
Military Engagement Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Whoever shoots first is likely to win because an aircraft that's been fired on might be hit and destroyed, and even if it isn't, is probably spending its time and energy evading that missile rather than focusing on continuing its mission or fighting back."
"Roosevelt addressed the nation by radio on navy day, saying, 'We have wished to avoid shooting. But the shooting has started. And history has recorded who fired the first shot. In the long run, however, all that will matter is who fired the last shot.'"
"This Congress ought to speak to it, and we shouldn't hide behind a 2001 authorization of the use of military force and not update that authorization."
"The soldiers of Azov Battalion are principally fighting a defensive war against a foreign Invader."
"Ukrainians sure are giving these Russians hell."
"Recent combat footage reveals that Ukrainians are actively firing at the Russian positions."
"President Trump is the first president in the last 39 years to not start a war or to enter a war that's already been in existence."
"American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves."
"China often gets a bad rap and I'm often critical of them but their troops fought hard to protect the people in South Sudan that day under difficult conditions with limited resources and limited equipment and Firepower."
"He is absolutely taking more risks at that time intervening in the war in Syria... even risking direct confrontation with American military forces."
"Our front line is gonna be full of iconic moments."
"How many more generations of America's daughters and sons... is it worth?"
"Each of them, however, has the potential to draw forces into a conflict that could turn from a minor fire to a blazing wildfire in very little time."
"The Ukrainian Army fought Russia with energy and resolve."
"The primary warship in the Black Sea sank yesterday after Ukraine claims it hit the ship with a missile strike."
"I cannot and will not ask our troops to fight on endlessly."
"In one month, 10 Russian soldiers armed with tanks and APCs were unable to capture a Ukrainian bunker because of two FPV drones."
"In March alone, Russia reportedly launched over 3,000 guided aerial bombs, 600 drones, and 400 missiles at Ukraine..."
"The Ukrainian soldiers are more motivated to win this war."
"Ukrainian artillery and Air Force forces are constantly engaged in a fierce battle against Russian occupiers."
"It's a hard-fought battle with Grant's core narrowly defeated."
"Let's put some fire on some of these carriers while we're here."
"Surprise, we've got amazing pictures and videos coming out of the counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region."
"That renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas and the Gulf of Tonkin have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action in reply."
"The attacks were deliberate. The attacks were unprovoked. The attacks have been answered."
"There's nothing they would like more than to see us in Afghanistan for another 5, 10, 20 years. It's simply not in the national interest. That's insane."
"An increasingly grim picture for Ukraine, more Russian drone strikes, Ukrainian drone strikes on Moscow, all together very, very grim news for Ukraine on the battlefronts..."
"The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a significant engagement in the Vietnam War."
"Most of the fighting...is happening in Russian territory."
"We've been trying to fight them off for a while, having managed to take over the Outer Rim territories."
"The group at the abandoned farm then started to come under constant sniper fire... soon dead British soldiers started to pile up all around."
"The French are not out yet, they're not out yet. They're still fighting."
"One single aircraft from Ukraine's armed forces is responsible for downing upwards of six Russian jets in one-to-one combats."
"The morning of the 18th of December, the final blow was struck. Two companies of the 39th battalion surged out of the kunai grass just 100 meters from the village into the teeth of heavy Japanese fire."
"Giger scripted an ending that was an all-out war between Sil and the military."
"More skirmishing fire coming in... we're starting to win this battle against the infantry."
"The Polish Air Force shot down the Russian submarine that failed to assassinate Putin."
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces just neutralized 224 Intruders and 51 enemy equipment."
"Charge up with the frontline, try to get as much flanking as we can."
"By going to help the Mamertines, the two sides had just slipped into an all-out war."
"Russia has lost well 45173 troops fighting since the full-scale invasion began."
"South Africa had been fighting in the Angolan Bush war aka the South African border war from the mid 1960s to 1980s."
"Russian and Ukrainian forces engaged in combat."
"I think the wars of 9/11 have really made Americans more reluctant to get involved in global conflicts."
"We need to get out of the region. We don't need to be in Syria. We don't need to be in Iraq or any of these other places."
"Over 50,000 soldiers plus in this battle. Like 53,000 soldiers, that's a goddamn insane."
"We're trying to overrun these positions, we got medium tanks, we got KV-1s, but right now we are up against it, ladies and gentlemen."
"Many ufologists believe The Mothman was a form of extraterrestrial visiting us with malicious intent."
"In less than half an hour two thousand Zulu warriors laid dead upon the field the 17th Lancers were pursuing the fleeing remnants of the army without."
"Who got rich off this 20 year bore that we fought in Afghanistan?"
"They don't have infinite ammo, bring them down, get up there and start killing them."
"Right now the Russian forces are literally being held off of that city due to civilians pushing them back."
"It's a very dangerous situation as we can see it's developed now into major shootdowns."
"The destruction of the large Russian Fleet ship by Ukraine is evidence that those who believe the conflict in Ukraine has reached a stalemate are mistaken."
"They have always been a defensive country. They will only get militarily involved if they are attacked."
"They verified that there were three intruders in the damaged ship." - Anonymous military source
"The bombardment took the Russian troops by surprise, and they ran for their lives."
"It's a dynamic battle, baby, some of the best battles often are dynamic battles."
"Neither side holding back in each fleet, willing to meet victory or death in a single tumultuous clash of the line."
"There have only been 16 years in which the US was not at war."
"Enemy surface force of four battleships, four heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, and 10 to 12 destroyers sighted 20 miles Northwest of your task group and closing in on you at 30 knots."
"...the Germans lost more than we'd lost in the entire war both in Europe and the Pacific in a single engagement."
"One of the most savage battles pitted a troop from the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment in a nightlong engagement against retreating elements of two Republican Guard divisions."
"He had tactically outmaneuvered a vastly superior army force."
"The initial collision was between two Union cavalry brigades under Brigadier General John Buford and advanced elements of the Confederate infantry division."
"The Battle of the Komandorski Islands would be the last slugout gunnery duel ever to take place between opposing surface fleets."
"For the next hour, Toombs’ Brigade and Hancock’s brigade, reinforced by the 4th Vermont, continue a heated exchange of fire across the ravine."
"They're also well known for the Battle of Binh Ba, and this year marks the 55th anniversary of that battle."
"Our longer term plan is to exit these Middle East engagements that we should not have been in the first place."