
Military Success Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"It does appear that it was a very successful drone attack."
"In five years preceding his death, his continuing military successes had reshaped the world as known to the Greeks."
"The stunning victory at Kharkov achieved against the odds became known as Von Manstein's miracle."
"The city was successfully seized by the Ukrainian Armed Forces."
"Basil II passed away in December 1025 at 67 years old, his reign having been a long revolt sandwich with a sweet filling of stunning military success and relative domestic bliss."
"Peter called his great victory at Poltava a divine miracle, as he finally managed to defeat the most formidable army in Europe."
"We've completely broken through all the Italian lines."
"A big breakthrough in the South led to a huge unexpected victory."
"Ukraine has lauded its recent success in taking out a slew of Tanks"
"The Order combined one of man's oldest resources with technology to succeed in battle."
"The Navy had achieved a rare victory for Britain."
"We got across with minimal losses, that was a hell of a fight."
"Never take away somebody's victory because of your own ego."
"Ukraine has shown it can achieve victories on the battlefield."
"The September victories of the Ukrainian army is proof that Ukraine has finally gained strategic initiative on the battlefield."
"The Ukrainian Army's Frontline combat success has now blocked Russian advances."
"The USS Barb sank 29 enemy vessels just in the period from May of 1944 to August of 1945."
"Japan's unexpected victory in the Sino-Japanese war showcased to the world just how far the country had come."
"Frederick's victories: Turning the tide of war through strategic brilliance and military innovation."
"This is hugely significant and it's a big big win for the Ukrainians."
"The Ukrainian military has officially liberated the city of Herson."
"The success of the Ukrainian military in stopping Russian airstrikes on Kiev has restored the nation's faith in its Armed Forces."
"It’s a good example of how little cultural things we take for granted, like "woof woof" or "wan wan" can have interesting impacts on everything, including Mario games!"
"Operation Neptune Spear killed Osama Bin Laden and highlighted the incredible prowess of the Navy Seals."
"A resounding victory for the Ukrainian forces."
"The successful offensive has shifted the momentum in favor of the Ukrainian forces."
"The success of the operation underscored the determination, expertise, and ability of the Ukrainian forces."
"Ukraine's military operations with sophisticated weapons continue to be successful on a daily basis."
"Their resounding successes solidified the unit's philosophy of 'Who Dares Wins.'"
"Osman Gazi, who had fought the Byzantines for more than forty-years and won countless victories for his Beylik."
"The Ukrainian army solidified its successes on the Kyiv front."
"Ukraine liberated more than 50 percent of territories occupied by Russia."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem lived up to the challenge of facing Saladin, emerging victorious again and again despite being outnumbered."
"We want this to be a MOBA that's easy to pick up with friends with a high ceiling for mastery."
"Overall these events would foretell great success for Richard."
"Claims of victory and success don't make sense. They don't add up..."
"Not only had the parachute troops held their own against a vastly superior force, but in the end, they defeated it."
"We destroyed 100% of the ISIS territorial caliphate."
"Speedy had captured, sank, or ran aground a mind-boggling 53 enemy ships."
"The successful execution of such a large-scale drone attack signaled a shift in the balance of power in the ongoing conflict."
"Joan's success in battle was proof positive that it was God directing her."
"Israel miraculously won this battle in the incredible time of just four hours."
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces have accomplished remarkable victories."
"But what we've seen I think is them behave bravely with huge courage and they have had the success in pushing back against the Russians because of that."
"Napoleon returned to Paris a hero after defeating the Austrian Empire."
"They are made of the same strong stuff as the troops in this room, and I am absolutely confident that they will continue to succeed in the missions that we give them, in Afghanistan and beyond."
"Ukrainian Army gains ground against Russian forces."
"The Ukrainians have won a major victory in the south very close to Mariupol."
"Every time Israel is attacked in war they win and they get land... What country in the world takes the entire Sinai Peninsula in a battle and then gives it back?"
"The Romans' psychological wounds from the Teutoburg disaster had been avenged."
"Glorious successes that our troops achieved."
"Ukrainian air defense successfully shot down all of the 18 Russian missiles targeting Ukraine overnight including six kinzo ballistic missiles."
"Nearly all attacks launched by the Ukrainian military have been successful."
"Success in the area of Bakmut will also provide Ukraine a tremendous morale boost and deal Russia a severe setback."
"Allied air power had destroyed enemy planes, guns, and ships."
"The decisive victory of the Ukrainian forces for freedom is very close."
"Victory for the Ukrainian Army is becoming increasingly certain."
"Finally, we have broken through this very tough defense, a very nasty fight."
"The first crusade was one of the most spectacular victories of the Middle Ages."
"The Haitian army of free slaves was able to beat off both the British and the Spanish."
"Tank destroyers were credited with 500 kills during the Battle of the Bulge."
"This was a decisive victory on behalf of Ukrainians. They threw everything they could at probably what is Russia's most backed up position on the entire front line."
