
Defense Strategy Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"The most valuable attributes for an aircraft probably wouldn't be agility but rather its sensors, its data link, the capability of its missiles, and factors like speed and altitude that would give those missiles their range."
"The French place a lot of strategic emphasis on having a strong defence industrial base."
"Zombie sharks don't know how to fly, so this is the ultimate defense against a zombie shark."
"The United States and its allies have the capacity to cut the arms off the octopus that is the Iranian Terror network."
"For these reasons, Taiwan not only can be defended, it should be."
"The overwhelming evidence... shows that those allegations are false."
"The wall was never intended to keep everyone in. It was to keep the invading humans from coming in."
"We need to fight off the big wave of the Zombie Army attack tonight while we still have the time."
"The burden is on the state; the defense need only one reasonable doubt."
"Don't make my mistake, protect your mortars!"
"The state held their burden and I felt like the defense did nothing to poke holes in it."
"Here's the choice you have: you can shrug your shoulders and give up on doing anything that helps Taiwan better defend itself."
"Every country would have, as described in his own words, their own invisible Chinese wall."
"Just as we fought to build our rules-based international order, so are we now fighting to protect it."
"Intercept and neutralize: the final defense against an asteroid apocalypse."
"Israel has to take action, Iran has got missiles now that can get to Israel in six minutes."
"I'm going to defend Dodd-Frank and I'm going to defend President Obama for taking on Wall Street."
"Ukraine's President Zelensky: 'We don't attack Putin or Moscow, we defend our own territory.'"
"The successful operation underscored Ukraine's determination to retake its territory and showcased its growing capabilities in modern warfare."
"Every Ally and every inch of NATO territory would be safeguarded to the best of their ability."
"Render a verdict for Mr. Depp. Set the record straight that he is not the abuser she described and that she is not the heroic survivor she betrayed."
"To the extent necessary, Duggar is prepared to elicit the testimony of HSI Agent Howard and Aycock."
"Prayer is never our last line of defense, it's always our first line of offense."
"The In-law anti-tank weapon is synonymous with Ukraine's stubborn resistance to the Russian Advance."
"Johnny Depp was on the cross-examination against Amber Heard's defense and they were trying to do everything they could to make him be the Monster."
"Whoever hits us, we will hit back sevenfold."
"The best part of Sekiro's system is that defense is attacking, so you always feel like dueling rather than taking turns."
"Durant is playing the best defense of his life."
"It is incredible how many tanks the coalition's officials will be donating to Ukraine."
"Harvester under attack. I'll be the dog divers. Where's my harvester tank there?"
"The success of the Ukrainian military in stopping Russian airstrikes on Kiev has restored the nation's faith in its Armed Forces."
"If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. I'm not going to let you get away with it."
"Democrats should be like a big dumb wall against fascism."
"France will also be sending its AASM Hammer Glide Munitions, committing to sending 50 per month throughout 2024."
"A good defense is the best offense, the anime has pretty decent fights."
"Let's defend the city, let's move all units to the south, get some turrets online."
"Armor reduces incoming damage but limits movement."
"Maybe his defense is going to be Joe because there's no other reason to call them up there they told me to leak the information to the press."
"Concentrated barrier gives you a free damage shield."
"Trying to defend against AI without employing AI itself is an invitation to disaster."
"You can either fight the battles when they are far away, or you can wait until global powers have decided."
"This is an example of good spinning again. He goes down for a block and then he spins around while maintaining his guard position."
"You have a player who can change the outcome of games, series if you don't know how to guard them right."
"We will strengthen NATO's defense and deterrence."
"The best way of defending is not conceding any chances."
"The defense has the right to free speech because that's the only Power we have."
"The defense has the option of whether or not it chooses to give its opening statement first."
"Our job is to use the law and seek an acquittal."
"I haven't given up hope, we can upgrade and add on more turrets."
"It does start to look as if this whole Ukrainian defense line west of Deva is collapsing now..."
"The 4-3 defense is just performing so much better."
"Taiwan's defense ministry is warning China of strong countermeasures if its forces get too close to the island."
