
Creative Expression Quotes

There are 758 quotes

"These concepts just come together so, so perfectly."
"Your art and your creative expression is going to change the world and it's going to inspire and motivate other people."
"We shouldn't care so much about our art being objectively accurate to reality. We should care about our art being emotionally accurate."
"During High School, writing was my only escape from reality, and it gradually turned into a way for me to express some of my inner feelings."
"Fan fiction is a communal activity; its creation is an act of love."
"If I put out a song and five people are moved by it, then that's success to me."
"Painting a narrative picture was often like writing an opera, where the raw material of a play is converted by poetry and music into something stronger, more concise, as an expression of the essence of the story and its action."
"I want you to love the art I make. I want people who don't know me to see this thing and go, 'Holy shit.'"
"It takes so much out of you, like I can't half-ass it. If I'm going to put something out, I want to put my heart and soul into it."
"What happens when you mix a dark fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and anime? Most would assume a grotesque abomination... However, in this timeline, we ended up with Vampire Hunter D, one of the greats, one of the classics."
"I still want to make them because I really enjoy making them."
"The meaning of a work is an answer to the question, 'why does this exist?'"
"Having my own line of something that I make and that is a representation of my taste in some field would be pretty sweet."
"It's like poetry, so if they rhyme every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one."
"Adding soul to a project means giving it a life of its own, something that speaks even when silent."
"It's the end of literature if you can only speak to and depict your own experience."
"But as always, remember, they're all just theories, STYLE THEORIES! Keep looking sharp."
"Can you do one of those animations where you're kind of like an airplane at the height of your head so it looks like he's flying you?"
"There are no Gatekeepers that can stop you from making good content on the internet."
"Artistic integrity, drawing, music, sculpting, it's anything goes in the Artistic integrity category, that's just nice."
"Make sure everything you put out is very intentional and that there's a lot of passion behind what you're doing."
"It's savoring, it's more contentment, love, laughter, happiness, creativity, making a positive difference to the world."
"Tarantino wanted Django Unchained to be violent, brutal, and surreal."
"I don’t make movies that bring people together. I make movies that split people apart."
"That'll be awesome. I got a little bit of your soul, I put it in this thing."
"I feel and I imagine a lot of other people feel the same way that there's a lot of sort of trapped creativity in your mind."
"I love the years of work you put into this, it definitely shows off here the appreciate you bring to the show."
"As an artist, I think the time for painting beautiful flowers is over."
"What the really great artists do is they're entirely themselves."
"I played the molester at nine... These are the type of people that were there, you know, cool people, cool people, the damaged, the damned."
"Nurturing your creative endeavors or your ambitions, falling in love, kissing the divine in another and yourself."
"You can't make a game like this if you don't have anything of value to say."
"And that's all for this video. We want to thank again all the modders interviewed by Yan2295 and all the hundreds of creators releasing every day wonderful modifications, and we sincerely hope the best possible outcome."
"Photography is a skill and an expert can make a good photo out of almost any camera."
"So, I felt like 19 tracks, 19 songs, sorry, 22 tracks but 19 songs with three skits. I think that's the perfect explanation of my wedding day."
"Never be scared to draw crap art. Never be scared of that, okay? Get that crap out, just like I'm doing right now on screen."
"I feel like Valentino was a brand that, A, is doing a custom look here, but B, we could have pushed it in a way where we really went full crazy bustle moment."
"Some things are better off left in their cartoony and stylized states. Cartoons allow for expression that photorealism and real-life limits."
"There's something waiting for me in the silences between the notes we play."
"There's something beautiful about no matter how harrowing or disturbing the subject matter might be that it is a piece of you that you are giving to someone else that will live on forever."
"I hate counting while I sparkle and crystal breath."
"No one can replicate someone else's story, but there's always great tidbits you can give."
"Variation in level design made Assassin's Creed 2's parkour more expressive."
"I love the girls' cosplays. I love them way more than the guys' cosplays."
"A lot of a good illustrative style is about making stuff look appealing and just using pleasing colors and shape language."
"I think I've learned here that anime style makes it look like someone in middle school or high school's drawing this."
