
Human-animal Interaction Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"It is said that this is the oldest form of Lapras. Unlike Cantonian Lapras, Corneran Lapras doesn't like humans and will hide at the bottom of rivers and lakes to avoid them."
"The real question I think we should be asking ourselves is, what is it about interactions with others and with other animals that could potentially have this prosocial happiness enhancing effect?"
"Animals that are domesticated for a long period of time by humans become more accustomed to human companionship and a lot more receptive to things like names."
"There'll be another pandemic. The truth of the matter is, you've got the interface between industrial society and wild animals, which is a machine for making viral, bacteriological, and fungal mutations."
"We don't feel any real threat from them; they're just there, they're curious."
"Cobras are not as scary as they seem... Most would flee from a human rather than fight one."
"The film would feature those very unique and even warm bonding moments between Kong and humans." - Michael Dougherty
"Dogs are the first time that we went, 'oh wait a minute, like something else can do this for us.'"
"Welcome to Hell - Only in Australia will you find magpies attacking a rider on an electricity box."
"This little hungry bear cub was left without a mother, so it came to people for help."
"When we came home, our dog pretended to be ill, like come out limping or something, and the vet said, 'Yes, it's just he doesn't want you to go away again.'"
"I always yearned for a way to be closer to my pet lobsters. They would always scurry away from my freakish human hands."
"Pliny then goes on to mention two different stories of lions reaching out to humans for help."
"They smile to cool off and they've lost their fear of humans which is why this exists. In quokka we trust."
"A man transmits his state of mind to his horse."
"Humans will pet anything. How wonderful then to live on a planet full of creatures that like to be petted."
"Just watching their little behaviors, I mean I think there's something in the human that we are programmed to live with animals and to be sort of soothed by it's really cool animals."
"So, in a certain respect, we're in no better position than the dog who, when you go for the lead near the front door, starts jumping up and down with anticipation of going for a walk."
"I'm just a guy standing in front of a lost dog."
"Animals are creatures of familiarity... it's always on their terms not your terms."
"It's not every day that you see such a big animal willingly playing a game with total strangers."
"If you see a falcon in the wild, it's more afraid of you than you are of him."
"Nearly every single major infectious zoonotic disease outbreak in the past 120 years is inextricably linked to our exploitation of animals."
"Deer are terrified of us, but a little bit of human kindness can make all the difference."
"The koala reaches over, grabbing the man's hand and pulling it closer as he takes another sip from the bottle."
"I've had grizzly bears and cabin porches before, doesn't matter how old you are, there is nothing more unnerving than hearing something big intentionally walking on the porch of a cabin when it knows there's human beings in there."
"Experiments such as these prove that many animals have an unprecedented level of understanding of human speech and communication."
"I don't think they're out to kill us, unless we threaten them."
"I don't think they're out to kill us, you know, unless we threaten them, cornered them, threatened and injured one of them. Then they have it out for us."
"Polar bear purrs when cuddling with her human dad."
"Tigers never stop seeing humans as prey, even the humans who raise them from their earliest life."
"Science makes one fact undeniably clear: some dolphins are noted for seeking out social encounters with humans."
"A dolphin bestie is in the realm of possibility."
"You'll be amazed at these human/sea creature encounters."
"Bulbasaur's protective nature, and distrust of humans made it demand Ash's immediate departure."
"Humans do take animals and have for millennia."
"Shame on you. This is the story of Steve Searles. It's his job to keep people safe from bears, and bears safe from people."
"Instead, they show that felines began to live peacefully among humans and at some point began benefiting from us, leading to their eventual domestication."
"Dogs respond better when humans talk to them like babies, with high pitches and shorter sentences."
"Many believe that animals can see things that humans can't."
"Pandemics often happen when there's a natural interaction between humans and animals."
"Human save people's lives every day especially doctors and nurses and the occasional random member of the general public but did you know that animals can?"
"Leopard enters Indian village, attacks people."
"Food eating however is only half the fun. The other half is getting the food convincingly human you are starving to death and must be fed." - Meow or headbutt if your human is being stirred.
"Here are 15 wild animals that saved human lives."
"Given how often humans hunt them it seems kind of ridiculous to even suggest that a deer would consider protecting or saving a human life."
"They regard us as prey, but nevertheless, they also respect intelligence."
"There are plenty of times animals need our assistance and there are plenty of times they actually ask us for help."
"Humans have stayed inside for too long and now animals have forgotten who's boss and you realize what that means when lockdown is over we're gonna have to fight them to take back our streets."
"As we see, elephants not only play the role of Mega gardeners for the environment but can also help humans solve environmental issues."
"When animals don't perceive us as a threat, we could have some of the most amazing interactions."
"It's crazy, yeah, I'm lying in the middle of the wild, surrounded by a pack of wild wolves, maybe never ever seen a human before."
"Sharks don't generally prey on humans; many attacks are believed to be cases of mistaken identity."
"In Bazoulé, Burkina Faso, crocodiles have a different reputation, one that involves being friendly and even playful with humans."
"This is that human-animal conflict that we do see all the time, especially here in South Florida."
"This is probably the first time she's ever seen a human and she's absolutely beautiful."
"Animals love to talk; they love it when you answer them."
"Raptors... there's something unique about them; there's a lot of ways that people can and do find to have some sort of an interaction with raptors."
"When a dog holds your gaze, there is oxytocin released both in the dog's brain and the human brain."
"The challenge of why training fails is because people expect way too much of their dog and way too little of themselves."
"That's amazing, a dolphin actually wanting to get human contact."
"They can actually recognize individual humans."
"The seeming intelligence of this snake is just the interaction, the human interaction with the snake is just Next Level compared to any other snake I've had."
"Beluga whales can mimic the human voice so well that a diver once believed his colleagues were trying to talk to him when in fact it was actually a whale."
"The greatest gift you can give any horse is to train it well, to give it good cues, to make it accept people and to live in our world the best it can, and not be dangerous."
"Falconry has taught human beings the proper methods for not only dealing with each other but dealing with wildlife as well."
"Adult cats almost never meow to each other but kittens do it with their mothers for food and water, we have to assume they just figured out it works on humans too."
"Be friendly with your neighbors, not even your neighbors, the people you know and don't know, because if a crow can take care of kittens, it shows that two strangers meeting can get along with each other."
"Sharks don't actually like the taste of humans; they often mistake them for seals."
"The fact about elephants, when they see humans, it's the same reaction in their brains as when we, as humans, see puppies."
"You will be the last person on the planet ever to touch her."
"They're instinctively scared of human beings during the day."
"Do not run from them; that makes them think they have established dominance over you."
"Antwerp Zoo noted that Cheetah's fascination with humans is present because he was a pet before joining the facility."
"Humans are actually pretty good at guessing what different barks mean."
"They're very gentle, so you feed them leaves, and then they'll eat from your hand."
"Elephants can become conditioned to dislike humans in general, seeing us as competition and a threat."
"The truth of the matter is wolves fear humans and will tend to walk away if they encounter one."
"He's fascinated by us almost as much as we are fascinated by him."
"Just another good example of how humans and animals can work together for the greater good."
"We went to another very famous park called Mana Pools, and the beauty about this park is that the animals are actually very used to people approaching them on foot."