"His instincts are good, you have to be on the offense to keep people away from you on the defense."
"The egg on the defense of getting is crannium pushed in by gabe newell."
"Shields are very, very effective if you do see something incoming."
"Whatever we do, we need to act quickly. The most important thing is to enforce air defense in Ukraine so cities and nuclear sites are not bombed."
"Even if you don't specifically set it up for the anti-air role, it's still pretty fearsome."
"The law presumes the defendant to be innocent of all charges. Miss Maxwell does not have to prove her innocence. It is always the government's burden to prove each of the elements of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Royal delivery is one of the most reliable cards of all time on defense."
"Hall of Fame glove is the biggest thing for me."
"Remember that many of the inverse of these things are true as well... the higher your armor class the less likely it is for you to take damage."
"Jerome Ford has looked great. The team is relying on him. If they're going to win games, it's gonna come from their defense and running game."
"The defense has a right to it... they're going to use."
"The idea of getting nuclear weapons is all about just using it as a deterrent."
"How in God's name are they going to stop them? You need some younger, vibrant, strong, healthy individuals... who can put you on your ass if they have to."
"This should be a pass rush that's gonna absolutely terrify other teams."
"LR Genemba is my pick for best defense unit in the game."
"Even with that said, we still were a top defense."
"The shielding could be manipulated to create overlaps exponentially."
"She started with something that you and I agree with which is take care of your family... it was a good defense."
"The lack of plausible alternate suspects is a real thorn in the defense's side."
"Saturation and the offense-defense contest will dominate naval warfare throughout the 21st century."
"Nuclear submarines provide the combination of survivability and lethality."
"As long as you get in front of it first, people can't get at you for it."
"Our defense just took a huge step up. Nick Bosa pressures the quarterback, Trayvon Diggs ball skills picks it off. I like that recipe for success."
"The entire burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt is on the prosecution. The defense does not have to prove anything in this case." - Sarah Azari
"Let the defense conduct a cross-examination of the witnesses."
"There's certainly something pretty imposing about having a tank or three absolutely bristling with loads of anti-tank firepower."
"Solid defending again, Mukhiele always in the perfect position."
"Wasteland Defense allows you to build your own fort and defend it against raids, inspiring features in future games."
"His reluctance to build defensive weapons stemmed from his belief that the best defense there's a good offense."
"Perimeter defense could have a chance of working only with great strength."
"A mental illness, but nonetheless, this is what wanting to defend a predator looks like."
"You always need to be thinking, how are they attacking me?"
"The first question should be, how do we create a situation through which no country in the world would ever dare attack the United States?"
"Patriot missile batteries are not weapons of war in the conventional sense. It's only defensive. It is a shield."
"This is incredible, yes, I never got raided all game long at home, really."
"Trump before that deposition he made sure this morning to call A.G James a racist because that appears to be his main line of defense here."
"Zanka no Tachi is the perfect offense, the perfect defense, and just also has range and kind of area of effect and just everything built in to make it the unstoppable killing machine that it actually is."
"Sometimes the best defense is the best offense."
"If Jon can't convince anyone to help him, it will be the North and the North alone that will have to stop the White Walkers."
"The North alone stands between the White Walkers and the realms of men."
"The North is the first line of defense against the White Walkers."
"You're incredibly good at just holding the tower by yourself and stalling the enemy's ability to snowball."
"Maybe they think by 2028 we're going to be facing a nuclear strike."
"If you want peace, you must be strong, you must prepare for war."
"No matter how potent weapons become the individual in the helmet carrying their weapon will always be the foundation of a nation's armed services."
"Just because it doesn't directly affect us doesn't mean that we can't try and do something about it to help save lives."
"Pentagon to adopt detailed principles for using AI."
"Defensively we look solid, like I think we got three of the best center-backs in the league right now."
"Because we're not good enough, we can't defend at all, we cannot defend and we can't score goals. So how are we going to win games? See, we can't."
"The United States will stand with Israel and protect Israel from the world government in the end time. That's Bible, everybody."
