
Political Change Quotes

There are 1215 quotes

"A change in Russia's government could bring peace."
"Over and over again, the American people rise up and say the direction we're going doesn't make sense; we want change."
"Political change often doesn't happen until one generation dies out and those loyalties begin to fade."
"A rising tide of independent voters sweeping the nation is reshaping the political landscape."
"They thought it was going to be political business as usual, and it is now abundantly clear all bets are off."
"If enough people turned up to vote... there's a very real chance of swinging the state in a different way."
"To win and to govern, we need to bring new voices to our capital. We need to get Washington starting to work more like our best-run cities and towns rather than the other way around."
"If young people voted, the composition of Congress would be way different."
"The fall of the Berlin Wall was an iconic moment, symbolizing German reunification."
"Unless we change the politics by changing the leader, we are stuck in this terrible state of underdevelopment."
"Every now and then something happens that completely scrambles everything that you thought you knew about politics, something that brings the bigger picture into focus."
"This is no longer about the state; this is about trying to create a new political imagination of what comes after the Islamic Republic."
"Our world is shaped by our cuisine. What started the American Revolution was a tax on tea. What helped start and spark the Indian independence fight was a tax on salt and Gandhi's march to the sea to create salt."
"The expulsion of Russian soldiers from Belarus was a strong assertion of the nation's sovereignty."
"The rise of the left will probably come hand-in-hand with the deconstruction of the existing social contract."
"The story then takes us 5 years later, and the new rulers have renamed the Empire to the kingdom of Adisa."
"There is nothing the right loves more than ex-liberals or ex-leftists being brought over."
"Doing the same thing, keeping the same party, same people in power, and expecting it to be different is insanity."
"I am confident that this time next year, we will have a president who provides this country with real leadership, not just tweets."
"The vote for Trump and the vote for Brexit signify is just a sense of exhaustion with the old establishment."
"People are ready for a political revolution."
"President Macron has engineered the fall, the dismissal rather, the forced resignation of his Prime Minister and seems to be trying in some way to reconstitute the French government."
"Peter Obi has changed the face of politics in Nigeria, utilizing his massive youth following known as the 'Obedients,' a movement that is seeking a new wave of good governance to disrupt the old order."
"Xi Jinping has changed China. The China of 2014 is vastly different from the China of 2022."
"How did we go from a country that couldn't even admit that we were socialist... to now people coming out and saying capitalism is over?"
"Constitutional monarchies have been recalibrating themselves in recent years. They have gone from being rulers to servants."
"British rule in Ireland is probably in its death throes. The only question is how expensive they are going to make the funeral."
"The German Chancellor gave a stunning speech that he basically repudiated everything that Germany has stood for for 30 years."
"The purpose of satire is more or less to make a moral or political change in the wider world."
"The political landscape in Canada has changed forever. The Conservative Party of Canada is now bold and, I might even add, a little bit aggressive."
"What will it take for the CCP to end the genocide?... It would take regime change."
"Courageous idealism, optimism, and enthusiasm could bring about substantive political change."
"Sultan Abdulaziz, who ordered the rifles to be purchased in the first place, was actually deposed by his ministers in 1876."
"For me, in this journey, it will take some measure of people who didn't grow up in professional politics to change that game."
"We need a clean start. We're facing problems abroad and at home. It's time for change. I'm ready to serve. I'm ready to lead." - Tom Tugendhat
"In Colombia, Gustavo Petro, the country's first leftist president, was sworn into office on Sunday, promising to fight inequality and bring peace to a country haunted by feuds between the government, drug traffickers, and rebel groups."
"I think Bernie is needed because with something as radical as Trump, the answer that we need is someone to take that and revolutionize it in the other direction, not just go back to the status quo that led us to Trump in the first place."
"I think politically that they realized it's time; there's going to be a black president."
"We're going to replace the hurt he has caused with the hope Canadians need."
"For a long time, it was naivete; it was just, 'You can make money. We can all make money. We can get rich together. China will change.' Clearly, the opposite has happened. China is not only not changing, but they are changing us."
"In a largely bloodless seizure of power, the leaders of the coup made it clear that their intention wasn’t to seize power themselves, but to remove Mugabe."
"We require real change in American politics."
"America needs a new direction. We cannot be satisfied with what we've been doing for the last eight years."
