
International Conflict Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"It appears that Russian air defense was caught lacking, and the Ukrainians pulled off the most successful attack within the Moscow area seen to this date."
"Multiple external wars within the war are being fought by numerous outside powers, transforming Sudan into one of the world's most complicated proxy battlefields."
"The animating principle therefore behind this book is I don't want us to sleepwalk into a war with China. This would be of catastrophic consequences."
"The state of Israel will not cease firing. We will destroy Hamas and continue fighting until the very last hostage has come home." - Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz.
"If we were being repeatedly bombed in a sustained military campaign and had boots on the ground of a foreign government in our country, you better believe that we would understand quite clearly that these were acts of war."
"Russia's President Vladimir Putin effectively declared war on Ukraine and authorized the Russian military to invade the country."
"Putin's aggression against Ukraine will end up costing Russia dearly, economically and strategically."
"Putin's goal is to capture Kiev and decapitate Ukraine's government."
"Just as I rebuilt our military, we totally rebuilt our military. Unfortunately, we gave 85 billion of it to the Taliban."
"Russia is out producing all of NATO on artillery shells by seven times."
"In seeking to redraw the boundaries of Europe through bloodshed, Putin has attacked not only Ukraine but all of us."
"We must unite and take a stand. We must support the Ukrainian people in their fight and ensure that Putin fails."
"Russia invaded Ukraine, fighting a war against our values."
"Putin's secret military incursion into eastern Ukraine is now seizing the world's attention."
"Russian military vehicles and hardware found their way to several destinations throughout eastern Ukraine."
"War bad, but turning a blind eye to Russia's actions in Ukraine isn't the answer."
"A conflict between three nuclear powers with the outcome not looking good for the world."
"Americans will feel the impact in the coming weeks of these rounds."
"War with Iran would be far from Swift but very terrible... If Donald Trump is having second thoughts, it's time he sacked John Bolton."
"I'm really, really glad that the world is seeing right now the generosity and the love and the fierceness to resist of the Ukrainian people, and Putin truly, truly messed with the wrong people."
"President Putin has inferred that he's prepared to use any means necessary which means essentially he's issuing a nuclear threat to anybody that's supporting Ukraine in this war."
"If a Russian missile hit NATO territory... it will be war with NATO."
"Putin's war was premeditated and unprovoked. He rejected efforts at diplomacy. Putin was wrong. We were ready."
"Russia's actions will be met with severe consequences."
"The US will get hurt in this fight, but I think we'll win."
"A conflict between the United States and China would be nothing short of catastrophic. It would not be a short war, and we should be very clear about that."
"China started this and refused to participate in kovacs and won't give, won't contribute money, won't contribute vaccines." - U.S. Senator Jim Risch
"Putin thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead, he met a wall of strength he never anticipated."
"President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance."
"Russia's attack on Ukraine is tantamount to an attack on the U.N and every member state in the chamber."
"Russia is implementing its plan and attacking a neighbor to whom it has decided to deny existence freedom, the land dignity, and life." - Albanian Ambassador to the United Nations
"We need more of everything. The situation is such that we are one small country fighting against a country many times larger than us and the second largest army in the world." - Alessia Vasilenko
"We call on President Putin to end this unprovoked, unconscionable war against the Ukrainian people."
"Russia invaded Ukraine to the shock and disgust of onlookers worldwide."
"Because for all his bombs and tanks and missiles, I don't believe that the Russian dictator will ever subdue the national feeling of the Ukrainians and their passionate belief that their country should be free."
"Europe is at War. Russia has declared war more or less on all these countries."
"Court has begun a show trial of 22 Ukrainian soldiers."
"The CCP's form of warfare a lot of people call it unrestricted warfare."
"Russia is going to lose this war, and Ukraine is going to win."
"Putin is orchestrating this to keep these two powerful forces at each other's throats."
"The United States was a dangerous enemy and had to be defeated."
"Pakistan believes that if we are distracted by conflict, we won't be able to focus on these existential threats of our time."
"China seeks peaceful solutions but the United States seeks chaos."