"Our nuclear deterrence is not to attack other countries, including Australia. Our nuclear deterrence is to protect our selves from the nuclear threats from the US."
"Trump's defense team preps to drop the motherload."
"If the grid could be brought down, the first line of defense is your clothing."
"Athens, now officially a sea power with defensive walls, became the policeman of the eastern Mediterranean."
"We are defending a castle, and they only have a catapult."
"We feel our weapon is a shield until it needs to be a weapon."
"If I had all the money in the world, I would have the best lawyers suing the hell out of everyone who has ever made an accusation against him."
"The Boxer CRV is specifically designed to do recon; it's not there to engage targets or drop off infantry. It has a primary role for the land 400 program to be a reconnaissance vehicle."
"If they breach your wall with any significant force it's probably gg."
"It's just had nothing back, just a guy who's wanted to defend for crap."
"The in-law's guidance system isn't susceptible to most decoys and soft kill countermeasures."
"Playing retake is when the defenders have to take the objective back from the attackers."
"It's a back door to your base with a handy force field that lets your team through and keeps the enemy team out."
"Aggression will be met with unwavering resistance and the spirit of Freedom will Triumph."
"The Ukrainian defense line along the railways proved to be a formidable obstacle."
"Russia will threaten escalation to deter us from protecting our own interests, but this is a smart way for the United States to make sure that Putin does not attack our allies."
"At the conclusion the state's case in chief, you are going to see the defense move for a directed verdict."
"The defense team wants to get their hands on that Discovery as soon as possible."
"At the end of 2016, Coldzera was considered one of the greatest players in the world."
"The Pentagon estimates that almost half of the creatures have been eradicated or put in containment."
"If Germany turns around to the Americans and says we are not going to take the F-35, we're not going to say Super Hornet, not can we really take the Growler, we're going to go with a pure Eurofighter lineup."
"We must defend our airspace, send a strong signal to the CCP that this behavior will not be tolerated."
"Japan may put more effort into countering threats from China. Japan's ruling party made an unprecedented election pledge to double defense spending."
"If you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out."
"Let's go ahead and finish these guys off and then start fortifying."
"It is definitely still in use with multiple militaries around the world."
"The enduring legacy of the Ridgeway goes beyond its position as a natural line of defense."
"There's no use having half-built Battlestars if we can't defend them."
"I had a moment here where I was able to bait the bone dogs into the gate."
"Time for me to add some walls to my Tycoon to keep you out of here."
"Advent knows we possess the Avenger. They'll be ramping up their efforts to destroy us."
"Blade traps are among the best traps to use... ideally you want them in a place where they can be repaired."
"The best defense is a good offense... Stealth builds are extremely effective at one-shotting enemy... Optical camo was added..."
"We need a standing army, enough military strength so the AI doesn't think he can just walk over me."
"Geneva again is the best defensive unit in the game."
"That's all you gotta do is create reasonable doubt that 'okay he probably killed him but I'm not 100% sure so he's got to walk'." -
"One of the best defenses against that is having some degree of self-sovereignty in your assets."
"We only have one front to defend in this battle."
"She has got nothing to lose. She might tell lies to get people to cut you off. Tell them the truth with evidence."
"The U.S. is looking to form a defense alliance on the India-Pacific region similar to NATO. If formed, it would aim to counter China," - Miguel Moreno, NTD News.
"Desperate defenders must first shatter the barrier."
"We have to get the interceptors, we got one hope that's us."
"Corporate creep off! Let's tear this place apart for weapons so when they brush that door, we make them wish they never did."
"Even if every single thing in that late disclosure is true, the prejudice to the defendant cannot be overlooked."
"Every win we've had this season... was based on a strong defense."
"The defense has been remarkable... there's a lot of work that's gone into that defense."
"It's not over until it's over - the defenders held on like a stone wall."
"The worst thing you can do to anyone who may be against you... is for you to be secure and happy."
"That's our best argument, that she believed the lies. And if she believes the lies, she can't be held accountable."
"I really, really feel like what we're seeing in Ukraine right now is evidence that nobody needs any nukes to meaningfully defend themselves against invasion."
