
Combat Effectiveness Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Meteor is in the same range class as the PL15 while at the same time it will likely retain a significantly larger No Escape Zone and much better probability of kill at beyond 100 km due to its Ramjet propulsion system."
"The long sword is a powerful weapon offering incredible reach and mobility and thanks to a relatively simple moveset, it is also a very easy weapon to pick up."
"There's a close connection between the nature of the society that produces and uses the military force and the kind of fighting that military force can do."
"Landorus T: utterly devastated pretty much anything that wanted to switch into its powerful earthquakes."
"If you have something that has a little bit more range or at least a lot of suppressing potential then that might be the answer."
"He can heal somebody while being clawed at, more effective than trying to kill that commissar."
"It has for starters so many stealth Buffs shutting things off offering distractions and silently wiping enemies yet at the same time especially in the latest updates there are builds that work great In the Heat of combat too."
"The Unkempt Harold: A deadly pistol which can be used in close and medium-range encounters."
"The Legion of the Damned: an inimitable force in the Galaxy, terrifying enemies with their spectral presence and unbreakable will."
"Dr. Doom... he's crazy good for everything... just cuz he gets that special three and then the opponent is just they're just dead man."
"A dual wielder is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield."
"All different fighting styles that you can implement feel powerful and useful on the battlefield."
"A soldier wearing power armor is a very serious threat to anyone else on the battlefield."
"The US military in the Fallout universe may be able to win some battles just because of the advanced infantry weapons and protection systems they have."
"Pros: great firepower...you'll rarely struggle with any enemy really."
"The bombs in general are more reliable and can kill anything really, so the F4U-1D is pretty good."
"The more plus skills we have, the more we murder."
"Left gig body, hospital; left kick head, morgue."
"The P40's combat debut marked a significant moment in its service history."
"Primate was absolutely lethal in good matchups."
"Airborne, just a straight damage increase to jumping attacks, goes right into S tier."
"They have mastery with the technique and they've practiced it enough so that they could use it on Zamasu and probably be able to defeat him easily."
"The B3 has good enough armor in the strongest parts, a good enough round to deal with every enemy with some good aim, and good enough mobility to get where you want to be in the map."
"Any type of Assassin is going to be able to free shot her quickly."
"Commander with the FAMAS assault rifle, extremely strong."
"The mig-21 has generated an excellent combat record, proving to be a highly successful fighter with much agility."
"Ultimately, if you're doing more damage, you're gonna kill the enemy before they can kill you."
"So many kills! These shock troops were nasty effective."
"Absolutely women would be able to fight effectively in armor, okay, on average."
"He's like a nightmare on the battlefield, just a nightmare."
"The Bradley’s combination of speed, maneuverability, survivability, lethality, and its capacity to act as an important part of a combined arms setting has made it one of Ukraine’s most valued weapons."
"Potions are usable in combat and getting the right type of potion is very, very helpful."
"Let's not pretend the Ukrainians can't fight. They can. Let's not pretend the Ukrainians aren't lethal. They are."
"Forward Air is the ultimate no-nonsense Sword move."
"The AMAX just hits so hard... It's hard to beat."
"It's an awesome damage dealer on long fights."
"Dumped 20 points into fury, an amazing skill."
"They're kind of like really individualistic, incredibly dominantly big damage."
"No great victory is possible without air superiority."
"The SP5 ammo can absolutely destroy everyone."
"That's more than 3,000 damage per second overall on this ship."
"Lay on Hands has turned the tides of many battles."
"Pyra/Mythra is ridiculous, they're so good in neutral."
"The Air Force's ugly duckling earned a new nickname: the Tank buster."
"As a whole though, I've been super impressed with the past two combat showcases."
"The combat value was naturally very high because the weasel is highly mobile, very fast, and agile. It follows the infantry wherever the infantry can go."
"I've never in my life been hopeful... pessimism is the wise position to adopt because you're always agreeably surprised."
