
Awe-inspiring Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Based on this crazy natural phenomenon known as volcanic lightning... this stuff is absolutely wild looking."
"Earth is not just a rock flying through space; it's part of a grand scheme, a web of cosmic movements both intricate and awe-inspiring."
"Watching life come onto this earth, it is a moment that I just can't even explain. It's incredible."
"From the glorious glittering cities of Europe... utterly breathtaking."
"The entire process was mind-blowing and truly an honour to witness."
"Awe-inspiring... ushered in a new level of quality."
"Literally breathtaking, it was so incredibly magical and beautiful."
"Brachiosaurus, the majestic giant of prehistoric times, captured our awe once again."
"The plume of ash and steam is a monstrous Marvel to behold."
"Volcanic lightning storms... an absolutely amazing event that shocks every human when you see it for the first time."
"Slade's presence throughout the series is plain and simple, yet simultaneously fundamentally awe-inspiring."
"Rocket launch was a freaking amazing, I'm still so stunned at how insane that was."
"Breathtaking means it literally takes my breath away. It is so large, because the area is tall and so beautiful that it almost stops you from breathing."
"Truly an awe-inspiring and fun-filled event for the whole family."
"Just like an incredible awe-inspiring match."
"Pulling this off in 50 hours it's mind-blowing."
"The sheer scope of these expeditions is mind-blowing."
"It must have been an awe inspiring site for pilgrims making the trip out to the chapel across the water."
"Look at this gigantic Cathedral tank, it's the coolest goddamn thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"You'll be amazed at these human/sea creature encounters."
"There's something cinematic and biblical and just freaking awesome about that."
"Nature can be incredibly weird but incredible."
"Nothing elicits true awe like breaking the laws of physics."
"Imagine looking on the horizon and sunrise is half the sky."
"Captured truly awe-inspiring footage of our Earth's mesmerizing Beauty."
"This is one of the most incredible things I think I've ever seen in a video game."
"And coming out of hyperspace, and being greeted with that view never fails to impress."
"Nature has wowed people... organisms that walk around our planet."
"Science actually shows us these stories that are so much more awe-inspiring and breathtaking than anything we could possibly come up with."
"But of course, the reality is more amazing and more awe-inspiring than anything we could come up with."
"I was in the presence of the most intelligent and powerful force in this universe and beyond."
"One cannot help but be in awe when they contemplate the mysteries of eternity."
"The huge expanse of the universe blows my mind."
"Look at this scenery right now, it's so beautiful."
"The ocean is a beautiful place and there is no doubt we are in complete awe. What an amazing life happens down there. It's like a whole different planet existing on its own."
"Of all weapons in the artillery arsenal, perhaps none is more awe-inspiring than the big gun."
"I also like when space games handle the size and scale of ships and planets to inspire ah I imagine a giant ship were driving into the player's field of view and feeling so small in comparison."
"There's something awe-inspiring and terrifying when you see a group of disciplined soldiers."
"The most powerful thing I've ever really witnessed."
"The genius of the balance that is struck all throughout the Universe will leave you in Wonder and in awe."
"Fire raining down from above, it's gorgeous."
"This is without doubt the most beautiful stunning room I've ever been privileged enough to stay in, it's absolutely incredible really gorgeous."
"If you have one word to describe what you're seeing right now, what would it be? Spectacular."
"Sit back, because this video will literally leave you speechless."
"Oh my gosh, that was insane. I can't believe I am now among the thousands and thousands of people who have seen Old Faithful erupt."
"This is absolutely fantastic and incredibly, it doesn't stop here."
"The walls are monumental and imposing, but also subtle in detail and majestic in appearance."
"It's an incredible experience, something I'll never forget."
"That's an incredible end of this Trail. I feel like it doesn't even look real when you're looking down there."
"witnessing it is a profound experience no matter who you are or where you come from"
"From start to finish, makes for an awe inspiring 105 minute window into a world's long gone."
"The Parthenon is an awe-inspiring remnant of antiquity and one of the world's most iconic landmarks."
"Pando isn't just a tree, it's a behemoth of Epic Proportions, a colossal Quaking Aspen with a secret that will leave you trembling with awe."
