
Folklore Quotes

There are 3987 quotes

"If a man can take down a bear with a single arrow, or if he can fell trees with a single ax swing, then that is magic."
"So many people have the same stories and descriptions of mermaids from all over the world, obviously this was way before the internet was a thing. So, how big of a coincidence is it that all of these stories match up?"
"Ogopogo is described as a serpentine creature with a horse-like head and a series of humps along its back."
"Encantos are renowned for their ability to bestow gifts, blessings, and good fortune upon humans."
"West Virginian myths are among the creepiest in American folklore."
"Leprechauns love gold. We can use this to get them to come into our trap."
"We want to make leprechaun traps to try and catch a leprechaun."
"Hopefully, one of you guys catches a leprechaun."
"The Pied Piper of Hamlin is a famous German fairy tale but it's rooted in historical fact."
"The Abominable Snowman is known to natives of Nepal as the Yeti."
"Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle... is said to bring gifts during the late evening and overnight hours on Christmas Eve."
"I make this sacred oath with the complete understanding that it is my duty to show the world that goblins still exist."
"Every Brazilian cryptid I come across is exactly what I'm talking about: it is bizarre, it's strange, it's terrifying, it makes no sense."
"The dark day lived on in folklore, poems, tracts, and sermons for generations."
"Skinwalkers are ancient shape-shifters, usually taking the form of animals and uncommonly humans."
"Articuno: Folklore has it that those seeing an Articuno in flight become so enraptured by its beauty they die rooted to the spot."
"Arcanine: A legendary Pokémon that appears in Chinese folklore."
"Elves always see what you do and report your behavior to Santa, or in this case, punish you for doing bad things."
"They've been known to follow people around and to even help you complete tasks."
"For he was a good outlaw and did poor men much good."
"The people of Florida will keep telling each other stories about it because it's part of the fabric of that region now, and because believing that there is some unknown creature out there makes the world feel just a little more mysterious."
"Fairies are thought to be magical spirit beings far more ancient than humans who possess the ability to manifest themselves in our physical realm and interact with everything here."
"When the underlying archetypes are extracted, the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy faith of Celtic countries."
"Tell of a creature known as mokele-mbembe—it means 'the one who stops the flow of rivers'."
"The symbolism of baby Dragobete runs very deep in this parallel as well, as he is the symbol of a warm spring, and his mother Babadokia symbolizes the end of a harsh winter."
"Magnus Einerson's collection of Icelandic Canadian folk tales reveals a strong belief in ghosts, second sight, the power of dreams, and the supernatural."
"Not every Newfoundlander to have a brush with the fairies is as fortunate as the subjects of the aforementioned stories; many disappear forever, never to be seen again."
"Sometimes these corpses are found with prematurely white hair, hinting at the possibility that the victim suffered some terrible supernatural shock at the time of their deaths."
"Those touched briefly by the fairies...may develop uncanny fairy-like abilities."
"The best preventative measure people can take to avoid being harassed by fairies in their own homes is to leave some refreshments, specifically bread and water or milk, on the kitchen table or on the doorstep overnight."
"One old Irish Newfoundlandic tradition contends that the fairies are angels who failed to take sides in the war in heaven."
"To believe in imaginary little people is some mysterious quality inherent to human beings."
"To our European ancestors, however, little people were very real neighbors."
"This bloodthirsty demon jealously attacks women who have what she never will: children."
"The Banshee... a creature whose scream warns of imminent death."
"It turns out there are a vast number of different entities that people over time have claimed to be vampires."
"These creatures do appear quite different to the vampires that he describes, in that they all share the common feature that the head or torso separates from the lower body at night, often sprouts wings, which it uses to fly to the houses of its victims."
"The sukuyant appears as an old woman who strips off her skin at night, transforming into a ball of light, which then enters the home of a victim and drinks their blood while they sleep."
"Dealing with folklore, there's a thin line sometimes between folklore and religion, and deeply held cultural beliefs."
"Simply put, folklore is a fantastic game that is very much worth your time."
"The Kelpie is a shape-shifting aquatic spirit commonly found in Scottish legends."
"Ellen Castelow describes them as 'most of us think of fairies as tiny creatures flitting about on gossamer wings, wielding a magic wand, but history and folklore tell a different tale.'"
"Spirited Away's original title in Japanese is 'Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi'. That latter word means 'hidden by gods', a concept in Japanese folklore comparable to being taken or 'Spirited Away' by fairies in European folklore."
"The Celtic tradition of Brittany... is steeped in folklore, where the sea and the supernatural play a significant role in its stories."
"The story of Melusine... has traveled through time, adapting and merging with the folklore of different cultures across the world."
