
Project Involvement Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Sorry, I'm just so in love with this project, and it really has brought out a new kind of creativity in me I didn't even know existed before."
"For someone who loves construction, getting up to projects like this is an amazing experience."
"This is all the work that Justin's been doing, I do be doing work, all right?"
"What I want to say is we're not working with them but uh there is there is a relation to the project and they're excited for it."
"I'm just so excited that Mike Cunningham is doing this and that I'm doing it."
"Are you [ __ ] kidding me? That was the biggest piece of [ __ ] I [ __ ] ever was involved in."
"I had a significant role in this and it's it's it's cool to see."
"I should have messed and been like oh I didn't know you worked on this book with Bungie no but that's pretty cool damn body knows."
"Being fully submerged more and more each day in your project and moving forward from a place of joy bliss and ease towards your outcome."
"Sorry to keep you waiting, but to be fair I've had my hands very full for the past few weeks with some work for a very unexpected but very exciting project."
"Having people who just want to be a part of it really means a lot to me."
"The more Todd Howard is going to be involved in this project on a direct game design level, the better it's gonna be."
"I'm so happy to have been asked to be a part of this project."
"There are many mechanisms within the project that ensure progression and engagement with the community that keeps us locked in and keeps us wanting more from the project."
"Truly incredible every artist, every writer, every participant involved."
"It's one of those projects you're literally happier for everybody else than yourself."
"You're going to be fully immersed in some sort of creative project."
"Every one of these guys is proud to be a part of this project."
"Everything continues to look nominal on both first and second stages."
"You're not getting any interviews if he's not involved you know that it's a dominoes thing once it's like Jordans in he's producing it with us."
"Jesse brought it. It was Jesse that did that. All of that. And this studio, every piece of everything that you see, Jesse sourced."
"Sally's not broken by her difficult coming of age. Instead of becoming bitter like her stepmother Megan, Sally emerges as an independent, resilient young woman."
"It was a real pleasure being part of that journey from the beginning."
"I truly want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for helping me build this because it wasn't just me."
"It was such a pleasure to work on and I'm still to this day very proud of being part of it."
"His passion for every project he's involved with has been described as contagious."
"I love ambition in the projects that I get involved with."
"This has probably been one of the best weeks of my life just working on the game."
"They want to see your own motivation and that you're actually doing projects and things on your own."
"We're super excited to have you join us. You come from Six Foot, and what projects were you working on?"
"We're really in the thick of things with this new video that we're working on."
"Every project that I've done, every friend of mine has been in in some way shape or form because I needed them."
"Election integrity project behind these victories."
"His whole being, it's been one of the most interesting projects I've ever had the privilege to work on."
"When Cody is a part of something, he's gonna make it stand out as the most important thing in the world."
"What brought Toby into this project, what brought Andrew into this project."
"And then Diesel brings passion to every single project."
"It's always better if you get into a project at an early stage, and this I would still say that it is still an early stage for this project."
"Guardians was always his baby so I'm excited just on the movie side."
"I feel incredible guilt over having a part to play in the design and creation and being a part of this project."
"Were they always looking out for me, or did we both kind of fall in love with each other through this project?"
"It's a fascinating project to be a part of."
"I've seen the girls grow up and just to see that, you know, be able to be part of this project for them, it's a really cool thing."
"Being able to be a part of a project like this, it's just dream come true."
"Thank you for being part of our project and being part of our solution."
"I feel so lucky to have been able to be a part of so many amazing projects."
"It's really important to specify what was your job on the actual project."
"It was such an incredible experience, fortunate to be part of this project."
"I like to immerse myself in my projects."
"I am just so honored and blessed to be a part of a project that already has such a strong and committed fan base."
"I enjoy building printers that no one else has; that's why I was excited to get involved with the rollan projects."
"I feel I belong to this project and the project belongs to me."
"And I am a language enthusiast, which is why I am very excited to participate in the Ecolinguist project."
"Please, I beg you, please support the artist. They volunteered their time and effort into this project."
"Data Camp shines when it comes to data science courses, offering a structured learning path with hands-on projects."
"It's an honor to be involved in projects like this."
"I loved, loved, loved working on this, using my imagination."