"I wouldn't be so sure, he delivers crushing blows so he must be very knowledgeable about Anatomy."
"A mission kill is often just as valuable as a hard kill."
"Just frankly, a lot of her combos are heavily damaging."
"The F6F Hellcat, known as the 'Ace Maker,' claimed 5,157 enemy kills for a loss of only 270."
"Regardless, the victories demonstrate that in almost any scenario, the F-15 is a superb fighter aircraft."
"Monster kills are a very common occurrence when you're using this gun."
"For cloning Orisa, gets a very good passing grade she's one of the best heroes to clone as a shield tank she has a lot of health and her Bongo is one of the highest fight win rate Ultimates in the game."
"A pretty powerful general-purpose combatant."
"For the additional 40 points investment, you've gained around seven anti-infantry shots and about one and a half anti-tank shots."
"That does like around 40 damage that's actually insane."
"To make it into the best vehicle killer around."
"Blade guard veterans hit like a truck against virtually anything they get in combat with."
"This shot actually does create some effect, Nunes was trying to slip on the punch and counter."
"Once that thing goes down, the infantry, while doing a passable job, it's just not enough."
"Cora is deadly, does a lot of damage... definitely S tier Warframe."
"Wisp is instant S tier... very strong Warframe."
"This bow of lost souls is very effective against mundane's men."
"His punches deal a ton of damage almost whenever he wants to."
"Ghost bridges that gap of being insanely strong at all ends of the side, but also being great at team fighting too because there's nothing scarier than Gwen [bleep] zooming at you."
"Armor skills can further enhance your bow gun's effectiveness in combat."
"These are capable weapons like I said easily able to slice an arm off maybe cleave a man in two if swung with enough power."
"The vorpal blade goes snicker-snack, your foes left dead and with their head."
"This finish against Tied to A Vassar... accumulation of damage with respect to power."
"The Vandan sergeant is a solid unit that can hold her own against just about every unit on the battlefield."
"Aserai veteran infantry destroyed the mixed infantry groups with ease, earning a 4.5 kdr overall."
"If they employed some trusted prisoners of war as part of their units, it could help explain why their combat units had more punch despite being low on German soldiers."
"This will cut down even the toughest of monsters."
"Against any enemies, this is an amazing build."
"Those fists are weapons in and of themselves. They pack a real punch."
"On the whole, Kyle Katarn was an immensely powerful combative force wielder."
"With a strong neutral game and an incredibly good super, we had to put this one in the S-tier."
"The in combat abilities are animated to super high quality and feel extremely impactful."
"A solid class to build around because of reckless attack and resistance, they're beasts in combat."
"Mad milk is not only extremely powerful in combat but has tons of utility."
"You do damage. And if you don't get one-shot, you can actually hit someone. So, you do damage. That's more than zero, right?"
"With this build, every single enemy in the game aside from explosive enemies and bosses dies to your melee ability."
"Combine these units to put a ton of killing power in one specific spot."
"Buffs and debuffs can be some of the most powerful tools."
"This gun just shreds opponents and makes winning 1v2 fights so doable."
"Armed with a 125mm auto-loading main gun, the tank is highly lethal."
"She split her jaw and her eye with one punch."
"The default weapons available to all factions are incredibly competent and remain to be some of the favorite weapons available."
"Despite my BKB being a little late I was still able to kill two heroes."
"Deku's domination of the battlefield continues."
"The Ukrainian military, based on volunteerism, has the ability to repel forcibly conscripted Russian soldiers."
"The death trooper is just a hero killing machine."
"Hands down, the longsword can win whether you're trying to compare speed, cutting capacity, reach, weight, leverage, point of balance, thrusting, or hand protection."
"Muay Thai, also in karate and you know things that really like I'll knock you out one punch type of thing but it takes time to build that."
"Fury's adjustment in mauling him not just wore down the stamina of Wilder but, most important, Wilder can only punch and score effectively when he has distance to get the full extension."
