
Air Combat Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Whoever shoots first is likely to win because an aircraft that's been fired on might be hit and destroyed, and even if it isn't, is probably spending its time and energy evading that missile rather than focusing on continuing its mission or fighting back."
"The future of air combat is not just about developing advanced fighters but also about integrating diverse systems for a unified approach."
"Their maneuverability will be compromised and no longer will they enjoy the tactical advantage of superior height."
"The success of the Luftwaffe's night fighters will, for a time, force the Allies to restrict their raids."
"Maybe air combat has changed and maybe these are skills people can learn later."
"This was the Pinnacle of dog fighting you couldn't find a better jet for dog fighting and turning on a dime and accelerating and having the advantage when you're in an actual dogfight."
"The reality of air combat was the swooping ambush, the bounce, hitting sudden, hard, and fast."
"Operation Bolo became known as the greatest aerial combat mission in the Vietnam conflict."
"Even a very small number of defensive fighters, perhaps as few as a four-ship flight, could have a disproportionate impact countering even a multi-squadron attack."
"The German Albatross was much more relevant than the Dr1 in determining the course of the air war."
"The Spitfire was a real match for the Messerschmitt 109s."
"Unfortunately, you know guys with a bomb bay doors open taking the hits from the SAMs it's gonna cause quite an explosion."
"The Hellcat was a standout as it shot down more Japanese aircraft than any other fighter."
"One single aircraft from Ukraine's armed forces is responsible for downing upwards of six Russian jets in one-to-one combats."
"The Spitfire was a nimble interceptor, a plane that could rapidly gain altitude, and proceed to fiercely defend its airspace."
"The Battle of Britain was won on small margins and the engineers of the Spitfire did everything they could to give the Spitfire an edge in battle."
"Operation Bolo led by the celebrated American pilot Robin Olds was one of the greatest deceptions of the conflict."
"The final tally is 369 Japanese airplanes shot down."
"The airframe itself isn't the key question, the key issue is what weapons does it carry."
"Operation Bolo is about to change the air war in Vietnam."
"Colonel Olds sums up Operation Bolo: 'The MiGs came up. The MiGs were aggressive. We tangled. They lost.'"
"Airplane combat... Actual dogfights now, I enjoy flying in a Battlefield game again."
"I wasn't very far off the mark, and the other thing I wanted to mention to our viewers is the 1971 War, especially the air war between India and Pakistan proved that it is the pilot, stupid. Remember that. It is the economy, stupid."
"Even when venturing deep into enemy territory with a full load, the Su-34 can soar at speeds exceeding Mach 1.8, rapidly retreating and leaving pursuers trailing in its supersonic aftermath."
"Mirage IIICJ planes were responsible for shooting down 106 Syrian and Egyptian aircraft."
"In the crucible of air combat over Korea, these elite few fought the battles and wrote the textbook on jet-versus-jet warfare."
"For all the skill and courage of pilots, Fighter Command was in danger of losing the battle for air superiority over Southern England."
"Would we be remiss if we didn't talk about the air-to-air kill with an air-to-ground weapon?"
"German Ace Adolf Galland and British hero Douglas Bader."
"In the Persian Gulf War...we enjoyed almost complete air superiority...almost absolutely."
"Instead of escorting bombers, the American fighters would seek out the Luftwaffe, attacking German fighter planes wherever they were found."
"He knew that the Japanese were good, talented, with superior aircraft."
"With AIM-9X, we finally caught up."
"We focused a lot more on air combat flying... it completely changes the dynamic."
"Dog fighting is not dead because if you've ever been in a major exercise, not to mention an air-to-air war like Desert Storm, then you know that in the heat of battle there's confusion, there's all kinds of chaos."
"Up to 10:00, 175 German aircraft have been destroyed in today's raids over this country."
"They were credited with shooting down or destroying 97 enemy planes in the air."
"With the arrival of the F-100, the age of supersonic air combat had truly begun."
"The Battle of Britain was just, in the simplest terms, a matter of air superiority."
"The presence of the Tomcat in the Iranian Air Force was the highlight of aerial combat during the Iran-Iraq war."
"By 1967, Sidewinder had proved itself the most effective air-to-air weapon in use in Southeast Asia, scoring the majority of Navy and Air Force combat kills."
"The mission of electronic warfare pilots may not seem as glamorous as that of fighter pilots, but it is the electronic wizardry of the wild weasels, prowlers, and compass calls that can make the critical difference between defeat and victory in modern air combat."
"The ultimate object of any interceptor or air superiority pilot is to place his or her aircraft in a position to effectively deploy their weapons against the opponent."
"The collaboration between the two men makes the F-14 one of the most potent weapons."
"The F-14 proved to be an exceptional fighter jet, being able to detect and shoot down aircraft up to 100 miles away."
"The largest Luftwaffe force ever to attack an American bomber formation, 300 fighters, is waiting for the 222 bombers."