
Entrepreneurial Spirit Quotes

There are 369 quotes

"Why would you bet on Goliath when we've got David? Value given is contagious in this world of entrepreneurs."
"If you work in a company, let me promise you something. It's a lot more fun to die on your own sword."
"The entrepreneurial spirit, the American workforce, working hard, thinking things through."
"These Double A and indie games, they really do capture the entrepreneurial spirit of video games."
"With our pockets light as a feather, we had to start from the bottom. We called our newspaper The Egg Times."
"Miss Me's dream is to one day own a simple convenience store on a main road so finally she can relieve herself of work in the fields and let the customers come to her."
"You can change the world and change your lot in life and be really [__] rich."
"The pursuit is never finished. The bag is never got."
"I never thought we would get here when we started, I thought we'd probably do it for maybe like half a year, just for fun for a little while."
"Started small and hoping to make only a few extra dollars that would help him make ends meet as his baby was on the way. Austin never expected that his achievements would succumb to what they have now."
"We knew what the end goal was, what we wanted to get to, and not be afraid to take on a side hustle."
"Female founders should know that they can do anything."
"By her trying to survive she was teaching me entrepreneurship traits."
"The point I'm making is that to become a millionaire, we all need to start somewhere."
"That's what you call an entrepreneurial drive."
"Success of LVMH is built on creativity, quality, entrepreneurship, and vision."
"It's not a no to getting started, it's actually a no to that overnight success that maybe you had hoped."
"Important because anybody can do it when you have the right mindset and you have the hustle but you need to know what to do."
"Now I'm looking at companies and I'm looking at people that's kind of taking their own you know taking their own careers into their own hands and doing their own doing their own merch and doing their own streaming."
"Out here it's like you can meet a girl that works at Starbucks but like she has like a swimwear line that she's like working on."
"A lot of people they forced the youtubing on you with buying but your daily life and the things that you do with real estate and building warehouses and real entrepreneurship man is what I miss."
"If you as a creator feel like you can see a path to building something yourself and you could see you have something unique and you love doing it, take the independent route."
"Motivation to do better: beating the [ __ ] out of the Rival potion shop."
"I got a dream of taking care of my family creating generational wealth whether it's music diapers uh dog [] dog food I don't give a [] what it is as long as it's legal and it's profitable."
"I remember Mark saying, 'I don't want to sell it.' Inspired the out of me."
"Don't borrow nothing from nobody, don't loan none from nobody, even with store boxing, you can get a good hustle off that but don't somebody nobody."
"Congratulations, you first start your very own gaming development company. At the moment your office is in a garage and you are the only employee."
"Starting a successful business Enterprise is a profoundly ethical Endeavor in the deepest sense."
"There's almost nothing to lose, there's almost no risk associated with this."
"Don't allow your lack of finances or equipment to tell you that you're out of the game."
"I want this to succeed more for him than I do even for the product."
"We've been discussing which shark we would go with but to be honest every one of those sharks has built an empire so we would be open to any shark wanting to join our little Lebanese family."
"It's like fuck it, I'm just gonna have fun and sell some weird shit for a dollar."
"I never expected this restaurant to be such a success... It's an honor to truly feel part of something and giving back to the community."
"Being able to make a living without always working for somebody else... That's been so incredible for me."
"I love her personality, I love her hustle, I mean I love it, I respect it."
"When I learned I could actually profit from them, that I could make use of something that plagued me, it was a great feeling."
"I actually started this YouTube channel using nothing but a smartphone."
"Now, you've gotta roll your sleeves up and you've got to say, right, because in every business where this happens comes opportunity."
"At Boom, you have to be naive enough to start but wise enough to finish."
"There's always greater value to be had when you paddle your own boat and follow a vision, even if that road is longer and harsher."
"I approached it like a business owner, from a sales perspective."
"Starting small now is better than not starting at all."
"We're fighting tooth and nail, investing in ourselves and our future, because we believe in our story and in helping others succeed."
"Elizabeth Holmes came up with the concept of a quick and simple blood test in 2003 when she was just a 19 year old student at Stanford."
"America as a country needs to be reset. It was built on the concept of people being entrepreneurs, building their own."
