
Situational Awareness Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"A pilot with better situational awareness is going to have an advantage, the pilot flying the better plane is going to have an advantage, and the pilot with the better missiles is going to have an advantage."
"I'm not trying to make them paranoid or make them think the world is a scary place, but they need to be situationally aware."
"By monitoring the other cars around you, you will start to understand the tendencies of each car and driver as well as their skills."
"Situational awareness is key. Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid dangerous situations before they escalate."
"The value of knowing where your allies are and what they’re doing should not be underestimated."
"George was lucid, cooperative, obeyed commands, and had situational awareness when he died."
"When you arrive on a scene, you have to be very careful to see what you're walking into, especially with calls like shots fired."
"The divisional officers can see the entire battlefield."
"High ground positioning is critical for better fighting power and awareness."
"Things weren't completely screwed up here, but a major incident could set off a serious shitstorm."
"Alert is one of the most underrated perks in the entire game. It lets you know where the killer is almost at all times, and it's really easy to identify where the killer is with alert."
"Vision is absolutely key. Get your eyes up. Vision, get your eyes up."
"Part of our training involved situation awareness, being aware of your surroundings and paying attention to your gut feelings."
"The question is not, 'Here I am in this problematic situation, how do I deal with that?' The question is, 'How do I have never gotten into that in the first place?'"
"Know Thy situation, understand the dress code."
"Everything is under control. Why would you say that? What do you mean everything's under control? It's clearly not under control!"
"Being able to see a zombie around a corner is really invaluable."
"When you're in a situation, you lose the ability to gauge and really see what's happening unless you have an ability to step out and go into the bird's eye view."
"The most important things: putting time between you and the enemy, getting information on them, having situational awareness."
"Something is amiss here, something going on that doesn't make sense."
"It's contextually appropriate in certain circumstances and contextually inappropriate."
"Situational awareness is key. Notice exits, cover, and potential hazards."
"Understanding the situations in which a pick works."
"Integrated command and control function increases unit situational awareness."
"It's important to read the room at times like this."
"She had this innate ability to come up with the rightful words and to be in the right place at the right time."
"Situational awareness is as important to the gameplay loop as weapons, health, and movement."
"Three things you always ask yourself: How many enemies are alive? Where are they in relation to you? Where are they moving to?"
"Even your most experienced diplomats could envy your ability to turn the true nature of any situation and act accordingly."
"I understand the main thing is the whole ambush thing. But the thing is, I'm from the mainland. I don't know, right?"
"Only they can know what went on in this situation."
"This year paved the way for an even better 2024, but we're still in the middle of a situation where everything is aligning."
"This ain't that. This is a whole different reality."
"Nothing's really going to happen... it's a very volatile situation right now."
"You're solely responsible for the outcome of whatever situation you find yourself in."
"The signs are out there, if you know what to look for."
"My, my, my... You look like you could use some ice."
"There is nothing, there's no reason to stay in a situation that is no longer serving you."
"He'd seen that arm angle before, he knew what a person looked like before they pulled a gun from concealment."
"Every Situation's got its own unique strategies."
"He reads the situations incredibly well, rarely goes to ground."
"In a situation like that, having a high-capacity autoloader... would have been a very good thing to have."
"Subtitles aid map awareness, linking audio cues with visual prompts."
"I'm calm so I'm watching how everything transpired."
"It's just the calm before, like it gets worse before it gets better."
"The only way to truly know what is going on is to be there on the ground."
"Someone please explain to me what the hell is going on."
"Most people have seen something they cannot explain."
"You can't know until you've been in a situation like that what it is to be really scared."
"A better understanding of racing in general will allow you to understand why the cars have different performances in different situations."
"It really just makes you want to be even more aware of your surroundings."
"We had to react, we had to respond accordingly."
"It always is important to absorb as many new facts as you can because you never know when one of those facts might be necessary in getting you out of a rather tricky situation."
"I just felt like I know there was a shooting going on. I didn't know if he was a shooter. I didn't know if he was getting shot at. I just knew something had happened."
"Given the time and score... no issue whatsoever."
"Pilots love the aircraft because it gives them what they crave most: situational awareness."
"If I happen to be on a Malaysian plane and it's going down and they call for a doctor to the front you stay your ass seated okay don't you run your ass up there trying to try to do anything matter who to me."
"Should have put it in reverse, but it wouldn't have mattered."
"You should always be playing for the situation that you're in."
"It's still hers because read the room, right? Like you gotta read the room."
"You win these all day, if he looks down here, I got spotted by a scan, I got red P, I got red P, win these all day."
"You'd be far better advised to spend your precious time and effort figuring out a way to adapt and deal with the situation as it is rather than the situation as you think and wish it should be."
"She's not naive; she's pulling the pieces together, she knows what's up, she gets it."