"Ambrosia and angelfish: The ingredients of resurrection."
"Our fires are not the fires of destruction and annihilation; ours are the fires of justice, creation, and regeneration."
"The choice to roll the credits at the 40-minute mark draws attention to the length of the film itself. When the credits drop, it's as if Hamaguchi is saying, 'Here is my film the way I want it, haters be damned.'"
"I like in that artwork how just blindingly brilliant his sword is."
"Sometimes I'll look at a pair of shoes and I'll be like, 'Alright, this inspires me to rock this shirt.'"
"Wow, if you geck it, they will come. My friends, wow, I love that, Kenny Beats."
"I used to think there wasn't an art to discomfort but hell hath no persuasion like lime swim trunks in a kick me sign, a touch so bad it can't not be good."
"Burton flourished, creating doodles and drawing characters with complete originality."
"You're trying to have something that resonates in any time."
"Jim stood firm on the sex and violence title, which seemed to be more funny to him than anyone else."
"There's a real diversity in storytelling types amongst what they're doing."
"God's divine creativity is expressed through your actions."
"It taps into all three of my favorite things: writing, acting, and singing/rapping."
"The rules are changing but the amount of value that will be created and the ability for an individual to express their Creative Vision, it's a great time."
"It felt amazing to kind of release my inner creative beast with no boundaries attached."
"If there's ever a time to express your creative awareness, it is now."
"Real human connection like vocals connect with Beats."
"Not that this was the most elaborate art ever but you know it takes you 10, 15, 20 minutes, three hours to do it and then in two minutes it's just all gone."
"It needs to flow, it needs to roll off your tongue and into your heart, it needs to be our R's a good letter, Ro Ro Ro rollio rollio games rollio game."
"This do-it-yourself approach extends to his music videos and album art... provocative and purposely unrefined."
"I think it's important for me to try to find a way to connect again with YouTube and with myself and what I wanna do creatively, and also with my audience."
"The fact that artists can actually have a voice is insane."
"New creative hobbies may lead to self-discovery and fulfillment."
"Triple manifesting power for creative hobbies, for fun experiences, holidays, festivities."
"Actors now have more freedom than they did in the past."
"Now this is the best time ever to be a filmmaker right now because you really can make a movie."
"There's so much opportunity here for narrative to come through."
"Five feet apart because they're not gay [Laughter]. I got a better idea though, all in your face."
"You can't be politically correct. You can't gauge something that's creative and artistic and then it has to fit a certain criteria in order to be great. If something's great, it's great. If something's good, it's good."
"Beautiful photography equals great photographer."
"Creative aspect is key; we speak something and then it just manifests."
"Just because your artwork is not amazing and celebrated, it doesn't define your self-worth."
"Starting new creative projects, expressing yourself differently."
"CGI's own distinct kind of magic takes advantage of the strengths of both mediums."
"It's almost like you should let those actors just do their own thing, they're really [ __ ] good at the job."
"Real artist is gonna break the mold like, [expletive] that."
"I'm just creating the things I want to create."
"I'm all in for art that is trying to make a statement."
"If you want to see your story, you have to tell it."
"This is Raw Pure incarnate storytelling this is what they mean when they say that word."
"I miss making my videos. I miss everything. It's my craft, it's my baby. I love what I do."
"Welcome to Style Theory, the channel that takes a can of silly string and calls it fashion."
"That's what's really keeping it fresh for me, and it's really brought it to the forefront."
"I find creative ways to express things that I know that are hard for people to take."
"If you go big, you gotta go really big and then see what sticks, right?"
"I want to see a movie that just explains what the f is going on in weird Mad Max drag queen beautiful disaster."
"Eventually, all you can simply do is surrender and let the song sing you."
"So if you're an artist, this felt like for me is when people say hey I don't like your style."
"It's about people creating their own legends rather than that and it's however the is how the journey to that poem."
"Through art, you're invited inside of someone else's head and into their world."
"I love a spiral ruffle like this it's like an exaggerated lettuce hem."
"It would have been less impactful if he did this any other way."
