
Supernatural Quotes

There are 7116 quotes

"A haunted bear skin rug... it haunts those that hunt Pokemon and will defend a Pokemon if it's targeted by a hunter."
"The more you chase the supernatural, the more it feels like it's chasing you."
"Pets, particularly dogs, are often thought to possess heightened sensitivity towards supernatural phenomena."
"An enormous unknown hand snatched one of their cameras and vanished into the darkness."
"If you moved into a creepy old house that turned out to be possessed by a demonic spirit, what would you do?"
"Whether or not dogs can actually sense spirits can't be proven by science, but what we do know is that our canine companions are naturally gifted with senses that are much more powerful than a human."
"Encantos are renowned for their ability to bestow gifts, blessings, and good fortune upon humans."
"The presence then appears in the room with them as Daniel screams and is dragged into the other world."
"What a good life that would be, a great life, to take a Ouija board to the Lizzie Borden house."
"We're at a point where we're bleeding into different dimensions. The CERN experiments have ruined time and space badly. Demons are everywhere, but now they're visible."
"Okay, so this, when charged, can summon the Grim Reaper at will. That's all we needed."
"Excellent quality plumbob-shaped gemstone worth 1,856 Simoleons can summon the Grim Reaper at will."
"Every single person in this house is actually becoming possessed; I'm the only one that's normal that's left."
"The violation theism proposes something other than the natural world. How do we test for, identify, or confirm something other than the natural world?"
"Science relies on methodological naturalism. It doesn't say the supernatural doesn't exist; it says we don't get to make appeals to that because we have no demonstration that it exists."
"I've never really put much stock in the concept of ghosts or the supernatural in general."
"The blood evoker is real, and he's really freaking terrifying."
"Hay Kimaru's mask fell off, and he regained his skin as lightning blasted in the distance."
"The big ghost held Doro once again, calling her mother."
"The Lord told them that it was the spirit of the nun, due to her sins she was locked out of heaven."
"We're literally experimenting to see whether we get possessed or not. It's a 50/50 chance."
"It's best to heed the warnings and steer clear of the real-life Conjuring house, leaving its mysteries undisturbed in the shadows where they belong."
"It sounded like it was saying my name. I swear."
"I got the impression that there was a man in there, a couple of people, because there was like a lot of weird voices."
"There's a person in that back corner, and he's angry and he's very tall."
"The individual instances of SCP-2372 are contained in separate proportionally reduced humanoid containment cells, with supervised interaction between instances being permitted contingent on good behavior."
"Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real?"
"I command you, corpse, reveal truth to the absolute."
"Through no work of our own, we have finally experienced the supernatural."
"When Radan arrested the movement of the stars, he halted Ranni's ability to act in accordance with her destiny."
"This ghost is so stupid; it's never going to catch me."
"Everyone hide, hide, hide! Oh my gosh, the ghost is coming."
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, the ghost is coming!"
"Oh my gosh, the ghost is coming, the ghost is coming!"
"The SCP Foundation is capable of quite a few incredible feats, from containing gods to restarting the world after an apocalypse."
"Standing ominously amidst the trees was a figure that sent shivers down his spine: The Grim Reaper."
"Could Luisa have imagined it was her late grandfather's voice, or did the grandfather somehow transfer his spirit to the parrot in order to save his precious granddaughter?"
"We're combining the supernatural or fantasy with some more explicit elements."
"Is the first supernatural romance Jane Eyre?"
"After an incredibly high summer followed by an incredibly cold winter, all of his cows died... then soon after that, he died in 1890 but is known to be one of the most popular ghosts here at the hotel."
"All of these reasons lead this place to have up to 90 spirits in the hotel."
"We are entering into a supernatural season of great suddenlies."
"Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural."
"Nothing happens without prayer. When God is about to do something supernatural, he will bring you to a higher level of prayer."
"Doppelgängers have the ability to transform into another person and impersonate them, but some are not too good at it and could generate imperfections."
"There's more to this world than one mind can fathom; whispers from beyond speak of secrets and power beyond mortal reckoning. It's all yours for the taking if you're willing to make a deal."
"The more you let in, the worse it gets. Please, you have to help us."
"We're not your friends. We don't belong here with you guys. We need to close the portal."
"I think I'm in the in-between, the place that exists between heaven and hell. I'm in their world now."
"1408 is more appropriately categorized as a psychological horror rather than just a supernatural one."
"Get ready to encounter new levels of intimacy with God, access the supernatural realm, and receive your healing, your miracle, your breakthrough."