"All around the world, spanning every continent, there is and has been talk referencing the hidden people."
"The fey are mythical beings of folklore, usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans."
"Fairies have always been beautiful... many folk tales and poems speak of beautiful Fae."
"In most versions of stories associated with the Kappa, it is described as childlike but disproportionately strong."
"If it can be tricked into spilling the water that's held within the impression in its head, it will be robbed of its strength."
"The Melusine stories... fuse with native peoples' stories... creating new legends."
"In the new world, Melusine... punishes those who have not treated women well."
"Whatever the reality of Spring-Heeled Jack was, this Victorian demon has become a part of popular culture forever."
"Beware of the mysterious man who haunts front porches."
"Legends of Sea Beast and monsters that destroy ships are as old as sailing has existed."
"Tales of sea serpents of immense proportions are written all throughout history."
"The Jersey Pine Barons is the home to the Jersey Devil."
"He was hailed as a folk hero and even inspired a song."
"Whoever sees a Ho-Oh is promised eternal happiness."
"Four decades later, Bigfoot is still a worldwide phenomenon."
"The rise of Bigfoot began long ago when the creature made its first appearance in Native American art and lore and has since escalated into a cultural phenomenon."
"Bigfoot has always been a part of North America's history."
"This is the old European folk tale of the stone soup, which clearly suggests that resources of many individuals can be combined to accommodate a collective, even if it requires a touch of deception."
"Identifying animals with the basis in folklore or fossil evidence is absolutely science."
"The ningan is a cryptic and intriguing part of Maritime folklore."
"Have you ever witnessed a Bigfoot moving so confidently in any of our trail cam captures?"
"The Genies: true masters of the elemental planes, legendary beings since the early ages of yore."
"Every generation of the people who lived there had always believed in the protection of the Guardian."
"Iceland even has an official elf school in Reykjavik where people can learn about Icelandic elf history and folklore"
"Embracing the legend allows residents to celebrate the unknown and apparently it."
"So when a villager dies it turns into a goat or a water buffalo or a sheep or some form of food... so this is a playable version of villager nothing then that's actually that's a really ingenious idea."
"The Valley of headless men, where beauty meets mystery."
"The elusive Woods Creature: a yellow-skinned enigma of Shady Creeks."
"Mermaids: half-human, half-fish, and lost in the depths of myth."
"Folk history looks at all the ingredients that, when brought together, are always greater than the sum of their parts."
"There was one legend that Paul felt drawn to more than others, and it was a rather obscure one to say the least."
"These reptilian type humanoid beings are similar to The seraphim or the winged serpents in kabbalistic Tradition."
"This takes a bunch of Japanese folklore and mythology and just makes a really cool unconventional adventure."
"I'm not even gonna bother to look that up... that's how the boy who cried wolf works."
"Werewolves easy to sort out apparently, marvellous."
"The banshee wail made our hackles rise, for this was without a doubt the spirit sound so many men talked and whispered about."
"The Legend of Chloe: the ghost of a girl that haunts Myrtle's Plantation in LA."
"The Witch's Ball: What's a scary legend without some witches?"
"To those that know this story, Still Cemetery in Kansas is better known as the doorway to Hell."
"No, that's not my nickname. This is actually one of the most famous mysterious creatures said to wander from Florida to North Carolina and even Arkansas."
"None are as terrifying or as famous as Charman."
"To this day you can hear the child crying in the middle of the night and can even sometimes see Lizzy wandering the bridge looking for her child."
"In The Sims 4 Seasons, there is a Santa-like figure called Father Winter."
"There are accounts in this book, newspaper clippings, where there are references to these huge wild men carrying off women and children."
"Sasquatch can exist and that's true, and apparently does because the Dogmen are real."
"Robin Hood was stealing for the people who over taxed, back to the people, yes."
"People in the village would worship the paintings and tell great stories about small people coming down from the sky in round-shaped flying objects abducting people and then never returning."
"Bloody Mary, based on a real person, the first queen of England from the 1500s, haunting and killing those who summon her in the mirror."
"Greek Robin Hood for his habit of giving away stolen money to the poor."
"There's something emotional and mystical about that figure."
"Whatever the explanation, the moving chair in Ramos's shop has surely added a curious chapter to the annals of local lore." - Kallen
"This grimoire itself has a pretty mysterious lore."
"In 1958, a bulldozer operator in Bluff Creek, California discovered 16 16-inch human-like footprints near his equipment... And the legend of Bigfoot was born."
"The Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film: subject to countless investigations, yet authenticity remains debated."
"Skinwalkers is kind of a generalized mythological creature."
"Most likely at this point if you've been scrolling enough around the internet, you've probably come across this mysterious and creepy creature known as a skinwalker."