"I think if you're in any situation, guy or girl, if someone says to you, 'Hey, before you lay down on this thing, do you mind if I put a drop cloth down real quick?'—run, just run."
"Being prepared for anything is probably better than not knowing what's going on."
"Just make better decisions and where are you where you are in a four-way lane highway or more on a highway and where are you placing yourself."
"If your grandparents offered this in full knowledge of your situation, perhaps you should consider it."
"I always like to say, 'What can I do for you right now that can help this situation? What do you think? What can I do within my power?'"
"Under high threat, high-stress situations, the window allows him to see more."
"Make sure you're putting yourself first in the right circumstances."
"I always tried to remember all the information I would need if something happened."
"Fear can be quieted by a simple survey of the situation."
"We're not crawling, are we? The gas is coming in, so let's see, we got the north, the high ground here."
"It's one dude left, inside the house. I'm gonna first aid, okay? Think about this, Bolin. He just walked up the stairs to the second level."
"If you're on the Titanic and you don't know what's thinking and you see no deck terrors you're like something's wrong."
"Gain success by not just a grand strategy but also by adapting to situations as they occur."
"I urge people to get security themselves, not just for assets, but to protect their life."
"Faker has the knowledge to know where there's an opening to go in."
"The UI is good for monitoring exactly what's going on on the battlefield at any given time."
"Your observations are really good, just be careful like if there's no one around, there's no need to signal."
"Leaning into the uncertainty of the whole situation."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"It's worth that if we're halfway there's a lot going on."
"You're being freed from build-a-box situations." - "Some grass or some situations aren't worth watering."
"Stacy looks at a mounted TV inside the restaurant that has live coverage of the chase."
"He clearly didn't know how to read the room."
"You have the power of choice in any moment to decide exactly how you're going to process and respond to a situation."
"Build yourself up as an asset, not a detriment to the situation."
"You have to know where to be, and that is where the pure true skill comes."
"Things are starting to heat up here and I wasn't really expecting this to be why it happened."
"The reality of this situation is we have no power."
"Trust your own intuition because you know your circumstances."
"Tesla's goal: Provide situational awareness for personalized experience."
"Even though it feels like you're in a bad place, it could possibly be the furthest thing from the truth."
"It's a matter of seconds before things can change."
"I don't look past, I don't look forward, I look at what's present."
"Stopping a crime was as simple as holding a door shut."
"The Muse just headed straight across, yeah, that Command Center we live just in time."
"Tonight is a good night even though everything was unexpected. Normal speed, Southwest, 947, stay prepared."
"It's not always about doing the best combo, it's about doing what makes the most sense for the situation."
"A seemingly normal and pleasant situation could turn so horrible so fast."
"The question is always this what is my most loving response to this person to this place to this thing."
"We were made to look left, then the danger came in quietly from the right."
"Things start getting a bit more complicated now."
"What are you supposed to do as a CT, what are you supposed to do, stare at the smoke, push through it?"
"I'm freaking out here guys, there's something going on, it's not right."
"Fundamentally, I look at what I did then... nothing's changed. It's just where I call it out is different."
"When everything goes red, it's time to run for cover."
"You gotta analyze every situation that you in."
"I'm confused why you don't see what just happened."
"Prepare for the worst because we are living on the conditions that you could have never invented."
"You are wealthy in a poor situation; change your perspective."
"The ability to see where you are going when navigation is out, when fighting an enemy that is actually next to you, or just being able to position yourself with another foreign body seems like a viable reason to have them."
"That's probably a good guy, doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to verbal commands."
"Like many of you we woke up this morning to some rough news."
"There's just distant gunfire happening, it's just like, huh? What's going on in there?"
"Shakti was fast-paced and extremely precise, all the while remaining aware of her surroundings."
"Whatever situation you're in, your only responsibility is to focus on the now."
"The most important thing you can do is just have awareness, be aware of what's going on around you at all times."
"Anyone who can see the big picture knows what's going on."
"Wisdom is really only given on a need to know basis." - Melanie Reinhardt
"Y'all don't know when to be quiet. That's the point here."
"It's accepting the situation for what it is and creating a boundary."
"Either we're going to do something about it or we're not."
"There's a time to go in and a time not to go in, there's a time to go in and a time to leave."
"What makes the difference in the situation that you're facing is that you're in it."
"You can have an impact on your world... surviving and winning depends a great deal on knowing and facing the situation that you are in."
"I was just looking around for one of these, wait what's going on?"
"You can't just turn and shoot, you have to be aware who's around you."
"Garland's decision to appoint a special counsel in the Biden documents case displays a Washingtonian situational awareness and acknowledgment of nuanced political concerns."
"The fundamentals of World of Warcraft are knowing what's going on and where you're supposed to be and not wasting time."
"Every circumstance is different. Things aren't always as they seem."
"You need to have good information to make good decisions. The better your information about your situation, the better decisions you can make."
"Your feet tell you when to escape, when to extend, when to move on."
