
Moonlight Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"Moonlight is a reflection of sunlight that is cast onto the world during the darkness of night, showing that balance."
"Moonlight broke down several barriers, including at the Oscars where it won Best Picture."
"A graceful and airy costume to depict either the fairy of moonlight or the goddess of the night."
"Nice to be entertained by moonlight views of the bay and the beauty of these outstanding surroundings."
"Moonlight can play odd tricks upon the fancy, and suddenly it seemed to me that light came from the windows."
"The moon had appeared from behind the scuttling clouds, briefly lit up the scene."
"How beautiful she was in the misty moonlight."
"You smell like moonlight and early morning rain."
"In the shadow of the moon, she danced in the starlight."
"Nine massive deer with thick shaggy fur and jagged horns that gleam like metal in the cold moonlight."
"The pure moonlight can dispel any kind of magic."
"Funny how I'm appreciating the moonlight with a guy I was arguing with just yesterday."
"Just to be able to enjoy the nice breeze, the moonlight, and have some good old-fashioned conversation."
"the moonlit space without varying their course meanwhile croaking and jabbering"
"Symbolically, your person is being guided by the full moonlight."
"To me, it's the kind of Full Moon where you know you should be dancing around in the Moonlight."
"High beneath the Moonlight, self touch your hand in mine."
"A bright autumn moon provided a backdrop for a story of revenge."
"Somehow it's sinister in the moonlight, I always think."
"Then I saw something more: the moon made the night extraordinarily penetrable and showed me on the lawn a person, diminished by distance, who stood there motionless and as if fascinated, looking up to where I had appeared."
"It's not the Avengers. If sunlight is so deadly, why doesn't moonlight have the same effect?"
"...and they all rose up and danced and secret things were brought out of some hiding place and they played extraordinary games and danced round and round and round in the moonlight."
"When I came upon it in the ghastly stillness of unending sleep it looked at me, chilly from the rays of a cold moon amidst the desert’s heat."
"It's bright Moonlight. Look for yourself."
"The pirates were in the moonlight, going from normal composition to these like skeletons."
"The Moonlight was so bright that one could have read a newspaper."
"I vividly remember how the water dripped off its fingers shining in the moonlight."
"Moonlight can be different things to different people."
"Magic is the Moonlight on this lover's night."
"I stood musing whilst the moon cast queer reflections on the silent channel before me."
"Tonight, the moon only shines for us."
"The limbs of the creatures looked almost hollow against the background of the full moon."
"Moonlight is just very awesome to look at."
"And then when the moon rose and spilled silver over the water, Ryan carried Kelly down to the beach and they danced to the soft melody of the rolling waves."
"...the moonlight makes everything coated in ice and snow shine like diamonds."
"Moon was above here and you could just see all the moonlight across the ocean. It's quite magical."
"Underneath the moonlight, you're always on edge, listening and waiting for anything odd in the night."
"I pulled the kids out of the car and looked around. The moon was almost full and it illuminated everything around me."
"It was a calm, clear night, doused in moonlight."
"In the end, La La Land's undeniable charm and beauty make it the superior film, leaving Moonlight in its shadow."
"Moonlight... One of my favorite films of the past 10 years as well."
"It's a wonderful, can be a beautiful winter color, but can be a moonlight color."
"The scholar and his shadow the city appeared magnificent by moonlight."
"The moon lit the whole scene, the clarity was startling like sunlight through blue tinted glass."
"The lights you look so amazing is the Moonlight that makes me wonder why we separated or faded."
"Moonlight is something wonderful."
"The moment was not like a pure celebration of 'oh the movie that won because we loved the movie.' It was like 'oh dude, Moonlight beat La La Land because it was a whole mess up with the Oscars.'"
"The Moonlight cast an unearthly glow on the creature."
"But it will be super bright, it will be brighter than the full moon."
"The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the weathered rock facades of the pyramids, creating a haunting and mystical atmosphere that seemed to defy the passage of time."
