
Divine Sovereignty Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"God is in control. Despite the swirling chaos of the world, His sovereignty remains unchallenged and His divine plan unfurls with purpose and precision."
"God doesn't control everything; He's in charge of everything."
"Don't ever forget that, even though the wicked seem to have much power, and we get so caught up in the wicked and their schemes, just remember, Elohim is in control always. Do not fear them; fear Him."
"God is so sovereign in the way that he does things."
"God can do whatever He wants to do, whenever He wants to do it, because He's sovereign."
"God is sovereign; he's in control even when it looks like everything's out of control."
"In uncertain times...I am certain that God almighty is still on his throne."
"God is on the throne, and everything is going to be alright."
"Remember, God is not on his throne wringing his hands as he waits for the outcome of events. He's in control and he promises to work for his glory and our eternal good."
"Everything that happens God either allows or he calls us. God is in control."
"Jesus is the eternal God, there are no gods before God, you will never become one one day."
"God is sovereign even over trials and tragedy."
"God's not bound by your rules, He's bound by His rules."
"God remains Sovereign, Seated on his throne, guiding and protecting us."
"He changes the times and seasons, He removes kings and raises up kings."
"God raises up those in authority, He not only rules but overrules the processes of men."
"God will have the last word and it will be good."
"In conclusion, the April 8th, 2024 Eclipse stands as a poignant reminder of the dynamic interplay between the Divine and the cosmic, between God's sovereignty and our human experience."
"God said, 'I created good and I created evil.' And good and evil is subject unto God. That's right."
"God works all things after the counsel of his will."
"You can only understand the depth of God's love if you understand the height of the sovereignty in his bigness."
"God is sovereign over all things, and it's the Bible that tells us that."
"The only way the devil has been able to bring these strongholds across this nation is because we have sat back and idly trusted in a misunderstanding of the sovereignty of God."
"So we have a strong view of God's sovereign see don't wait God's not just watching things happen in reacting to them he's also got this as part of his plan."
"Worship reaffirms that God is on the throne and in control."
"God is so big that he can let creatures have free will and still get exactly what he wants done."
"For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for all eternity. Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen."
"God can do whatever He wants, if nobody told you God can do whatever He wants who are we to tell God how to speak."
"The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord."
"Peace is found in surrendering to God's sovereignty."
"God is in control and he sparked this revival."
"God sits in heaven and does what He pleases."
"Even if it ends up that Biden is in the White House, the case is certainly not lost because Jesus Christ is still on the throne."
"God's question to Job flips the accusation back on him: 'Where were you when I created all things?'"
"The trumpets serve as a powerful reminder of the sovereignty of God over all creation."
"Does the clay say to the potter, 'Why did you make me like this?' The potter has power over the clay."
"You cannot have a sovereign God and have luck."
"Faith is the evidence of things not seen. I know you're good, I know you're sovereign."
"God is on the throne, He is in control, and He is in control of your life."
"This is God's universe and God does things his way now you may have a better way but you don't have a universe."
"God is Sovereign. God is in control of everything, always."
"God's sovereignty over mankind is such that he will even use the rebellion of the wicked for his own purposes."
"God's on the throne, His plans win, even when you're out of control."
"No matter how bad it looks, God is on the throne."
"Remember where God sits, he's on his throne."
"Look for a church that has a high view of the sovereignty of God."
"A powerful word from the Lord: 'The earth is His footstool and to His kingdom there is no end.'"
"Yahweh is not just a name, it's a statement about God's absolute freedom to do as he pleases."
"Understanding Yahweh as a god who does as he pleases invites us to trust in his greater wisdom and plan."
"Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess... and we will declare there is one God and he is holy and he is true and he is creator. But not yet. It's already been done."
"True dependence upon Allah is knowing He is in command of everything."
"Recognize it or not, God's creation of all things and His sovereignty over everything are a fact."
"God's ways are higher than ours and his plans even when they involve judgment or discipline are rooted in his perfect love and sovereignty."
"Embracing God's sovereignty frees us from the burden of trying to control everything."
"Recognizing God's sovereignty helps us to see the beauty in our journey."
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship him than a lunatic can put out the Sun by scribbling the word darkness on the walls of his cell."
"There is no regime that can replace him, there is not a UN resolution that can alter him."
"God is on his throne, everything happening in the world is under his watch and control."
"Jesus is still Lord and God’s still got a plan to bring good out of it."
"We worship a mighty and sovereign God who is not helpless."
"Trusting God's plan requires us to acknowledge his sovereignty over our lives."
"If God's purpose does not prevail, God ceases to be God."
"God is sovereign, but he is not a god who interferes in our free will."
"God is Sovereign whether the result of your obedience is triumph or tragedy."
"God is still in charge. God is still on the throne."
"Everything will be all right because God is still on the throne."
"Jesus reigns above everything, he is the king, he is love."