"Know where you and friendly elements are, always."
"If something's telling you to leave now, you're good. They're not going to do anything to you unless you don't leave probably who knows, right?"
"I thought it was safe in the wilderness, now they're here too."
"This doesn't look like they're up here, there's one right here."
"All right we gotta see if we can find somebody else though storm's closing in we gotta we gotta bounce oh I'm tripping over not my baby stroller Steven does this so stick the new fishing update."
"It's not the time to not work. Wait, that's an enemy!"
"Once we start to see these lines in the sand get crossed, that's really when everybody needs to say okay, do I have everything that I need?"
"You really do not want to step into this in a negative place."
"Without words or explanation we understand the exact dynamics of the situation."
"That's not true though, there's no escape yet. For all we know, there might be a sneaky rope ladder on the top floor."
"You need to tap into your intuition because your intuition is trying to tell you something about the situation."
"Birdshot is lame it could be a distance but now at moderate distances you don't want to be hit by it see what I mean."
"If a man were totally aware of what was going on around him, he would find it relatively simple to handle any outmas."
"It wasn't the moon, it was 1:15 in the afternoon."
"Every situation, we need to play like we're playing chess."
"Do not let the concept of plannedemic draw you off course from what you need to do. You need to execute on the actuality of your situation."
"So when somebody comes up to you and just like... they're distracting me because somebody's gonna [ __ ] rob me."
"Draco realized what was going on, he backed up, you know what I'm saying, we could break down the video and show you where he, you know, I'm saying god goes before everybody because they were stabbing him and they didn't stab nobody else."
"His greatness is a different greatness, he understands who is doing what at what time."
"I mean, there's always this if you're not fighting on the belt and you're not fighting in Antarctica, you don't necessarily need to be that clear-sighted for that long."
"You never know when you're going to be in a situation where you need to know that."
"Panic is natural, but understand why, learn from it, and become more experienced."
"It's a parking lot at a coal plant, not exactly the time to let perfect be the enemy of good."
"I got another mirror! I just... Oh, watch your lips, he's... Oh, he's on stair, how do I not hear that?"
"I think you're going to land on your feet... there's a situation around you... and I think to the point where maybe you've been a bit on high alert..."
"I see you, 2D. Don't think I don't see you back there."
"You have to choose when you show your emotion and where you show them. That's it."
"And then the aircraft seemed to sort of careen in our direction."
"It's more about your situation and what kind of player you are."
"Just be mindful of that there could be someone coming on in here."
"I think our worry level should probably be at this moment in time seven out of ten."
"The parents view in this situation is really myopic."
"In any situation, there are elements within your control and those outside it."
"I haven't seen a week where I feel more unsure of where we're at on Friday than this one right here."
"We get lost in what's happening in front of us."
"It's scrappy bro, what's going on in here right now?"
"Number one rule with crime and self-defense number one is situational awareness avoid the situation if possible."
"Don't jump head first into a situation or a relationship without doing the proper vetting first."
"I can assure you that not everything is fine."
"I think a good place to start is to say, 'Lynn, where the hell are we at right now?'"
"Now think about the fact that if those girls were trying to cross that bridge and oops let me go back here a little bit."
"You have to take into account everything that is happening in that moment. That's why experience matters for a head coach."
"It's instinct, it's not... it's not now, I'm not saying... you're not gonna feel a lot of people thankfully figured out there was a back door."
"You've got to be super super careful that if you do have police there and they are doing their job get out of their way."
"Understand the situation and master the art of timing."
"Any one of us could be put in those situations."
"When in doubt, zoom out and you realize we're doing just fine."
"Apply the pressure, alright? You're either about to apply the pressure or somebody here in competition with you feels like you're applying pressure already."
"Things are not getting better, they're actually getting worse."
"You need to know the story when you're sitting there."
"He has these Mo moments with Sylvie where it's like hey stop stop making this about us."
"By the time you see the flood you realize how much the Covenant aren't your only enemy or even your worst one."
"It's not looking great, and by that I mean someone has knocked down a portion of the Snake Mountain."
"Depending upon the situation, you have to keep on changing."
"Almost all violent confrontations can be avoided with situational awareness and just, you know, don't put yourself in it."
"Nothing in that report is new to us... we are under constant threat for our lives."
"You're becoming more enlightened on a situation."
"Good awareness is key for junglers - always know what's happening on the map."
"You should always try and make the most out of every possible situation."
"Maybe we have defeated him, maybe we haven't...": Acknowledging ambiguity and the need for further understanding.
"The truth is the situation's a whole lot better than it sounded."
"He further explained that he 'just knew' that there was a body in the room."
"Your person is trying to see the bigger picture of the situation at this time."
"Subtitles make it easier to get the sense of your surroundings."
"Hostile humans are in the area, they better not be, bro."
"You don't lose it, you just choose when to use it."