
Market Sentiment Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."
"Everything is reaching frothy levels again, it reminds me of 2012, which was the last time the fear and greed index hit extreme greed."
"Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy."
"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."
"Bottoms are normally formed when the last bull turns to a bear."
"Be cautious when sentiment reaches extreme bearish or bullish levels."
"People don't want to hear about the bearish views; they don't want to hear about anything that goes against the hype train."
"Sentiment can finally change on a dime, and if it does, it's all over next month."
"Fear is a much stronger emotion than confidence or optimism. That's the reason the bulls take the stairs and the bears take the windows."
"Bearish positioning... the more negative we feel about the economy and the stock market, ironically, the better stocks tend to perform."
"When people are greedy, be fearful, and when people are fearful, be greedy."
"Sentiment can change in a dime. It doesn't take long for people to completely do like a 180 on sort of like what their predictions are."
"There's too much bearishness in the bond markets right now, that this is a total overreaction."
"The Euphoria in Bitcoin is not that high this time, so it can rally further."
"I can't think of anything more bullish. It'd be very hard to think of something more bullish than making it five times more expensive to short than to long."
"The best times to buy were when it felt the most depressing. It's not when we're in the bull market; it's when no one really wants to buy."
"Bitcoin remains very much bearish right now."
"Last week's FUD can quickly become this week's FOMO."
"I find that whenever bitcoin sentiment is very low, it's a very telling moment."
"I'm not super bullish on bitcoin today, but I'm also not quite as bearish as I was yesterday."
"It's almost like the narrative has shifted in a way now full-on bullish narrative that I think even as the negative things can you to stack up I think they're going to be ignored."
"I feel like just out of spite for the market, we should be buying Apple shares if it goes negative today."
"When everyone is fearful, that's when you need to be greedy."
"Unfortunately, everyone only likes bullish sentiment. They don't like the bear narrative."
"Sentiment matters and it matters in a massive massive way."
"People are terrified right now, and that's how you know we're probably getting to a bottom here."
"Long-term holder net positions are continuing to increase, suggesting bullish sentiment."
"Sentiment is as negative as it was back in 2008."
"I think the market is saying better that they are talking than not talking."
"I think a lot of market investors think it's a good thing that talk is better than no talk."
"Buy when people are fearful and everyone is claiming that Bitcoin will go lower. No, you do the opposite of what everyone else does."
"Be greedy when there's fear, be fearful when there's greed."
"The assumption is Apple is Right... not trusting this rebound at all."
"It's a perfect bottom signal when everyone is talking smack about you."
"I'd rather buy things that are cheap and hated."
"Innocent until proven guilty. I am bearish until proven bullish."
"Insiders don't buy shares because they think the stock price is going to go down. They buy it because they think it's going to go up."
"Everyone's bearish everyone knows the recession is coming but no one's actually selling."
"Despite the underperformance, investors are still very bullish on Bitcoin specifically."
"Remember, extreme fear has always been a good time to be interested in the markets."
"I'm super bullish on that space and I think SHIB should be too."
"This whistleblower program has been very, very effective."
"That's bearish right. It is not bullish for absolutely certain."
"Sentiment analysis is very, very important because ICOs are largely bought and sold from speculators."
"Retail just ain't buying the dip on these anymore, and it kind of makes sense because we're not really hitting a floor."
"I don't think these little movements and stuff right now are really anything to be worried about other than it's just FUD coming onto the market."
"There's a lot of bullish sentiment right now in this space and for good reason."
"Just be careful with just everything honestly because i i know it's bullish at the minute i know people are excited."
"It's going to be a hug your altcoins and kiss them and love them and sing them L moment."
"If you're talking about what really drives a stock market in the short term, sentiment is really everything."
"Bad news is good, good news is bad, and nothing makes sense anymore."
"Fundamentals are key, market sentiment isn't always reliable."
"You cannot look at candles like the one we had last night and not feel euphoric... but this euphoria is going to lead to dumb decisions."
"Buy when there's blood in the streets and sell when there's euphoria in the air."
"I have a weird feeling in my gut that we're gonna break bearish."
"Anything below 30 on fear and greed index is an area you should be thinking about buying."
"Everybody's a Bitcoin cash fan now, how about that?"
"Be greedy when Bit Boy is bearish and be fearful when Bit Boy is bullish."
"The markets hate uncertainty and right now we're getting a double dose of it from COVID and the unconceded election."
"Sometimes the best time to invest is when the masses say it's the worst time."
"The markets don't care about the recession, which means they believe it was fully priced in."
"It's definitely the odds are way more bullish than they are bearish."
"The fear is gone for the first time in many months, which is nuts."
"The bearish argument for the VIX, the bullish for the market is the predominant one."
"Generally when sentiment is this bad it's a sign that we're closer to the low than the high."