"God isn't always like that... God's sovereignty means it's impossible everything, including evil itself, will serve God's good and perfect ends."
"Our Lord is well aware of what's going on and our Lord is in control."
"Every nation on the face of the earth belongs to Jesus, all the earth and its fullness."
"We serve a God who sits on the highest Throne of righteousness who holds the earth in every element of it in his hands."
"It's the starting point, Jesus is the God over this world."
"The God who ordained the beginning can safely be trusted with the end as well as with all that lies between."
"Our God is sovereign. We need to know that when he is coming to take his church."
"God's purposes will always prevail, no matter the storm."
"God has wisdom for you... He removes Kings and appoints Kings."
"Now we're getting into God's foreknowledge and sovereignty versus human free will and choice."
"We do have responsibility and are responsible for actions and have a choice, but God is also sovereign and all-powerful over everything."
"God's work is not bound by any political figure."
"God in his sovereignty will do whatever brings him glory and that gives me great confidence."
"Ultimately, it's the most high's plan, right? Whatever he wants is what's going to happen, so we're gonna see the end no matter what."
"Leviathan serves to illustrate God's sovereignty over all creation and His transcendence over even the most formidable creatures."
"Leviathan symbolism contributes to the theological themes of order against chaos, the triumph of good over evil, and the ultimate sovereignty of God over all creation."
"God uses even Satan to accomplish his ultimate goals."
"Don't give up the fight because God's in charge and ultimately these lunatics are going to lose."
"God's kingdom is not limited by the kingdoms of the world."
"God says in his word that he's sovereign he rules over all."
"Lord, hear our prayer, for the grace this week to exercise the perspective that God is sovereign."
"God is in control, he loves each and every one of us."
"Does anything happen that your God does not allow to happen?"
"God is still in control even in the middle of all this, God is still in control."
"Pray for people, He's telling you I'm Sovereign and I can't make mistakes."
"Just remember God's still in control, always give thanks."
"Don't be afraid. Just know God is still on the throne and he's coming again."
"Forget for a moment about people being predestined to hell and just think: Calvin is putting before you the vision of a God who is constrained by nothing except his own nature."
"God and God alone, whose name is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is still on the throne."
"We just have to remember that God is Sovereign and that he has a plan for all of us."
"God's subjects have to keep it's under his throne in heaven on earth."
"This event teaches us about God's sovereignty over life and death."
"God is still on the throne, he's sovereign, he's in control."
"God is Sovereign and there are things I just don't understand."
"Trust is a deliberate choice to acknowledge God's sovereignty over us in all circumstances."
"Providence is that God rules and reigns over the details of history."
"What would it look like, God, if I really, truly, deeply believed that you have it under control?"
"Christ is ultimately in charge of his church."
"The guy who predicted his death and resurrection and raised himself from the dead gets to call the shots"
"The Lord shall reign forever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord."
"God's on the throne. It's in his hand. He's got the whole world in his hand."
"I don't know about delighting, but God created the world said it was good... I make well-being and create Calamity. I the Lord do all of these things."
"Do good or do harm that we may be dismayed and terrified. Behold you're nothing and your work is less than nothing and Abomination is he who chooses you."
"He's Sovereign, he rules over all, he reigns over all, his purpose always stands."
"Could God create creatures that he chooses not to determine their choices but actually gives them the free real responsibility to either come or reject and thus are held responsible because they're actually able to respond."
"Remember, brother, when all the grumbling's over, he's still God."
"Election is eternal, unconditional, perfectly just, and God's sovereign right and prerogative."
"Jesus has Dominion power and authority."
"Don't you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good. He's the king, I tell you."
"...a hint that John sees the chaotic powers of the sea as calmed by divine sovereignty."
"The Lord reigns, let the people tremble, he dwells between the cherubim."
"We have a God who is in total and complete control of his creation."
"The definition of the sovereignty of God that I am operating with tonight is this: It is not merely that God has the power and the right to govern all things, but that he does so always without exception."
"God causes, allows, and controls all things."
"Well, if He's really in charge it's fun."
"I mean, God is that sovereign, He is that wise, that even in a corrupted Bible we can see Him."
"One by one, Jesus' enemies are being subjected under his feet."
"You have made him to endure forever; you have established his throne as the days of heaven."
"I've got a father in heaven who Jesus explained to me, and because he rules the universe, everything that happens on this earth is controlled by him."
"How can God give us a promise like Romans 8:28 if God is not sovereign?"
"God shows Isaiah that there is no reason to worry because he is on the throne in heaven."
"God is a God who can deliver you to evil as well as from."
"Should the clay talk to the potter, saying, 'Why are you making me thus?'"
"It's not my job, it's not your job as a Christian to ultimately persuade people to change their heart because you can't do that anyway. That's up to God."
"If we understood the sovereignty of God, it would change the way we pray."