"Russia is using like World War II ordinance in some cases meanwhile Ukraine is armed with all of the systems that NATO can provide."
"Mitt Romney is very happy about this. No Americans are dying in our fight against Russia. It's Ukrainians that are dying."
"We are at war with Russia... we have lost a war with Russia."
"Democrats will continue to support a peaceful resolution and defend Taiwan from an attack by the CCP."
"The CCP risks having different radical organizations, terrorist movements, or nationalist movements uniting against it."
"Vladimir Zelenskiy, the president of Ukraine, he is saying that Russia currently holds 20 percent of the entire country."
"The vast majority are outraged at what Russia has done."
"Hackers linked to the Chinese regime have been trying to steal virus research from the US."
"The fight for freedom is being waged right now in Ukraine... it's our fight."
"We can win, Russia can lose, and let's stand together to defeat Russia."
"Putin is at war with America, at war with democracy, and he believes the world must accept his conditions."
"Reason number one to consider maybe getting some of your assets out of dodge is, of course, what's happening in Russia and Ukraine."
"Our allies and partners are ready to impose severe cost and significant harm on Russia."
"If China invades Taiwan, we could find America at war in the Pacific, something that we must do everything we can to avoid."
"The Ukrainian tank drove alone against the column and hit the Russian enemy."
"There is no justification for this attack on a peaceful vessel on a commercial mission in international waters." - Secretary Blinken
"U.S. senators push for declaring China's actions as genocide."
"President Putin's war on Ukraine is a war on freedom, on democracy, and on the rights of Ukrainians and all people to determine their own future."
"The fastest way to escalate the conflict in Ukraine to the irreversible consequences of a World War is to supply psychos in Kiev with longer range mlrs."
"Schaefer explained, 'Dutch's last phone call mentioned some kind of a rescue mission near the Colombian border. Something happened down there. Something that ties into the murders...that THING - all of it.'"
"Putin engaged in an outright war of aggression against Ukraine."
"The war between Ukraine and Russia has touched these two countries as well as the whole of Europe and even the whole world."
"It is at the epicenter of the conflict between NATO, the United States, Ukraine, and Russia."
"This is a dangerous moment for all of Europe, for freedom around the world. Putin has committed an assault on the very principles that uphold global peace."
"Putin is acting out his own insecurities, waging a war against a smaller state that is totally unprovoked."
"It's impossible to defeat Iran... there is no opportunity to conduct a war against Iran and win it." - Yakov Kadhi
"The rise of private security companies fighting in hotspots across Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe has shown that other countries and private entities have recognized the value of hiring, well trained and well armed security forces."
"Russia's reliance on China has grown due to Western sanctions and lack of acceptance."
"The plan is simple: backed by the government of Iraq, the men have been armed with pistols and submachine guns along with a few hand grenades, all smuggled into Britain inside an Iraqi diplomatic bag."
"We don't want a nuclear Iran and a rampaging Putin in Ukraine at the same time."
"These documents confirm abuse of U.S. diplomatic personnel by the Chinese government. The Biden administration doesn't seem to have done much about this abusive anal swab testing."
"Who in the Lord's name told Putin he could send Russian tanks into a sovereign country and face nothing but useless half-measures and meaningless rhetoric? Because whoever it was, he sure knew what he was talking about." - President Biden
"Countries caught up in a proxy war tend to be abused and manipulated by their erstwhile patrons."
"This is not a time for uncertainty this is a time for looking strong in the face of Vladimir Putin's aggression."
"Zelensky accused Putin of war crimes and said Ukrainians will not be broken."
"The continuing Western military aid to Ukraine will provoke Russian counts to measures."
"I don't think the Russians are interested in the people of Ukraine, they just want to occupy the territory."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a perfect topic to enthrall the masses."
"Our war of words with China is already costing us billions in exports every year."
"The United States actually came out afterwards and said the highest levels of the Kremlin actually approved this aggression action towards the United States military drone"
"The Ukraine conflict has put an exclamation mark on the hypocrisy and inconsistencies of the rules-based order."
"Ukraine's unity and resilience in the face of Russia's aggression has shown the country's remarkable strength."