"Crochet chaos and cozy corners - welcome to my sanctuary!"
"Bethesda's latest almost finished masterpiece is a fantastical, boundaryless playground where logic takes a backseat to sheer wonder."
"Cybertruck Transformer look, I had some pretty cool Halloween costumes but not as cool as that."
"We've had this in the kind of Creative Commons everything is a remix stuff but we still have mostly focused on giving creators individual rights."
"I want this to stand on its own breath and if people are gonna like it they're gonna like it because of what it is and not because vanoss made it you know, no, that's right."
"At the end of the day, I love making content and it makes me happy."
"Pulp Fiction is one of the most beloved movies ever made."
"We're all just mad scientists in our own ways."
"He clearly believed in anime and manga as powerful avenues for creative expression in their own right."
"I hope you have enjoyed this as I did have a lot of fun putting this together."
"I just feel like I'm free from prison. I'm free. I'm unsilent. I can actually create and I am running this because these people did not know what they were doing."
"It was really important for us to really tell those different stories."
"Lineage of Evil sounds good, I like that a lot."
"It's drawing with the brush. There seems to be a real parallel between his sculpture and the way that he uses the clay and manipulates that in the way that he uses a brush as well."
"You don't make movies, Buster. You make movies about people."
"F*ck censorship because not only was a masterpiece ruined, but people's careers were at risk."
"That was one of the weirdest videos we've ever made."
"Art has no purpose if artists aren't given the freedom to express themselves."
"It's like living art, it's like making cool paint jobs."
"November is going to be life-changing for you in the fact where you're finally going to start showcasing your creative talents."
"We've kind of created a bit of a strange dystopian setup."
"I like to make the stories and to, you know, tell them to people."
"Volcanoes, the Vatican, victories, and vendettas."
"Keith's left a legacy of that enjoyment, being able to create something out of nothing, but above all else, to give enjoyment for food."
"I wanted to queer up nebula...I want to make things that I'm a part of as Queer as they possibly can be."
"The juxtaposition of same body style and ending up in a completely different spot, man, that's what hot rodding is all about."
"It comes through you, but not from you, and though it is with you, it belongs not to you."
"I found salvation in art when I was young and when other things were unsafe and dangerous..."
"I think it's really cool that we can lay things out like this."
"The life triumphant is that which places what a man gives to the world in creative expression far ahead of that which he takes from it."
"Join us for the adventure as my wife attempts to take this wall from boring to beautiful."
"That was brilliant; it really got my face to react when I first saw it."
"Art never leaves the artist; art is who you are as much as it is what you do."
"And though I'm biased, I can't help but feel just that little bit of streak and grime makes this zealous tabletop themed space marine all the more ready for some grim dark battle."
"I got into comics to draw, not write novels."
"Editing is probably the most important part about making videos and without decent software I probably would have made this video really bland and boring."
"Artwave is like the final boss, the level 99, the tier 3 sub of fashion because it's the ultimate form of expression."
"It's not lore, man, that's writing. That's good writing."
"If I don't change it, people are also going to say something like, 'Why is it exactly the same?'"
"They're basically giant miniature movies at this point."
"A juggernaut amount of content, and I don't care who sees that second one, it just works."
"Humorous forms of criticism provide social benefit by shedding light on an earlier work and in the process creating a new one."
"When you start implementing rules and regulations on how art should and shouldn't be expressed..."
"It's not very interesting or creatively fulfilling if you're just trying to push an agenda."
"The setting is wildly inventive and the soundtrack follows suit, the art direction is top notch in Colors."
"You can really tell that this is project of passion."
"Who knows what will happen? It's just like it felt it felt good like I never thought I would write anything in my life."
"Representation by autistic writers and actors ensures authentic portrayal and empathy."
"It's amazing to hear that and to know that I could make something that helps people and affects the world in a positive way."
"These scenes are really great, you're able to capture so much detail with the minifigs."
"Embedding the story into the design of the environment itself is a beautiful way to tell a story."
"If I were conducting the music to a Spider-Man movie, I'd have the sheet paper and I'd be like, 'You guys want to break the internet? Watch this.'"