"Filipinos have a ton of superstitions. For example, whistling at night will turn you into a werewolf."
"He thinks that what he saw could have been what is called the Cedardale monster he has seen pictures of the Cedardale monster that had been spotted in North Carolina in the 1970s which looked very similar to what he saw."
"It's full of so much wonderful folklore and storytelling is absolutely central to the book itself."
"The cursed voices of Azazel and Beelzebub being heard now from underground by above a score of credible witnesses now living."
"India's rich history with paranormal and supernatural folklore certainly lends credence to the idea that the building could indeed be haunted."
"It seems like anybody that spends any time in the woods has a Bigfoot story."
"The most terrifying creature in Filipino folklore is the Aswang."
"Urban legends, folklore runs deep within all traditions."
"Behind the dark legends about the curse of the elder blood lies the truth of these tragic cases."
"In recent decades, North America has been captivated and baffled by stories of giant bird sightings."
"Native American Thunderbird Legend may have come from this Behavior."
"This is very interesting because there's been references to when giants' graves are disturbed, this magical weather happens."
"Throughout history supernatural creatures were thought to have run rampant in almost every part of the world."
"Robin Hood would have to be involved with a Nottingham based town in some way."
"Robin Hood isn't a person, he's an ideal, an idol of warmth with which for hundreds of years people have used to huddle around when the world feels cold."
"The werewolf is a mythological animal that mainly occurs in European folklore."
"Another amazing creature dwells in various regions of North America — the Greater Banded Uktena."
"According to Legend, Mothman is said to have been observed several times between 1966 and 1967."
"Proof that mermaids exist to the existence of a new pokemon here are 20 mythical creatures that actually exist."
"An actual mermaid had washed up to the shore at Great Yarmouth beach in Britain, a clear proof of the fact that mermaids have actually existed in the past."
"Chupacabra, a monstrous creature that attacks animals and consumes their blood, characterized as the southern equivalent of the Sasquatch."
"Tales of mermaids pun intended have existed all over the world for thousands of years."
"A vampire is a being from folklore who subsists by feeding on the life essence—generally in the form of blood—of the living."
"The Loch Ness Monster, also known by the nickname Nessie, is probably the creature that most often leaps to mind when ordinary people think about cryptozoology."
"The kraken was said to be able to devour an entire ship's crew in a single mouthful."
"There is... and always has been, since the whitemen first came to live on the lake, a fixed and settlement belief among the Indians that there is something extraordinary in the lake."
"In her aforementioned piece in the Vancouver Province, Susan Allison indirectly identified the alleged abode of the Ogopogo as Rattlesnake Island."
"Poke fun if you like, at this lake monster, draw caricatures of it if doing so will afford any amusement, but remember at the same time that it has ceased to be a thing of the imagination."
"The hotter the weather, the better your chances of seeing Ogopogo are," witness Leslie Kerry put it.
"There is one figure amongst them that is said to be pure evil, and if you ever see him, it is considered an extremely ill omen. He is known as the Hatman."
"Once in a great while, a domovoi appeared as the head of the household, while the real person was in bed snoozing away."
"Baba Yaga appears as an old woman with a very long nose who flies around in a mortar and pestle and lives deep in the forest in a wooden hutch that stands on chicken legs."
"It has been reported to have swallowed entire canoes hole and run onto the nearby shores to devour and attack any tribes passing by."
"Robin Hood represented an escape from the social order."
"Was Robin Hood a real person, or just a character based on the stories of other outlaws? Still unknown to this day."
"I like the myth and the stories that this is generated."
"There's almost a place in folklore for the individual who is scorned and humiliated by others but turns out to be right."
"The stories of Bigfoot or Sasquatch as he has been called have been around for centuries."
"The Bigfoot is described as an ape like in stature seven to eight feet tall."
"Robin Hood was wildlife because he took from the rich and gave you the poor"
"The great news is though, that even though the sourced folklore doesn't exist to explain this phenomenon in the world of avatar, that doesn't mean there isn't another explanation."
"The spirits of their ancestors inhabited the forests and would curse anyone who strayed too far."
"A particularly eerie piece of folklore from the Abenaki tribe tells of a rock that ate the souls of all that passed near."
"There are stories that a large portion of the activity at this Plantation has to do with the countless Voodoo curses that were placed on the original owners."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"The oldest piece of surviving literature we know about—The Epic of Gilgamesh—portrays a 'victim' werewolf in what is widely considered the oldest werewolf story on record."
"The big thing to know about the changeling is that it can take any form and almost perfectly replicate their idiosyncrasies."
"It's hard for many to wrap their heads around this subject but the Ojibwe and many other first nations and American tribes see the Sabbe, the Sasquatch, and Oma, etc., as spirit and flesh at the same time."
