
Referrals Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Always give something extra...the category that I showered them with small gifts, they gave me so many referrals."
"The best way to get clients is inbound and referrals."
"I've linked you guys to Sam Ash, I've linked you to AMS, I've linked you Sweetwater, I've sent you guys to Reverb, I've sent you guys to Amazon, I've sent you guys to mom and pop stores."
"Instead of waiting for referrals, be proactive and specific about what you want."
"A referral is the most effective way to sign up a client."
"Just by giving that referral to do so, you could be earning more rewards."
"Make sure if you sign up for a new prize picks account, use the referral code 'headliner.'"
"Successful customers refer successful customers refer even when they're not trying to because the people around them their peers say wow you're doing great you're so successful what did you do"
"The referral close... You should never leave a prospect or a purchaser without at least two referrals."
"The number one way we get clients is referrals."
"When you have TransferGo, you can always refer a friend."
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy, you just tell people what you do consistently and then you're going to get referrals."
"You just never know who's a contractor. You just never know who does house stuff. Ask around."
"I'd rather struggle just a little bit longer to find the right person to work with because when I found the right people to work with even if I made a little less money what they did is they told five people about me or 10 people about me."
"The majority of your clients are going to come from referrals."
"If you have great relationships and happy clients, you will always get referrals for your business, and when you get referrals, you literally do not have to sell."
"The best thing you can possibly do are obviously referrals."
"For me, it started through referrals. That's how I found the opportunity to do social media for the dental office I was working for."
"Referrals are something that all guys are going to have. When you're delivering a good service for your clients, you're going to get referrals."
"Use referrals if you have a good service and you're providing good results."
"The power of referrals of somebody saying hey, you know, I heard somebody say they were talking about selling this and I know you buy real estate and making that connection."
"I'm proud of what's happening. We're seeing a lot of referrals. It's going really well."
"Unlock staking and earn by referring friends."
"Number one, get an internal referral, use your network, get an internal referral to the company that you are applying for so that way someone actually looks at your resume."
"Every good job I've ever had has come from a lead that a friend has given me."
"What is the number one key to getting referrals? It's be referable."
"The highest form of a compliment is a referral."
"You want to master the art of asking for referrals. You need referrals then you have to master asking for referrals."
"Word of mouth and repeat business is probably like the biggest chunk of how I get projects."
"Referrals and networking will get you a long way."
"Referrals are another thing. Refer your friends to lucrative jobs and they will love you forever."
"The most mature and healthy businesses in construction are getting a good amount of their new customers or their new jobs from repeat business and referrals."
"You want to get to the point where about 50% of your customers are coming from referral, and that means you're doing genuinely good work."
"You need to make sure that you have a service that's worthy of being referred to."
"When you do get referrals from your clients, you need to thank them."
"The real game changer was referrals."
"If you get somebody who's a good test participant, ask them if they can recommend anybody else."
"Build a reputation. Treat people well, and they'll refer you to others. - Dylan"
"If you do a couple really good deals in your area and you take care of people pretty soon the word will spread that you buy Collections and you're going to get Word of Mouth deals more than you expect."
"Referrals are very, very key in getting interviews."
"They also know they're getting something out of it too they know that you despite all the getting yelled at and you're going to give them something legit with which is you're going to fix a business that probably needs a lot of work"
"A referral, every single time, I'll take a referral over any other way to get a customer because very strong point with referrals is you're already vetted."
"The fourth thing a business development manager does is he or she generates referrals."
"There is nothing better than getting additional clients through one of your clients selling your service or your product."
"Who do you know that I should know?"
"Seeking proper referrals is important."
"Real estate is a bit of a competitive space, but here in El Paso, I see it all the time. Free referral right from him."
"The most important thing is networking because they can give you referrals to companies."
"I do it with the hopes of other realtors connecting with me and sending me referrals."
"As long as you do everything that you're supposed to do business-wise and customer service wise, they will refer you to others, I can promise you that."
"...the best way to get your foot through the door is by far through the referral."
"If you're an insurance agent and I'm a regular agent, and you send me referrals, then I can only give you back referrals. I cannot pay you at all unless you're registered."