"I want an investor that aligns with my vision of the future."
"Three seconds, smart businessman. If I had Matt Hardy's money, I'd burn mine."
"I just knew it was going to be successful. I'd never felt that way before in my life."
"You've really got to hand it to Elon Musk when people are telling him he can't do something or that he's doing too much."
"Nothing makes me happier than when entrepreneurs on merit out work, out succeed me, 'cause that's the game."
"I've found a way to make money: I'm selling bananas for a $1 profit, perfectly balanced!"
"To do something really great like Bezos or like Elon, you have to believe that you have agency over your own life. You have to believe that you can accomplish great things. You have to, you know, act with purpose and..."
"The question always stands, will you ever open up your own shop?"
"Airbnb should never have worked. The CEO knew nothing about business, the idea had been done before and was actually illegal in many cities, and even the company's founders didn't think it would work."
"It means something that our independent grind means something."
"Nobody's building a million-dollar business on some trick or shortcut."
"I promise you I'm going to be continuing to give you the absolute best content anywhere on how to make money online and leave your corporate job behind."
"If anything that you're going to put your money and time into, you're going to have to put blood, sweat, and tears into it."
"Because the money was good and Baron himself was making a piece."
"There are truly a million ways to make a million dollars."
"At 300, we're all about freedom—freedom to create, freedom to be entrepreneurs, freedom to make music that changes the world." - Kevin Lyles
"Cape Town is noted for the entrepreneurial spirit its people have cultivated over the years."
"You can create an audience for anything you wish to create an audience for."
"A fallen entrepreneur remains more honorable than someone who has never been an entrepreneur."
"Our whole goal wasn't even really money, it was literally just can we survive until hightail?"
"First, we really did believe in Elon when most people didn't and we saw in him something very special which I think you probably saw here yesterday."
"There is very much entrepreneurial energy, and that's a very Aries thing to just take control."
"If you want to be able to make it, you have to be willing to ignore the noise."
"You want the entrepreneurs, you want the innovators, you want the workers there."
"Just keep going. Make sure when you sell one of these shoes, whatever money you get from that, you buy another shoe. That is the best advice."
"Focus on what's in your control...instead of talking about socialism capitalism you go out be the best entrepreneur ever."
"I'm an overnight success because I've done it now for this is my 42nd year in business."
"I wanted to support people who are trying to make it happen for themselves."
"If you're gonna be about your business, be about your business."
"When teams of creators leave larger companies to start off on something new, the audience typically follows them."
"There's no limit to how much money you can make if you start a business."
"Every entrepreneur is in a different stage with different problems, but we all share the urge to make a change."
"Build the best community... money will come."
"I've made billions of dollars of failures at Amazon.com literally... but what really matters is companies that continue to experiment."
"Trust yourself, go through that door, step into the new career, business opportunity, business expansion, go after it."
"Started in his garage, man. It's taking us crazy places. It's dope."
"Success has taught me that one of the most important things an entrepreneur can have is perseverance, dedication, a willingness to fail, pick yourself up again and give it another shot."
"We don't have to see another company fail in order for us to succeed right just it's not part of the math of running the business."
"You're creating value in ways that you never could create before."
"Do not let this overwhelm you because this can actually be really fun."
"Death row can be brought back it is look who running it man Snoop doing so much [__] business-wise."
"Don't ever let anybody ever put you down for starting a side hustle or for trying something."
"Let's go be profitable and make it fun! See you on the next one."
"You took the lessons that were taught to you and you ran with it and you built an empire."
"We haven't been able to pass offices, but I'm proud when I walk into my spot and I got different buildings and then I go into your spot. Yeah, we gotta build it, right? We got our own companies."
"I've got enough money for three cracks at it."
"The entrepreneur in me is very excited about the increased capacity."
"Nothing is impossible. I used to pick in the trash for years to find stuff to sell."
"Ultimately, you have to respect their willingness to take risks."
"I look for people that are curious, entrepreneurial, self-reliant, aggressive, and don't put things off till tomorrow when they can get them done today."
"Running a business is kinetic energy, it's constantly in motion."
