
Charitable Giving Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"If you show gratitude, if you give that experience, people are going to want to do it more."
"Charitable giving and supporting others can bring profound fulfillment and is an essential aspect of abundance."
"If you can donate five dollars, do it. If you can't, just one dollar or anything at all."
"You should see the button to donate next to the video, and it will be nice if you use it."
"The fastest way to get blessed is to bless others."
"All contributions go to the charity itself, Doctors Without Borders."
"If you have money and you like to give money to other people, you are considered generous."
"I want to have this big presence in the world and be able to you know launch different businesses and products and and charities and and give back to the fans and just have fun along the way."
"This is the season of giving, if you're looking for a good charity to support."
"Epic is going to donate all Fortnite proceeds over the next two weeks to the humanitarian efforts."
"It's a great way to contribute money to vote save America and a whole bunch of other things so I encourage everyone to check it out."
"That's an amazing donation there coming in from that gaming enthusiast, thank you so much."
"He donated everything ahead of his wealth in the course of those who are more in need."
"You want to build your akhirah you want to build your Hereafter you want to build your Paradise learn to give and give so much that subhanallah Allah keeps giving you."
"We are literally just giving away out of our own pockets and hopefully you could be someone that we actually give money to."
"Make sure you hit the thumbs up. I'm donating a dollar for every thumbs up that we get today up to twenty-five thousand dollars."
"Anyone holding the token contributes to a charitable cause."
"Individuals become more charitable when the government gets out of their wallets."
"Even after donating ten percent of your income, you would still be in the top one percent of the world's population."
"Stand with me... let them know you love them through your giving."
"There is no better cause than helping kids in need, so thank you for that donation."
"Don't be that one who says, 'Well, I was only going to give five dollars or ten dollars so it doesn't matter.' No, it matters. Everything matters."
"Let your giving be marked by passion, not percentages or prosperity."
"I want people to be donating to their favorite charities."
"The best way to give is when you are set for success."
"I believe in Luke 14:12-14 which makes it unequivocally clear that in our giving we ought to channel that to the less fortunate first."
"Give according to your heart, no pressure, you should never feel guilty if you didn't pay a tithe."
"Giving back is one of the places you should spend money. Sometimes giving people the helping hand can go a long way."
"We will be donating a 10 of all profits made over my birthday weekend to farmshare.org."
"You need to be putting your 15% aside for retirement, and that part of your list is increased giving as your income increases."
"Blank's foundation has donated hundreds of millions of dollars toward charitable efforts in the Atlanta area."
"If you donate a portion of what you make to a certain cause or something that you really believe in and your customers might also want to help contribute to that cause while also getting one of your own products."
"My usual GDQ donation, my usual GDQ request: kill the animals."
"Your heart to give, your heart to give to local people, your heart to give to this nation." - John Bevere
"Making a difference starts with appropriating this money to the right people."
"Any bit of donation is, even if it's just a dollar fifty cents or whatever it ends up being really really appreciate it."
"Long time watcher since 2013, first-time donator. I think this is a good time to donate and help get that glitch run going."
"Hashtags for good or never never have I ever heard a better reason to donate."
"If every single person watching can give just a little bit, it's so much money for the kids."
"She started a beer company called Finnegans that actually gives 100% of its proceeds to provide food for food shelters in the community."
"Why not put your money down on a charitable donation to GDQ?"
"BTS donated a million bucks to Black Lives Matter and the army was like, 'Yo, if they can do it, we can do it.'"
"While you're giving gifts and while you're sharing all the blessings with that you have with all the people that you love don't forget to give something away to help build your riches in heaven not just here on earth."
"For every purchase, they donate feminine care products to homeless shelters. That's the truth."
"Most celebrities that go pro go broke because of charity."
"Please don't forget to donate to our fundraiser if you would like to."
"I love that it makes me feel good about myself at the end of the day and like you know it feels good so give some something the kids never like have for like what I had before so something cool."