"To operate in the supernatural is to operate in the atmosphere of the kingdom of God."
"The spiritual dominates, controls the physical. If you want to create change in your situation and in your life, you need to learn how to penetrate and go into the supernatural."
"God wants you to operate and walk in the supernatural dimension."
"In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. And when God pours His Spirit out people start speaking in these supernatural languages."
"Our universe spontaneously came into being from nothing, and it makes it plausible without supernatural shenanigans."
"Beloved, it is possible to live a supernatural life. In fact, there's no other Christian life to live."
"Everything about our lives as believers is absolutely supernatural."
"We live in the supernatural, and the world looks at us and they try to figure out, how are y'all doing this?"
"There exists another level for you to be able to live successful in the middle of the crazy. It's the supernatural."
"People who were wet and muddy from it raining all day all of a sudden were completely clean and dry."
"Your life goes from ordinary to supernatural, from adventure to adventure, glory to glory."
"Like a scene out of a horror movie, Perska walks into the kitchen and captures the figure of a little girl."
"An incredible supernatural story here, coming out of Canton, Georgia."
"This revelation of [Lilith] being in heaven... adds even more to this history surrounding her."
"Entities are otherworldly beings that humans have been encountering for thousands of years."
"Shadow people, or night terrors, torment their prey during nights when there is low visibility."
"The most unsettling aspect of this encounter was not her terrifying appearance but the eerie incantations she muttered as she walked by."
"Few things inspire fear like the unexplainable, the things that go bump in the night."
"There is a dimension which is occupied by beings more advanced than ourselves, whom we usually don't perceive, that we're not aware of, and yet what happens in that dimension impacts what happens in this dimension."
"It allows you to deal increased damage and makes it so yokai can't gain ki whatsoever."
"We need to keep our feet firmly on the ground when dealing with reports of paranormal and supernatural phenomena."
"Arya grabs him by the arm, and the two leave immediately, the woman flying off into the sky like it's a piece of cake."
"A miracle is a supernatural intervention that serves as a sign of God's revelation."
"Listen to me. The demons don't want you to come, so they sent you these visions. Get a grip; you're the only hope."
"No demon will bother you. He's forever trapped in the astral plane and can't get here."
"The boy's face seemed to go from young and peachy to old and wrinkled like a bag of flesh, this thing's mouth opened unhumanely wide and sprinted towards me."
"The dark voice said the usual things but this time something was different...as he drove down the road, the reality became distorted, the air around the vehicle began to flicker and spirits began to appear around the car."
"We have no good reason to believe that the supernatural is real; we have no way to test it."
"Every clock in the house is stuck at 3:33 AM, widely known as the devil's hour."
"It is not currently possible to demonstrate that the supernatural exists or that the supernatural interacts with reality."
"There is not sufficient evidence to warrant the belief or acceptance of any supernatural proposition."
"People said that the house was protected by a guardian angel."
"I never walked this Earth as a human." - The dark entity
"Some are quick to dismiss it as a glitch in the security system or a mere technological anomaly. However, others are more inclined to believe in the supernatural, suggesting that the strange figure caught on camera could be a ghost or spirit."
"I'd love to go somewhere and just like conjure up spirits and talk magic."
"This cabin was built on Native American soil, not just any Native American soil, a Native American burial ground."
"There's tons of activity throughout the video. I'm talking sounds, things flying across the room, doors slamming shut."
"Evidence of the supernatural would demonstrate the supernatural actually exists."
"They've been known to follow people around and to even help you complete tasks."
"Prayer results in the working of God in a supernatural, unexplainable way."
"In a clever move, Lock steps in, using an illusion to make the vampire think it's being strangled by the Demon Lord."
"The world isn't just what we can see with our eyes and hear with our ears, to touch with our hands. There are ghost stories, there are mysteries."
"I'm more enamored with the general setup. I absolutely love this idea of secret clandestine government agencies seeing to supernatural threats."
"We live in a supernatural world. People everywhere are looking for supernatural power."
"The barrier between life and death is no greater than the thickness of a door, and now the door is open."
"The church has affirmed on numerous occasions that apparitions of deceased saints as well as their messages are real."
"You don't get to prove the supernatural realm by asserting the impossibility of the contrary."
"I live in a very old haunted house; it was built in the '20s."
"The baby opened its eyes, blood-red, just red, no whites, no blacks, and screamed."