"If you don't love Bitcoin at its worst, you don't deserve it."
"Social media is super bearish... sentiment can always get worse."
"The real test is the sentiment are we gonna see retail investors and traders buying the dip once again continuing to buy the dip pushing the indices higher or are we gonna have another scare that would formulate the dead cat bounce theory."
"The markets reflect people's overall feelings and sentiment."
"Living plants for me, it's like a much safer gift."
"Tesla's q1 earnings didn't so much reignite the bull bear debate but seemed to shift sentiment far more to the one-sided negative."
"Don't believe the hype, don't believe the FOMO."
"The fear greed index is extreme, there's a degree of complacency, everybody's largely on the same boat."
"At the bottom of a bear market, nobody wants to buy equities. And what you're looking for at the bottom of a bear market is... super negative sentiment."
"Patience is a virtue. Is the FUD getting to you today?"
"Warren Buffett says you're supposed to be greedy when others are fearful."
"Invest when there's blood in the streets or be greedy when others are fearful."
"In any case the fact remains that a lot of these people and many others seem to be overwhelmingly bearish on Tesla stock right now."
"Bitcoin has entered the optimism phase amongst traders."
"The market has migrated from hope to optimism."
"Screw your logic, screw your fundamentals. All that really matters is what the hive mind of the market thinks at the moment."
"If everybody is greedy like a few weeks ago you want to be careful... now that there's panic and fear in the market, I think it's interesting again."
"Nobody knows where bitcoin's going. Sure, on Twitter people are yelling out it's a bear market, sure some people are still saying 'ah, it's a bull market,' but the honest answer is we just don't know."
"Markets like certainty, markets do not like uncertainty."
"The last thing we need is more live service games."
"When people start getting salty and lean bearish, the market is nearing the bottom."
"Look at the greed and fear index... if everybody's scared that's an inclination that maybe it's a time to be bold."
"Buying in when there's fear in the streets historically pays off."
"Sentiment though has still been somewhat moderate so i'm still cautiously but also very bullish on where axi could be at the end of the year."
"13 EMA is what you guys want. Anything below it is considered bearish, and above it is considered bullish."
"Hugely bullish fundamental cryptocurrency regulation news here in the US."
"The sentiment is back, the positive sentiment for Ethereum is here."
"Every dip is now meant to be bought until extreme froth and euphoria saturate the market."
"Bad news means good news for the stock market."
"History in the making: 60% plus bearish sentiment surveys."
"People are very bearish on equities right now... that's buy time in my opinion."
"The optimism around the halving is, as usual, palpable."
"You can be both bullish and bearish at the same time."
"Every time we get extremely negative funding, that's usually a buy the dip opportunity."
"If you talk to people in this market they are very, very upset... They're just angry about it." - Charles Trinka
"You need to be okay selling your coins rapidly, just getting rid of them as soon as human opinion overheats."
"Extreme fear - not good, but looks like it may be bottoming around."
"Daily sentiment drops a little bit, 46 out of 100, and we're using Trade the Chain for sentiment analysis just so you know."
"The time to buy is actually when you feel depressed, and the time to sell is when you feel euphoric."
"To be bearish right now is effectively not being bearish."
"How crazy would you be to sell at a time like this?"
"If you're a bull, you will find the reasons to be bullish. If you are a bear, you will find the reasons to be bearish."
"When everyone is so fearful, everyone just predicts Doom and Gloom. That's usually when it's a good time to buy the dip."
"Once inflation is seen to be coming down in the coming months, you will also see a boost to sentiment."
"If the altcoins are still holding their ground against bitcoin value, that leads me to believe that we still have more in the tank."
"Sentiment specific models are nearing maximum pessimism."
"Silver has been hated for some time, more so than gold."
"Disbelief phase: highest daily close for the S&P 500."
"The market is saying hey I'm ready to go but folks are not buying it nobody wants to believe that this is real."
"Moments like these that separate investors from clowns."
"We present bullish views because mainstream media tends to be bearish."
"We've been in extreme greed for over a couple of months now."
"Emotions drive price action, no matter the market—stocks, bonds, crypto. It's all about community sentiment."
"We don't want to cross euphoria line in terms of our bull market."
"Everybody's scared, everybody's bearish, and then, you know, in typical bitcoin fashion, when nobody expects it, we get a nice little bounce."
"There's no good and bad candles, it's just recognizing what a bearish versus bullish candle looks like and making sure you're on the right side of that trade."
"Don't root for a crash in the stock market; it's not in your best interest."
"I was very bullish getting into that. I honestly didn't understand where all the bearishness came from."
"The sentiment this morning is decidedly risk off."
"You have to have your ear to the ground and understand what the sentiment is, what people are excited about."
"The differential between that book value and what the stock price is, is market sentiment."
"I'm glad to see so many people bearish because I think that that sets us up to do a bit better over the next few months."