"Just getting started is already a big step toward your money making journey trial and error can literally be your best friend and your best teacher."
"Damn, let me scan this up right now, bro. That's not a bad idea, bro. It's not a bad... if you got a percentage of the sale. It's like, 'Damn, let me scan two of those off of my boy, and then he makes a little bit of bread, yeah?'"
"It's having the courage to walk away from a big business to make sure you're fully invested in the future."
"You build a better mousetrap, the world will come knocking at your door."
"The end goal is to grow that and grow revenue hopefully bootstrapped hopefully we don't need funding."
"Success is creating something no one else is brave enough to dream."
"Your confidence should come from the fact that you're part of a small group of people that decided to take on the risk to begin with."
"Elon Musk hasn't shown any signs of easing up and this game is afoot."
"I want to open a cafe one day... but I need to remember that day will come and there's no rush right now."
"Support our family business facts not just that start starting more businesses yeah bruh look y'all not gonna fail but dog the fact that y'all stepped out and said yo it's time to do this that's bigger than whether it's a success or not."
"They're money-focused, worried about what's next, love this energy."
"Bezos is going to win this, he wins everything."
"Entrepreneurs are highly resilient in China, that's kind of the condition to success."
"Nobody does Real Estate the way that I do. That's why I think I can create the Robin Hood of real estate."
"I'll take 13 grand on 100 grand in two days, that's awesome!"
"Don't listen to those who condemn the hustle."
"You might have a lot more...but if somebody's willing to out-hustle you, they're gonna beat you."
"You're actually well situated to build a unique, novel business that delivers real value to your users."
"Things take time. Sometimes you give up too early. The Airbnb guys launched three times and they were going months without bookings or revenue, but they had some faith in the core of the idea."
"It's for people who are up-and-coming and like you have a great idea but you just don't have the contacts with people that can help you do that because it's all about collaboration."
"It was a failure, but they truly believed that they could get this gold out at a profit."
"The Hustler's mentality is how can this challenge be my opportunity."
"We're running a business now, fun isn't it? Exciting."
"From one penny to $300, let's keep flipping and wheeling and dealing."
"YouTube didn't start with the intention to ever make us any money really at all."
"I always was pretty business-minded as a kid... I was hustling... different ways to make money."
"I do offer paint correction and ceramic coating services."
"I'm gonna be an entrepreneur for the rest of my life, man. Even when it's my time to go, I'm gonna be my own boss."
"I miss comic shops enough to where I want to open one up here. The itch is there."
"Most anyone is capable of what we've done in the entrepreneurial world or in the business world."
"Superstars themselves and they went legit they would be a major future 500 company from Forbes. Man, these guys are geniuses."
"When you know you've got something, and that it's time to go big, go big and go fast."
"That he made so much of it himself was a byproduct."
"Andre wasn't as a completely ahead of his time in his ability to realize many many many of us can be bosses."
"I hope hope you enjoy it... It's pretty cool to see somebody out there that we buy your companies we like your products and you're on top of the mountain."
"The idea that if you work really hard, you'll make it yourself is entrepreneur culture."
"I went from being homeless to building this studio."
"How good would it feel to retire your mom? How good will it feel to make sure that your wife, your husband never takes a paycheck from anybody else again but your own business?"
"Go for broke was really built around that model, and I wanted this clothing brand to really represent what I'm about."
"Instead of having a family where one person goes to start a business and everybody else sits back... every member of the family feels deeply connected."
"I just love the fact that you turned your interests into a business."
"I do have a fund... If you have a cool idea that solves a real problem and you're like an insane founder that's super Mission driven, send me your deck."
"Most self-made millionaires... got there through hard work persistently for many many years."
"I want to see my people come up, I wanna see my people get rich, I want to see my people have businesses."
"If you have some awesome ideas and if you've achieved some results, but often ideas and vision are enough, they'll believe in you. That's it. That's all it takes. They'll give you a chance."
"There's something new that you're either integrating to what you're already doing on your path or creating something new like a new business or a new way of doing things."
"The engine of our country is fueled by the ingenuity and determination of American workers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses."
"These bigger risks will make you more successful."
