before, this is huge for me."
"Sometimes, modern medicine is actually quite miraculous."
"AI tools can already mimic voices, ace exams, create art, and diagnose diseases."
"Incredible features like advanced image stabilization."
"This phone is fully customizable. This is a fully customizable phone. Back in the days, you would have had to root your phone to get some of these features. Now it's built into the phone and I like that."
"Technology has gotten really good at giving you some tools to monitor the weather."
"The tech on drones has gone vertical in both design battery life and capability."
"The future would hold so much for us: ailments that can be cured in a whim, technology, flying cars, Skyrim on the fridge."
"Snipers today are fortunate to have years of modern developments in ballistics, scopes, and rifles at their fingertips."
"Technology was far more advanced in ancient times than we realize."
"Autonomous vehicles have made huge strides in just the past few years."
"There is a double-edged sword where I think they're going to be incredibly exciting advancements but there's also going to be all sorts of jobs that end up getting automated."
"It's hard to keep up with the constant stream of AI developments and improvements."
"Expect to see new advances in medications coming from advances in genetics."
"Modern society is not without its perks, antibiotics, lip balm, and dozens of exciting flavors of Lay's potato chips from all over the world."
"Short circuit is going to see a lot more data integrated from the lab as time goes on."
"The stuff that comes in is crazy."
"The advancements in materials and systems have enabled people to build so tall and so thin."
"Discoveries in particle physics may lead to advancements in technology and computing."
"Stealth technology, the internet, GPS in the palm of your hand."
"Advancements in VR have exploded like crazy recently."
"The development of self-registering seismic instrumentation transformed seismology."
"Some of your mid-grade ones would typically have a two-way gate... a lot of the newer ones now are coming with what's called a three-way gate."
"All of this is possible today because of the advancements we've made in both reasoning and long-term planning."
"Life extension continues to make progress."
"The benefits of the new model are instead concentrated on the speed of that stacked sensor, coupled with autofocus upgrades in the new X Processor 5 and a faster card interface to reduce any bottlenecks."
"Things have really outpaced what people expected."
"10 biggest advancements in Star Trek history."
"C++ 23 deducing this is actually an amazing thing."
"Timmy Shore has led the way for several significant advancements that have eventually been adopted around the world"
"2024: A year of major breakthroughs."
"There have been a lot of advancements in the procedure side of things ... to improve the success rate of procedures."
"Algorithms and AIs and all those other technological advancements seem to exist for the sole purpose of giving us more of what we want when we want it."
"Clearly we've made some advances over time."
"I've seen improvements in reproductive health and I've seen more people be able to suddenly get pregnant that couldn't before, so there's nothing better you can do for your health."
"Advancements in 3D printing and digital sculpting have allowed for much more complex articulation, more detailed faces, more details on the figures, and an overall product that just looks and feels so much better."
"Better treatments and technologies are coming out all the time."
"Time is optionality so nothing I'm going to talk about today fits in the category of what I described as step function improvements in human longevity."
"We've seen remarkable advances... a reduction in hunger."
"There's miracles happening in medications and therapies and treatments now, miracles that never happened years ago. Thorazine is no longer the drug of choice."
"An exciting time to be in society with great advances being made in Psychiatry."
"...you should all be thinking about using ACR Thyroid's or they're using at the moment, that's great news."
"Now at least there's been advancements in life about concussions and more people have talked about concussions now."
"I love seeing the advancements of solar in the RV industry."
"In 2019, we no longer do surgical cyst gastrostomies except in extremely rare circumstances. Now, in large pancreatic pseudocysts, they are drained endoscopically."
"The truly amazing advances in technology that are now making it possible to solve cases."
"We've come a long way in 15 years. What was once done on the CPU can now be easily done on the GPU."
"the bikes available today are probably the best that's ever been available power technology brakes handling it's a great opportunity"
"I do honestly believe that I'm a lucky man because I was born in this age when there's that sort of technology around and advancements around to allow me to have one."
"This remarkable longevity stands as a testament to both the advancements in medical treatments for HIV and Johnson's resilience."
"We made so many advancements during this year, mainly because there wasn't really nothing else to do but make advancements."
"A technological revolution is likely to see major advancements."
"This is one of the things that came out recently that's really blown me away."
"The Romans made amazing advancements in culture, architecture, law, and practically everything else."
"Needless to say, the advancements empires have made through history are so important we use them in our daily lives all the time."
"It's nice having all these advanced modern safety technologies."
"It's just unbelievable the resources that we've got with material structure today."
"I'm just so thankful for modern medicine and all the things that they can do; it's crazy awesome."
"Some of the changes that have gone on in the last four years as far as how we manage patients with HIV have been really drastic."
"Natural language processing has seen huge improvements by pre-training models on massive unlabeled text datasets."
"Since the last video, there have been some serious advancements in the hobby."
"We're gonna be taking advantage of the new Yolo version four weights."
"Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that has seen the most advances recently."
"There have been some serious enhancements when it comes to AI and image generation."
"With advancements in technology, these things are way more durable than what foam planes used to be back in the day."
"We're living in a time of unprecedented technological advancements and in many ways the future really is unforeseeable."
"The top three reasons people live longer in this century: pharmaceutical, pest control, cleanliness."
"It's pretty spectacular technology."
"If we're following precedence, I think the NBA has gotten a little bit more advanced."
"We can do a lot of things today with deep learning that we take for granted."
"Significant advances happened through Indian mathematics."
"Pluto in Aquarius can just see the speeding up of advancements in science, technology, robotics, engineering."
"There are three things that have changed the incidence of disease in all of human history: improvements in sanitation, better nutrition, and vaccinations."