"Referrals build connections: 'I'm definitely on the top of her referral list.'"
"These are the places where we've sent referrals and done business and picked really quality people."
"The boys are proud of the job we do, a lot of our new customers are referred to us."
"After I sell, people feel good about what they bought and about themselves, and so they give me invaluable referrals."
"The best way to ever get your resume seen at any company possible is to get referred."
"It's life-changing, these are the most satisfying pieces to give people and bring in tons of referrals because it's just life-changing."
"Discuss the need for termination and the client's preferences about referrals."
"You build that rapport, and then the rest falls into place through referrals and all those other things."
"Look for referrals from people you respect in the real estate industry; that is the biggest key when it comes to referrals."
"We did great work, and everything was referral."
"Once they're happy with the product, they're also going to not only turn into repeat customers but also refer their friends and their family to buy from you."
"Referrals are also going to be a key focus for 2023."
"Never underestimate the power of a good referral."
"If you always give people the right solution for their situation, they're going to refer their family, their friends."
"100% of my business comes from referrals... it's passion for people. I love talking to people, understanding them, listening to them."
"Exceptional customer service... that stuff matters, people watch that, and then they'll make referrals based on how good and effective you are with running your business."
"I really appreciate the referrals; it's totally awesome."
"By far and away my largest source of new clients is referrals."
"Networking is the key, referrals are the way to go."
"You're going to get more referrals for your use of ultrasound and you're going to have much higher patient satisfaction."
"Coco for Cannabis grow light testing is unsponsored and impartial. We do not get paid for testing lights, but we do earn referrals when you use our discount codes."
"I really want you to focus on the quality of work because we're trying to build a business based on referrals."
"One amazing customer could get 10 more amazing customers just from one positive review."
"Word of mouth is the best types of referrals."
"Service delivery that is so good, it makes people refer clients to you."
"Just do the right thing, treat people like you want to be treated, and the referrals will come."
"You're going to really maximize your referrals."
"92% of consumers turn to people they know for referrals before they turn to any other type of sources."
"Referrals are a huge way so spouses, friends, you can refer each other."
"We are able to provide referrals anywhere in the world for therapists that can help."
"I love referrals versus... I like to know somebody that you know or have used."
"If you invest the hard work and making contacts, making relationships, doing really great work for the people who are hiring you, then that turns into referrals."
"If people like you, trust you, and want to listen to you, they'll refer people to you."
"91% of customers say they would give a referral if the salesperson asked, but only 11% of salespeople ask for referrals."
"It's amazing how when they speak to each other, it's an instant referral."
"I always give new potential clients three referrals."
"For those who still refer us, thank you very much."
"A successful onboarding process will also leave them wanting to rave about their experience with your services and products."
"Let your past client know that you're open to and you appreciate referrals."
"You never know who is going to be a solid referral for you or not."
"I've never had a client refuse to send referrals when I've exceeded their expectations."
"We would prefer to do most of our business by referral or people that we know, like, trust, and respect."
"She may start referring people to your team. There's so many different outcomes that this one appointment can create for you, and they're all valuable."
"How can I generate more referrals and more direct transactions from my sphere, from my database, from my farm, from every place that I'm marketing?"
"Good customer satisfaction equals referrals."
"Word of mouth and referrals are honestly one of the best ways for you to grow your company."
"Once you start doing a good job, they'll start telling their friends and family, and then boom, you'll start getting referrals."
"Best clients always come from referrals, and second best come from reading Tax-Free Wealth because they have context before they get here."
"The best and the fastest way is not so much sending your resumes but it's like having a network of friends who know you, trust you to feel comfortable referring you to that company."
"Remember, once you build that small clientele, you can get referrals."
"Referrals are still and will always be number one."
"Word of mouth referrals... if you know anyone in the city that you are buying in, if they have worked with a real estate agent, the best thing to do is just ask."
"A referral is strong... it's gonna go a long way."
"If you're doing good work, you're just gonna get a bunch of referrals."
"Increase your income simply by referring as many publishers as you can."
"Referrals are hard, so you need a strong value prop."
"Recurring commissions mean that you just need to refer someone once, and if they keep using the software, you will still keep on earning passive income."