"One night under the moon that lit up the sky, there lived an innocent boy named Setu Hudo."
"The night was fully lit, illuminated by the beautiful moon."
"When someone quotes the old poetic image about clouds gradually uncovering the moon, slowly loosen knot by knot the strings of your robe, like this."
"Oh, it's the moon, of course! Dear old moon, I'd forgotten it was a moonlight night tonight," cried George in delight.
"His blonde hair seemed to bathe in the moonlight, making him seem ethereal."
"The moonlight sparkled off the fine hairs of her bare shoulder."
"If I were to assume the kinds of lives Moonlight would give out, I'd imagine selflessness."
"The moon was full, casting an ethereal glow on the deserted streets."
"Sasuke spends a bit more time with Hinata, and during the moonlight, they share a kiss."
"The moon had come out over the canyon and was super bright."
"The shine of her already glowing eyes increases in intensity and the shafts of moonlight streaming through the overgrown rafters seem to brighten along with her gaze."
"The appearance of a full moon casts a spellbinding glow over your existence, turning ordinary moments into ones of sheer enchantment."
"Only the moon above the yard is romanticizing. It still shines on fallen blossoms for separated lovers."
"The night will come and she will hold your fear; it is in the darkness when the moon blazes."
"Did you ever see the moonlight on Lake Dugan in wintertime? It's a spectacle."
"It seems to change color in the Moonlight, which is quite interesting."
"She was made for moonlight, all silver and ebony, or moonlight was made for her," he thought.
"None of them seem to care, only enjoying the beauty of being alone, looking into each other's eyes, dancing under the moonlight."
"Under the light of the Moon, a sincere welcoming smile bloomed on Sun Chow's face."
"The pale moonlight wraps around me, holds me tight in its quiet grip."
"It's fun to drive at night, especially when you see the Moon. I just like driving at nighttime."
"He's howling at the moon, he's feeling his creativity is channeling it as bright."
"Isn't it romantic the way the moon beams d' water like this?"
"It's actually the refraction of every sunrise and sunset on the face of the Earth now shining onto the moon."
"It's amazing what you can do in moonlight."
"Have you ever been for a real Moonlight swim? One can swim in Moonlight."
"Beneath the moonlight, soft touch, your hand in mine, gets me every time."
"Wherever the moon struck the stones, they'd become a light."
"The bedroom was dark and the moonlight from the window lit up the center of the room."
"Wow, that was special. That was absolutely stunning with the moon right at the end."
"Nothing's more romantic than two lovers on a full moon."
"The pilots actually navigated by the light of the moon."
"The calm of the forest, the rustling of the gentle breeze through the leaves, the moonlight bobbing in and out of sight as it dances through the treetops to light the way for me."
"The moon could be after the sun is down, there's a little bit of glow from the sun left."
"He looked at me, smiled, and waved back. I still remember his expression in the moonlight."
"I'm standing in the moonlight with the most attractive woman on this ship."
"Ayla... it's Turkish originated meaning like moonlight halo."
"It's only on moonlight night that you can travel after dark, for that time the moon is like a silver coin illuminating the earth."
"I was going for a walk in the birch forest; the moon painted the frost bluish."
"The moonlight goes pretty far; it's pretty powerful, the light of the moon, especially when it's full like that."
"It was dark but the Moonlight gave pretty good vision."
"It's like when the moon is glimmering on the water, and you just feel so calm, so at peace."
"Under the shining moonlight, a lovely fairy Alula was born."
"A magical glowing moon that completes the magicalness of this mermaid painting."
"Your hair is like the moonlight reflected on the rippling waves."
"Those who have been to the tropics and to jungle places will not need to be told of the beauties of the moonlight over hillen valley."
"The hours wore on, the moon at the full had reached mid heaven, and the scene was as bright as day."
"It was one of those nights when the moon was so bright, a man had trouble getting to sleep."