"Tonight and during our live stream only, we are donating all of our super chats. All super chats tonight, 100% of the money you guys put in as a super chat goes directly to help the United Nations and the refugees at the Ukraine border."
"If there's money left at the end of the year, Lemonade donates that money to charities chosen by their customers."
"We're not giving it to Pastor Benny, we're giving it to the ministry to do the work that Pastor Benny has been entrusted to do."
"Even if we don't have, we can give sacrificially."
"I want to make sure that these funds, that this goes to your people, and that's what we do."
"Move upon people to give greatly... for the gospel to be preached to the world."
"Hey guys, I wanted to make a donation in this video... this video is brought to you by Skillshare."
"She pledged only to big-name charities instead of the small-timer yeah yeah that's true that's true and i think that's what they were trying to bring out on cross-examination."
"Rockefeller didn't spoil his kids. He was devoutly religious and gave a lot to charity."
"Sold them and donated 100 of the profits to covid relief."
"They've donated so much money to charity and just being a generally positive force within the games industry."
"Because if you win you get to donate 1,000 pounds to a charity of your choice for either old people or children."
"We appreciate your continued generosity in supporting the ministry in times like this."
"Feeding people every week, the universe will give you more money."
"I really hope that this money can go to someone or a family that could really use it."
"I promise you all the channel earnings I get will go to either Keanu or newborns like toys diapers or like hospital bills when Michaela gives birth so all snap."
"God doesn't care about the size of your gift, he cares about the size of your sacrifice."
"Do not donate to this channel, put it in the GoFundMe."
"Every donation matters, no matter how small it is."
"Thank you for donating, Wyatt. I think he looks like that."
"No one likes injustice, and most people are happy to donate at least something in an effort to seek justice for other people."
"You can donate, it doesn't matter how much, to their raffle. You can possibly win it."
"Donating is what is going to help a lot of these organizations."
"I want to see the kids. When you see children and the smile on their faces and the joy that you bring to them first for something as small as a book bag, that's very rewarding."
"The real Alpha Male is the one that donates Millions to your church every year in silence and doesn't tell anyone about it."
"Don't be one of those 'I don't want to give' - it is in the Bible."
"Just give what you can... you'd be surprised how many people are right on the edge and fifty dollars can make a huge difference in their life."
"The holiday season is great for giving back."
"Don't give reluctantly; don't give under pressure." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
"I genuinely don't understand why people need to show and or flaunt what they donated to a charity."
"Giving in Jesus name, no matter what the target is, always the answer."
"If you do choose to donate, you're a life saver and we love you."
"So I think that's what keeps me humble like I have a big responsibility but the responsibility is to steward God's money well and to be able to give and be a blessing."
"Donating to St. Jude's, a total of $2,830 raised via sales. The additional thousand dollars from the American Nightmare Cody Rhodes. Thank you, Cody."
"If your gift is giving, then give generously."
"Whenever you give, you're giving it to God. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."
"I plan on donating the other hundred and twenty thousand towards causes and charities."
"Whatever you see me trying on, I will be giving it away."
"Every dime that you choose to give and supporting is such a blessing, I know that the Lord is just gonna bless you for everything you're doing."
"Pay It Forward. If you've made money off of this, donate to a charity you believe in."
"Your unused supplies will go to a new home where hopefully it will be created into something beautiful."
"I really think that if you have disposable income, you should be giving it away."
"Pray about securely giving at the website signs of the lastdays.org on the giving page."
"When you all are donating, don't skip by that ad incentives button. Be sure to click that button, see what great stuff is available to you."
"Having a part of your budget to give to others... is super super important."
"If you're really close to that standard deduction, give now, even if it's next year, to double up the benefit for your gift."
"...a great gift but it also helps support a good cause with part of each order going to help support the global reforestation efforts of one tree planted and trees for the future."
"I don't see any of them donate money to any organizations that I donate money to, I don't see them donating their time."
