
Spiritual Transformation Quotes

There are 509 quotes

"The Bible is not for information but for transformation."
"Beings who have been living in dense physical bodies now have the option of living in wondrous bodies of light."
"In Ezekiel 36:26, You have promised, 'I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.'"
"I want to be authentic, I'm no longer afraid, and I'm going through a spiritual transformation."
"It's not behavior modification; it's spiritual transformation."
"We are transformed into His image whenever we spend time with God."
"He takes away all those old ornaments called anxiety and worry and he adds a brand new measure of faith."
"I promise you if you do that, God is going to change your life... you will see for the first time in your life what good news really means."
"When Jesus Christ enters your heart, you will begin to recognize a few things: old appetites are gone, you begin to question your old habits, you analyze and become aware of your sinful thought patterns."
"The Holy Spirit helps us become more and more like Jesus as we are changed into his glorious image."
"By grace, your standing changes; by grace, you are righteous; by grace, you are holy; by grace, you have a pure heart; by grace, you stand before God without any blame."
"When you turn from sin to God by means of the Holy Spirit... there is a reversal of consequences."
"Whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now we can see him, for the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
"I knew that I was my only chance that God was giving me to surrender my life, to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"When anyone becomes united to Christ, he becomes a new person inside; he is not the same anymore. A fresh new life has begun."
"This is not behavior modification; this is spiritual transformation."
"I was born again that night. I was so radically changed. I say atheist to revivalist in one second. That's all God needs is one second."
"God wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind."
"Don't be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"Encountering God's normal changes us forever."
"Some of the prophecies that I gave you sound really heavy... so many people who have studied this solar flash... it's more of a metaphysical transformation."
"This is not about religion. This is about relationship with Jesus the Christ, the transformational work."
"He doesn't just change your behavior, he changes your nature, your desire, and your heart."
"They're here right now and they're helping us because we're going from a willpower control duality system to a heart base love unity consciousness system."
"A place of turning from falsehood to truth, from idolatry to Tawheed."
"The purpose of the plan of salvation is not to just make us happy, it's first and foremost to make us holy."
"Revival is a season of unusual Divine visitation. God comes with intense power, with intense conviction, with intense transformation."
"Revival, heart change, true conversion comes from the gospel."
"We preach the gospel that Jesus brings life, that he transforms and he makes you a new creation."
"The rainbow body is the transformation of the ordinary physical body into a light form, essentially."
"If anybody's heart turns to God, God has turned the heart."
"You're going to have an encounter with God where you're going to be marked by God forever. You will never be the same again as you encounter God and as you encounter His presence."
"God become man's so that man can become god."
"When your flesh is finally crucified, there is a power that is executed in your life beyond anything you have ever seen before."
"Pray about giving if you want to help us take this message all around the world and represent God to lost-and-found people for one reason: transformation in Christ."
"We pray because it is a platform for growth and transformation."
"Finding God saved my life. It's been incredible. It's been a journey but without Him, I could not do this."
"Jesus didn't come and die on a cross just to make bad people good. He came and did it to make dead people alive."
"Man must be so transformed before he can enter the kingdom of God the kingdom is here and now I bid you enter."
"Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit, only the Holy Spirit can open the heart of the sinner."
"The eclipse stands as a metaphor for the light of God piercing through the darkness of our world, reminding us of the transformative power of His presence in our lives."
"Trust in Jesus and witness the Miracles that will transform your life."
"Somebody here is going to be changed by the grace of God."
"His purpose is that all who are called, all who accept Christ, will be recreated in His image."
"When Jesus Christ enters your heart, you will find that the old rooms you used to enter so freely will become challenging to step into because your heart has changed."
"All of this fulfills the promise that God made in the prophet Ezekiel that God would eventually make us not just obedient in our words and deeds to the law, but he would change us so our very being longs to be obedient to him."