"The moon shines its soft glow over everything around."
"The young May moon, she's beaming love."
"And a headstone outlined by the phosphorescent light of the moon is a bloodthirsty werewolf bearing its fangs."
"The darkness was broken when the moon peered out from the thick clouds."
"Once upon a time, a girl with moonlight in her eyes."
"It was a beautiful night, and a full moon lighted up the sky like the midday sun."
"The light of the full moon was able to shine through, illuminating the vibrant color spectrum hidden within the dark pool."
"It appeared that the ballroom was open to the sky, and an enormous moon far bigger and fuller than the real moon outside illuminated the room in silvery light."
"Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you"
"It's the light of the moon, the last moon of Autumn!"
"That's a big moon which is going to light up all the scene today."
"The moon was so bright that it almost seemed like daytime outside."
"I switched off the room lights and went to bed, the Moonlight coming from the balcony illuminated the room enough to see in the dark."
"The light is out, and there's a moon like a new penny pouring in over the fruit trees."
"The gleam of the full moon was spilling through the woodland trees, illuminating all it touched."
"The atmosphere seemed to be growing brighter, the moon, the light source, becoming more intense."
"The Moonlight brightened everything around them, allowing them to enjoy the mysterious light of the Divine Temple."
"The moon being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firmament of heaven."
"The moon seemed keen to join in on the subterfuge as well, soaring high above the village and casting deep pools of shadow."
"No matter where the Moon is in the sky... the Sun is always illuminating half of the Moon."
"Moonlight doesn't exist; it's just sunlight reflected off the moon like a giant mirror."
"He enjoyed travelling under the moonlight."
"The moon's nightly glow is caused by sunlight reflecting off its surface."
"The clouds were so lit up with the moon. It was beautiful man."
"One of the things I really love about this shot is that it has some moonlight hitting the mountains."
"Anything called moonlight is like right up my alley because I like the moon, I like silvery things."
"What a wonderful moonlit night," said Bill. "As light as day, almost."
"I love when the Moonlight is strong."
"His face would radiate as if it was part of the Moon."
"While there's a moon on high, while there's a bird to fly, you can be sure I love you."
"Under the shine of the Carolina moon, these lonely roads became their racetracks."
"If you ever remember me, so in the gentle light of moonlit nights, look at a star."
"Moonlight silvered her hair and touched her white throat and arms with a caress so gentle."
"Feel how soothing its light is as it peacefully floats above you, a cosmic wonder that makes you feel utterly connected to your deepest self."
"The ghost dances in the air under the light of the Moon."
"The bright moonlight will shine on their friendship."
"The thing then looked up at me, and I saw its face; it had a pure white face like a full moon, two burning red eyes, and a slight smile that was pure black."
"Your makeup is fabulous, like the moon."
"Fantasyland looks amazing in the moonlight."
"Looking up, I find the moon bright; dropping my head, in homesickness I'm drunk."
"The moonlight on the points of their lances as if a thousand willow wisps were coming down the ridge, wreathed in silver flame."
"It had all the qualities of a lucid dream, the moon rose full and bright over the towers and the pinnacles of Notre Dame Cathedral."
"The moon glowed in the night, and stars were twinkling."
"I love camping when the moon is bright."
"It reminded her of dancing with someone in the moonlight."
"Bathing in the moonlight is truly wonderful, but during the time with you, I realized that without you, the moonlight would not be beautiful."
"It was a clear night, and I'd felt that the light of the full moon above me was more than adequate to drive away the fears I normally had while walking in the dark."
"You can't fight the moonlight, it's smooth moving in the feeling you're giving me."
"Moonbows are a much rarer phenomenon than rainbows, caused by moonlight rather than direct sunlight."
"There was something about the stillness of the night, the way that the moonlight filtered through the trees, casting silvery shadows on the forest floor."
"The moon was bright, almost full, casting a soft ethereal glow over the park."