"Everything seems to be in total confusion, but God sits in His serene eternity and looks upon what is happening, and everything is absolutely under His control."
"God was in control even though everything appeared to be in disarray."
"You don’t understand that God, as the Creator, could create anything He wanted to create."
"If there is any comfort derived from the gospel, all those may be received and enjoyed by you while you believe in this doctrine of divine sovereignty."
"God is in charge of everything, he rules and reigns in the kingdoms of man."
"God is the one who gives this life, God is the one who takes it. No one can change it."
"We celebrate you today, we also celebrate the Lord of lords, the King of kings."
"God is in control over all things."
"God's sovereignty is not subject to my satisfaction."
"The heart can only rest upon and enjoy the blessed truth of the absolute sovereignty of God."
"Evil is real but it can never prevail, God is in charge."
"Neither injustice nor immorality, neither Islamic opposition nor judicial redefinitions, neither redefining marriage laws nor personal tragedies, neither natural disasters nor economic woes can stay God's hand nor slow him one moment."
"God has the last word when it comes to the outcome of my circumstances."
"He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth."
"God is the Lord of history; we do not compose history, we comprise history."
"We recognize your sovereignty in all things and honor it with our entire being."
"The weapon we have been given to fight fear and anxiety is faith that God is ultimately good and reigns and rules over our lives."
"Why do godly people suffer? The question is not really answered, but what we are brought to is the assurance and the understanding that God does rule over our lives."
"He's the Lord of the whole earth."
"God is still seated upon His throne, and nothing changes that."
"My mother modeled before me a complete trust in God, complete belief that God was Sovereign, all wise, all knowing, and all present."
"The heart of the King is in the hand of the Lord, and he directs it as a watercourse as he wills."
"The Lord our God is forever on His throne. Come on, somebody comment amen."
"God is in charge and this is one of the most fundamental biblical teachings."
"The God of scripture is the infinite, almighty, sovereign, and all-wise creator and sustainer of all."
"God's sovereignty and grace operating through His choice."
"For God to be sovereign over all, for God to be Lord over all, He has to be able to create the matter that He shapes."
"God's will will ultimately prevail."
"The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; as it hath pleased the Lord, so it is done. Blessed be the name of the Lord."
"The supremacy of God in preaching... the dominant note of preaching be the freedom of God's Sovereign Grace."
"Be highly exalted, you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords."
"God's Throne remains unshaken, staying strong in the faith."
"The greatest liberty, ironically, that we'll ever experience is when we absolutely declare Christ is my King, God is my sovereign, and He utterly commands my life by His rightful authority."
"I feel a sense of comfort because I know that God's in charge."
"If God was not sovereign, He would not be able to allow for human choice and freedom."
"The final determining factor in who's going to be saved and who's not going to be saved is God."
"The Lord has given, the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
"God ordains the ends as well as the means."
"Your God reigns, which means He's in control, and if He's in control, we don't have to worry."
"The sovereignty of God is consistent with the moral responsibility of finite creatures like ourselves."
"God as Sovereign that He is nevertheless let men and nations exercise a free will."
"God is in control, he can take the lowest men and elevate them to a point, and then take them down."
"I'm always amazed at how God in His sovereignty uses people like Caesar Augustus to accomplish His purposes."
"He's God, folks. He is sovereign. He can do what He chooses."
"Oh Lord God of Israel, who are enthroned above the cherubim, you are God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth."
"Who are you, O man, to answer back to God?"
"The potter has the right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use."
"The Lord has given, the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised. We will choose joy."
"God sovereignly saves, but we have to sovereignly choose."
"God is not trying to destroy Any Nation; he's just looking for righteous Remnant that will stand up and say this thing still belongs to God."
"We worship you our Savior, we worship you our King, You are holy, you are worthy, you are Lord of everything we honor."
"God is still in charge, and we're going to be just fine, and the church is going to be victorious."
"God has no problems, only plans. There's never a panic in heaven."
"No human being could claim any dominion over any other human being; it is only Allah who has the Dominion."
"To Allah alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the Earth."
"All things were made for Him, by Him, without Him nothing was made."
"The Earth is the Lord's, and all it contains."
"Just remember that God is still on the throne."
"God runs the world. He's not only the creator; He is the master of the universe."
"God is sovereign, and no decision we can make can thwart His plan."
"God is over our storms; He's in control."
"God is not limited by his own creation, he controls it, it does not limit him."
"It's so easy in the midst of problems of life to forget the fact that God is actually in control."
"Salvation is of the Lord; it's of the Lord."
"Jesus is not only Lord of the sunshine but... also Lord of the storms."
"I do believe that God in His sovereignty can do what He wants, and it's not up to me to define what He can and cannot do."
"Praise to you Adonai, our God, sovereign of the universe, who has chosen faithful prophets to speak words of truth."
"Let's rest in the truth that God is in control in the events of our lives."