"As Christians, we must strive to suppress our anger and wrath as it conflicts with our new nature, which is in line with the nature of Christ himself."
"The old things, the previous moral and spiritual condition, have passed away; behold, new things have come because Spiritual Awakening brings a new life."
"I'm Yours in that moment I passed from Death To Life."
"It's the most life-changing thing that'll ever happen to you."
"The word 'repentance' means more than just changing your mind intellectually. It includes a change in affections, desires, and results in tangible fruit."
"The Bible is the only book that transforms you instead of just informs you."
"Conversion itself... that's what this really is about."
"I returned to God's good earth, a different person."
"Your life will become an unending epistle of signs and wonders in Jesus' name."
"You return from this conference as signs and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Prayer is more than a tool of warfare or a means to communicate with God; it is a way our lives get changed."
"Transform us, God, by the power of your word, in our thoughts, and our emotions."
"He's found God, he's found forgiveness, he's washed away his sins."
"By participating in the Heaven's Gate movement, members believed that they could transform into these next level beings."
"Why did they get scared? Every bit of your personal identity spins away into nothingness. You'll feel terror."
"The true test of a Believer is not based on a simple profession of the lips without a transformed heart in mind."
"Could it be that you're praying for people like me who never heard the name of Jesus, were in an anti-God family household, but because of your prayers, because of your belief, your faith, it led to them being saved?"
"God Almighty wants you to take on his nature, our nature needs to be changed."
"When you get baptized, you're being crucified with Christ."
"God is taking people from nothing and making them something and using them."
"He's a transformed man by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"I can't live for myself. I'm not myself, I'm in Christ."
"God wants us to be transformed, not just tweaked versions of the old us."
"It's not just about being seen as righteous in God's eyes, it also changes us from the inside out, making righteous living possible for us."
"Continuous unending metamorphosis is the true crown jewel of all gifts that can be bestowed to the soul."
"As we worship, the presence comes, and we are transformed into his image."
"Father, may your rivers of living water flow over our souls and transform us... Have mercy on us as we seek to do better through the strength of the Holy Spirit."
"God's Redemption turns trials into triumphs, pain into purpose."
"God took away the confusion, the depression, and anxiety."
"It's better than just belief, it's belief in something that's everlasting and transformative."
"We shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is."
"Stand with the truth of the Gospel, stand on your feet today if you want it!"
"Thank God for not allowing us to remain that way!"
"He radically saved me at the age of 13, I was starting to hang with the wrong people..."
"I had this vision of Jesus Christ which led to her conversion to Christianity."
"We saw one thousand six hundred and seventy-six people transformed in Christ."
"Change me, renew me, transform me. I'm yours from this day forward."
"The grace of conversion for us as Catholics is not just giving your life to Jesus. It is allowing Him to give His life to you, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity."
"Every bit of torment walked out. Jesus walked into that room, and that weight lifted."
"Read the Bible, and these things that in feeble will lose all their attraction for you."
"He said I am His. I was one way, and now I am completely different, and the thing that happened in between was Him."
"I was at my last straw in life before I found me and He saved me."
"Mariam's recitation and channel and her hard work changes her and then bring her back to the right path, bring her to the truth, right? That's why it is amazing."
"You have to be a new creation... There is no way you can be in this world, of this world, from this world and yet understand and preach and believe and be with Jesus."
"We're talking about a divine transformation."
"God can turn a prisoner into a prince overnight."
"God can take your throne of garbage and turn it into a throne of gold."
"God is actively transforming your failures into triumph."
"I just want to introduce as many people as I can to this Jesus who has so radically transformed my life."
"Lord I pray that they would not only know you but they would fall radically in love with you that they would surrender all to you and be transformed from the inside out God."
"Without the change of heart and the acceptance of God's truth, any enactments are useless."
"We want to be shaped into the image of Christ."
"I was an agnostic, so I was the Saul before he became Paul."
"Jesus died on the cross so he can remove you from the place of shame to a position of honor."