"The moon cast long, sinister shadows that seemed to dance in time with our racing hearts."
"The man who had beckoned now spoke a welcome to me in a soft language I seemed to know well, and the hours were filled with soft songs of the oarsmen as we glided away into the mysterious south, golden with the glow of that full, mellow moon."
"And I viewed by moonlight the sparkling sea, the crystal headlands, and the placid harbour wherein anchored the white ship."
"It looked almost translucent in the Moonlight."
"It was pitch blackout, but the moon was bright and glowing."
"The sky was lit up from the moon, and you could make out the peaks of Sleeping Ute Mountain in the distance."
"The moon coming through the slats in the jalousie threw black and white bars across the corner of the room next to his bed."
"No one grumbles when the moon shines. Everyone becomes happy and appreciates the moon in their own special way."
"It is great to see a little film like Moonlight be able to win Best Picture."
"It felt as if we were walking with the moon."
"The rays of the full moon hit Ricardis and Rosalind as he is kissing her hand and the dark energy starts dissipating from her."
"Drifting down a silver path of moonlight, and you're so beautiful."
"The moon followed you everywhere you go."
"Only the moon above the yard is romanticizing."
"It was kind of magical being under the stars and watching the moon."
"That night was no exception; the full moon was just breathtaking."
"They were so in love with each other that every night under the brilliant moonlight, the blooming couple would happily sing together."
"Dream, yes I am a dreamer, for a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight."
"Then the moon comes up in pallet splendor, tipping the hilltops and later the deep valleys with her luminous wand."
"I'm being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow."
"He's the one who made the Sun a radiant source and the moon a reflected light."
"Black silken hair reflecting the frosty moonlight, hands joined together, for our innumerable mortal lives."
"Climb up on the moon? Of course we did. All you had to do was row out to it in a boat."
"One last look at what's left of the sunset and there's the moon, shining down through my tent."
"Especially with the full moon, I spent more than a few hours just sitting at the window, watching the way the moonlight plays on the lake. It's enchanting."
"He realizes that she was trying to use the Moonlight to see the piece she was making and decides to help her."
"The moon shone down on the battlefield where a dying rebel lay."
"Moonlight poured into the room from a small window above, bathing her in a silver glow."
"It was a cool clear November night, the moon was almost full, and its bright silver light was a pretty contrast to the antique gaslights."
"The thing was so dark that it was nearly invisible, save for the glint of moonlight finding its edges."
"I never told you this, it's not really a story. One time, I woke up in the middle of the night because of this bright light in my face... it was the moon."
"The moon tonight is really super bright."
"I'm convinced it was the product of a subtle magic, the alchemy of moonlight."
"The moon shone bright through the clouds, its presence was like a spectral warning."
"During the growing night, the moon had emerged, exposing itself only partially, but that was all I required to make out the direction of the trail."
"The night was clear and cloudless, enabling the moon to illuminate the winding country road."
"The Frigid Alaskan Wilderness lay silent under the pale light of the full moon."
"The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter."
"The moon has risen high in the sky. Its light is rampaging through darkness."
"I kept looking up at the moon and I kept saying, you know these leaves... they were making the moonlight sparkle."
"The moonlight was really bright, probably the brightest I had ever seen."
"I love you and me dancing in the moonlight."
"The moon's soft glow is a testament to my promise of renewal."
"Did you ever get that feeling in the moonlight, that wonderful feeling that you want to be kissed?"
"The moon shone in all its splendor."
"When I sleep through the night, everything just feels right by the moonlight."
"I truly did love you," he whispered, staring up at the light from the moon's above reflecting in his eyes.
"The moon was already shining so bright and very friendly; it was perfect."
"Its fur looked all silver in the full moon... it almost looked like the moon was a spotlight trained on it."
"Occasionally the moon coming out to show off the waves, you know, you can just see glow in the dark crests on the waves."
"I felt warm under the glow of the moon, like someone's arms were wrapping around me."