"It's been a seismic time in British politics, probably the most seismic time in British politics since 1945."
"We have arrived at the day we hoped for, after four years of dealing with what we have all been dealing with, we have new opportunities to really follow through on a commitment to racial justice, social justice, equity, equality, fairness."
"After Juneteenth, the Reconstruction era began, where formerly enslaved Blacks immediately became politicians."
"The collapse of the neoliberal order...gives us an opportunity to throw off the chains of working-class people everywhere."
"The communications miracle means that politics is going to change forever. The old elites are dying, and new elites haven't been born yet to take their places. This is a time of chaos."
"What was politically unthinkable years ago is now the main talking point."
"If you want to restore the Bill of Rights as our centerpiece, it's going to take radicals because it's gone."
"I think the country wants a change. They want a fresh start and a New Direction."
"Without a spiritual awakening, there can be no meaningful political or sociological change."
"We need a psychological revolution. We need scientists in public office, in the White House, and in Congress."
"The world is more democratic than at any time before... a greater share of humanity lives under a democratic regime."
"The ideas that I introduced four years ago... today they're kind of mainstream ideas."
"We're not going back; we're going to create a whole new system of politics, economics, and social life."
"The establishment parties are shrinking and becoming weaker and the parties on the fringes are growing and becoming stronger."
"A revolution...will put an end to all these shenanigans and serve as a standing lesson against those who have put Nigeria in the condition that it is today."
"The death of the Sultan sent shockwaves throughout not just the desert but the whole world."
"The greatest thing that Nixon did was when he resigned."
"We're not seeing the shifting of the political winds yet, but you're seeing a shifting of the Winds on the public sentiment."
"Most people imagine political change coming at the expense of great violence, but I don't believe that's necessary or desirable."
"I've seen countries where there's a change in government and they just sh [__] can everybody, bring in an entire new intel service. That's politically bound to whatever administrations come in. That is a disaster. That you definitely don't want."
"The principles here have not changed, it's that the Republican Party has changed."
"We need to have a new set of property relations, and that is absolutely the kernel beneath the changes in the political system in the United States."
"It used to be the Democratic party... there's no worker who's left out... What's missing from this picture? Us."
"Remember everything, but if people don't primary the establishment, it'll all be for nothing."
"This is radical and it's a shift from literally any previous administration in US history."
"Our modern-day Berlin Wall is destined to fall, and there is nothing our corrupt, decrepit ruling elite can do to stop it."
"The ruling Elite can do whatever they want to try to thwart it but this Berlin Wall is coming down."
"People need to demand genuine political change."
"The last political noblesse in Europe collapsed under the popular instincts of ressentiment."
"It's a red dynasty ending epidemic already happening in front of Chinese people's face."
"Now North Korea cannot change like China. It must happen progressively, slowly."
"Finally, on the 12th of September 1974, forty-four years after he first became emperor, and nearly six decades since his accession to a position of pre-eminence in Ethiopian politics, the Derg deposed Emperor Haile Selassie."
"There's also a shift in the suburbs, and it's moving against the conservative."
"I think there's an expectation that there will be change in November and if there isn't, all hell could break loose over time."
"Tonight we are a step closer to restoring decency, dignity, and honor to the White House."
"We have to break out of this idea that we can create systemic change within a particular election cycle."
"We need an Elon Musk in Congress; someone who's willing to stake $40 billion to do something."
"We're going to change the trajectory of this commonwealth."
"This Congress is a lot different than others."
"This could lead to part of the newly formed country succeeding and joining Canada as a new territory."
"The left has moved significantly more radical over time."
"Your vote means everything to me. It means everything to making a change in this country."
"We have to remove the political leadership that currently exists."
"We need to have a generational shift in the United States Congress."
"It is time for a change in America and I will bring that change to the greatest nation on God's green earth."
"Young people rise up, take back your country for good."
"The electorate is so calcified that we're not going to see the big shift that we think we're going to see."
"I want to actually make sure that individuals get elected to implement that change."
"This left-wing Cultural Revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution."
"Fear not, good sir! Argentina elects anarcho-capitalist Javier Mle as president today."
"The revolutionaries are now in charge. Someone has to stop this, and first and foremost, that means the liberal establishment."
"People power public interest can defeat vested interest this genuinely is a watershed moment."
