
Philosophical Concept Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Light and shadow are meant to work in tandem with each other; there cannot be one without the other."
"Objective reality is solely produced through imagination."
"Time is not real, of course. It's a construct we just said time and we created clocks. It's nothing."
"This is the greatest force of all powers because it overcomes every mental thing and penetrates every material thing."
"The whole universe is just a byproduct of a process of endless expenditure—an economy of consumption and excess that's totally indifferent to human thoughts and aspirations. Base materialism."
"Wu is the perception of energy, not merely the energy itself."
"Fear Inoculum is Tool squaring the circle, the perfect union of contrary things."
"Time isn't made out of lines, it's made of circles."
"Free will is part of the miraculous lives we live."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"Emergence is real; higher-level things deserve to be called real."
"Time is what clocks measure, which we can interpret as meaning that it’s a measure of the rate of change of the universe."
"This is the actual manifestation of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ [the world is one family]."
"The world a work of art: a tangible reality embodying ideas."
"Balancing each other out - beauty in duality."
"The present moment is the closest approximation to Eternity."
"God cannot by his very nature be subjected to being whipped and hurt."
"In order to feel connected to the universe, the three flowers of Jing Ki and Shen have to bloom."
"The ultimate power in the universe: free will."
"Evil cannot create or destroy. It can only corrupt."
"Sometimes the objective world and the narrative world touch."
"Holism requires surrendering oneself completely."
"Metaphorical truth: it's true if you act it out."
"They don't have to look alike, and this is just again the balance of yin and yang."
"Every group equal, not every individual, but certainly every group."
"You're literally fused with the existential spirit of good."
"Separation is an illusion. You come from love. You are unity consciousness. There is no such thing as duality."
"Truthiness claims that a truth is merely an opinion."
"Giving the world free will, giving the multiverse free will, and being like, 'Let's see how [ __ ] shakes out' is a pretty admirable thing to do."
"Our diversity is a byproduct of the idea of freedom."
"When you make a decision, you are in a sense creating two parallel realities."
"Existential risk isn't anywhere near the worst thing that we could have. There's something called s risk as well above and beyond x risk."
"Each of us is the only infinite awareness there is."
"There's only one source of consciousness in the entire universe."
"Nirvana: transcending the senses for ultimate liberation."
"Strange loops are so incredibly profound, you don't even understand how profound a strange loop is."
"There is no spoon, software is just an abstraction."
"Freedom has always been God's idea. It's never not been. So, the whole idea that man embraces freedom is an act in which God inspires."
"If something is possibly the case then it's true in a possible world."
"We think we have free will, but in reality, you only have free will within the prison."
"The purpose of duality is to break things down into comprehensible parts."
"A spiral would be life inevitably making itself towards one point that it can't escape."
"Love can be a form of knowledge indeed we might call it the ultimate form of knowledge."
"Joining subtle polarities into deeply complementary opposites."
"It's okay, city is in danger. He cannot destroy light any more than I can destroy darkness. One cannot exist without the other. Find the light in the dark, they somehow destroy each other."
"It's all fractal concepts of the same exact thing."
"From many conscious agents instantiate an infinite conscious agent that is all of us, one consciousness."
"Being virtuous and achieving eudaimonia are intertwined."
"Time is just a f*cking... It's a human construct."
"Enlightenment is the result of achieving unity within ourselves and expressing the nature of oneness."
"Bio power is the power to make life or let live."
"The Ouroboros symbolizes the cyclic nature of the universe."
"Syncretism is basically the language of the universe."
"Let's suppose all of that scale, which is just 5% of God's expression or a supreme omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience something."
"Individuals on the system obviously feel like individuals, but actually, you are part of a collective group mind."
"The highest conceptions of beauty and perfection were the most pure manifestations or reflections of God in the material world."
"Everything is indeed energy; it's possible to manipulate the energy that affects minds."
"Consciousness does not end where we find the division between self and world."
"For everything physical, there is a spiritual equivalent."
"For something to be the ultimate reality, it is the highest form of existence."
"The return to unity is the dissolution of all things, a breaking down of the Legos and putting them back in the bucket."
"The world must simply sit and watch in terror as person after person vanishes into themselves—into the mysterious holes, perfectly carved to shape."
"Faith is to know what you don't know; that is being convinced of things for which there is no evidence."
"People don't want to know they're in the Matrix."
"Blindness isn't an actual thing, it's a lack of something—eyes to see clearly."
"The Ship of Theseus moment might be my favorite Vision scene."
"Extrinsic value equals time... What do you want to come to fruition? Intrinsic value."
"Agency is a genuine natural phenomenon – and maybe biology would be less coy about it if we had a proper theory of how it arises."
"Time means space exists only because there is time. It is possible to move from point A to point B not because there is space but because there is time."
"Communism is the positive transcendence of private property as human self-estrangement."
"Consciousness ultimately is a label that we use to describe something that cannot be described."
"The middle way doesn't mean moderation; it means the bringing together of opposites."
"Each individual has a divine right to be in free will."
"The idea of the New Earth is not some crazy magical thing that happens, it is something that is reflected in nature and in space all around us."
"To truly be enlightened, one has to give up every concept of enlightenment."
"Red pill equals knowledge and self-improvement."
"The observer plays a role in what is actually observed."
"What's one thing that everybody can agree on in this entire planet that we have free will."