"The Ukrainian Army's historical resilience has successfully cleared Russian invaders from Ukrainian territory."
"Ukraine has recently been successful in retaking some key areas, including the Ravenna Pill."
"Ukrainians had truly a massive success in the southern areas of Bahamut."
"God must have been with the english that day."
"The successful attack on the Russian military facilities in berdiansk using Storm Shadow missiles further highlights the Ukrainian armed forces' capabilities."
"We're finally getting the job done against the Syracusans, a long time coming."
"Within days, the Athenian Navy delivered a crushing blow to the Persian fleet."
"The Americans put the strategic creativity with success after success over the enemy."
"The Ukrainian Army successfully evicted Russian soldiers from three distinct towns under occupation."
"The Ukrainian Army has now managed to get ahead in every area."
"We kicked the ass of his army when it was bigger than it is right now, which is beautiful."
"The victory at Talavera was celebrated all over Britain."
"In one hour the Nova Scotians, the Highlanders without kilts, would gain control of Hill 145, overrunning their objective."
"Crushed them completely, crippled them, and they're not a problem anymore."
"The operation is a significant win for Ukraine demonstrating that it can counter Russian military movements within its borders."
"America did strike a series of terrorist encampments and it was very successful."
"The Continuous defeat of the Russian army raises the possibility of larger operations being organized by the Ukrainian forces in the near future."
"Ukrainian forces seizing control, causing setbacks for Russian troops."
"Ukrainian Army's successful assaults lead to breaches in Russian defenses."
"The Roman Empire, S tier, no question about that."
"Parthian Empire, they beat the Romans countless times."
"Their military success, you can't chalk it up to sheer dumb luck."
"Despite being eight times smaller in size and 20 times smaller in terms of military equipment and supplies, the Ukrainian Army has achieved surprise success against Russian forces."
"Victory belongs to the Americans with the fort in their possession."
"Even before the spring onslaught begins, the Ukrainian Army is having amazing success."
"The Ukrainian Army, whose necessities are supplied and their well-being is insured, continues to achieve many triumphs. As a result of this, the Russian army on the other hand is on the edge of dissolution with each win."
"It was an Imperial slaughter. We managed to catch an entire armored unit out in the open." - Captain Shack
"Ukrainian forces have achieved remarkable results when it comes to striking enemy positions."
"One of the most successful units of this War."
"NARRATOR: It's the highest kill total of any mission in the Vietnam War so far, with no American losses."
"The successful defense against the Russian drone attack showcased Ukraine's unwavering commitment to protecting its territory and citizens."
"Matara's triumphs on the battlefield made him very confident in his abilities and talent."
"Stunning developments in Ukraine's war against Russia: Ukrainian counter-offensive highly effective, shocking victory on the battlefield."
"With each success on the battlefield, Ukraine sends a powerful message to the world."
"These three generals, as well as the well-trained men they led, were the reason Operation Compass succeeded."
"Ukraine's outstanding success in this region was enough to ruin the dreams of Russians."
"The Ukrainian Army has achieved surprise success against Russian forces."
"The Ukrainian Army almost crushed the Russian army."
"Japan did extremely well, wiping out all of these guys here and expanding very successfully into China."
"The Israeli Defense Forces successfully seized control of Hamas's primary stronghold."
"It was napoleon's masterpiece and austria were once again forced to make peace with france."
"Ultimate destination: victory for the Republic."
"One single weapon had laid waste to the powerful defenses of the previously unconquerable city."
"Ukraine has triumphed valiantly in this crucial fight. Ukraine's courageous Naval forces and president Zelensky's leadership triumphed."
"The Mosquito went on to have the lowest losses of any aircraft in Bomber Command."
"In 7 months, Caesar had chased Pompey from Italy, secured his western flank, disbanded 5 of Pompey’s Legions and absorbed a further 4."
"Operation Palaceo was stunningly successful."
"The deployment of UK forces to Sierra Leone has been an outstanding success."
"Our first battle of the new Empire has been a resounding success!"
"Ukraine shoots down 80 to 90 percent of Russia's most modern cruise missiles with donated Western air defense systems."
"The Ukrainian Army was able to destroy over 200 pieces of Russian equipment and eliminate over one thousand Russian invaders in just two days."
"Ukrainian Fighters have begun to achieve significant success on the front lines."
"Beautiful military campaigns are succeeding."
"The Renault tank is a success, much more mobile and effective on the battlefield."
"Grant's determination led him to score a number of key victories."
"The Battle in the Varbitsa pass solidified Bulgaria’s position as a regional power."
"The Ukrainian Army's successful operation completely changed the balance of the war."
"Oh, I think I just took him out, yep, I just took out their general."
"The Alliance is in your debt commander you have struck a great blow against the Imperial Army today you will receive one star destroyer at Talos."
"The only metric of success that counts in this war is territory."
"Ukrainian forces obliterate Russian Warehouse by the 68th separate hunting Brigade."
"Wow, they just killed over 60 men there with that little fireball, justice!"
