
Contrarian Approach Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."
"We're doing the opposite. In self-improvement, we always follow one of those quotes that says to do the opposite of the majority."
"You have to think by yourself and oftentimes go against the herd."
"The rich want to stay rich and again you have to be a contrarian investor to make serious money."
"When most people are losing, contrarians win."
"You're actually going against the grain of society of trying to do right."
"You should feel completely uncomfortable. You should be doing almost the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing."
"The best buys have been when the numbers almost tell you not to."
"Innovation tends to have to run the edges. The people who successfully innovate, they're often quite happy to go against the drain."
"Buy when people are fearful and everyone is claiming that Bitcoin will go lower. No, you do the opposite of what everyone else does."
"You want to own it when nobody else wants it."
"Contrary action: doing the opposite of what your gut is telling you to do."
"He's comfortable going against the grain to find objective truth."
"Risk going against the consensus and be right. This is a straightforward path to massive success in life."
"When people are calling it trash, that's when you should probably be looking to buy it."
"Invest when no one else is, but make sure it's good."
"If you're buying and it feels really dumb and everybody's telling you what's wrong that's usually the right time to buy."
"Sometimes the best time to invest is when the masses say it's the worst time."
"Be a contrarian or you're going to be a victim."
"Contrarian views and targets for the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Dow."
"Above all else, if you want to get the results that most people never get, you have to be a contrarian."
"Buying when everyone else is running is my favorite part of investing."
"Everybody is trying to stand out, I guess doing the opposite can go a long way."
"Do the opposite, honestly, that's a great place to start."
"You should only work on things that should be wrong."
"If you want to be successful do the opposite of what everyone else is doing be contrarian go against the grain."
"If the whole crowd is selling and you're the only one buying, ask yourself what did I miss?"
"Whatever the great majority is doing under any given circumstance, if you do exactly the opposite, you'll probably never make another mistake as long as you live."
"That's the opposite of how good investors operate they pile money into the companies that are not currently loved by the rest of the market."
"Ignore conventional wisdom and follow your own research."
"Sometimes you've got to be a bit contrarian."
"If everyone's doing this thing, I'm trying to go the other way."
"I'd say to Justin Trudeau what do you think he should do and whatever he said I'd say do the opposite."
"It's time to be a contrarian or you're going to end up being a victim."
"Money is made by finding a broadly held precept that's wrong and betting against it."
"If you believe that the fundamentals of a long-term case are really strong when everybody else is dipping, that's the time to double down."
"The best way to be ultra successful is to be both a contrarian... and also to be right."
"Do things that are the opposite of the general public."
"The smart money never does what the masses do. The Insiders are doing what they know to be best."
"Buy things that you truly have faith in when no one else has faith in them."
"My entries are always opposed to where I think the market's going to go. That's smart money."
"Markets are very much psychology... major inflection points... it really pays to be on the other side of the crowd."
"When everybody is fearful, you be greedy. When everybody is greedy, you be fearful."
"If the mainstream media tells you left, you go right; if the mainstream media tells you to go up, you go down. I mean, it's a pretty good rule of thumb."
"Sometimes in markets when things are the most negative, that's the time to be positive."
"You want to buy stocks on a dip or during turmoil."
"Buy when others are fearful, sell when they are greedy."
"You buy when everyone is scared and saying I want to pull out, I'm afraid, that's when you buy."
"So we can use Twitter to generate alpha; we just have to do the opposite."
"It's the opposite of what we may have learned so far in classic trading tutorials online and so on, but it seems to be more effective."
"Understand the market sentiment and avoid going with the masses."
"If everybody's talking about something and everybody's looking for value in the same place, it's probably not there."
"When there's blood in the streets, it's time to buy."