"Russia very skillfully parried these escalations, managed them, blocked different efforts by the US to get involved more directly."
"If they fail in Ukraine... the prospects of them reasserting themselves over China and Asia do not exist."
"If we do not want Russia’s plan to win the war to succeed, we cannot forget about what is happening."
"I see a war with China, computers, satellite warfare, space warfare, aerospace warfare that China may well win."
"Putin has to be shown that the military position in Ukraine is untenable and hopefully at some point if that can be done then things will move in Moscow and we may find a way out of this war."
"We simply will not stand by while Russia kills civilians."
"Other nations are already jumping into this ugly situation."
"We're fighting a proxy war. Russia is fighting a proxy war with an alliance that has a population basically 10 times as large."
"This aggression into a sovereign neighbor, a land war in Europe, this is not gonna play out the way Russia was expecting."
"Russia was paying cash, literally cash dollars, for the murder of Americans in Afghanistan."
"Russia realized the situation was unacceptable and sent a peacekeeping force to push Ukraine to stop."
"Every dollar paid to the Russian war machine is killing Ukrainians and undermining European security."
"Let's stop de demonetized German dictator 2.0 before we end up in World War III."
"The warning to Russia was clear: if they didn't back down, they risked massive American retaliation."
"Saudi Arabia the U.S Ally for years was blockading and bombing Yemen the houthis are a Yemeni resistance movement that fought the Saudi Invaders."
"International criminal law and international humanitarian law apply to all parties of the conflict."
"The world should work together. I think there's going to be big, big clashes there between India and China."
"India's gonna have to stand firm and I feel India will win in the end."
"We're not going to stand by and allow one country to roll over another country and try to wipe it off the mat."
"The world is not committed to the idea of Ukraine maintaining all of their land."
"No fry zone: McDonald's, Starbucks, and Coca-Cola join the list of global brands suspending business in Russia."
"If they want to win this proxy conflict and inflict significant damage on Russia if they want to extend or even collapse Russia they need to continue supporting Ukraine."
"What matters is what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainian people."
"The slow progress is of course undeniable at this point and it appears that Putin can't even look beyond the fact that this Invasion has gone terribly compared to what it looks like they were expecting on the first day."
"Any kind of hot Warhawk conflict between the United States and China would inevitably go nuclear."
"Putin's demise, which began with the invasion of Ukraine, is in full swing."
"Russia strikes Keith with so-called Kamikaze drones."
"It's an attack on the UN, on international law, it's an attack on diplomacy in general."
"The reality is Russia invaded Ukraine, an independent sovereign nation, and they just invaded them and started blowing up towns. That is not okay."
"If Israel is unrestrained and they go against the best wishes of the US government, all hell could potentially break loose."
"In the face of this violence, the courage of the Ukrainian people is inspiring the world."
"This calculated attack on a civilian airliner... has shocked the world."
"If they were to assassinate an American or let alone an American official to me that's an act of war."
"British training according to satellite photos showed Ukrainian troops successfully crossed into Russian territory."
"Any fight between two big countries is not just going to affect those two countries but also the wider world."
"It's no longer a conflict just between Moscow and Kiev, it's a conflict with the Western rose-based civilized world."
"We are confident in the intelligence that we have and in the fact that we know that Syria is responsible for these actions."
"Germany cannot but be aware that the munitions... it is supplying are being used by Israel in these attacks."
"This isn't a war about Ukraine... this is a war about freedom."
"This is for Gaza. You have paid and you will pay a high price for the role that you have played in enabling, encouraging, and covering for the catastrophe presently going on in occupied Palestine in the Gaza Strip." - George Galloway
"Iceland has returned to the geopolitical chessboard fueled by a fresh conflict between the West and Russia."
"Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself and won't give up its freedom." - Ukrainian President Zelensky
"The Russian army observed that the plaza was deserted, it opened fire in the air to Rouse all of the Ukrainian people in retaliation."
"Russia openly declaring that they're invading another country, it's a full and total invasion."
"Gorbachev's choice to condemn Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in December pissed off Soviet hardliners."