"The Ukrainian Army, which has earned its triumph over the Russian army, will shake Putin's rule."
"Ukrainian Army conducted very successful air operations."
"It is generally agreed upon that he is among the most successful military commanders and conquerors in the annals of history."
"Finland's 24th Fighter Squadron made excellent use of it by the end of the war that Squadron had claimed 459 Soviet aircraft destroyed for the loss of just 15 buffalo in combat."
"Peace was achieved through the mouth of our cannons."
"Napoleon's military successes, combined with his strategic alliances and diplomatic maneuvering, allowed him to establish a vast empire that included not only France but also many other European territories."
"We sunk so many of their transports and damaged so many of their ships, we put the fear of God in them that time."
"Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands."
"The personal relationship between a commander and his soldiers is and always has been one of the most potent single factors in making for success in a war."
"He had complete confidence in his ability to gain success in war."
"In the Persian Gulf War...we enjoyed almost complete air superiority...almost absolutely."
"The ongoing success that's going on right now in the Pacific with US Navy ghost Fleet"
"By 1755 jig plus six, the entire 07 line had been secured; Tinian town was ours."
"It proved to be one of the best in the war in some of the roles it performed."
"...finally at long last, the Americans are able to win control of the night."
"In the remote north of the country, the daring Marquis of Montrose had won a string of victories."
"If you were a general in Rome and you had a major military victory, the Senate would vote for you to have what was called a triumph."
"Up to 10:00, 175 German aircraft have been destroyed in today's raids over this country."
"Despite early successes of her enemies, Maria Theresa felt relief when the Franco-Bavarians were driven out of Bohemia."
"This assault was a major breakthrough for Caesar."
"Our losses were light, the capture of this stronghold will give us command domination of Dutch New Guinea."
"Oscarsborg had completed its purpose by preventing an invader from entering the capital."
"Thanks to an elite display of generalship by Coalition Commander General Norman Schwarzkopf and the hard work, dedication, bravery, and sacrifice of the armed forces that stood together, the Kuwaiti flag rightly flies over Kuwait City."
"I believe Eritrea has already emerged... this remarkable military success... will continue."
"The raid is a resounding success tactically and strategically."
"...the Rashidun Caliphate... was extremely successful in war."
"Not a single A-12 or SR-71 was shot down in the better part of 3,600 missions."
"Philip was the complete package; he only lost one battle in the field in his entire career."
"It was Alfred the Great who got into the record books as the first king to fight back successfully against the Vikings."
"The battle of the ONG had been an outstanding success for the Allies."
"We choose to ignore the successes of the British Army in the field and what was achieved by the ordinary British soldier."
"If we succeed, and succeed we must, armies will be able to advance along the whole British front."
"The only attack in the First World War when everything went right."
"By 1967, Sidewinder had proved itself the most effective air-to-air weapon in use in Southeast Asia, scoring the majority of Navy and Air Force combat kills."
"Wherever there was a battle, whichever side the armies of Trondheim were fighting on, was almost always the winners."
"Ten thousand prisoners have passed through our cages and casualty stations; 25 towns and villages have been rescued from the clutch of the invaders."
"Napoleon's constant victories on the battlefield and his subjugation of virtually every country in Europe made him extremely popular in France."
"The Battle of Gaza was Ptolemy's greatest battlefield victory."
"Our bombs found the target; nine bombers came out, and nine are going home."
"Paris was now safely in Allied hands, and the rest of the pursuit was ahead."
"Our success on the ground is one of the best ways to undermine the credibility of the narrative."
"He won a few important battles on his own and up until the very end, he was pretty much always successful."
"The key to success in urban warfare is good infantry, and the key to good infantry, rather than good weaponry, is a traditional mixture of training, leadership qualities in NCOs and junior grade officers, and morale, implying a readiness to take casualties."
"Penetrations several miles inland were made by American, British, and Canadian troops."
"The greatest airborne operation in history apparently caught German defenses by surprise."
"After the Americans managed to capture the Ludendorff Bridge intact, they started to push units across onto the Eastern Bank of the Rhine River."
"The winners will be the people who can do multi-domain integration at the speed of the digital age in creating effective military capability."
"The SAS have destroyed 37 aircraft, including many of the Ju-52 transports on which Rommel's supply lines so heavily depend."
"He wins two standout tactical victories."
"After the victory at Valmy, French forces went on the offensive and enjoyed an unbroken string of successes."
"Wellington's army appeared to be building unstoppable momentum."
"Ukrainian armed forces regained more than 3000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory."
"He won great victories over the Burgundians, the Lugi, the Vandals, the Franks, the Bastani."
"In just a month, Napoleon has transformed a war-weary, disheveled, and demoralized army into a victorious fighting force brimming with esprit de corps and eager for further conquests."
"He's not bad, he won some battles, he also has a little bit of a vision."
"All who were present witnessed firsthand a successful strike back against the Beta who had defeated them at every turn for decades."
"He outgenerals his opponent, he hammers the flank."