"I bet we can make some good money and these are cool."
"Innovation didn't slow down; great companies still get built regardless of market conditions."
"Opportunities come to those who create them."
"Be the 1% who actually tries this stuff and actually makes it work."
"You need to have the hunger and the respect for your own company."
"I think what I realized... I just love building businesses with friends. I hated Hollywood."
"I wanted to work for myself. I had a mission and a purpose through clever girl finance and I told myself I was gonna pick my job."
"Entrepreneurship as much as we talk about reparations. Reparations starts with the word repair."
"I'm going to take my designs and start my own company."
"I'm a hustler, bro. If I go broke today, I can wake up tomorrow and make something happen, bro."
"I know the power of having a passion that produces a profit."
"Elon Musk's willingness to take risks beyond what most normal human beings are willing to take is really impressive."
"Don't let the fear of mistakes stop you from taking risks—it's just a part of the journey to success."
"Elon gravitates to big projects... he loves to take these risks."
"Let's get a grant, make some money. Don't be lazy, smash a like."
"Taking risks and moving faster than others are superpowers that lead to success."
"Listen, okay, I just want to make sure I make that known, I made $45,000 in one week selling my jars of farts."
"The wealth is in you, it's not in someone else's business or idea."
"Trading isn't everything; building businesses is everything."
"This is somebody that's very smart, very creative, very clever, this is somebody possibly they have their own business or they have dreams to be an entrepreneur."
"Opportunity doesn't knock, build the door." (Repeated for emphasis)
"We wanted to share with the world, it's all about democratizing success for people that look like us."
"People running their own stores are probably going to work harder and smarter than people who are just punching the clock for a faceless corporate Overlord."
"Once I learned how to make money on my own terms, I could never go back to a job again."
"Our store has never been more stocked, humble beginnings right here chat, this what you call humble beginnings right here."
"You've got to be willing to create a great customer service experience and not just be in it for the quick buck."
"The Wright brothers seemingly proved that Aviation was a business which favored small independent startups building practical if revolutionary products."
"It always struck me that this was not just you deciding okay I'm going to figure out how to make money off this interwebs thing."
"Keep on fighting for it... maybe your idea is going to turn into a billion-dollar thing."
"Hopefully next week coming up we will have a lot of sales, hopefully I'll be able to sell a lot of these sneakers on eBay."
"Only my mom... you gotta respect the hustle."
"No idea is crazy. Stick with your ideas, and they will grow."
"If you're producing, you don't need Bill Gates. If you're producing, you don't need another company or the government to feed you."
"Nothing is finite. If you can't do it this time, build your own company so that you can do it."
"Honestly though, I respect the hustle, this is brilliant."
"I feel like I need to sell these on Etsy or something, they're just... oh, they're so cute!"
"My thing is just to make sure the people around me make money."
"There are no bad businesses. Just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work, and as a result, your life."
"I'd rather fail trying to do something for myself and working for myself than fail working for a corporation, an entity that doesn't care about you anyways."
"I'm not only here to give you fish. I'm also here to teach you how to fish."
"If I can build something from nothing, that's the challenge, and that's always something that I do."
"Start a YouTube channel to make money. Absolutely. Start the fucking channel."
"I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, passionate about health and fitness."
"I'd like to run my business like Michael does one day."
"We're going to create a company worth trillions of dollars and it all starts with a simple printer."
"Dude, that's like a concert! She's paying me for a ticket to go see somebody, like, I'm a one-man band."
"We need the ability to dream in our culture that's what the engine that drives us forward really is there wouldn't be any great business if someone never dreamed of a better life for themselves or their whole family sure."
"Our mission is to create that third producer who's gonna pick up the two comma Club award."
"If you have a business, you will be on top of the world."
"This is a window into the mind of a creative, a Divergent, an entrepreneur, artist, and visionary."
"Are you willing to work on it even when it's not making money?"
"Never be a fear, never worry about competition, never worry about the pressures."
"Make it with Squarespace, turn your dream into a great idea."
"Somebody is really they're an abundant person in an abundant mindset and that gives them the courage to start any endeavor even something they've never done before."
"Let's build a church. You own all this real estate, baby."