"Unlike other tabloids that focused on celebrity gossip, the World Weekly News was known for the outlandish, often supernatural or extraterrestrial-themed stories."
"Bunny Girl Senpai is a series that covers a variety of tales about a variety of characters, with a supernatural twist to make it interesting."
"I loved this perfect mix of realistic thriller crime stuff with the supernatural."
"Death in the name of death and go into eternity, that's like a Reaper off the supernatural show."
"I absolutely think that this will happen in the books, and that the only part of quote night's king the original night's king that survives to this day will be inside the weirwood net."
"Sometimes these corpses are found with prematurely white hair, hinting at the possibility that the victim suffered some terrible supernatural shock at the time of their deaths."
"This bloodthirsty demon jealously attacks women who have what she never will: children."
"The Banshee... a creature whose scream warns of imminent death."
"The sukuyant appears as an old woman who strips off her skin at night, transforming into a ball of light, which then enters the home of a victim and drinks their blood while they sleep."
"If you were a 12-year-old kid, how would you fight a big scary demon? Just and prayed up and maybe have a little holy water in a backpack."
"The dark shadow of the ghost slowly became apparent. It had a pale face with scary soulless eyes and chapped lips."
"Since the incident, many people had seen his ghost appear around the lake, resenting his lover for letting him die alone."
"There are lost principles in the supernatural that we don't know, we don't understand, and they're called above and beyond laws and principles of the supernatural."
"The mind cannot recall tongues because it's not something that you studied; it's a supernatural phenomenon."
"Out of this wood do not desire to go: Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no. And I will purge thy mortal grossness so that thou shalt like an airy spirit go."
"We have peered through the veil, seen the other side, and brought something back."
"Men are converted by a supernatural work of God that demonstrates more of the power of God than the very creation of the universe."
"The throne gifts those who sit upon it the ability not just to see forward in time but to see beyond time, to understand everything, to see what connects the reality, the truth of all things."
"It's a fun Campfire Story: a girl has a young boy fall in love with her, who he wants to be a Jack In The Box and surprise people. She doesn't reciprocate that love, so he dies in a car accident and then he comes back from the grave as a Jack In The Box one last time."
"He deduces all the supernatural activity as just fake mechanisms and speakers."
"Could the powers of the Ouija boards be more psychological than supernatural?"
"Our hero, D, the dhampir, is a half-vampire bounty hunter with a grudge against the demonic, a man whose powers are as many and varied as his past is steeped in mystery."
"Magic is the power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces."
"They operated as like heaven's black ops team... cleansing the world from evil with Hellfire."
"Painted by the artist William Johnson, the portrait of Henrietta Nelson is said to carry an otherworldly presence, imbued with the essence of its subject's tormented spirit."
"Just then the death wolf came from behind and thrusted itself at the Rock she was hiding behind which was basically it saying I'm no dumbass."
"The world was finally free from the plague of demons."
"An energy bender is capable of removing a person's bending permanently."
"Arriving at doing an exorcism should be at the end, not at the beginning."
"You better watch out, this demon is coming for you."
"His skin didn't cut... he couldn't be hurt from a punch."
"In the world of the SCP Foundation, it’s entirely possible you might wake up and find that everyone around you has died, or that the world’s been consumed by an evil, unseen force."
"Are you expecting the supernatural? Are you expecting God to speak to you in your dreams?"
"The film isn't really about the supernatural. It's about very human ideals and problems."
"I declare that your life will be a supernatural life now."
"Every subsequent subject claimed to see vivid hallucinations of Evelyn herself and even hear her voice at times."
"He's the bureaucratic skeptic in a world of monsters."
"That looks good, whether it was just an extremely well-timed photo or one that has actually managed to capture a spirit is a question that's difficult to answer."
"Renowned as the vilest evil and most terrifying demon in all existence."
"Their battle is only stopped after elizabeth manages to remove the origin."
"I survived the sinking of the Titanic not because I was quick to act, but because a dead woman tried to warn me. Francesca Boucher saved my life, and I'll never know how, nor will I be able to thank her."
"Agony can create its own dark entity and attach itself to objects."
"He promises her that he won't ever become a demon."
"He gains the upper hand and completely awakens his Tsukuya."
"Dude, if you want us to remove that doll, can you turn one of these candles off?"
"Miracles need no explanation, miracles need no argument."
"But what she experienced is one of the craziest scariest things I've ever heard."
"Moon Knight: firmly cemented in the realm of the supernatural."
"My father saw a [__] all right. This is real."