"We got ourselves Kalashnikov 47, a very powerful weapon to defeat rotting flesh. That thick flesh is no match for blood and steel."
"Pole axes are an awesome weapon...considered a primary weapon for a knight."
"I think it's more important that we have the just the bodies on the front line to actually punch through Yugoslavia and beat them down a little bit."
"According to the manga, fighting in a maintained 100% condition is superior to a stronger fighter who gradually loses power."
"This weapon does a lot of damage, if I can't kill Melon with this, I need to Rage Quit."
"It teaches you to perform really deadly spinning kicks and moves so quickly that if you manage to execute them well you can one-shot your opponent."
"These boys train for their lives, their life is my tie and this is why in my opinion this is the most effective style on the planet."
"Yami's spell, Dark Cloak Io Slash, guarantees to hit its target."
"The bloodthirsters with the great axe, shalaxy, hellbane is very expensive but kills most Monster and vehicles Dead"
"The sword and shield is a versatile weapon in Dynamic hunting and it packs a surprising punch."
"The great sword has incredible reach and can dish out some serious damage."
"Flash, flash, flash, clear it with the flash!"
"Android 21, pretty high up here. Huge normals, good mix-ups, and insane damage."
"Ditto is a perfect counter for any Pokémon. Its ability to copy stats is invaluable."
"If you land with that kind of power, it doesn't matter where you're landing."
"Blunt weapons absolutely are at the top of the list."
"Sandstorm with this more decks has two weapons that are very good at off stage."
"Corrin is a very good character, pretty strong neutral, amazing kill potential..."
"In a front to back teamfight we just absolutely pop off."
"Electric Terra boosted Thunderbolt now, and that's a one-hit KO, beautiful."
"This gun will eviscerate people in close range." - Powerful close-range capabilities.
"Warriors have always been best pick for those interested in smashing monsters' faces in."
"Hatchet rapier ice gauntlet just owns in close distance to medium range."
"The gameplay looks pretty damn good 3d beat'em ups are rarely executed well but this looks like it has an intuitive and responsive combat system."
"Delivering the first hit in an engagement almost always results in winning that engagement, and with the leopard 2's superior target acquisition and fire control systems, this would mean it had an edge over both friend and foe."
"The Ukrainian Army almost crushed the Russian army."
"Most other nations with lowish caliber guns are pretty much incapable of damaging anything."
"The Typhoon has quickly established a reputation as one of the world's most formidable dogfighters with extremely high maneuverability and energy preservation characteristics."
"Stabbing is a very effective maneuver; it's a very effective attack."
"This is probably the best single target burst ultimate in the game right now."
"Hand cannons have the versatility and strength to combat special weapons better."
"The ferociousness is reflected within the chapter's battlefield doctrine, with the Kakora Dons favoring shock assault and tearing their foes apart in melee combat."
"It's the person that does the things that can end the fight."
"Double seven millions, super effective against all types, I'll take that."
"He's likely balanced, like he looks really solid in these fights."
"Support weapon tier list: S tier autocannon, laser cannon, anti-material rifle."
"Unsurprisingly, when Russia is no longer able to deliver overwhelming amounts of artillery at long range and its ground forces have to actually fight, the results aren't pretty."
"You don't do a whole tremendous amount of damage there."
"Shangling is arguably the strongest character in the game... almost every other character busts her in some way, shape or form."
"Highlander is both good in duels and in 4v4s."
"If you can one-shot a target and live in a teamfight, you're going to be more useful than a lot of late game scaling champions."
"They have large area attacks with decent armor-piercing damage and poison attacks so will deal excellent damage to anything you put them up against at this mid stage of the game."
"This game's combat is so goddamn good that I can pick a clip from anywhere and it works."
"It just feels more aggressive and more capable in those close range fights."
"The greatsword is the most versatile weapon that also has great damage."
"Sword and shield: versatile and satisfying to use."
"By being able to damage them behind cover you sort of remove all of their options."