"The Disney castle is pretty darn good from a defensive point of view."
"The importance of a defense attorney: If we serve as an antagonist to our clients, we are a gunshot wound to the chest."
"No way they can attack us from any other direction so we're gonna move the ground forces and prepare for the ground invasion."
"Saying you support free speech is literally in defense of awful speech because good speech that everybody agrees with doesn't need protecting at all."
"Upgrade those traps before the defenses. Traps can make all the difference."
"This really isn't even up for debate, and any leak would kill people in NATO countries. That's an automatic Article 5."
"Anytime you can use bullets or an auto Cannon to shoot down a million dollar long-range cruise missile, this is a huge win for the Ukrainian forces."
"Swirl being able to ignore defense is actually really really massive."
"Putin fearing that the Ukrainian Army would conduct bombings inside Russia's borders, particularly in Moscow, began to construct air defense systems in cities."
"Go on the defensive in 2024 for a large scale probably single blow attack in 2025."
"The men who attacked the Dulce facility in '79 understood that reality and took the task of defending humanity into their own hands."
"Guaranteed Dodge I think is one of the strongest tools in the game."
"Tanks are essential if we are to provide a potent defense and a capability to combat threats overseas."
"Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has put up to 8,500 troops on heightened alert."
"Jax's Counter Strike: The infamous helicopter ability, dodging attacks, reducing damage, and stunning opponents."
"US agreed to deliver air defense system and long-range missiles to Ukraine."
"Yo, if someone really messes with you, you use this troll."
"A lot of protection from enemy artillery or missile fire."
"Trudeau will spare no expense to destroy us, so we are going to fight."
"You should always defend the walls, never give up the walls."
"The unprecedented response from the west has shown China the lengths its willing to go to in order to counter the aggression of authoritarian governments against free nations."
"Ukraine doesn't have the means to intercept them effectively."
"Great defense. That's why you don't just sit there, you gotta fight."
"We should then have a force which would render us completely invulnerable to anything in the world."
"Trump's defense plan, firing back at the special counsel, calling this 37-count indictment a heinous abuse of power."
"Almost all of the critical capability shortfalls that have been illuminated here can be addressed by a navalized Ghostbat."
"To win this battle, we must work together to build an impregnable shield around our people." - Boris Johnson
"Building a bigger castle for better defense."
"Bait expends ammunition. Evil has no place here." - Q
"Remember, a layered defense strategy is best."
"If you want to preserve the peace, you have to defend it."
"Using signage for home defense is but one of the many layers."
"Taiwan owning its own defense will directly contribute to American support."
"Weakness breeds aggression... you have to respond with strength."
"He's got the only gadget that can deal with nades which is very important to have and he has a weapon that hits incredibly hard."
"I'm feeling like this is a pretty solid defense."
"They are a bit slower in defense but and again they're indestructible."
"The goal of a nuclear arsenal is not just to respond to a nuclear attack but ideally to be able to destroy an enemy's own nuclear arsenal before they have a chance to retaliate."
"The general gives the order to launch the special missile and destroy the satellite as well. They hope the missile will destroy ra and celebrate when it does."
"Those castles were made to be protected by a very small number of people, like elite military units today."
"Modern fortifications operate like an immune system."
"You've learned about security hardening and its importance to an organization's infrastructure. Security hardening strengthens systems and networks to reduce the likelihood of an attack."
"The defense... would accuse Detective Fuhrman of racism in order to win their case."
"What a great way to prevent an attacker from doing something nasty inside your network is to make them second-guess everything."
"There was a certain level of secrecy over new weapon systems during the war because they didn't want the information to easily reach Germany which obviously if they knew about their new weapon could very quickly try and develop countermeasures to it."
"Both teams have really stuffed the run game of each club."
"...if the US saw a real threat they do have some time to design and build countermeasures such as a new anti-satellite weapon to destroy it or perhaps even build their own similar system."
"It's just defending them because then when you talk about the other side it's so hard to score in them because of the size that the Gamecocks possess."