"Some of my Ukrainian pastors who are calling out Russian pastors for not speaking out against war... nobody wants this war."
"For me, it's an honor if the Americans attack me." - Pope Francis
"This was a huge explosion, and the rumors are that what the Russians destroyed was a major ammunition dump."
"This is not a contest with the Iranian people; this is a senseless war for the Iranian people to be in Syria or to be trying to make Iraq into a rump state of Tehran. It's not going to work."
"Russia cannot fight against the whole world."
"Seriously, regime change in Beijing? That's a big, big problem."
"War between the United States and China is not just possible, it's more likely than most people are prepared to estimate."
"Ukraine is fighting a war against Russia on behalf of the rest of the world."
"As a global family families have disagreements but we need to work with each other much as possible because that guy right there and and his ilk ain't it."
"Biden's U.N. War speech paves the way for a direct clash with Russia."
"Ukrainian rocket strikes have destroyed more than 30 Russian military logistics centers."
"Britain now feels compelled to declare war on Germany."
"Russia invading Sovereign countries in the middle of Europe threatening others with a nuclear bomb."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine in violation of the United Nations charter and international law is causing massive suffering and devastation to the country and its people."
"Conflicts between countries that drag on for more than a year often end up lasting more than a decade."
"It's a very real possibility that China would win a war against the United States in the future."
"Thatcher's resolute defense of British territory struck a chord with ordinary citizens."
"The battle between the British government and China's 5g provider is ramping up." - UK's stance on Huawei faces retaliation threats.
"Do you really want to go to war with one-fifth of mankind with nuclear weapons in their home court?"
"37 days into Russia's invasion, it appears Ukraine has turned the tables, attacking inside Russian territory."
"This will not stand. This aggression against Kuwait."
"Ukraine right now is fighting not just for themselves but they're fighting for the rest of the world."
"It's fair for the Ukrainians to defend themselves and to take the war to the Russians."
"Drones have played an outsized role in Ethiopia, Libya, and Syria."
"Partisans and other forms of guerrilla warfare are proving to be just as successful as armies in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine."
"The risk of nuclear war is the price you have to pay to fight Russia Putin's aggression."
"The UK is then a state sponsor of terrorism in their eyes which essentially puts them at war with the UK."
"Russia is getting ready to escalate this into not just a small-time offensive but a major conflict."
"We're trying to stifle their economy until they back out of Ukraine."
"The end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom."
"Every NATO country that has helped Ukraine in killing Russian soldiers will be dealt with severely."
"If you're looking for a white pill, it's how badly Russia's doing in Ukraine."
"NATO is ready for direct confrontation with Russia. All the pieces are in place."
"Direct military intervention going on between the Israelis and the nation of Iran."
"When there is an invasion, we must always take the side of the people who are facing troops with direct orders to violate their homes."
"No one threatened Russia and no one other than Russia sought conflict. Putin chose War, but Ukraine chose to defend itself."
"Ukrainian Army conquered territory within Russia's borders, sparking Kremlin concern."
"Putin enrolled a huge number of Russian people into the Russian army and sent them to fight on Ukrainian soil."
"We let the world down... Vladimir Putin attacked the United States in 2016, and we didn't do that much about it."
"Ukraine's astonishing achievements extended Beyond its boundaries as it successfully launched attacks on Military airfields in four different regions of Russia."
"Israel is committing war crimes and genocide in Palestine, this is the German people."
"It's pretty easy to see the evil that's happening with Russia invading a sovereign country."
"President Zelensky claiming proof of genocide by the Russians."
"Western nations are battling a surge in Russian hacking activity."
"Did you hear Kim jong-un was threatening to bomb movie theaters that were playing the interview?"
"For the state of Israel to perpetrate in their name such crimes on other people is truly betraying not only Universal human rights but one of the most profoundly important animating principles of Judaism itself."
"The fight abroad actually helps democracy at home."
"The most dangerous thing the human race faces is just plain old nuclear war between large nations."
"Putin's illegal war in Ukraine threatens the security of our whole continent."