"Never underestimate the effectiveness of spear and shield combination in combat."
"Overall, I'm liking where Grail Knights are in terms of combat performance."
"No one gives a [ __ ] what you call it, sound suppression is key."
"Even just for standard guys with bolt guns here you'd typically be hitting with four attacks on the charge all at strength five and re-rolling the hit roll."
"Artillery adds tons more damage over here that's the one thing that infantry doesn't have."
"Punish counter really allows you to get creative about how you earn damage."
"All that fancy military armor didn't save his ass from a sledgehammer."
"Why do you think so many bits of the world always come back to this medium size or shortish sword that's predominantly choppy?"
"Mobility and the thing is with the calf kick as well, you know you take away an opponent's mobility and it makes them easier for you to catch them."
"It's important to note that cavalry and infantry can only do damage if they're in the front row."
"The truth is, how military equipment and personnel work together in an overarching strategy tends to have a greater impact on combat efficacy than the capabilities of individual systems alone."
"Defensive does not mean offensively useless."
"A healthy boosted Dropion can be terrifying."
"Nobody comes close to matching Fiddle right now in team fights."
"Overall, the default 57mm with AT and hull cannon or the Type 5 would be the two best choices in my opinion."
"It's better to have a few shots that had a chance of punching through the enemy's armor."
"Here comes the supporting flank, beautiful flanked by the Spartan general."
"Wow, she's like, these bosses like the metal cooler corn set, like they're barely hurting her, man."
"Mega Charizard Y, with its Drought ability and powerful moves like Heat Wave and Solar Beam, was considered one of the top Mega Evolutions and a force to be reckoned with."
"But at the end of the day, despite how useful biting has been to Goku, like when he decided to have a taste of Frieza's tail, it hasn't ever really done enough damage to be ranked on the same level as say Destructo Disc or the Masenko."
"Draconic Hex drops all enemy stats by four after battle, making it a formidable skill."
"Our sword most definitely one-shots anybody."
"I do not see people talk about how ridiculous Golden Frieza is on any given turn... This guy is ridiculous."
"Your damage output is more than the seventh level spell Finger of Death, and you can do it every round."
"Fight Effectiveness: The indominus rex's claws end up causing more physical damage."
"Damage boosting Reinhardt in close quarters combat? Absolutely amazing."
"Military force is a deciding factor in an open field battle."
"Get that big investment so we can start getting more impressive things sooner."
"For the most part, the Manticore does seem to have a much higher damage output."
"Having these debuffs on them is even better."
"I think that Intercessors are really quite a strong damage-dealing unit, ignoring cover and exploding sixes on their bolters."
"What DPICM bring to a battlefield is anti-armor and anti-personnel capability."
"...suggest at a possible Force intuition guiding his actions allowing him to be effective in combat despite his overt clumsiness contributing significantly to the gungan Army's success."
"German combat effectiveness is at its Apogee and many would consider the German army that invaded Russia the finest army of the 20th century."
"Now proven and familiar, pilots who used to dread the Corsair turned the machine into a true killer, tearing through the skies - its blistering speed and heavy-duty firepower giving them the upper hand over Japan's A6M Zero."
"The experience is somewhat less entertaining for the enemy who will find themselves subjected to aerial bombardment by a bewildering array of lethal weaponry."
"The 20 millimeter cannon on the front of the gunship was basically turning anything in front of it into mincemeat."
"All of a sudden, the Luftwaffe pilots encountered new Yaks, which, to their horror, could destroy German planes with just a single shot."
"But in this role, it is only the Super Etendard and its EXOCET missile which have gained notoriety in combat."
"Morale is huge in terms of fighting force, whether that be the Fifth Air Force, First Marine Division, or a squad."
"What counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit."
"Damage is the number one thing that should sway a fight because it's fighting."
"They will absolutely pulverize squads of Legion terminators."
"If you had a well-led Italian unit, they could do very well."