"One of the strangest Bigfoot encounters." - Albert Ostman
"The flatwoods monster originally appeared before the Great War."
"Slender Man, of course, is nowhere near the first urban legend."
"Also known as Durendal or Durendal, it is the famous sword of Roland, the Frankish knight..."
"At this point, the myth of ghosts and seances is inextricably linked to Sarah Winchester's story."
"Imagine carrying around a secret like that for decades, hearing people talk about the Loch Ness monster, knowing that you're one of the main reasons why they probably know the myth in the first place."
"Every Native American tribe in North America has a story about the giant hairy smelly giants in the woods."
"Bigfoot is a wonderful story that makes people happy. It gives them joy that there's this mystery out there."
"Every generation of Pokémon folklore flavor from Japan."
"Is Bigfoot real? The answer will remain unsolved."
"Whether these creatures or beings are real or not, they definitely make for sufficient stories to be told."
"El Chupacabra: A lizard-like creature with green scaly skin, large bug-like eyes, wings, fangs, and quills running down its back."
"The Ozark Howler: A large creature with black fur, glowing red eyes, and often said to have long horns, capable of emitting a terrifying howl."
"Of all the famous Bigfoot sightings, the most famous was the one recorded on film: the Patterson-Gimlin recording shot in Bluff Creek, California, in 1967."
"Life lessons are always at the heart of fairy tales."
"The word 'vampire' in the English language means 'a corpse supposed in European folklore to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth.'"
"This is how you get famous. It's not singing, it's catching Bigfoot."
"Nobody lets Rudolph play the reindeer games."
"A Nancy story adds to the legend, is a distinct electric smell when in the presence of the goat men, and honestly, this creepypasta."
"We did talk about an urban legend of the black-eyed children previously, but we haven't really talked about a cryptid."
"There's a lot of famous cryptids out there, obviously, you've probably heard of Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Himalayan Yeti."
"Something about a half-man, half-goat running around the forest wielding an axe."
"Most people who have encountered the goatmen have either run for their lives or it just scares them to the point where they're frozen in place."
"There are still mysteries surrounding detailed descriptions of sea and lake monsters provided by observers over the centuries."
"Throughout Germanic and Celtic mythology, there are numerous tales of ghostly black dogs, haunting canines that are anything but man's best friend."
"One can defeat a kelpie by fitting it with a halter with the sign of the cross on it, or by grasping its bridle, which is transformed along with the beast when it takes a false appearance."
"We've managed to take down Bigfoot not once, no, we've taken him down three times."
"You might need to see a witch about the hexes... as long as you go and see her."
"Ghosts don't leave tracks, so with a Sasquatch, even tracks, you're totally right."
"Both are known for their Scandinavian folklore."
"The Mothman has become an important part of West Virginia folklore."
"Maximinus the Giant allegedly used his wife's bracelet for a ring, pulled fully loaded carts by hand, punched teeth out of horse's mouths, and crushed large stones with ease."
"The Golden Spruce even featured in Hyder mythology."
"Tolkien gifted the world a new folklore of legendary tales, that will doubtless continue to enchant and amaze countless generations to come, until Tolkien’s stories themselves become legend and his name becomes one for the ages."
"Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
"Names can be things of great power... telling it to them yourself is akin to asking a vampire into your home."
"However, the idea that a witch is involved sticks throughout history."
"National monuments draw crowds from all over the world, but many people don't realize the kinds of secrets hidden within."
"The Devil's Hole, also often called the Cave of Evil Spirits, is believed to be haunted by the souls of those who died in a massacre."
"What we have come across time and time again, regardless of which part of the country we are in, is stories of Bigfoot encounters from eyewitnesses and researchers alike."
"I suggest looking up the black-eyed children."
"Legend says that during the time of Samhain, the veil between our world and the other world is at its thinnest."
"Krampus is described as a large, horned half-goat half-demon figure that drags those without Christmas spirit to its netherworld."
"Their terrifying story sank deep into American folklore, arguably America's first real serial killers."
"The Seelie Court are the fairies that wish to help humans, they are described as the most beautiful and vibrant of fairies."
"The changeling is a type of fairy common in all sorts of European folklore, they were left behind by fairies when a human had been stolen, commonly a child."
"Leprechauns are most likely a type of fairy you've heard of before, they were seen as mischievous creatures but they also preferred to act alone."
"Pixies are a type of fairy common in the United Kingdom, particularly in Devon and Cornwall."
"Honestly, I'm just glad to know what the Tooth Fairy does with all those dang teeth."
"The fairy's prediction made the king and queen extremely worried."
"Could this old cemetery in Mexico really be haunted?"