"Are you unhappy with where America is headed? I am, and if you are as well, then I'm the candidate for change."
"Lula's popularity tied to the desire to remove Bolsonaro."
"But remember this -- I never suggested that change would be easy, or that I could do it alone."
"This is not the Republican party of my childhood or yours."
"We're going to get single-payer, and I don't think it's going to take too long."
"The goal is to get the people in our country angry enough that they start demanding our leaders take this crisis more seriously."
"In one week, you can turn the page on policies that have put greed near responsibility of Wall Street."
"Experts predict that with the fall of this dictatorship, Russia will get a reformist and peaceful leader committed to democratic principles."
"The only way that a Russian government changes course is when it collapses."
"Nothing real will happen unless we have a political revolution."
"The party of my grandfather turned against the very people it professed to represent."
"This could very well be the beginning of the end of the deep state."
"This is the opening the door to defund the police completely."
"To all the young people who are here today, your generation now has more power than anybody to change things."
"But you know, there are things getting done and there is a way to change things, and the people you elect do care about getting re-elected, and they want your vote and if they know that you care about stuff, they will change things."
"Leftists on their own can't change the course of history... liberals can."
"The choice is clear pick somebody who's actually built businesses and employed people he will be so different for America."
"The president came out appalled. They just have no idea of how... it's changed over time."
"The taliban triumphant, declaring the restoration of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan."
"That's the only way to put an end to the Donald Trumps, the Ron DeSantis's, the Josh Hawley's, you know, the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the world."
"The American people need more than change as a slogan; we need change that makes a real difference in your life."
"I said I wouldn't vote for Trump in 2016. I'm gonna vote for him in 2020."
"Maybe that will inspire a bunch of non-traditional republicans to iran probably like you to be like America first let's fix this country let's do better."
"There's a real shift and a real opportunity for someone, anyone, willing to step up and do something to defeat Trump."
"The power to change the country is in your hands."
"It seems as soon as Donald Trump came into the picture, a lot of these people suddenly lost any ability to be reasonable."
"Even if Trump did lose fair and square, something has to be changed here."
"In order to restore the Second Amendment in the state of California we could change this state in in two election cycles"
"The Reichstag fire shows how quickly a modern Republic can be transformed into an authoritarian regime."
"We want every nation to look up to us like they are right now. We were not a respected nation just a few years ago. Our country is respected again by everybody."
"America needs to change the way we're doing things. Doesn't work anymore, so we need a new vision, we need a fresh approach."
"It's not fair for the people of this country that pay taxes, have citizenship, and have voting rights to subsidize anybody from around the world."
"I feel like the snowball's rolling down the hill at that point, you know you can take DeSantis to take up the torch if you want but unfortunately I think we're going to need some kind of reconstruction tier social realignment to really fix this."
"All you protesters, you've accomplished an awful lot already. You know, the conservative leadership has crumbled and Aaron O'Toole has been replaced by someone who is giving a fair bit of voice to your concerns."
"Asks for personal change which would lead to political change."
"This is the beginning of the end of Putin's system."
"Find the groundswell to create the movement that creates the liberal renewer if you will the politician that brings back liberal values for the 21st century."
"What they want to create is a military that is loyal to the new regime, that is loyal to the new socialist America."
"Tonight an improbable hope became an undeniable reality."
"Get Republicans out of office I think it'll make a big difference if you want to vote for progresses knock yourselves out but man uh get Republicans out of office."
"The most important political development of recent years is... we are significantly changing the conversation and the American people are now beginning to say yeah why should we be the only major country on earth not to guarantee healthcare to all."
"I think what we want to do is get under his presidency and lift him out of it."
"Change that to where the conservative movement is actually preserving something rather than just being against whatever."
"Honor and integrity will replace conspiracy and fascism."
"BrExit was an earthquake in the British political system."
"By liz cheney losing by 40 points our nation has gained a new birth of freedom away from neocon war mongers"
"That's not where the Republican Party should be and that change matters."
"The real key change here is that the Democrats have taken over the Senate and they now have the House, the Senate, and the presidency."
"Governments are incredibly brittle, just like we saw with the Soviet Union or the Eastern Bloc."
"The world is basically done with the permanent political class."
"Enough incompetence, deceit, corruption, division. Change has come to Georgia, change is coming to America."