"After years and years of watching documentaries about the Galapagos, it felt awe-inspiring to be here firsthand and see the interactions between all these birds."
"This view is just something else."
"The atomic breath...wow, it's just epic."
"This is just truly, I think, astonishing."
"An awe-inspiring display of prehistoric artistry."
"There's just something amazing about it."
"If you're up here on a clear day, the views are awe-inspiring."
"The beauty of the American landscape was genuinely awe-inspiring, and I was filled with a sense of adventure."
"It's just a truly awe-inspiring transformation."
"Just truly something out of a fantasy film."
"So I'd say this as a dreadful but actually awe-inspiring opportunity."
"There are shots in this film that are so jawdropping that it's hard to even say in words what it what it is."
"And nothing else quite matches it."
"The view of the canyon the first time you see it is awe-inspiring and hiking into the canyon is vital."
"...the atmosphere of the songs, I'm just blown away. I thought it was really incredible."
"Hold on to your curiosity and let yourself become awe-inspired."
"The results are quite goosebump-inducing."
"It may just be a shadow of its former self, but somehow the skeleton of Fountains Abbey that's left behind is every bit as awe-inspiring as that that was built over 800 years ago."
"I just love this part. The reveal is so epic and awe-inspiring."
"...this building is incredible though it's absolutely massive..."
"Encountering a pit mine: a breathtaking sight."
"Absolutely spectacular, words cannot describe."
"Absolutely mind-blowing. The Greatest Story Ever Told."
"Galactus is so unbelievably mind-meltingly powerful."
"It would be a procession and everyone who saw it, they would get blood chills up and down their spine."
"It's an incredible story to say the least."
"This made the judges speechless. This is so cool."
"I just, I cannot imagine the strength of it."
"That's like watching vert, it's impressive in person."
"How extraordinary! This is just at eight. People never seen anything like it here. We've seen a lot of things, but that's a whole different league of wow!"
"It was as if all the legends and stories had come to life in front of us."
"That was like, you know the heavens, clouds opened up and the angels were singing to us."
"This thing is massive, it's just all inspiring."
"...that's how I felt when I saw the Undertaker coming at me like it was similar to my feeling of seeing the bald eagle with the similar wingspan. It was really awe-inspiring."
"Just to look around this foyer is just like mind blowing."
"Knowledge left his entire system in awe."
"This is truly one of the most amazing things."
"It's that moment that makes it, I hate to use this term, don't get mad at me, people: magical. It's magical, like it's amazing."
"The most frightening and awe-inspiring thing I have ever witnessed."
"I cannot even convey how I think awestruck is the only word I could find."
"No picture, no video is going to do this justice. Sometimes you just have to put it down and just soak it in for a little bit. Look where you are. Look at this. Feel it."
"Ichibe's Bankai is one of the most incredible Bankai that we've ever seen."
"The coolest looking thing I've ever seen."
"I got to show you that I can do it and holy [ __ ] it's like you're sitting back listening in awe."
"But it's perhaps here, maybe more than ever I think, that you truly get a sense of Ichigo's power. You know, he appears on the field in a flash, like some kind of divine messenger or something just bursting onto the show."
"He was like watching a comet streak across the heavens."
"Egan's imagination of what Humanity looks like in the future is breathtaking."
"Arkuros stands at an impressive height of 12 feet, his gleaming golden armor and diamond-bladed long spear making him an awe-inspiring sight."
"That is just the coolest thing ever."
"This is one of those fires we just have to stop and look and go wow."
"This is going to catch everybody's attention; you pull in with your stuff, and they're going to be absolutely in awe."
"No photograph can ever describe the way it looks; it's really super."
"Absolutely epic, absolutely amazing, really doesn't get better than this, this is so, so cool."
"The scenery was just out of this world. You can't help but get out of the van and take it all in."
"The view from here absolutely feels like in a Jurassic Park or something like that."
"It's mind-blowing and it's absolutely beautiful at the same time."
"The beauty of the Alaskan wilderness is awe-inspiring and unparalleled."
"It was really mind-blowing, it was so incredible and fantastic."
"This is incredible, this is amazing, an amazing display piece."
"The Ministry of Magic set was insane... it was one of the only sets where even if you weren't filming on it, you went to see it because it was so big and just epic."