"Time is cyclical, maybe we live in a simulation, or maybe if you gaze too long you will look for the anomalies because that's what people do."
"All evolution on this plane occurs through polarity."
"When we truly understand fullness, fullness is such that it must include emptiness within it."
"Without the dark, we couldn't see the light. This is where the yin yang symbol comes in right because if you just had the void, you would not, there would be no, there has to be the opposite."
"Music of the Spheres is an English translation of Musica Universalis."
"Our will becomes a sort of uncaused cause. It can cause things but it is not determined by something else."
"The son is less than the father because the father alone exists assai."
"Change is constant and always occurring, and Transmutation is a process that will govern these changes that occur in the universe."
"Nothing can create nothing from nothing nothing comes."
"The notion that human beings have intrinsic worth cannot be discovered from science."
"The cosmos was a macrocosmic image of man, and man was a microcosmic image of the cosmos."
"Everything is connected to everything else; entanglement reflects that. As Above, So Below."
"Everything is alive. Everything is connected."
"In sacrificing himself, Logan attains the highest point of logos."
"Time is cyclical, moving through periods of expansion and contraction."
"Love passed down from our elders to our descendants is the real time travel."
"The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
"Time is a flat circle, and everything we have done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again."
"Life is about balance... the Dao, Yin and Yang."
"Evil exists as a distortion of goodness."
"Darkness can't exist without light because, you know, one complements the other."
"Memento mori: remember your death."
"And the moment you rarify something in an affirmative sense, then inherent existence sneaks in from a back door."
"You're actually not the doer. And therefore, if you take yourself to be the doer, you're kind of a thief."
"The Omega point is the final Telos of cosmogenesis itself."
"We do a lot of that, the synthesis of opposites."
"The reality is there is only one; it looks like three."
"Truth and beauty, once you realize that truth and beauty are inherently connected concepts. That beauty communicates a truth and truth communicates a beauty."
"Subjection is the creation of the subject."
"In a circle, there's no beginning."
"Aristotle was coincidentally given a name which anticipated his most revolutionary idea that everything and everyone has a purpose or and a tellus and a potentiality a Dunamis Dean amis dynamite which they may or may not fulfill depending on how well they're brought up."
"We live in a thought world which is part of a thought universe."
"The act of observing plays a role in the action of the observation or the concomitant result of the observation."
"Becoming's animal do not just occur in the imagination and are neither dreams nor fantasies; they are perfectly real."
"What is real is the becoming itself, the block of becoming, not the supposedly fixed terms through which that which becomes passes."
"Time's arrow neither stands still nor reverses. It merely marches forward."
"Space according to Plato is nothing, and yet it exists."
"Intrinsic worth is basically the underlying value of a thing or a person in and of itself."
"Fate and destiny exist, but humanity can still choose."
"The laws of nature may be more like habits that develop within the developing cosmos."
"Love is the most important thing in the universe."
"Does it take a subjective observer to resolve an indeterminacy into real reality?"
"It's that principle of totality of having everything inside the fool and that completeness."
"The city is like the man will be one of the key themes of the book."
"Beauty is the splendour of the truth."
"The best possible world would be one where there's no involuntary imposition of will."
"Chronos becomes Kairos and space becomes place."
"Light cannot exist without the dark; the battle will never truly end."
"He's perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
"The lapis is not the Philosopher's Stone; it is merely the seed with which God brings the universe to life."
"Jekyll to the hide, ying to the yang, the flip side of the coin."
"The matrix is a system that is designed to keep you in place."
"Through the model or symbol of the pyramid, you see the whole flow from unity into multiplicity as an entire thing or wholeness."
"The ultimate reality is a non-dual reality, that there is only one reality without a second."
"Imperfection itself becomes a form of perfection."
"The concept of a perfect being is a concept of an infinite being."
"The concept of truth might possibly be entertained apart from personality; the concept of beauty may exist without personality, but the concept of divine goodness is understandable only in relation to personality."
"That is not dead which can eternal lie."
"Consciousness is that which is aware."
"Truth is whatever corresponds to reality."
"Analytic statements are statements that are true by definition."
"Dharma means everyone is doing the thing that they're inclined to do and supposed to do, but they're doing it with some measure of free will."
"The concept of an absolute position is something humans made up."
"All possible alternate histories and futures are real, each within their own world."
"Vitality is probably the source of life itself."
"With the idea of freedom, the concept of autonomy is inseparably bound up."
"Karma is just basically your actions coming back to you as a byproduct."
"God is a construct out of all of our existences; we as a totality have as an opposite totality something we might call God."
"The self alone is permanent. Renunciation is the non-identification of the self with the not-self."
"I just always loved the idea of different sides of the same coin."
"There's infinite diversity in infinite combinations."
"Consciousness and mind are not the same."
"Wisdom: the ability to use knowledge skillfully."
"Eternity has two sides: birthlessness as well as immortality."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that's not a natural concept."
"A true work of art has the power to collapse the apparent distinction between ourself as the subject and the object or the other."
"The universe itself, the energy which underlies it, what it's all about, the ground of being, must be intelligent."
"Time rather is described as a cycle, just like nature itself is governed by cycles."
"The Dow is called the great mother, empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds."
"The implicit is always also the movement that it represents to the concept and the further that it implies."
"Free will is like that activator."
"There is the idea of the Logos Spermatikos; this is the idea that the seeds of the Logos are present everywhere: in nature, in thought, and even in world religions."