"A constituency that is losing hope and looking for change."
"Thanks to you, we now have a three-party system."
"Nothing is more powerful than millions of voices calling for change, and the ideas he's championed, the energy and enthusiasm he inspired, especially in young people, will be critical in moving America in a direction of progress and hope."
"Dollarization is equal to de-radicalization and de-communism."
"Isn't it extraordinary how politics realigns?"
"This plan is likely increasing in pace because in 2020 Sandu won Moldova's presidential election against the pro-Russian incumbent."
"When you look at those differences, it's no wonder that the American people want a change in leadership."
"Significant change must come to Russia lest it collapse into another civil something."
"Revolution is the overthrow of one class by another class and the subsequent suppression of the overthrown class." - Caption
"Women of color kicked out the most sexist racist misogynistic president."
"libs were the party of the 99 now they're run by the one percent"
"We're a laughing stock all over the world. We're going to get that changed very quickly."
"We have to vote for the guy that we think will win because only then he'll be able to make some changes."
"The majority of Americans are for universal basic income now... Those numbers were not that high when I was running for president."
"If you end Christian nationalism, you'll see progress on every one of those issues."
"The future of the Republican Party is the party that Trump made it into."
"This cycle will eventually break when the people of Pakistan decide they want a constitutional democracy."
"If the Republican party is not going to solve the problems, then you're probably right, we may need an opposition party." - Marjorie Taylor Green
"Direct debt cancellation is an incredible 180 from neoliberalism."
"Getting rid of Trump is the beginning, not the end."
"This is going to be a total and complete wave election."
"People are looking for someone else who can be that culture warrior without all the Trump baggage."
"If this was the case, Cuba might become a place with the rule of law, civil rights, and many opportunities to help Cubans make money and lift themselves out of poverty."
"We are coming to change things and we are winning."
"For every movement that was anti-science, for every movement that has sought change through politics or through an election, there have been just about as many who have said man not sure if this is the way forward."
"There's never been a movement like this there's never been and I'll tell you maybe I'm wrong but this is bigger than it was in 2016."
"Abolish the monarchy, cut off their heads immediately, viva la republique!"
"I feel like my party, the party I love that my parents grew up in, that I grew up in has changed and I want to try to change it back to the way it was before."
"Socialism, which in communist vocabulary is the primary stage of communism, was once viewed with scorn by most Americans; today it's different."
"Autocracies are far more fragile than they appear and when the tide turns it always turns very quickly."
"We're going to throw every last one of these crooked Democrats out of office so we can make America great again."
"They hadn’t restored the Ming dynasty perhaps, but the Manchus had been overthrown, and native Han rule had returned to China."
"He was shaking the system, challenging the bureaucracy."
"If they convince him and he steps down... reforms instead of revolution are always possible."
"What happens over the next few days could alter Ukraine’s political trajectory forever."
"There shall be a fracturing of leadership in China," the Lord declares. "And a public fatal financial blow to the red dragon."
"Multilateralism is back, that diplomacy is back."
"Socialist Pedro Castillo was sworn in as president yesterday, marking a massive victory for leftist politics in the region."
"Decolonisation is the process of unsetting colonial power structures."
"Africa is on the road to Independence and making its own changes."
"Maybe he actually has changed his political takes, it's simply that he's had more of a political Awakening."
"This totalitarian socialist government will soon be superseded."
"The prospect of turning Texas blue is like I never even dare to dream the dream in our lifetime and the fact that it is possible it's within reach is kind of outstanding."
"Perhaps we shouldn't be wondering how to topple this regime but rather how to make the people in it richer."
"There's a revolution of righteousness happening worldwide. Trump and God's prophets play a central role in this. The political landscape is changing, and God has anointed Trump to be in the middle of it."
"Change doesn't come from Washington, change comes to Washington."
"It's a way to create the political capital to change the laws."
"I feel like back in the day, there was some conceptual component to politics, now it's concrete-bound, emotion-driven."
"I think that's going to change American politics forever."
"Brexit was a step in the right direction because it was a move away from centralization to decentralization."
"The left wants to fundamentally transform America."
"Democrats flipped a state house seat in Florida that Ronda santis in that District won by 11."
"There is very little time left for Vladimir Putin to lose power."
"The American people know that they are not better off than they were four years ago."