"It's been such a beautiful, awe-inspiring journey to watch these caterpillars grow."
"No matter how many times you see pictures of this on the internet, when you see it in real life, it literally blows your mind."
"There is nothing we can say on this show, no picture we take, no video we shoot, that can begin to really convey how truly awe-inspiring this destination is."
"This stunning beauty of this region is almost beyond description."
"The submerged natural wonder will blow your mind."
"Swimming with sharks is incredible; swimming with all water creatures is incredible."
"It's a mesmerizing experience that will leave both you and your kids in awe."
"We've just seen something unbelievably special."
"Absolutely beautiful, the power of nature in full force."
"The power of these animals quickly becomes clear."
"It was breathtaking and record-breaking."
"The word breathtaking has never been so appropriate."
"That's what a starlight is, it's like looking at the face of God."
"Simply out of this world, stunningly beautiful."
"It's truly, truly, truly magnificent."
"The weight of a warship lifting vertically into the air, it was just breathtaking."
"The coolest moment I've ever witnessed in my entire life."
"The sun rises in the mornings or the sun sets in the evenings, they are both spectacularly amazing."
"It's just mind-blowing when you think about it."
"It's stunning and it's exciting and it's a little bit scary as well."
"I felt like I was staring into the eyes of the universe."
"They are absolutely breathtaking."
"No pictures don't do this justice, this is just spectacular."
"Beautiful, heart-stopping, life-changing."
"It's only so often rarely that things come along that can make you say wow, this is one of those things that does it."
"Riding up to Lolo Pass is a unique, awe-inspiring experience."
"The ride across the Strait of Georgia was hard to put into words, really it was almost like magic."
"From the sea to sky, it's just absolutely breathtaking."
"Those Liopleurodon, awe-inspiring sea monsters, may be such a thrill to see them under the water."
"It is surely one of the most awe-inspiring animals ever to live."
"That tumbling was just out of this world."
"It's incredible what 150,000 cubic feet of water a second falling 192 ft can create."
"The greatest thing you've ever seen in the history of your life."
"It really takes your breath away; it's something special."
"The view from the waterfall is out of this world."
"A dust storm like nothing you have ever seen before," said Melina.
"The history and varied geography of this part of the British Isles offers a genuine wow factor."
"Allosaurus was surely one of the most spectacular animals ever to walk the Mesozoic Earth."
"The fireball consumed the entire sky."
"It's been mind-blowing, honestly."
"The Big Buddha... it's a lovely Buddha and you get a real sense of awe when you are there."
"It's spectacular, I don't really know how else to describe it except to put it that way."
"This is one of the most incredible sights that I think I've ever seen."
"I've never seen anything like it my entire life; it was almost like seeing a movie come to life."
"This everybody is quite possibly one of the most spectacular sunrises I've ever seen."
"It really truly is remarkable that this Arrangement is hollow on the inside; no one will ever know because we use the proper secrets and elements and principles of design to help create something that will make people stand back in awe."
"When you can leave people in awe, you can do just about anything you want with your life."
"It's breathtaking, it really is incredible."
"Incredible, the truest sense of the word."
"Just breathtaking in more than one sense of the word."
"Look at that view; it's breathtaking."
"It's like a spectacle of amazing."
"It's the moment that left millions of Americans in total awe."
"This figure, incomparably tall, spanned across countless galaxies and exuded dazzling golden light all over its body."
"...the pure awe of watching this amazing fish just casually going about its day..."
"Some truly eye-rubbing moments of awe, all laid out in front of us along Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way, beauty beyond comprehension."
"Absolutely unbelievable, that took my breath away."
"That's epic. It's not something we get to see every day and always nice to watch them."
"I'm just so in awe of the song, the vocal performance, the melody, the different textures in the voices."
"This has such an epic feel. Oh my God."
"It really is spectacular, somehow every single year it creates its own aura, its own character."
"It was breathtaking, I mean that it took my breath away."
"You amaze people, you leave them awestruck."
"An impressive demonstration of the incredible power of nature."
"What I saw and what I heard was so beyond description."
"Spaceship Earth truly understood the assignment and it is breathtaking, jaw-droppingly gorgeous."
"Isn't this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your entire life?"