"He will change our lowly body to be like his."
"Take the dark out to make room for the light, and trust me, He's right. Now He ain't blessing you; everything's falling apart. Wait till that man is gone; you'll see how you become blessed."
"Communion is a blood transfusion from the throne of God."
"To have a form of godliness means to follow the order of religious rights whereas there is no inward transformation."
"When we hear the Word of God, it informs us. When we believe the Word of God, it transforms us."
"If you understand the cross, you will be transformed."
"It's beautiful to be honest. It's tough, it's hard, we're exhausted, we're assaulted 24/7 by a media that hates us, and yet Christ is transfiguring everything in front of us."
"There's not a single person who has submitted to the Lord's process of refinement that ever came out of it and says I wish I was still the Hellraiser I was."
"I will take away the stony heart... and give you a new heart."
"He wants to have a Transfiguration inside of you."
"I was a dead man walking and now you're alive in Christ."
"You can have the greatest hope and courage and joy and thrill that you've ever known if you just let Christ come in."
"Saul witnessed the violence of religious extremism in comparison to the love of the Holy Spirit."
"Such were some of you, but now you are washed, sanctified, justified in the name of Jesus."
"You are transforming darkness with a capital D."
"Being baptized in holy fire changes your life. God wants to burn up all the wood, hay, and stubble in our lives."
"We're going from visitation to habitation and it's going to be as quick as a vision."
"It's innocence. His innocence is now my innocence, yours."
"People need to know that God has the power to transform a life. This is the hope that we have."
"Never ever lose the gospel the gospel has the power to change hearts and until you believe the gospel you never Ascent to any of the other things the problem of evil you never see it in a Christian way unless first your heart is transformed."
"God wants to transform our minds... that you may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God."
"True salvation affects you to your very core. God becomes the love of your life."
"There is absolutely nothing too hard for you, Eternal God. Everything You Touch Is powerfully transformed. Let my life experience that powerful touch, Lord."
"The whole gospel is to turn us from darkness to light."
"It was the hardest decision that I'd ever had to make giving my life to Christ."
"My prayer is that God would allow this moment to change us."
"An unexpected situation will lead to transformation and a new spiritual quest."
"The best evidence of a relationship with God is a transformed life."
"Jesus doesn't want to just give you a modification; He wants to give you a metamorphosis."
"God's miracles are to prove that he can do a bigger work on the inside of your life."
"Co-create with spirit, embracing personal transformation that brings messages forward into our lives."
"I am saved, I'm healed, delivered, and set free."
"It's not about works, it's not about how much you can do to get God's acceptance. You just get God first and then He'll change you."
"Salvation changes your desires, it changes your life."
"One encounter with Jesus changes everything."
"He proved himself worthy and wants to make you born again."
"You're going through a spiritual transformation right now. Changing your identity, maybe even your living situation. It's your choice, a Tower moment."
"The purpose of the ancient Egyptian temples was to assist in the transformation of humans into shining beings of light."
"God didn't just change my circumstances, he changed my heart and my gut feeling."
"Jesus doesn't affirm us in our sin, he transforms us out of our sin."
"Transform me, create in me a clean heart of God."
"The justifying death of you Lord Jesus opens for us your sanctifying life."
"The more we look at the word and glory of God, we are transformed into his image."
"When I stopped trying to be God in my son's life, he found God."
"The Spirit of Christ subdues and enables the will of man to do that freely and cheerfully which the will of God revealed in the law requires to be done."
"God's law was and is the purpose of the covenant relationship to bring the believer through God's transforming grace into harmony with his will and character." - "We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, God's own special people."
"Religion will not change you. Religion can help you be more organized, religion can give you some moral principles, but religion cannot change you. Jesus can change you."
"You don't become the Christ, the Christ becomes you. It's not about divinization of a small self."
"God transforms you to be what you never were."
"You can go to church and not be in Christ. You need to be a new creature."