"when you have this sort of not too cold not too hot um investors are attaching to whatever piece of that that gives them a Bull story."
"Silver is the best thing on the markets today."
"Candlestick analysis reveals critical information about market sentiment and potential trend reversals."
"Don't be fooled to enter a massive short position and get trapped in bearish price action because at the moment we are seeing multiple bullish signals flash on the chart."
"Buy when others are fearful, sell when they are greedy."
"Anticipating directional moves through market sentiment and scaling techniques"
"Commercial real estate has got to be probably the most hated asset class right now."
"Buy when most people, including experts, are pessimistic, and sell when they are actively optimistic."
"If I have a positive Delta, that would indicate that I'm bullish on the underlying or bullish on the market."
"...a coin breaking past its previous all-time high is extremely powerful."
"Bitcoin certainly improving, things looking a little bit better."
"Bearish candles quickly overcome equals Bulls in control."
"A higher than expected reading should be taken as a positive or bullish sign, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as a bearish sign."
"Indecision... highlighting the difference between the buyers and the sellers."
"The fear and greed index is a measure of emotions and sentiment in the market, with a lower number representing great fear and a higher number confidence in the market."
"Sentiment can be described as the overall attitude of traders towards a particular financial market or currency."
"Betas are not popular. There are people out there who hate betas with a passion, especially old-time value investors."
"The markets don't care about your feelings."
"Just because the mood of the market changed does not mean that the underlying value of the companies that we talk about change."
"Good news is typically bad news for the markets, but now good news is good news."
"Sentiment follows price. When prices of assets go up, the sentiment changes to the positive; inversely, when prices start to trend downwards, that's when things change negative."
"Don't be fooled by widespread bad sentiment; as prices come down, companies become more attractive investments, not less."
"You can't control how much people beat down your stocks based on market sentiment or their own emotions, but you can certainly control how many shares of undervalued stocks that you buy."
"I want you to be greedy when others are fearful."
"When all are bearish, there is cause for price to rise; when everyone is bullish, there is cause for price to fall."
"The fear and greed index is a fantastic way to gauge what people are feeling emotionally."
"How quickly the sentiment of the market changes is now people are fearful; last week everyone was extremely greedy."
"There is not optimism, but I would say euphoria that's taking place."
"Equity risk premiums are a consensus view; if we're all more scared than greedy, equity risk premiums are going to go up."
"Sentiment shifts rather rapidly regarding all three of these topics."
"Cycles have to happen and people have to get to where they are now where they say value investing is dead."
"You're back in fear, you're back in the crazy levels."
"Buy the fear, exactly when you are feeling the most fearful."
"People are holding, and maybe that is a bullish indicator here that things are going to potentially start moving up."
"The market really has to feel comfortable that inflation is not only peaking but going to be coming down in a pretty aggressive pace."
"The minute any sort of good news comes about Algor, I guarantee you the narrative will flip instantly."
"The market just loves that cheap money."
"This is a very positive thing for silver from a technical standpoint."
"Remembering what the irrational exuberance felt like and what the extreme greed felt like is important."
"When all are bearish, there's cause for prices to rise."
"Losing money is bad, losing your conviction or getting wrong-footed about how you feel about the space is worse."
"Sentiment is starting to improve across the board... leading to a potential of an all-time high coming in on the market in only a few sessions."
"There's an overall positive, optimistic market sentiment which leads to more buying than selling and results in an overall rise and appreciation of assets."
"The social risk is essentially an approximation of the retail interest in crypto at any given time."
"Ignore all the FUD, ignore all the negativity, all the hate, because this is where most of the money will be made."
"We'll dive into market sentiment and take a look at some of the indicators that are starting to push Bitcoin around a bit."
"You don't have to be a sophisticated analyst, all you have to do is recognize what's going on in investor sentiment."
"Good news in financial markets can from time to time breed overoptimism and things can shift very quickly in a very short period of time."
"The longer that the Fed keeps interest rates higher for longer, the more people are losing this phantom hope."
"I think people are pretty excited, people are bullish."
"As soon as they start popping again, we'll see sentiment shift towards belief and thrill. Be ready for the ride."
"You need to be the most bullish when you are actually feeling the most bearish."
"Buying fear in this market is definitely the strategy when you're aiming to build positions for the long term."
"I'm cautiously bullish, and I remain macro cautiously bullish."
"When the FED starts pivoting from a hawkish to a dovish stance, that's when the appetite for risk on increases."
"The excitement over Bitcoin is gone, and the size of this drop in terms of dollars is real."
"If you get that extreme fear on a higher low, it's like a signal the market's going to take off."
"There's nothing quite like price to change sentiment."
"To say markets are excited would be an understatement."
"Be fearful when everybody's joyful, and be greedy when everybody's fearful."