"I'm trying to find the balance between creating what I want to create and also deeply connecting to my community."
"S tier is a given for the album that expertly flexed what an ordinary group of guys from the Bay Area California could do when they truly thought outside of the box."
"When art is told to follow only one set of ideologies otherwise it's considered problematic, that's how you end up with an industry where so many games all feel and play the exact same spewing the same BS."
"Master your aperture... start composing perfect photos at F/2 or less."
"It's a sphere of cosmic void from the space between the stars filled with milky acid-damaged tentacles. It's amazing! I mean, I couldn't, it's just so unbrand!"
"I'm about storytelling and impacting people."
"So, I just think that if you're going to create a moment that's reflective of what's happening, that you have to be fully honest."
"Focus on what you really love and put that into your island."
"Artists are an integral part of the MTG experience."
"Every time it was just a challenge of just pushing the envelope even further and further."
"I would literally run a beauty parlor out of my bathroom for all my friends, do their eyebrows and do their makeup."
"If we were accepting in the beginning, rainbow flag would've been enough."
"This is one that I've really wanted to make, I'm really motivated to make it."
"That's something that it's fun to play with especially if you're into photography, you're going to want to take your macro shots."
"That [beat battle] was super dope... like street fighter."
"Arts and cinema can reflect life and push boundaries in ways that moving money around to make more of it will simply never be able to."
"I did give you guys a yellow fire to finish things off."
"Invader Zim was set off to carve a space on the network."
"This is where I was going to FK this is that John F Kennedy it's a theater school that's all we got."
"My name is Ross aka Rothschild on YouTube, and my whole channel is about making art fun."
"Undoubtedly the best collection of the week goes to Simone Rocha who reinstated house codes, updated references from iconic designers like Valenciaga, and made it all seem natural."
"We can do whatever the [__] we want to do on here."
"One word: passion, and boy does it show on every single level of the show."
"Art without a message is not art. Art without a message is doodling."
"Sometimes the bad comedic angle I chose was risky, but you gotta take risks."
"I could see myself having more fun if I could play around with my armor and make a big stupid, like, fucking lost in space armor set for Mechagon."
"There are so many different styles... No two artists have exactly the same goals."
"The reboot is brilliant with their transformations, they're beautifully animated and show the personality and abilities of the aliens through very visually creative means."
"The Last of Us sounds like just another zombie game, but stop looking at that paper, crumple it up and throw it away."
"This is my ice cream truck, very proud of this one."
"I'm eating rappers like pizza out the deep dish, I be improvising live with the raw flow."
"I thought that it was self-aware enough that it had fun with itself and, you know, had fun with what it was trying to do."
"Hello my victims, hello my prisoners, hello my torture pals. I got a fresh idea, try not to give in to fear."
"Your job is to just put out good art that's going to stand up and you know when people finally find it and go back to it it still sounds good."
"Let's sew ourselves together, then we can hug forever."
"Make the elephants you want to see in the world."
"This doesn't feel like someone has a computer and makes a loop and puts it together, there's an energy, there's a liveliness to this."
"It was refreshing seeing creators who unabashedly love their creation."
"Seeing a brand like Botter bring joy and creativity into their pieces is that little dose of serotonin I need."
"It's most likely going to get a full decal or vinyl wrap or might even disassemble and hydro dip it."
"Why would someone who can paint a beautiful thing choose to paint an ugly thing?"
"This girl is literally playing quidditch on the red carpet, I cannot argue with that."
"It's a way for you to directly affect what Column Glassed and great and I hope you enjoy it."
"I love the fantasy for her, so yes, I will be braiding this into her hair."
"Ian Jr is an orange wolf sporting yellow crocs, a purple bow tie, and a hat proudly displaying the word gamer."
"I think it's really important to have creative outlets such as cosplay or YouTube or anything else that makes you happy otherwise you would go crazy."
"Forget the Justice League going all in... Zack Snyder's creative style... I fight for artists."
"Cinematographers prove again and again that rules are meant to be broken."
"I might do the waterfall so it's just like all of that water that kind of all comes down here gently."
"An academic dissertation and just a collection of Bops."