"Jesus saved me and I'm gonna live for Jesus."
"Good evangelical preaching leads people to repentance."
"She became a daughter to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords."
"The transformation was not just an intellectual one, it was deeply emotional and spiritual as well."
"Live in such a way that the change in your life cannot be explained by any other cause except the church."
"You walk into the presence of God, you will be changed, I guarantee it."
"The greatest Miracle you can have is accepting Jesus."
"Oftentimes the people that seemed the farthest from God end up being the people that really become Advocates."
"The purification process isn't pretty, it can cause a lot of suffering."
"What you're going through is not Madness; it's a profound transformation known as Ascension."
"The liturgy truly is the font and apex of the Christian Life, the home of divine revelation, and the primary agent of our transformation in Christ."
"One of the things that the Lord used throughout this process to bring me out of it was the very thing that God used to bring me out of my sin when I was not a believer, and it was the truth of God's word."
"Salvation is instantaneous, at once, right then and there."
"The biggest difference between Jesus Christ and ethical and moral teachers who have been deified by man is that these more or less came to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people live."
"The process is where God radically touched this family, radically touched this church."
"But everybody knows this is a real thing, but what they didn't understand, because it's so thrown in everybody's face to slander it, is that name, Jesus Christ in Nazareth, it changed my life."
"When we turn away from sin and accept what Jesus did with a sincere heart, we become pleasing in God's eyes."
"Lord, restart my heart... make me and mold me into who you want me to be."
"Experiencing God changes us on the inside; it changes the way we see the world."
"Jesus invited people to trust him and be transformed by his life."
"You are one decision away from seeing the greatest move of God's spirit in your life."
"When we face the sun, we get a tan; but when we stand before Jesus in the Eucharist, we become Saints."
"You cannot have Jesus Christ in your life and not change, it is impossible."
"God begins to change even friends. He gives you a new identity."
"The moment we come to Christ and are born again, God clothes us in what He calls righteousness."
"The entire life is turned upside down when they accept Jesus."
"Once you have been to the cross, you can never be the same."
"Any grace that doesn't lead to complete transformation of a life is demonic in nature."
"Let them move from Darkness to light let them move from Death to life let them move from sin to righteousness let them move from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"That mess becomes a miracle when we permit God to have access to our dirt."
"You cannot have an encounter with Him, going to heavenly places and not expect to come back so transformed that you don't make a difference in your world." - Candice Smithyman
"The power that only comes through transformation and through Christ Within."
"Every religion disagrees on everything except one: fasting brings transformation to your soul, body, and spirit."
"The minute his presence bears itself in you everything changes."
"Hearing God's voice will radically transform the life of a believer."
"Our hearts are changed, we change from the inside out and we become new creatures in Christ."
"God wants to circumcise your heart, and if your heart's not circumcised, you're nothing but a sinner with a Bible in your hand."
"Unless you change and become like a little child, you can't enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Transformation Church because the Word of God is alive and it can cut through culture, it can cut through our pain, it can cut through everything and make us into the best version of who God created us to be."
"Jesus will save you from your sin. He will forgive you. You must repent and turn from your wicked ways."
"Believing in Jesus, there's relationship, intimacy, there's transformation that happens."
"There seems to be quite a few people who have genuinely turned away from their sin and are following Christ this is something that cannot be understated."
"In the shelter of the Lord, our hearts are transformed from fear to rejoicing, from despair to praise."
"Allah brings them out of the darkness of Jahiliyya into the light of Islam."
"You're going through a transformation of consciousness, unwinding your mind back to God, back to pristine I am-ness."
"Nothing has been the same since that day when I realized that Jesus is indeed alive, risen from the dead, and I am set free."
"I pray that we can be transformed, Lord, through this revival and that you'll move your spirit and send the latter rain."
"You can see the light of God in your life by the presence of freedom."
"I was an atheist and God came to me and changed my life."