"Lord, if there's any donors out there that you just want to tug on them to give a little or give a lot we would really appreciate it, Lord."
"Another reason I love the five dollar donation is that it invites Jessica into the act of giving and allows her to choose which Charity she wants to support."
"You give with the right heart, even if you don't have the money."
"When you give to the United Way, you fund the agencies that provide services to people who really need your help."
"We live in an economic world, so we're going to do it. You're going to give, and you're going to give today."
"Giving keeps problems away, and faithful giving brings blessings."
"If you want to make this country better, fling a fiver to a food bank."
"When you give cash, you are telling God I am trusting you with my finances."
"I care because $1 million to give to my community is life-changing."
"Thank you so much for joining today, thank you for your donations, everyone."
"Any profits, any proceeds from the clothing, I'm going to be putting it aside for a reef CA donation for schools."
"The eccentric billionaire donated millions to charity."
"For every product bought, they're giving meals to children who are battling cancer."
"Every little bit you give, it only takes a little bit of today to get a really incredible great big beautiful tomorrow."
"Let each one give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
"If you normally make charitable contributions and you make them directly from your IRA, then the distribution from the IRA doesn't show up as part of your adjusted gross income."
"Anytime you guys send us donations, it goes directly towards our service dog program."
"Life insurance proceeds do not have to go solely to your family; they can also be used to support a charity you love."
"Please donate today, all funds, all the super chats, all the donations go directly to the kids."
"I don't have a problem with charity, but give something that's a little more difficult to give, like your time."
"Mackenzie Scott has donated 4 billion dollars to charity."
"I'll go ahead and match donations."
"My dollar will mean so much more to them than it would to these conglomerates."
"This is pennies to give but yet it means the world."
"I'm quite happy to give it to a homeless person, give it to charity."
"So I sweeten the pot with a hundred dollars to start with. Half of the pot will go to one lucky subscriber and the other half is going to go to a charity."
"Every time you buy a doll, they give 10 meals to children in needs."
"I'm going to donate all the money I make to the veterans and I'm gonna fight for the veterans that night."
"Please consider making a gift of whatever amount you are able and supporting the Free Library in its mission to advance literacy, guide learning, and inspire curiosity."
"I like a restaurant that gives back."
"Your gift will be used for interventions including food for families affected by COVID-19, medical expenses including doctor visits and surgery."
"If you have the money for let's say like a Frappuccino... now would be a really good time to donate."
"100% of the profit after that is given directly to Military and their families, which is so incredible."
"It's been absolutely amazing. We've already almost doubled the amount of cards that we got last year."
"When you donate, you get to decide exactly where your money goes."
"You can pledge any amount you want, and 10% is going to charity. That's what we call win-win-win."
"Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury."
"If you donate to Saint Jude Hospital, then there's a piece, there's a good piece inside of you."
"I have no problem donating, there are a lot of good people out there that need stuff like that."
"Every single dollar counts and every single dollar goes towards the cause of giving these animals good health, good home, and most important of all, love."
"It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving."
"Charitable giving is a wonderful thing and at the end of the day, people aren't doing it just for the tax benefits."
"Bunching your donations means instead of donating a little bit every year, you instead donate a lot every few years."
"A donor advised fund is an investment account you open where the account's purpose is to make charitable distributions to qualified charitable organizations."
"A qualified charitable distribution is when you instruct your IRA custodian to send money from your account directly to a qualified charitable organization."
"Donating highly appreciated investments like stocks or mutual funds helps you avoid the eventual tax bill on those positions if you were to sell them."
"Donating through a recognized 501(c)(3) organization makes your donations tax deductible."
"If you spend a great deal of money maintaining your mother's home and eventually it's worth a hundred million dollars and you give it away to charity, I don't think that makes you selfish."
"Anything I'm getting rid of, I donate to Project Beauty Share."
"A great way to donate to Make-A-Wish to grant wishes to children with life-threatening diseases."