"Nothing is ever going to beat seeing that scene in the animation where the ghosts of the past fly out of the paintings."
"Levitation, knowing things outside of what you should be able to know, speaking ancient languages."
"You're dealing with creatures who have their own intelligence."
"The Lord created us to be capable of communicating with spirits and angels while still living in our bodies."
"If your intent is harmful, if you're trying to control others through voodoo or something like that for an evil purpose."
"Can I say my opinion? I reckon it's not a demon. I reckon it's a little girl."
"Is Sally a demon? Is Sally a little girl? Is the darker entity here that does attack people just a ghost?"
"Edward's like, 'Oh you hate cold wet things? Then I've got some bad news for you about the temperature and moisture level of my undead vampire (bleep).'"
"The orb sees all, like it literally has what you could argue to be Cosmic awareness."
"Each time you do this, go from one room through the mirror to the Next Room, you'll notice that the mirror will become more cracked and more imperfect."
"The banshee wail made our hackles rise, for this was without a doubt the spirit sound so many men talked and whispered about."
"To those that know this story, Still Cemetery in Kansas is better known as the doorway to Hell."
"It looks like a zombie but it's a ground ghost type zombie."
"God is supernatural. There is an unseen realm."
"Shoot for the stars, so he did. And he came back with some pretty awesome superpowers to boot."
"Jonathan wonders, was this some apparition or possibly a dead person?"
"It wasn't to manipulate me. It wasn't a trick. It's a place for those individuals who have powers but are effectively human."
"The air around the swing is always cold, no matter what the temperature is outside."
"Many believe that these creatures are shades of the underworld who return to sow fear among the living."
"Those who have viewed the video believed the creature is most likely a shadow person."
"Eerie and unsettling, repeated viewings do nothing to calm the nagging idea at the back of one's mind that whatever it is they're seeing is not quite natural."
"Indigos possess supernatural abilities, they are spiritual leaders on this planet."
"She's like a vampire hunter, maybe part vampire."
"Demon workers, sending them out to do your bidding on earth."
"I'm flattered that these commenters are clearly so impressed with my content that they're forced to conclude I have Supernatural Powers."
"This domain is massive quite possibly the biggest we've ever seen outside of suka's however unlike suca domain this domain appears to have a barrier."
"In Islamic tradition, the jinns are supernatural beings created by God from 'smokeless fire.'"
"We are entering an era where exorcists will be needed due to the spread of demons."
"There was something unnatural about this place, something wrong in the air."
"Vampires feed on human blood but as a race they are stronger than humans and have a much longer lifespan."
"Bloody Mary, based on a real person, the first queen of England from the 1500s, haunting and killing those who summon her in the mirror."
"There are spirits involved in battles and warfare and these are demonic spirits."
"The debate about is the supernatural real is over."
"The apparition wasn't tall; however, it did have a grayish to silver face."
"SCP-054FR is capable of remaining unnoticed until it's almost too late to act. The only method by avoiding injury by SCP-054FR is to dive under the wave before impact."
"SCP-851 is intelligent and can speak fluent English and Mandarin for simple conversations."
"She closed her eyes and told those in attendance, 'I feel a coldness. I see death. Look above my shoulder and see who it is.'"
"I did no wrong; I just had a vision she would die, and of course she did. I'm a witch, but a white not a black one who serves the devil."
"Secure, Contain, Protect. It's the task of the foundation to contain anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena."
"Carrie's powers would be fully unleashed when she herself reaches the age of her budding adulthood, so there seems to be a comparison going on between sexual awakening and telekinetic awakening."
"Several people have reported seeing a grey-haired nurse walking down the halls before she disappears into thin air."
"SCP-2137: A helpful yet dangerous forensic ghost that exposed the Foundation's secrets."
"Sarkicism: A religion of flesh, sacrifice, and alliances with otherworldly beings."
"I trust in this God. He's getting ready to do stuff for me that doesn't happen in the natural."
"They seem to be dimension hoppers. They will go in and out of our reality."
"The footage shows a normal looking living area with a cat sitting contently in the middle of the room then to the side appears a translucent object that appears to be walking up and down and on closer inspection it does resemble a figure."
"Your home seems to have legitimate paranormal activity."
"Imagine that, a glowing blue humanoid floating towards you with the attempt of sapping your bone marrow right on."
"I don't believe they exist, I know they exist."
"There are just too many credible intelligent people who have had encounters with angels and demons, to dismiss it."
"Who would have thought that angels and demons could wing us closer to truth?"